los angeles herald (los angeles, calif. : 1890) (los...

Post on 16-Mar-2020






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Nsw York, Nov.lo.?Tho stock market t.idaywas active while the temper of the dealingswas sgnln decidedly strong. Almost the wholeactive lißt is up from 1 per cent., the ex-ceptions belug remarkably few. Many influ-ences combined to create this effect, but themost Important fact is that the stock marketboth here aud In London has been largely over-sold

(iovornniont bonds steady.MONEY QUOTATIONS.

Maw York, Nov. 10 ?Money on cal! easy;closed offered al4 per cent

Prime mercantile paper. 5 per cent.Sterling Uxohango ? Steaoy; tlo-duy b 111,

14.80, demand $4.83^.London. Nov. 10, 4 p. m.-illosinij consols,

money, 94 13 10; do account, 95 1-10; U. 8. 4s,120%; <io. 4%<i, $103.

Money-2 per cent.BAB SILVER.

Now York, Nov. 10.?Bar silver, por oz.94Jic.

LONDON, Nov. 10.-Bar silver, 43; a l per\u25a0unce.Ban Francisco, Nov. 01.?Bar silver,

90%e per ounce.Ban Francisco, Nov. 10.?Mexican dollars,


Naw York, Nov. 10.?Closing quotationswere as follows:0. B. 4s. Reg 116 N. Y. Central... .111%U.S. 4s. coup.. .110 Oregon lmp't 22U. 8. 2s. Reg 99% Navigation 72Pacific 6s 11l Pacific Mail 85VAtchison 42 Readlug 3752Canada PaciUc... 87)., Rock Island 81%Canada Sou 59% St. Paul 7ft%Central Paciflo... :-2 St. Pain A Omaha 32',Barliugton 97% Texas Pacific..... 19%Lackawanna ... 188*. Union Pacific... 39%Denver AR.G.pfd 45 U. S. Express.... 49Erie 281$ Wells, Fargo ACo. 138Kan. A Texas ... T5% Western Union... 81%Lake Shore 12- Am. Cotton 0i1... 27L. A N 77% Terminal 13^Mich. Central ...10.)Oregon Short Lino 22Missouri Pacific. 59)4 e*d Trust 15%Northern Pacific. 25% Bio GrandeWst'n. 42N. P. Preforred.. 7,.% Preferred 72\Northwestern 115 Do. firsts 78N. W. Preferred 137Boston, Nov. 10.?Closing prices:

A. St T. K. R 42 |Mex. Cent. Com. 20%Bnrl. AQulnoy... 97%|SanDlego 18Bell Telphone... 85% |


Nsw YJbk Nov. 10.?Mining shares were asfollows:Adams con 1.90 Mexican 2.00Best A Belcher. 2.3 j Ontario. 38.00Crown Point ... 1.00 Ophir 3.00Deadwood 1.90 Plymouth 2.25Eureka Con 1.10 Savage 1.40Homestake 10.50 Sierra Nov 2.00Horn Silver 3.45 Standard 1.20Iron Silver lAS Jon. Calif.,Va.?. 4.30

Ban Francisco, Nov. 10.?Following are theClosing prices:

Belcher 1.35 Peerless 10Best A Belcher. 2.65 Potosi 1.85Ohollar.. S5 Ophir. 3.45Oon. Virginia... 5.00 Savage 1.40Confidence 2.5) Sierra Nevada... 2.30Gould ACurry.. 1.50 Union Con 2.20Hale ANorcross .95 Yellow jacket.. 155Peer.....* 05 Crocker 05

San Francisco Market Review.BkK Francisco, Nov. 10.?The produce mar-

kets wero moderately active this morning.Wheat Is a trilleeasier, owing to the dccliue inthe eastern markets. English markets were,however. 3d higher for California cargoes.Barley Is steady, with fair demand for choicefeed grades. Oats firm, with fslr demand.Corn quiet, and prices weaker.

The market for fresh fruits is dull, with theexception ofthe better class of grapes for tableuse. Choice apples are in good demand andplentiful. Berries are higher, and arrivalslight.

The vegetable market is quiet and shows nochange. Supplies are plentiful, and demandlight.

Chicago Grain market.0 hicaoo, Nov. 10.?Regular No. 2 wheat was

fair today; prices ruled lower. The open-ing was about !vi'-x lower than yesterday'sclosing, with only slight fluctuations. Declinedl!<i« more, then recovered slightly, again ruledeasy, closing almost l%@2c lower thm yester-day. There was con aid* ruble pressure to sellduring the session, a good many selling orderscoming from the seaboard.

Receipts, 216,000 bushels; shipments, 77,---000 bushels.

UHICABO, Nov. 10.?Close: Wheat, weak;Oash, 9»\r; December, 95%c; May, »l.ir."

Corn-Easy; oasn, 07c; November, *>3; Hc;May, <13%0.Oats?Weak; cash, 32c; December, 3i;<;c;May, 33cBarley- Quiet. 59c.Rye? Easy, 90nFlax -stead> ; 9i\C.

OTIISK ORAIS MARKKTB.BAM Fbancisco,Nov 10.?Wheal,weak;bnver

season, ttU.b7%; buyer, '91, $1.83; seder'9l,»1.»2«.

Barley-Weak; buyer season, $1.20; buyer '91,$1.11'?: seller 91, $1.15; seller season, $1.13.

Corn-* 1 50Liverpool, Nov. 10?Whoat: Demand im-

S roving. No. 2 red winter, 8s 9d per cental,rra; No. 2 red spring, 8s lOd, firm.Corn?Demand fair for spot and good

for futures Bpot, 5b firm; Novemb r, 5sfirm;December, Ob sd, firm: January, 5s

BJid firm.Wool.

NewYobk, Nov. 10.?Wool steady, quiet; do-mestic fieece, 30®36c.

Philapelphia, Nov. 10.?Wool firmer. Mon-tana, 18@23c: territory, 15@21c.

Boston, Nov. 10.?Wool steady, unchanged.

Petroleum.N»w Tobk, Nov. 10.?Petroleum closed at


General Markets.

H«w Tobk, Nov. 10.?Hops: Firm; PacificCOMM. 14(0.18.

Coffee. ? Options opened steady, 5 to 25points decline; closed steady, 5 to 15points down. Bales. 18.500 bags. November,111.85(<$12 o5; December, $11.80fi»ll.90; Jan-uary, HI.50(($l 1.55; May,sll.lo@U 25. SpotRio firm; No.7,13!4c.

Sucar?Raw, quite firm. Refined, Arm.Copper?Weak; lake, November, $11.35: De-

cember, $' 1 30.Lead?Steady; Domestic, $4.10.Tiu? Firmer; Straits, $19.65.Ohicaso, Nov. 10?Pork steady; cash $8,303

8.37'<- January, $11 20.Lard?Steady. cash,st!.l2H; January, $6.25,Buoulders?»s 10(fl>.>.12 1^.Short clear?so.2st(Bs6 30.Hhort ribs?Js.7.-v@6.50Ohicauo, Nov. 10 ?Whiskey?lt.lß.

Livery Men.More of the celebrated Columbus buggies re-

ceived by It aw ley, King &Co.

LOS ANGELES LOCAL MARKETS.[The quotations given below are Los Angeles

wholesale selling prices. The prices paid pro-ducers rule a littlelower, due allow-ince beingmade, of course, for wholesalers' profits. ]

Provisions.Hams?Rex, 13c'4: Lily, 13cU.Bacoh?Rex, 14S4e; Lily, 14V£c; heavy, 9J«'

(<«i l'.,e: medium,Balt Pork?Dry, lie.Dkied Bebk?Hams, HJ4c; inside, 1314.LARD-aefined, 3's, s's, 9; 10's, 9c:

50's, special brand, pure leaf, 3%c higherall around. c

MillProducts.Flcur?Los Angeles XXXX,$5.20 per bbl;

Capitol Mills, »5.20; Bperry's, $6 00; Crown,$6 00; Victor, $6.00: superfine, 13.76,

Mill Feed?Bran, per ton, $24.00; shorts,S20.00; cracked corn per cental, $1.20; rolltdbarley, $1.15; mixed feed, $1.20; feed meal$1.25.

_Grain and Hay.

Barley?Per cental, $1 15.Corn?Large yellow, per cental, $1.15; small

yellow, $1.15.Oats?So 1, percental, $1.50.Wheat-No, I, per cental, $1.93; No. 2,

$1.70.Hay?Oat No. 1, $10.00@11.00; wheat No .1,

11.00@12.00; barley No. 1, 10.00@ll.OO;alfalfa No. 1, 10.00; No. 3 grades, $1 lower allarouud.

Straw?Barley, per ton, $6 00: wheal, $5.00.Poultry nnd Kegs.

Poultry?Hens, $5.00a5.50 per doz.; youngroosters, $.l.5ovo)5.0o; old roosters, $4.00 i»4 50:broilers, $:! O0a)3.50; ducks, $1.50@5 50;geese, 75c(551.60 per head; turkeys, 14@Hic.per pound.

Egos?Fresh ranch, 33@35c : eastern, 28®30c.

Dairy Products.Butter?Fincy roll, &7limoa; choice, 60®

65c; fair, 45@55c; eastern, 30®33;>.Cheese ? taotern, 14®14l4o: California,

lartre, small, throe-poundhand, 16HW17C.

Honey and Beeswax.Honey?Comb, lib forms, 134»15o; extract-ed, «c«c.Bbbsw ax?24@2oc .

Nuts.Almonds?Soft shell, 15®l0c; paper shell,

18fa)20c: hard [hell. 6<gßcPeanuts ?Raw. 3 (85c per rb; roasted, .VitiHo.Walnuts?Hard shell, o®Sc; soft shell,

8(<Sl0c.I)rle<l Fruits.

Apples?Evapoated, !)@locAi'iiicoTS--Ble-iehed,6C<*9; sun dried, 5®7.F os?California, 14al0.Peaches?Fancy evaporated, unpeeled, 7fß*c;

peeled. 14(a)l6c; sun diied. unpeeled, s@6c.Prunes-Fancy, SliiilOc: choice, 5®7Raisins?London layers, It.ftOfiMl.75: loose

Muscatels, $1 u?fosl.2s perbox; Sultana, seed-less, 8c per 1b.

Fresh Fruit*.Aiti.ks?Local, per box,sl 00JJ1,25; eastern,

perbbl.»4 50»5 00.Cranberries?Per bbl. $9.0r>T(610 00.Lemons?Cured. %i sU<*4 per box: uncurcd,

SI 50(0)2.25.PuAits? Per lb, 2fa)3n.

Miscellaneous.Bkanh?Pink, $2.25<<02.50 per 100 lbs: limas,

$2..'>0@3 00; navy, small, $2.50@3 00; Gar-vanz .s, $3.50f«)4.00.

Cabbaoei -Per 100 lbs, ti.00@i.25.Onions -Per 100 lps. SOc.Potatoks?Per 100 lbs, 50(a)U.OO.Swbet Potatoes?Per 100 1b5,(15((i75c.Tomatoes--Psr b0x,05(a)75c

Fresh Meats.Beee?Per lb. 4',sr<}.r>c..Mutton?Per lb 7«SBcLamb?Por lb. i»@iocI'ork?Per lb. 7c.Veal?Per lb. 7@loc.


TUESDAY, NOV. 10. 1891.Chas E Billings and wife to Harry Cobb?W

25 ft of 8% lot 32 ana E 25 ft 8% lot 31 dlv BJas Smith trtPasadena, subject to mort, 1000;$2000.

"rank W Jones to Mrs Mary A Conklln-S 2-5of W% lot 173, 8 acs, ex-Mis San Fernando, 31?39; *BUO.

Louis NNewerf to II J Lavars?W% lot 31Packard's Orange Grove trt. 25?84 and water:11.00.

Myron P Miller and wife to Wagland L Root?Lot 26 H G Lewis's sub Pasadena, 10?39;$500

Alexander Hclanaer to Wm H Hendricks?3oacs being N% aud N% of 8% lot 20 ex-Mis SanFernando 3i? 39; 11000.

Mrs IIB Marlon to Ambon Swenson?Lot 51Oolilsworthy and Chronls sub Clement trt, 2447; {300.

Anson Pitcher to Jean Official do Guy?Lots11 12 and 13, Reglna trt; $2000.

M attic J Ha lice and itusbaud to J W Tlnchc-Bl 43, Lordsburg; $5.

W S Wing to Mary E Wing?Und % lot 9 bl 5Burbank, 17-10; $l<o.

Minnie A Patterson to Delia B Wilson?Lots910 11 12 13 and 14, smltb's sub Watta's subSan Rafael, 20?63; subject .o mortgage, $50J:$3000.

Rosedale Cem»tery Assn to Mrs Mary M My-ers?W% lot 73 bl D Kos, dale Cemetery, 6?31;

R Zellner Jr to W A Booynge?Lot 5 hi L Wal-nut Grove trt, 22?9. also W)4 lot 8 bl 2 i, AHomestead trt 3?250, also lot 3 bl B Kurtz ABradshaw'ssub; 29?02; $850.

Francis M Dlmmick to Wm U Burnhara?Lot5 Shafer A Towne'ssub Rosedale Hts trt, 25?100; $300.

Je«sie Lake Henry to Thos B Henry?Lots loand 11 bl C, 21 22 23 1242 bl D, lots 3 4 27 3840 43 44 *7 bl E, lot 23 bl F McGarry trt, 23?69, also lots 12 13 24 and 25 bl A, Bird trt, 1474; $10.

James 0 Butler to G S Beckwith?lo acres ofland near George Bullock, old Telegraph road,Raucho Santa Gertrudes; $3000.

P C Tonner to Mary C Boggs?W %of S % oflot 4, bl 2, Kingsiey trt, Pom na, 5 -3; $5

Rosalie A Stetson and husband to George EWeaver?Lot 5, bl 6, Avalon, Santa cataliuaIsland, 34?(17; $600.

James W Kyestone and wife to John Dob-bings?N 50 ft of lot 42, Buchanan A O'Neal'sBUb, Pasadena. 10?67; $t.iO

Lucy J Harvey and husband to WashingtonHadley?Lot, 8, bl A, Pickering Land audWater company's sub to J M Thomas's ranch,21?53; $5

X Maggie Finchcr to J W Fincher?Bl 43,Lordsburg; $5.

J 1 Beardeu and wife to Robert Hale?Lot 56,Longsireet trt, 10?71; $2875,

X R Jeffrey and wife to Miss Lizzie A West-Lots 4 and 5, bl 00, Glendora trt 265?31;11000.

E H Winans and wife to Mattle E Means?Lot6, bl 135, Redondo Bcacli, 39?1; $300.

Honoriene B Marlon to Alfred Pope?Lot 52,Goldswjnhy A Chronls's sub of clement tr ,24?47; $300

Mrs Appalora Fraser to O A Wheeler -Und %of bl B, Blanchard's sub, bl 73, Hancock's sur-vey, o?s; $700.

Jas T Brown and wife to David M Myers?Lot22 bl A, Johnston trt, 2?92; *3225.

Tbos and Lavenla Hudson to R W Poindexter?Lot 4 and E 30 ft lot 5, Friend's sub. 6?79;$1000.

Augustus W Bronner to Ray Billingsley?WKof W 10 acres lot 33, W sub Lick trt, 7?j2, andwater; $20.

In re estate of Jno E Thompson?Decree dis-tributing to O D and M«maret A Thomson toeach an und % of the following: NW of SE% ofof NE'i, Sec 20, T3 S, R 11 W, 8 B M, 1-6 lotsI 35 T 9 11 13 15 17 19 20 21 aud 22, Umpe-

ley's sub of Monte Vista. 19?72; 1-7 lots 2*68 19 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 and 37. as above;1-13 lot 0 bl 7, Norwalk, and per property.

Jessie Lake Henry to Thomas Butl.r andheirs?so ft frontage E side Spring street, 34?412; $10

E Burr Jr to P C Tonner?Lot 26, N% SE%lots 27 and 28; E% lots 23 31 32 33, and all oibis A aud B, Loop A Meserve trt, Rancho S 11Jose 34-4; also 1.0 acres, land kuuwu as theThomas Dunn place: also 2 acres on N and Xby the ThomasDunu place; $5.


Total number of transfers 31With nominal consideration.. t 11Total consideration $23,156.00

Note ?Figures separated by a dash representthe boo* and page of miscellaneous records.

Latest Thins: in Spoons.1 til,.

A stout Indian woman whose weightis over 800 pounds, fell through a woodensidewalk in Bath, Me. The injury totho walk so annoyed the street commis-sioner that he told the woman that here-after she must walk in the middle of thestreet.

The recent heavy crops of wheat andcorn are already showing their effectnoon the stocks and markets. Wallstreet is more active than it has been foryears, and the return flow of gold fromEurope has already reached over $1,000,---000.

Sure Cure for Cancer.Dr. Chamley has a cancer hospital in Los

Angeles for the cure of cancers without knifeor pain. He guarantees a cure, and is making

some of the most wonderful cures the wordhas ever known. Office is IX9 S. Spiing street.

A new artificial harbor is rapidly ap-proaching completion at Leixoes, nearOporto, the only place of refuge on thatcoast between Vigo bay and Lisbon.The port is of large capacity, has goodanchorage and can be easily entered by

jvessel of 23 feet draught.

"Ethel Goodbell brought home a lovelysouvenir spoon with her from England."

"Iknow it; Isaw her with him on theavenuo Sunday morning. "?Life.

A Most Valuable Agent.H. Armgarclt, M. D., 95 Jackson street, Brook-

lyn, N. V., write-: , ?

' Being familiarwith the stimulating, healing

and anodyne properties ol Allcock's PorousPlasters, I comnuud them as a most valuableagent la the class of diseases for which they areintended. Tho stimulating action when wornover tho gastric region materially aids inre-storing strength and energy to digestion, andtho consequent Imitding up of t issue and restor-ing tone to the general system."

We give 2 pounds of granulated or cube sugarfree with every pound of tea, also with everydollar's worth of coffee, Discount Tea Co., 2508. Main street.

THE COURTS.United States Circuit Court.

Union loan and Tru>t company vs. SouthernCall ornla Motor Road company?Demurrerand exceptions overruled.

Johns. Doe vs Waterloo Mining compan>-Coiitln ed by stipulation until November.MJih

U.S. vs. Ml-Jan- qua dl-ni et al.-Continuedforsonteticu until November 16th.

Superior Court.DEPARTMENT ONE.

People vs Bier Yuen?Acquitted.In r« citizenship of Benjamin P Talbot?Ap-

plicant admitted.DEPARTMENT TWO.

Est of Svcnson?Pet for sale ofrealty granted.Est of F. W. Uoffner?Acc't allowed; dist

ordered.Eat of F. Buckcr?Pet to set apart estate

granted.B»t of M. E. Griffith? Acc't and dist cont d to

Est of N. Hull?Acc't an<l dist cont'd to 17thEst and guards of Seebald, minors?Acc't

cont'd to 11 th.EBtof X. Behesque?Letters adm: pet granted.Est ot S Garcia- Letter* adm; pet granted.Est of P. Wiesi?Letters adm: pet gianted^Estof D. R. Kisley?Acc't and dist contd to

17th. , ,Eat of M. E, Mur.diy?Conf saleofrealty

cont'd ro 11th.Est of W. Shnppard?Conf sale of realty con

firmed.Est of G. Stockton?Conf sale ofreally and

pc s prop confirmed.Est aud guaids of N. B. Stokes?Acct allowed;

dist orderedEst and guards of E. Stokes?Acct allowed.Estof B. Cohn?Supplemental acct cont'd to

Ilth.Est of C. Olovanonl? Letters adm; pet grant

cd.Est of F. C. Thomas Letters adm; pet grant

cd.San Pedro Lumber Co. vs. Merrick Reynolds


Seabard Natl bank vs. Vickrey?All proceed-ings sta>ed pending proceedings in intolvency

People vs Hagar et al ?Judgment for pl'lff$1000.

Schallert Ganahl Lumber Co vs. Neal?Cont'dto Monday 16th.

DEPARTMENT FOUR.L. A. Construction company vs. Pacific Rail-

way company ? Judgment for plaintiff for

City Cab company vs. White?Cont'd for ses-sion.

Barclay vs. Severince?Aargument.Petition of California Uuiversalist conven

Hon to sell real esttte granted and signed.DEPARTMENT FIVE.

Clear calendar.DEPARTMENT SIX.

People vs. Ed L. Baker?On trial.People vs. AhTet?Cont'd to Novembor 30th

for trial.William Galbralth vs. George Trobert?Find-

ings and decree filed.


People vs Ah Wing?Appeal.DEPARTMENT TWO.

Est. of H. B Thomas?Acc't and dist.Est of H M. We Is?Acc't and dist.Est. of M W. McGee?DistEst. and guards of B>-ebald minors?Acc't.Est. of M E. Murphy?Ci nf sale of realty.Est. of B. Cohn ?Supplemental acc't.San Pedro Lumber company vs. Merrick

Reynolds?Argument.DEPARTMENT THREE.

Connolly vs Connolly.Stewart vs. Frankej,Frankel vs. Stewart.Atlas Co vs. Redondo Ry Co.Boyd vs Oddous.

DEPARTMENT FOUB.McFarland vs Wieseudanger,Burns vs Burns.Barclay vs. Severance?Argument cont'd.

DEPARTMENT FIVE.Marion vs. Reese ct al.


People vs Ed. L. Paker?Trial.ELlott vs. Biscalluz.Herman vs. Yon der Kuhlcn.People vs. J C. Hoy?Sentence.

New Suits.W. C. Mosher et al. vs. Los Angeles Terminal

Ry Co et al ?Suit to quiet title.G. W. Tubbs vs. Alice E. Broadwell et al ?

Complaint on foreclosure of mortgage for$531.85.

Julia W Lawton vs. Geo. Bradbeer?Suit torecover on promissory note for $-116

P. C. and Isabella Sutton petition to be de-clared insolvent.

C A. McDonell filed ape ltion in insolvencyA B. Clapp petitions forletters of adminis-

tration to the estate of !3eo. W. Ulapp.D. W. Held, public administrator, petitions

for letters of administration to the estate ofJoseph Logsden.

Rocked In the Cradle of the DeepSounds nice, don't it? But O, how fast andfurious are the rockinga in rough weather! Theintestinal wurfare begotten in your vitals bytie sea's commotion beggars description.What's the proper caper under such circum-stances? Ta' c Hostetter's Stomach Bitters.Nothing comparable to it for remedy ng seasickness or the kindred naus-a from whichmany delicate land travelers suffer. Dyspepsia,cramps, constipation and biliousness also areinvariably and promptly remedied by the Bit-?teis. Exposure in rough weather i-often pro-ductive of hurtful coiisequeiKes, which may,however.be averted by the timely use ,f theBitters, which diffuse an agreeable warmththrough the system, and promotes an activecirculation of the blood in the extremitieswhen bunumbsd and chilled. Malaria, kidneytrouble, rheumatism and debility arc remediedby the Bittersu



Wonderful bpsnisnI'J -tSsf W ~*£k Remedy, In sold with«U B 3» WrfttenOuarasrteaV Hi /7.1 *y to con all Nerv&ns Dl»-

Xgpfc ..dSy esses, him-'j us Weakl'/*'*-Vw. ]nor

-*- " Hrainiv fcjßjjjpl wf r, j; <. ;tt! nc |! Pt\V;:lc>liilucss. Lust Man-? ;i-V\ ; I.Nervousness, Li)-

Ko'-ir«» .*/ a ? «_'-. !ltl»l' . all drains anduc.oro «l Alter Lso. km of power of the_ "togranhea from life Generative Organ*, incliher sex, cauaed by

ovt?r-"TcrtloTi, yoiuftfol Jmlpwretions. or the excessivetweof tobacco, unlum. or stimulant*, r/hlch ultlmntrlrlead lo Inurmlry, Conamnplion and Insanity. Pat upIn convenient form to carry in the vest pocket. Pricef1 a package, or 0 for is. With every 13 order we givea written KuaTanteeto cure or refund tbemoticy. Heut by mall to any address, circular free.Mem ,tithis paper. Address,

MADfi'llCHEMICAL CO,, "ranch Offlee for U. S. A3»8 Dearborn Stmt, CHICAGO, ILL.

FOR BALK IN LOS ANGELES, CAL., BYIt. Germain, DrsMjst, 123 So. Spring St.

WR. BLACKMAN, PUBLIC ACCOUNT? ant and audltcr, fellow of the American

Association of Public Accountant*.

Books opened and adapted to special requirements. Investigation and adjustment ofbooks or complicated acounts. New book*opened, kept and balance sheets prepared.

Office, 218 NORTH MAIN ST., Los Angeles,12 29-1 yr

AUCTION."Wednesday Morning, November 11th,

at 10 o'clock,232 W. FIRST ST.,

Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds,MU3ICAL INSTRUMENTS,

Guns, Pistols, Revolvers, AmmunitionBASE BALL GOODS, ETC., ETC.


>. j CANCER HOSPITAL,1 / 211W Annst Office,V In f V 12W 8. Springst No

ji-s. Tm Mh Pay Until Well. No\JI \u25a0

?M ML nnminis and treatiseJHrV sent ire. Rlood.sklnf \ and all catarrhal Cii-

m mttr V 1 eases.I s. R. CHAMLEY M.D.


THIB IB OtJB WAY OF sITTTNG CILABUCBThe careful and proper adjustment of Frame*

Is as Important as the correct fittingof lenses.We make the scientific adjustment of Glassesand Frames our specialty, and guarantee a per-fect fit. Testing of the eyes free Full stock olartificial eyes on hand. Glasses ground to orderon premises.

B. a. MARBHUTZ, Scientific Optician,229 8. Spring street, Theater Building.

Full stock ot fine opera glasses on hand.7-17 tf


A Reputation drained by Justice and"Fair Dealing-.

Idesire the public to know that not at anytime have Ientered the MEAT POOL.

First quality of meats of all kinds, both freshand salted, including sausages, at bedrockprices, viz:Roast Beef 7c to 10c Lamb Chops 10cRoast Pork lOcjßoiled Beef... .4c to GcRoast Veal 10c corned Beef BeRoast Mutton, legs 9Uc Salted Pork, sugarSteaks 7c toluc cured 10cCutle.s . ,10c to 12%c!l.eaf Lard 10cPork Chops 10c|L'af Lard cooked inMutton Chops 9c| cans lOC

Ham, Bacon and all kinds of prime cuts ofmeats re'ail at wholesa c prices.

Delivered free of charge in any part of thecity.

11-6 lm E. LEVY.


New and Second Hand

Carpets, Mattresses and Stoves.Prices low for spot cash, or will sell on install-


Bt tween Fourth nnd Fifth Streets.Telephone 984. P. O. box 1921 7-21-tf

"wagon material,BAKU WOODS,

1 RON, STEEL.Horseshoes and Nails,

Blacksmith's Coal, Tools, Etc.JOHN WIGMORB,

11T and 11» M? t .th l,os Ans-ele* Btrno

DR. WONG HIM,Chinese Physician and Surgeon, has resided inLot A ngeltbs Bixteen 16; years. His reputationasaahorougb physician has been fullyestab-lished and appreciated by many. His largepractice is sufficient proof of his ability andhonesty.

The doctor graduated in tbe foremost coi

leges, also practiced in the largest hospitals oiCanton. China. The doctor Bpeaks bpanisbfluently.

OFFICE: New number, 639; old numbei117, Upper Main street. P. O. box 564,Station C 10-15 lm

H. Hillkr,Pres't. S. W. Hillbb, Sec.

Los Angeles Lumber Co,,DKALERBIN

Lamber, Cement, Fire Brick and Clay, Etc..SAN PEDRO ST., Bet. Fourth and Fifth.

Telephone 109. 9-29 tf P.0.80x 97.

ESTABLISHED IBfSO.Southern California Branch

New Zealand Insurance Company,FIRE AND MARINE,

OfAuckland, New Zealand. Capital, $5,000 000.Unlimited liability of shareholders. Losses

adjusted and paid in Los Angeles.No. '03 Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal.

10-28 eodlm FRANK E. WALSH, Manager.

Fire Insurance at Fair Rates.

First-class STOCK companies, INDEPEND-ENT of the Pacific Insurance Union.

Favorable rates upon first-class property any-where in Southern California.

C. O. HAWLEY, Manager.

86 and 87 Bryson Bonebrake Building.10-31 3m _____



10-16 3m Corner Spring and Second sts.

The Ladies' Favorite Beverage.The most refreshing, nourishing and invig-

oratingddnk ladles can make use of is "HHISRIBBON" Beer, which is especially beneficialto nursing mothers and invalids. It iB themildest and most agreeable 'onic. Send ordersto CALIFORNIA WINE CO.,

Sole Agents, 222 8. Spring St.Telephone 110. 10-13-lm

Unfolored Japan, per lb 35c to $1.00Young Hyson, per lb 75c to $1.00Gunpowder, perlb 5» c to $1.00Oolong. Tier lb 6' c to $1.25English Breakfast, per lb 35c 10 $1 00

e'eymour & Johnson Co., Grocers.

Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.NOTICE OF EOKECLOSUKE SALE.

I7MJUENE E DANFORTII, PLAINTIFF, V3.]J Jane McQuaid, adm'x., etc., et al., defend-

ants.SherifTs Bale?No. 15.359.Order of sale and decree of foreclosure and

sale.Under and by virtue of an order of sale and

decree of foreclosure and sale, Issued out of thesuperior court of the County of Los Angeles, ofthe State of Callfornia.on the 9th day ofNov-ember A. D. 1891, in the above entitled action,wherein Eugene E Danfoth, the above namedplaintiff, obtained a judgment aud decree offoreclosure ai d sale against Jane McQuaid,mini's etc., c' al.. defendants, on theHOth nayof October, A.D. 1801, for the sum of two thous-and one hundred and sixty-five74-100 dobars,goldcoin of the United Mates, which said de-cree was, on tne 80th day of October, A. D.1891, recorded in Judgment Book 30 of saidcourt, at page '05, I am commanded to Bellall that certain lot, piece, or parcel ofland situate, lying and being inthe said Countyof Lob Angeles, State ofCalifornia, and boundedand described as follows: /

Being a portion ol that certain tract oflandset offto Mrs. M. A. t-hields by judgment of the17th judiiial district conrt,Loa Angeies county,State of Cnlifornin. iv the case entitled LouisMoore, et si., vs. Francisco Lugo, et al.. casenumber 3,590. Commencing at the south-westcorner of tract No. One, as shown oi the map ofpartition in said case, said south-weßt cornerbeine a redwood post 3x3, at the intersection ofthe line ol division between the 2-5 and 3-5tracts of the Home tract of the rancho San An-tonio with the east, line ol the right-of-way onland now claimed by the Southern Pacific Rail-road company, and runuing thence along theline ofdivision between said 2-5 and 3-5 tracts,south 84 d,g. east 15.36 chains to a point,which point shall be the startiug point of thisdescription, and 1b the south west corner of thetract of land herein described: running thencefrom said point along said division line, southts4 deir. east, 15 84 chains to a point, whichpoint is marked by 3x3 post marked "ShieldsMoore;" thence north (! deg 80', 19.88to a post marked "Shields-Moore," on the northside of the 2 5 tract; lhence along the saidnorth line, north S3 deg. west 18 18 chtins tothe north-west cornpr of this tract; thencesouth. Ode?. 4'east, 20.33 chains to the pointof beginning, containing 34 75 acrts.

Together with all and singular the tenementß, hereditaments and appurtenancesthereunto belonging or in anywise appertain-ng.

Public notice is hereby given that on Fr!day, the 4th day of December, A. I) 1891,at 12 o'elocc BE., of that day, in front ofthe court house door oi the County of Lo.Angeles, Broadway entrance, Iwill, in obedi-ence to said order of sale and decree offoreclosure and sale, sell the above d-scrlbedproperty, or so much thereof as may be neces-sary to satisfy said judgment, with interest andcosts, etc. to the highest aud best bidder, forcash, gold coin.

Dated this 10th day of November, 1891.B. D. GIBSON,

Sheriff of Los Angeles County.ByF. C. Hawnon, Deputy Sheriff.Graves, O'Melveny & Shakland, Attorneys for

Plaintiff. 11-11 weds 4t

TROY LAUNDRY,Worki, 511, 573 ltd 575 Sort* Hiiti Streit. Telephom If, tt



WORK AMALS AND FARM IMPLEMENTSEver offered at public sale in Southern California,


As the lease of this 11,000-acre ranch expiree December 31st, the syndicatehave decided to sell, at public auction, on liberal terms, all their Live and Boilingstock. The catalogue consists of 110 head of Large Work Mules, weighing fromIKK)to 1400 lbs., all in fine condition and ready for work ; Farm Wagons, Ploughs,Harrows, Rollers, Reapers, Mowers, Thrashers, and in fact every implementrequired on a farm.

Intending purchasers can leave Santa Fe depot, foot of Firßt street, at 8:15and 10:25 a.m., nnd 12:20 p.m. Round trip ticket for 35c. On arrival of the10:25 train an old-titne barbecue willbe awaiting guests, and a cordial welcome isextended to everybody attending sale. For further particulars, inquire

JOS. GILBEKT, Superintendent of Laguna Ranch Company,o< of E. VV. NO YES, Auctioneer.

11-10 tf

AGNES BOOTHt I f ==GIGARB,l V" ? " : "4 /a* Made of the Finest Vuelta Abajo<J. \u25a0. :-\\u25a0 JlfJ Havana Tobacco.

\u25a0tf" J" Cured and stripped in Havana, made intoa Cuban Ann and Cuban cigar-

For Los Angeles County,

NORTH MAIN ST.*r ' Tel. 719. 10-18 cod 2m

Orange Land !$ioo per acre!5 miles north of Riverside!4 miles west of San Bernardino!On the main lines of the Southern Pacific and Santa

Fe railroads!Soil?Rich sand loam and disintegrated granite!Altitude?1300 feet above sea level, and 400 feet above

Riverside!PLENTY OF WATER 1The home of the Orange and Lemon. Unexcelled for

deciduous fruits, vegetables and berries!Terms easy, one-fourth cash, balance in four equal

annual payments.

SEMI-TROPIC LAND AND WATER CO., Rialto, Cal.L. M. BROWN", Special Agent, 213 W. First St., Los Angeles, Cal. 9-29

JUST RECEIVED, S3 ll^Hj, ? ?. , , T.._ , . 13 the best made,and ia sotil/t WmHHp ?

Several New Styles of tbo Latest Fashion everywhere. This is tlie prig-/ a mWSBBb/lnal $3 Shoe. Beware ot tmi- / tlatimit. positively :SStsßl

JAMES MEANS' ESffiS&r \u25a0f jJ tj CO., i^K^A^

$3, $4 and $5 Shoes,

JAMES MRANB' $4 S HOE is neat and styiish. It fits like a stocking, andEEQUIEKS NO ** N"G IN," being perfectly easy the first time it is worn.Itwill satisfy the most fastidious. JATVIES .MEANS' $3 SHOE is absolutely theonly shoe of the oric.e that bas ev?r been placed extensively on the market in which durability1b considered before mere outward appearance

JAMES MKANo'$2 BHOK for Boys, JAMK3 MEANS' FARMER SHOE and JAMES MEANS'QUARTER 10A'tLE BO 'T3 FOB FARSfERS are all staple Hues that always give satisfaction.

Boots and Shoes from our celebrated factory are sold byN. BENJAMIN, (Sole Agent for Los Angeles,)





A lfyour dealer does not keep it KING UP TELEPHONE 36, or leave your Aorders with / v


Oak. Pine ».nd Junlner Wood sawed and spilt to order. 7-19 tl! ?

r~- 1


D RS. HORN 8c OOW,The CelelDi-ated Chinese Herb Doctors,

Cure all of the various diseases of the stomach, lunirs, liver, blood, nerves, kidneys, b'adder,consumption, rheumatism, asthma, catarrh and dizziness, private, chronic nnd complicateddiseases. 'I hose who desire to consult us in regard to iheir cases had better call at the officeforan examination, but if impossible to visit the office personally, can write for a list olquestions and circular, both of which will befent free of charge. Consultation free. Officehours: Bto 12 a.m., '£ to 5,6:30 to 9 p.m. Sundays, 9to 11 a.m., 1 to 4 pm., 6m 11MAIN STREET, Knouts 8 and 3.

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