lord, show me how to live: the journey

Post on 14-Mar-2016






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The 2012 January sermon series of Harvest Church in Pensacola; this series focuses on the four cups of the Passover.


Lord, Show Me How to Live: THE JOURNEY

Volume 2, issue 1 2012 February

God invites us on a journey with Him, not

just to experience Him as a one-time

event. Living out this journey will bring us

joy & fulfillment in our lives!

God’s real intent for us is a day-by-day

walk with Him; He wants your life to be a

journey with Christ!

2012 February Volume 2, Issue 1

Lord, Show Me How to



In the Messiah,

in Christ, God

leads us from

place to place in

one perpetual

victory parade.

Through us, he


knowledge of

Christ. Every-

where we go,

people breathe

in the exquisite

fragrance. Be-

cause of Christ,

we give off a

sweet scent ris-

ing to God,

which is recog-

nized by those

on the way of


aroma redolent

with life.

2 Corinthians


God’s real intent

for us is a day-

by-day walk

with Him, a jour-

ney with Christ.

Big Idea: God invites us on a

journey with Him, not just to ex-

perience Him as an event. Liv-

ing out this journey will bring us

joy & fulfillment in our lives.

The Journey, part 1: THE CUP OF SALVATION

Exodus 6:6-7


say to the

Israelites: ‘I

am the Lord.

I will bring

you out from

under the

yoke of the

Egyptians ...I

will free you

from being

slaves to

them ...I will

redeem you

with an


arm ...I will

take you as

My own

people, and I

will be your


■Creation 4,000 BC

■2349 BC the Flood of Noah

■Abraham 1996 BC (Gen 12 occurred about then)

■1700 BC Joseph – This is where the story that we

are looking at begins.

■1490 BC Moses came on the scene.

■4 BC – birth of Christ

■28 AD – The Passover fulfilled by Jesus

Page 3 Lord, Show Me How to Live: THE JOURNEY

Throughout this sermon series, we will learn what this

journey looks like.

Our journeys will all be different: You may have grown

up in a Christian home; you may have grown up far

from God …However, all of us have things that we

share in common, regardless of how different our jour-

neys look.

We must look at this passage in context with the entire timeline of the Bible:

The 4 “I Wills”:

■I will bring you

out from under

the yoke of the


■I will free you

from being

slaves to them

■ I will redeem

you with My out-

stretched arm.

■I will take you

as My own peo-

ple and I will be

your God.

At the beginning of

this story, Joseph

was sold into slav-

ery in Egypt by his

brothers. He be-

came second-in-

command in Egypt

and was given the

task of providing

during a time of

famine. His family

moved into Go-

shen and Joseph

provided for them

during the famine.

Later, a Pharaoh

came into power

who didn’t know

Joseph; he made

the Israelites

slaves. For 430

years, they were

under the yoke of


Then in 1490 BC

Moses came on

the scene. As a

baby, he was put

in a basket on

the river and

adopted by Phar-

aohs’ daughter.

Later, he was

called by God to

be the person to

deliver Israel out

of slavery. There

were 10 plagues

as Israel was de-

livered out of


During this time,

the first Passo-

ver was celebrat-


The Jewish people celebrate Passover each spring,

around March or April. During this celebration meal

they eat foods that symbolize what happened at the


2012 February Volume 2, Issue 1

The cup of


Maggid –

It is about God

taking Egypt

out of them.

They had to

learn to get rid

of old habits

and to think

God’s way.

The cup of

redemption :

Birkat –

God restored

them to His

original intent

and design for


The cup of


Hallel –

God said that

they would

learn to praise


The Passover Seder centers around four cups of wine that represent

the 4 “I wills.” The participants read each of these 4 statements and

drink from the cup of wine.


Page 5 Lord, Show Me How to Live: THE JOURNEY

The cup of


Kiddush –

It is about be-

ing taken out

of Egypt

Salvation is “yasa”: to rescue from bondage and slavery. To the Isra-

elites, salvation always traced back to the exodus. In the Old Testa-

ment, they always said, “Save us like You rescued us in the exodus.”

In the New Testament, the concept is “sozo”: to rescue from bondage

and slavery. (obviously the same meaning!).

Every one of us is born into spiritual slavery. We’re all born with a sin

nature. Every one – no exception, no exemption – is born a slave.

For us, it is about our slavery to sin and to the world being broken by

Christ. Religion cannot replace the relationship that is only possible

through our slavery being broken. Salvation is all about our slavery to

sin being crushed by Christ.

Once you were spiritually dead

because of your disobedience

and sin. You used to live just

like the rest of the world, full of

sin, obeying Satan, the mighty

prince of the power of the air.

He is the spirit at work in the

hearts of those who refuse to

obey God.”

Notice!: It doesn’t just say

that he is the spirit at work in

those who aren’t in church, or

that he is the spirit at work in

those who aren’t Christians.

No!: He is the spirit at work

in those who disobey God!

This also applies to Chris-

tians: Any time that you diso-

bey God, you are under the

influence of a satanic spirit.

Ephesians 2:1-3

Points we need to understand from this Scripture:

■Before turning to

Christ, we are in slav-

ery to Satan himself –

the spirit who works

through the world’s


■Before turning to

Christ we were under

God’s anger and judg-

ment, lost.

■There are no exemp-

tions. All of us need to

be redeemed.

■Before turning to

Christ, we are in slav-

ery to our sinful na-

ture. Before God’s

nature comes into us,

we are so influenced

by the world that we

are slaves to the sinful


■Before turning to

Christ, we are in slav-

ery to the world’s sys-

tem. We are slaves to

the values of this


Page 6 Volume 2, Issue 1

If you have not yet

turned to Christ and

need help doing so, feel

free to contact Harvest

Church at har-





John 3:1-8 -- After dark one evening, a Jewish religious

leader named Nicodemus, a Pharisee, came to speak

with Jesus. "Teacher," he said, "we all know that God has

sent you to teach us. Your miraculous signs are proof

enough that God is with you." Jesus replied, "I assure

you, unless you are born again, you can never see the

Kingdom of God." "What do you mean?" exclaimed Nico-

demus. "How can an old man go back into his mother's

womb and be born again?" Jesus replied, "The truth is,

no one can enter the Kingdom of God without being born

of water and the Spirit. Humans can reproduce only hu-

man life, but the Holy Spirit gives new life from heaven.

So don't be surprised at my statement that you must be

born again. Just as you can hear the wind but can't tell

where it comes from or where it is going, so you can't ex-

plain how people are born of the Spirit."

1 Peter 1:23 -- For you have been born again. Your new

life did not come from your earthly parents because the

life they gave you will end in death. But this new life will

last forever because it comes from the eternal, living word

of God.

Volume 2, Issue 1: THE JOURNEY Page 7




What happens when I am “born again”?

I am forgiven (1 John 1:9 – “But if we confess our sins to him, he

is faithful and just to forgive us and to cleanse us from every


I am declared righteous before God (Romans 3:24 – “Yet now

God in his gracious kindness declares us not guilty. He has

done this through Christ Jesus, who has freed us by taking

away our sins.”)

I am cleansed (1 John 1:7 – “But if we are living in the light of

God's presence, just as Christ is, then we have fellowship

with each other, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, cleanses us

from every sin.”; Hebrews 10)

I am reconciled to God (Romans 5:10 – “For since we were re-

stored to friendship with God by the death of his Son while we

were still his enemies, we will certainly be delivered from eter-

nal punishment by his life.”)

I am in God’s family (2 Corinthians 6:18 – “And I will be your Fa-

ther, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord

Almighty. ")

I am bound for heaven (John 3).


The Journey, part 2: THE CUP OF DELIVERANCE

Exodus 6:6-7


say to the

Israelites: ‘I

am the Lord.

I will bring

you out from

under the

yoke of the

Egyptians ...I

will free you

from being

slaves to

them ...I will

redeem you

with an


arm ...I will

take you as

My own

people, and I

will be your


Page 9 Lord, Show Me How to Live: THE JOURNEY

The Passover feast: The cups of wine, the plates, the matzo, bitter

herbs, eggs, etc.

“The Journey” focuses on the Passover Feast

—particularly on the four cups of wine that were

(and still are) drunk during this celebration.

Exodus 6 is repeated during the feast. Four times

the phrase “I will” is spoken; each time a cup of

wine is drunk. Each of these “I will” phrases are

found in Exodus 6:6-7.

The first “I will” is “Therefore, say to the Israelites, ‘I

am the Lord. I will bring you out from under the yoke

of the Egyptians.” This first cup is the cup of salva-

tion. The Israelites would read this phrase and then

drink the cup of salvation.

three actions by

praising and wor-

shipping Him. God

says, “You will au-

thentically praise

Me for My work in

your life.”

When we see

Egypt in the Scrip-

tures, it is always a

type of the world.

In salvation, our re-

lationship with God

is restored. After

that, we need to

learn about how to

relate to the world.

The second “I will”

is: I will free you

from being slaves to


The first cup says

that God will take

them out of Egypt;

the second cup says

that God will take

Egypt out of them!

God is saying that

He will take the

mindset of slavery

out of the Israelites.

This is the cup of


The third “I will” is:

“I will redeem you

with an out-

stretched arm…”

This says that

God is going to

bring them back

(restore) to His

original design for


The fourth “I will”

says, “I will take

you as My own

people, and I will

be your God.”

This is the cup of

praise! God says

that they will re-

spond to His first

There are 2 extremes of how we relate with the world:

1) We withdraw completely. We isolate ourselves. We

go too far out of the world.

2) We are too much in the world. We are so blended in

to the world that no one can distinguish any different

between us and those who aren’t Christians.

We must establish a balance!

2012 February Volume 2, Issue 1

When we divide

ourselves into “us

4 and no more,”

then we end up

with a “Christian


This leads to

“marine style”

evangelism – We

run out of our

huddle to witness

to people, then

run back in with a

new notch on our


God never

desired that

we isolate;

instead, He

wants us to

blend in and

be in the

world but not

of the world.

God never called His people to isolate!

The phrase “the world” is “Cosmos” in the Greek language.

Page 11 Lord, Show Me How to Live: THE JOURNEY

We establish

“Christian” gyms,

“Christian music,”

etc. …We label


There is no

“Christian” music;

there is just mu-


The word

“secular” means

“to divide” or “to


It has three different meanings: 1) The created earth. God calls hu-

mans to steward the earth. This is good. 2) The world of mankind.

This is also a good thing. 3) The third meaning, however, is sinister

and bad: The system that is opposed to God. It is “a harmonious or-

der of embellishment or adornment which is external and temporary,

designed to entice, entangle, and ultimately enslave humanity within

its values and ideals. It is in every way opposed to God with the goal

of separating people from God forever.”

When you really see the world as the word of God exposes it, you will

see how sinister it is. You see how it entices through ads, billboards,

television, etc.

John 15:19

“Jesus said to His

disciples, ‘If you be-

longed to the world,

it would love you as

its own. As it is, you

do not belong to the

world. That is why

the world hates


The true nature of a

believer, by the very

fact that God’s life is

in you, makes you

no longer of this

world …therefore

the world hates you.

God doesn’t call

us to be weird or

to be judgmental;

He calls us to just

be followers of Je-

sus! Christ is in

you! Seek to fol-

low God and find

out what pleases

Him! If you live

for God full-out,

then you will

arouse the hostili-

ty of the world.

Corinth was the “sin city” of Paul’s day. The believers

there were saturated with an environment of worldliness,

sex, and greed. In 1 Corinthians 7:31, Paul said, “Urge

our people to use the things of this world, but not be

engrossed in them. For this world order will pass away.”

This balance is hard — but possible! — to achieve!”

2012 February Volume 2, Issue 1

The world is opposed to God

and those who belong to Him.

Paul, speaking to

the believers in

Rome, said in Ro-

mans 12:2, “Do

not conform to the

pattern of this

world, but be

transformed by

the renewing of

your mind. Then

you will be able to

test and approve

what God’s will is

– His good, pleas-

ing, and perfect

Read your Bible, come to church, etc. so you will be able to

know God’s will. Get in the environment of God’s word and

you will think like God; you will know His will.

heart, he is worldly. If, on

the other hand, he is disci-

plined in his use of them,

not indulging to the harm of

his own walk with Christ or

another’s walk with

Christ” (i.e., he walks in

love), “not losing his heart

to them, receiving them

gratefully as God’s gifts

and a means for showing

forth God’s praise, thank-

ing God for all good and

delightful experiences of

life, aware of the Giver of

every good gift, then he is

not worldly but he is godly.

Thoughts from Recommended Book: God’s Words

1 John 18:21 – “Dear children, keep away from anything

that might take God’s place in your hearts.”

Page 13 Lord, Show Me How to Live: THE JOURNEY

In “God’s Words” by J I

Packer, he says,

“Worldliness means yield-

ing to the spirit that ani-

mates fallen mankind; the

spirit of self-seeking and

self-indulgence without

regard for God. Whether

a man is worldly thus de-

pends not on how much

enjoyment he takes from

the good and pleasant

things in life, but on the

spirit by which he partakes

of them. If he allows the-

se things to enslave him

and become an idol in his

Eating is good; gluttony is bad. Eating is good, but it becomes bad

when it is overdone. Sugar is good, but it is bad when it becomes an

addiction. Drinking is good; drunkenness is bad. Money is good;

greed is bad. Sex in marriage is good; it is bad when it is taken out-

side of how God designed it – when it becomes lust and perversion.

Social media is good; it becomes bad when it consumes you.

Take this seriously! Discipleship means “cross-bearing.”

In Luke 14 Jesus said, “If anyone wants to be My follow-

er, he must take up his cross.”

Ephesians 2:1-2

“And you God made

alive, when you

were dead in your

trespasses and sins

in which you at one

time habitually

walked in. You were

following the course

and fashion of this

world and were un-

der the sway of the

devil, the prince of

the powers of the

air. You were obedi-

ent to and under the

control of the de-

monic spirit that still

constantly works in

the sons of disobedi-

ence, the careless,

the rebellious, and

the unbelieving, who

go against the pur-

poses of God and

live by the standards

of this world.”

1. You can be a

world-ling, of the

world and not in


2012 February Volume 2, Issue 1

■Before Christ, all of us were enslaved to

this world’s system and to the prince who

controls it.

■We have three options, three camps that

we fall into:

2. You can be a

Christian who is

a true Christ-


3. You can be a

Christian, but a

carnal Christian.

This person is a

Christian, but still

enticed by the

world and not

walking with Christ

for real.

James 4:4 – “You adulterous people, don’t

you know that friendship with the world

means enmity against God? Therefore, an-

yone who chooses to be a friend of the

This is serious! If you are a friend of the

world, then you are an enemy of God!

1 John 2:15-17 – “Do not love the world or

anything in the world. If anyone loves the

world, the love of the Father is not in him.

For everything in the world, the lust of the

flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of

life – comes not from the Father but from

the world. The world and its desires will

pass away, but whoever does the will of

God lives forever.”

2. Profit.

Money is good

— but when

you put it on a

pedestal and

walk over peo-

ple for your

own profit, then

it is bad.

3. Power.

Influence is

good — but

when it is

used to


then it is


There are four indicators of worldliness:

Page 15 Lord, Show Me How to Live: THE JOURNEY

1. Pleasure.

Pleasure is

good — but

not when

you seek it

and put it be-

fore God.


■There is an unseen system that is behind this visible, tan-

gible world that is designed to entice, entangle, and ultimately enslave us in

its values.

■This system has an intelligent mind working through it (Satan) like a hand

in a glove to enslave us in his kingdom and keep us from Christ.

■This system is totally opposed to God and His will for good for every human

being. Those caught in it will never understand those who have come out of

it – true followers of Christ who take up their cross.

■We are called not to judge one another in this matter but rather to judge

ourselves, renouncing our allegiance to the world and turning our full alle-

giance over to Christ and His rule in our lives. In this way, according to 1

John 2, we will live forever.

■The only safeguard against the world, according to 1 John 2, is an increas-

ingly deeper and deeper love for the Father. This is the principle of displace-

ment: If you have a glass of water, the water will be displaced when you

pour something heavier in. When you love God, this love for God displaces

your love for the world. Truly becoming a worshiper of God displaces love

for the world!

4. Promotion.

It is OK to

market your-

self — but

when you ele-

vate yourself

and forget

God, then it is



Romans 5:12-17 (Message)

You know the story of how Adam landed us in the di-

lemma we're in - first sin, then death, and no one ex-

empt from either sin or death. That sin disturbed re-

lations with God in everything and everyone, but the

extent of the disturbance was not clear until God

spelled it out in detail to Moses. So death, this huge

abyss separating us from God, dominated the land-

scape from Adam to Moses. Even those who didn't

sin precisely as Adam did by disobeying a specific

command of God still had to experience this termi-

nation of life, this separation from God. But Adam,

who got us into this, also points ahead to the One

who will get us out of it. Yet the rescuing gift is not

exactly parallel to the death-dealing sin. If one man's

sin put crowds of people at the dead-end abyss of

separation from God, just think what God's gift

poured through one man, Jesus Christ, will do!

There's no comparison between that death-dealing

sin and this generous, life-giving gift. The verdict on

that one sin was the death sentence; the verdict on

the many sins that followed was this wonderful life

sentence. If death got the upper hand through one

man's wrongdoing, can you imagine the breathtak-

ing recovery life makes, sovereign life, in those who

grasp with both hands this wildly extravagant life-

gift, this grand setting-everything-right, that the one

man Jesus Christ provides?

2012 February Volume 2, Issue 1

The Journey, part 3: THE CUP OF REDEMPTION

Exodus 6:6-7


say to the Is-

raelites: ‘I am

the Lord. I

will bring you

out from un-

der the yoke

of the Egyp-

tians ...I will

free you from

being slaves

to them ...I

will redeem

you with an


arm ...I will

take you as

My own peo-

ple, and I will

be your


Our journey is perfectly fulfilled in Christ.

Page 17 Lord, Show Me How to Live: THE JOURNEY

The cup of redemption can be

summed up in one word:


Firstly: God, in Christ,

gave us the new birth

and saved us from

slavery to the world.

Secondly: He then de-

livered us from the

world by taking the

worldly mentality out of


Thirdly: He redeems

us, makes us useable,

brings us back to His

original purpose, and

restores that which

was lost.

Fourthly: He takes us

as His own people –

We praise Him to cele-

brate what He has

done for us!

These 4 cups

are central to

our Christian life.

We need to understand what was

lost, and what has been restored

to us in Christ:. To do this, we

must go back to the tory of Adam

and Eve in Genesis.

God created the earth; He created

humans. He created humans with

the capacity to relate to the living

God, Himself. Adam & Eve en-

joyed fellowship with God. They

enjoyed dominion and authority,

doing what God had created them

to do. They walked with God in

the cool of the day.

Sin entered the human race as

Adam & Eve disobeyed God.

Both spiritual and natural death

entered the human race. Humans

lost their ability to fellowship with


The gospel: In

Christ, what was lost

in the beginning with

Adam & Eve has

now been restored

to us in Jesus


Grab with both hands God’s

wildly extravagant gift of


Adam lost it; Christ restored

it! In Christ when we are

born again, it is all restored.

This is The Great Ex-


I did nothing to deserve my rescue & restoration; Christ took my

place! He became sin so that I could become His righteousness

as I put my faith & trust in Him. This is the gospel.

You have to “get” this in your experience, not just in your head.

Enjoy the privileges that are yours because Jesus purchased

them for you. Don’t just know about them – Enjoy them!

Jesus hung on Calvary’s cross to restore you to God’s original in-

tent and purpose for your life!

3 Things that Have Been Restored:

■Your relationship with God is restored; you are no

longer separated.

■Your spiritual authority is restored.

■Your divine purpose is restored.

2012 February Volume 2, Issue 1

See yourself as

righteous in

God’s sight rather

than as con-


God is eager for

fellowship & rela-

tion with us! He

desires fellowship

with you. He

took the initiative

to restore it! He

gave it to us as a

gift even though

you could never

deserve it. He

brought you back to

Himself: God was

in Christ reconciling

the world to him-

self, no longer

counting people’s

sins against them.

ALL sin was put on

Christ! Christ took

all of your sin, so it

never has to be a

barrier between

you and the Father.

This is good news!

Your relationship with God is restored

Page 19 Lord, Show Me How to Live: THE JOURNEY

You are no longer


don’t live like you

are. You have a

pure relationship

with God.

You are living like

a pauper when

you live with a


complex. As you

think, so are you:

See yourself as

an eagle rather

than a turkey.

2 Corinthians 5:18-21

“All of this is a gift from God, who brought us back to Himself through

Christ. For God was in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself, no

longer counting people’s sins against them. And He gave us this

wonderful message of reconciliation...We speak for Christ when we

plead, ‘Come back to God!’ for God made Christ, who never sinned,

to be the offering for our sin, so that we could be made right with God

through Christ.”

This is written to Christians. God knew that even Christians would

still sin; so He made the way that these sins could be forgiven by

Christ’s work at the cross.

Sin is only a barrier if

you let it be a barrier.

It is only a barrier in your mind,

not God’s.

God sees all of your sin as put

on Christ as the cross.

We tend to magnify

sin and minimize


God wants us to magnify

Christ, magnify the blood of

Jesus. When you sin, go

back and read Hebrews 10,

go back and read 1 John; go

back and refresh yourself in

the word of God. Don’t let

sin keep you back from God!

2012 February Volume 2, Issue 1

1 John 1:8, 9

“If we claim we

have no sin, we

are only fooling

ourselves and not

living in the truth.

But if we confess

our sins to Him,

he is faithful and

just to forgive us

our sins and to

cleanse us from

all wickedness.”

You will sin …but if you confess your sin to Him, He

forgives you.

Go to Him and thank Him for forgiving you. God

doesn’t want penance; He wants you to accept his

forgiveness and thank Him for it.

Focus on His forgiveness, His love, and His Son.

Sin is only an issue if you let it stop you from going

to God.

PRACTICAL: Learn to plead

the blood of Jesus!

In Luke 9:1-2, it

says, “Then He

called His twelve

disciples togeth-

er, and gave

them power and

authority over all

devils, and to

cure diseases.

And He sent

them to preach

the kingdom of

God, and to heal

the sick.”

We have been

deputized with

power over all

devils and


In Mark 13:34, it

says, “…for the

Son of man is as a

man taking a far

journey, who left his

house, and gave

his authority to his


Your spiritual authority is restored.

Study these Scriptures:

Page 21 Lord, Show Me How to Live: THE JOURNEY

In Matthew

28:18, Jesus said,

“all power

[authority] is given

to Me in heaven

and in earth.

Therefore you


Psalm 8 – “…You made them [humans] a little lower than God …

putting all things under their authority.”

Adam lost his authority; we believers have to be careful not to give

ours up. In His name, we have authority here on earth.

Clearly, Jesus

gave His authori-

ty to those who

are His own.

The problem is

that we do not

believe it or exer-

cise it. Dare to

believe that you

can do these

things now!

Do not be com-

placent. Expect

to have authority

in Jesus’ name!

This is a game-


Using your spiritual

authority will make

a huge difference

in your life!

Forbid demonic

powers, sickness,

and disease to op-

erate in you or your

family. All too of-

ten, you allow

things – Learn to

forbid it!

You can forbid the

devil from operat-

ing in your life; you

can also permit the

angels of God to

work for you.

As Christians, we

are the most power-

ful beings on planet

earth. We have to

learn how to utilize

this authority!

Jesus told us how in

Matthew 18:18-20:

“I tell you the truth,

whatever you forbid

on earth will be for-

bidden in heaven,

and whatever you

permit on earth will

be permitted in

heaven. I also tell

you this: If two of

you agree here on

earth concerning an-

ything you ask, my

Father in heaven will

do it for you…”


Learn to

make verbal

decrees and


Learn the

power of do-

ing this!

2012 February Volume 2, Issue 1

Our journey: Yes, you will go out with joy, you will

be led forth in peace. As you come, the mountains

and hills will burst out into song, and all the trees

in the countryside will clap their hands. This mira-

cle will bring great honor to the LORD's name; it

will be an everlasting sign of his power and love.

1 Corinthians 12:4-7

“There are different

kinds of spiritual

gifts, but the same

Spirit is the source

of them all. There

are different kinds of

service, but we are

all serving the same

Lord...A spiritual gift

is given to each of

us so we can build

up the body of



God designed

you with pur-

pose …

discover your

spiritual gift(s),

and then use it/

them for the

body of Christ.

Do your part!

Your divine purpose is restored.

Page 23 Lord, Show Me How to Live: THE JOURNEY

Ephesians 2:10

“For we are

God’s master-

piece. He has

created us anew

in Christ Jesus,

so we can do the

good works He

planned for us

long ago.”

Romans 12:1 Message -

“So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your every-day, ordinary life - your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life - and place it before God as an of-fering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you

can do for him. “

Our Dai ly Journey:


Question 1 that we all must ask:

What was I created for? What is the point of me being

here? For what purpose am I on earth?

Jesus answered this question in Matthew 22: All of us

were created to love the Lord our God with all our heart,

soul, and mind. We were created to worship and praise


Question 2:

How do I worship?

This question is answered in John 4:24 — “God is spirit,

and His worshippers must worship in spirit and in truth.”

You must worship God with every part of your life!

Worship Him whether you feel like it or not!

2012 February Volume 2, Issue 1

The Journey, part 4: THE CUP OF PRAISE

Exodus 6:6-7


say to the Is-

raelites: ‘I am

the Lord. I

will bring you

out from un-

der the yoke

of the Egyp-

tians ...I will

free you from

being slaves

to them ...I

will redeem

you with an


arm ...I will

take you as

My own peo-

ple, and I will

be your


Matthew 22:37—38

“Jesus replied, ‘Love the Lord

your God with all your heart and

with all your soul and with all

your mind.’”

Humans are the only one of God’s creations created

with a free will ...Use your free will to choose to wor-

ship and praise God!

Hebrews 13:15

“Through Jesus,

therefore, let us con-

tinually offer to God

a sacrifice of

praise—the fruit of

lips that confess His


Worship God with

your soul. This

type of worship

involves the


Hebrews 13:15 tells

us to confess His

name every day of

the week!

Worship God for

who He is. See

Him in His beauty

and worship Him.

Worship God in spirit.

Page 25 Lord, Show Me How to Live: THE JOURNEY

Worship God with

your heart. This

is worship that in-

volves your emo-


Worship God with

your mind. This is

intellectual, liturgical


To worship God in spirit is to worship in all three areas: worship with

your mind, your emotions, and your body. To worship God in spirit is


Question 3:

What does worship look like when I don’t feel like it?

Worship God in honesty.

Admit how you feel. If

you don’t really feel like

worshipping God, com-

mit it to Him and then

worship Him anyway.

Do not wait for inspira-

tion to worship ...If you

do, then you will never

worship. Don’t wait until

you feel like it. Choose

to worship and then do


2012 February Volume 2, Issue 1

Question 4:

Where do I start?


A. Give yourself

time to learn wor-

ship songs. Read

the words and see

what God is speak-

ing to you through


B. Close your

eyes. When you

are worshipping in

church, this will

keep you from

looking around

and feeling weird.

C. Flood your car/

home/etc. with wor-

ship music. Fill your

heart with worship

music by immersing

yourself in it. Soak

in it! Whatever

soaks in you will

come out of you!

Let yourself go as you worship God.

Focus on God and on responding to Him.

God loves you ...Worship Him by focusing on returning His love

to Him!


Page 27 Lord, Show Me How to Live: THE JOURNEY

The cup of salvation: Kiddush –

God transfers us to the kingdom of His

dear Son

The cup of deliverance: Maggid –

God takes the world’s habits and way

of thinking out of us.

The cup of redemption : Birkat –

God restores us to His original intent and

design for us.

The cup of praise: Hallel –

God teaches us how to praise Him.

Volume 2, Issue 1: THE JOURNEY Page 7

We hope that you have been blessed by reading

Lord, Show Me How to Live: THE JOURNEY

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