lose weight in simple steps

Post on 03-Aug-2016






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How to Lose Weight in simple steps, fast and efficient? Keep your body in shape with fitness exercises, healthy food, diet. #loss #lose #weight #quick


A Quick Guide To Weight

Loss For Beginners







2 Title of the book









| A Quick Guide To Weight Loss For Beginners

| A Simple Solution for Quick Weight Loss

| Are There Any Weight Loss Wonders?

| Beginning Your Weight Loss Journey

| Being in the Mood for Weight Loss

| Burning Calories for Weight Loss

| Common Myths About Weight Loss

| 9 Super Foods to Help Weight Loss

9 Super Foods to

Help Weight Loss


3 Lose weight in simple steps

ating some foods can actually help you to lose weight. Eating more and losing weight has got to be a great choice for anyone who is trying to lose a few pounds, so here are some of the super foods which can actually help with your weight loss goals.

1. Apples - the perfect snack on the go. Apples are seriously good for you and can help with weight loss problems. They are also packed with antioxidants which can help to combat the "apple shape" or an excess of belly fat. If you want to lose weight you can start by munching an apple every day.

2. Steak - just so long as it's lean this can also help you to lose weight. Organic beef is the healthiest variety of them all. Steak should be grilled or broiled and served with plenty of crisp salad or veggies.

3. Eggs - and I mean all of the eggs - the yolk and the white, just leave the shell. Poached, boiled, omelets and scrambled eggs all make the perfect way to start the day but if you don't have the time to cook in the mornings make a tortilla or frittata on the weekends and eat the slices throughout the week.

4. Kale - is another super food which can help you achieve your weight loss goals. There are only 34 calories in a cup of raw, chopped kale but plenty of calcium, iron and fiber.

5. Oats - are another super food which can help you to lose weight and make the perfect breakfast. All types of oats are healthy but steel-cut and rolled varieties are the best of the best. They make a great alternative to breadcrumbs when you're making meatballs.

6. Lentils - help to flatten the belly, and that's a fact. There are loads of different types of lentils but the yellow and red ones are the quickest to cook. They blend in with lots of different dishes thanks to their mild flavor yet can add plenty of texture and substance to lots of different meals.

7. Salmon - is great for your heart and great for your waistline. They are a brilliant source of Omega 3 which, among other things, helps to build muscle and the more muscle your body has the more calories it naturally burns. Wild salmon is the best choice if its available with fewer pollutants.

8. Blueberries - all berries are good for you and blue food is good for you so blueberries are double good for you when you are trying to lose weight. Why not think a little differently at breakfast time and instead of sprinkling a few blueberries onto your cereal simply sprinkle a little cereal onto a bowl of blueberries before adding the low fat yogurt or milk.

9. Avocado - some people worry about eating avocado when they are trying to lose weight because of the fat content but they really shouldn't, avocado really is a fantastic food for weight loss.

There are other foods which are also great for anyone who wants to lose weight,

this is just a small sample of foods which you can eat more of and still lose weight – fantastic!

A Quick Guide To Weight

Loss For Beginners

Losing weight can seem very hard, especially if you tried several methods in the past and did not get the results you expected. You can actually reach a

healthy weight by simply adopting better habits. Keep reading if you want to learn more about weight loss methods that work.

orget crash diets, intensive exercise programs and counting calories. These weight loss

programs can help you lose a few pounds but you will not be able to follow these

unusual diets or exercise programs for very long. The best way to lose weight is to

adopt better habits for good. Your goal is to transform your lifestyle, not to go on a

crash diet for a few weeks before going back to your old habits.

Transforming your habits can take some time. It is best to take small steps so you can

work on getting used to your new lifestyle rather than expecting to transform the way you

eat and organize your time overnight. You will get better results if you take as much time as

you need, even if you do not progress toward your ideal weight as quickly as you were hoping


Find new foods you really enjoy. You

should introduce a couple of new foods in

your diet on a weekly basis. Try cooking

new foods in different ways or combine

them with spices. Replacing all your

favorite unhealthy foods with better

alternatives you enjoy just as much will

make adopting a healthy diet a lot easier.

You can still eat your favorite unhealthy

foods as long as you eat very small

quantities once in a while.

Adopt a more regular schedule. Try getting up early and have a healthy breakfast to start

your day. Have three meals at fixed hours during your day or try eating five smaller meals if

you always feel hungry between your meals. Organizing your time more efficiently will help

you find some free time to exercise regularly. If you do not have time to work out, try being

more active, for instance by walking for thirty minutes a day or by riding your bike to work.

Exercising regularly is a great way to tone your body and reach a healthy weight. Start

working out for twenty minutes a day or have two or three longer workout sessions on a

weekly basis. Look for exercises you really enjoy so your fitness program stays fun and

interesting. You could for instance join a team so you can practice a sport you enjoy or sign up

for a martial art class if you want to acquire some new skills. Fun exercises such as dancing,

practicing aerobics in the water or even playing in the back yard with your children are also

great ways to get some exercise on a regular basis. Losing weight is not as hard as it seems if

you focus on adopting a healthier lifestyle rather than counting calories. Follow the tips you

just read and you will soon get the results you always wanted.

Adopt a more regular schedule.

Try getting up early and have a healthy breakfast to start

your day.



Lose weight in simple steps

5 Lose weight in simple steps

Transformation Weight Loss Drops

A Simple Solution for Quick

Weight Loss:

There are effective methods for losing weight quickly.

Typically, a dieter will often use the formula of consuming

fewer calories each day, in an effort to lose weight. However,

this brings with it many of the effects that can cause long-

lasting problems.


Some of these issues include an increase in hunger pangs,

which tends to increase the cravings for sugar and food. Often

times this type of method will leave the individual weak because

their levels of energy are extremely low. As a result, they will tend

to start binging uncontrollably, which can cause more problems,

in the end. Simply reducing the amount of calories consumed

every day will slow down the metabolism, and cause the body to

store additional fat.

Losing weight properly requires a better understanding of

exactly how the body works. If the individual consumes the right

amount of calories (typically 1500-2500 calories each day), of the

right types of food, they can quickly lose weight. This includes

eating the right types of protein, complex carbohydrates (not

sugary foods) and essential fats.

By consuming the proper amount of calories each day, the

body will not gain weight, or lose weight. It requires an additional

trigger for weight loss to begin. This can be easily accomplished,

by requiring that the body burn more calories than it consumes.

This happens through routine exercise.

Exercising the Body There is an inherent genetic

predisposition for the body not to

want to physically move, when it

does not have to. Every individual

is fully aware that they would

rather sit in front of the TV,

watching a movie, than to go out

for a long exhausting walk.

However, the body can be

trained to circumvent this natural

desire to stay at rest. The entire

process does not take long, and

produces amazing results.

There is a simple solution for quick weight loss that does not include dieting. With a simple change in

the foods that are consumed every day, along with adding a minimal exercise routine each day, the

individual can lose upwards of four or five pounds each month, which represents 50 to 60 pounds in a


Starting Slowly If all an individual does is eat the right amount of foods they

are supposed to every day, with the diet of highly nutritious

foods, and adds minimal exercise, they will start losing weight.

By eating the right amount of foods, the individual can start

slowly, and go for a simple 15 minute walk during the lunch

hour, or after dinner. 15 minutes of walking at a steady pace can

burn off a couple hundred calories every time.

Research indicates that one pound of fat is equal to 3500

calories, meaning if a person can burn off an additional 200

calories every day, it would take just under three weeks to lose 1

pound. Now imagine that the individual walks twice as much

each day. They can now burn off that same one pound of fat at

half that time, and lose a pound of unwanted ugly fat in just over

a week.

Lose weight in simple steps

A Simple Solution for Quick

Weight Loss

Fitglam Latex Waist Trainer

for Weight Loss Body Shaper

Waist Training Corset

Organic Moringa

Weight Loss Tea

Are There Any Weight Loss


Al ost e eryo e i the Wester orld (a d it s growing in the East too, especially in Asia) either has gone

on a diet themselves or known someone who has. In

other ords, eight loss is i e eryo e s i d a d has been now for decades. Unfortunately, it would appear

that certainly in North America, more people are having

weight issues than ever before. Nowadays even babies

can be obese!

If weight loss is an issue for you, there are so

a y solutio s out there that there ust e o e that s just right for you. There are diets based on calorie

counting, based on reduced size of meals, more protein

and hardly any or no carbs. You name it, there is a diet

about it. The weight loss industry is a billion dollar

e terprise. No o der, he diets do t ork! I fa t i the end after initially losing weight, you gain it back and

probably add a bit more. The circle starts again.

There is also a huge industry dealing with weight

loss supplements. Sprinkle this on your food to lose

pou ds hile eati g hat you a t…. Take this agi pill and you will get your ideal figure. Again, some people

have had success with this approach but the majority of

people gi e up he it does t ork for the . Exercising is also touted as a weight loss wonder.

Unfortunately while exercise in moderation can give your

body an overall better tone and is definitely good for you,

it often fails short of shedding those pounds you so want

to lose.

Continuing with this vain there are also

people out there that claim we should simply

listen to what bodies tell us and only eat when

we feel hungry and stop when we have had

enough. Today this is a novel approach as hardly

anyone remembers what it is like to be hungry

as we are inundated with food choices all the

time. Our appetite nowadays has more to do

with what we fancy than address actual hunger.

While this is a great way to go, it needs a lot

of discipline. It is also often inconvenient as you

might feel hungry when no-one else is which

could make meals with your family a problem.


All these approaches need persistence for

them to work. Then, if you lose the weight,

you have to be diligent and stay with the

program to keep the weight off.

Hypnosis and guided meditation is also now becoming

very popular in weight loss circles. While this makes

perfect sense – after all we basically always do what our

subconscious mind suggests – this approach is not for

everyone. Many people think this is plain ridiculous and

will not even consider it. Others buy CDS and digital

downloads and listen to them before going to sleep and

claim it has helped them. The basic message these

programs offer is that healthy food in moderation is the

way to go. The subconscious then embraces this and you

are drawn towards healthier food alternatives and maybe

your appetite will be somewhat suppressed.

Lose weight in simple steps

Organic Detox Tea - 14 Day

Cleanse - Healthy Teatox Weight

Loss Alternative + Natural Body

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bs 45 Min





Beginning Your Weight Loss

Journey Losing weight is something many people struggle to do for various reasons. While body image

and self-esteem are certainly oft-cited reasons, there are also many heath benefits to losing

weight. The most common are reductions in risk of diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Losing

weight helps lower cholesterol, blood sugar, and blood pressure, all of which are beneficial when

regulated. Fortunately, there are several easy steps that anyone can do to begin their weight loss

journey. These are small changes that anyone can make to their life which will help them skip the

crash diets and begin to nourish and feed their bodies.


First, recognize that food is fuel. For many people, food has emotional stigma attached to it,

which often triggers cravings. Starchy foods like pasta and sweet foods like cake are good examples

of this idea. The emotional release that accompanies these foods can overshadow the detrimental

affect that they have on health and wellbeing. By recognizing that food is simply fuel for your body,

food ceases to have an emotional hold on you and your mind.

If you are trying to lose weight quickly,

the best food to nourish your body with

has been proven to be lean sources of

protein, cruciferous vegetables, and

complex carbohydrates like brown rice.

Since making all of these changes to your

diet at once can be overwhelming and

daunting, make small changes instead.

A few easy swaps include brown rice

instead of white rice, wheat bread

instead of white, and sweet potatoes

instead of regular potatoes. Remember,

anything that is overly processed or

contains lots of added ingredients is not

goi g to fuel your ody, it s goi g to take longer to process and put more strain on

the organs responsible for filtering.

The most important thing to

remember during this phase is that you

do t ha e to e perfe t. I fa t, ost healthy eaters recommend an 80/20 split

between healthy eating and splurges. If

you really want a cookie, go for it,

because moderation is the key here.

Lose Weight by Eating

Lose weight in simple steps

Now, lets talk about some easy tips for weight loss. The most

common tip is to drink water. Water is an invaluable resource to

the human body, as it is made up of roughly 70% water. Drinking a

glass of water anytime you feel hungry can help ensure that your

ody is t o fusi g dehydratio ith hu ger, hi h is a o o problem. Another good idea is drinking water before and after a

meal, which aids in digestion and helps you to feel fuller. Another

tip that really seems to help dieters is to swap out large plates for

smaller dishware. When plates are smaller, it appears that you

ha e ore food, a d you are t te pted to take ore to fill i the gaps on your plate. This advice is simple but can do wonders for

tricking your brain.

Perhaps the most important part of beginning your weight loss

journey is to find a like-minded community to join. The Internet is a

great resource for this. Finding support has been proven to up your

chances of success in a weight loss journey. The most important

thing is to stick with it and not give up.

Many people eat

because they are bored or

they eat because they are

stressed. Many people spend

their lives either stressed or

bored so they really find

themselves in a no win

situation, and gaining weight

can make people become

even more stressed and self

conscious so they lock

themselves away, become

bored and keep on


In order to really

achieve their weight loss

goals they've got to get out

of this destructive routine.

Being overweight can

very often start in the mind

so it stands to reason that if

you can get your mind

healthy then a nice, slim

body may follow.

Aromatherapy can do a

lot to help lift the mood and

become less stressed, it can

also help to suppress the

urge of reaching to the fridge

for a pick me up - you won't

need a pick me up at all.


The Oils Which Help Your Mood for Weight Loss

Cravings - if you have a sweet tooth and are constantly

craving candies and cookies try the sweet smell of Vanilla oil -

the sweet smell should satisfy your craving for something

sweet to eat.

Stress - there are a number of different oils which may help

to relax and calm the mind to combat stress. These include

frankincense, jasmine, ylang ylang, lavender, grapefruit,

geranium, rose, sandalwood, benzoin, bergamot, mandarin,

vetiver and roman chamomile.

Uplifting - if your spirits are in need of a boost then the

sunny smell of jasmine oil can really help.

Emotional baggage - there is nothing more likely to bring

your mood down than a hefty portion of emotional baggage;

many people carry it through their daily lives without even

realizing that it's there. If you are bogged down with emotional

baggage which is hampering your weight loss aspirations try

juniper berry - it should help any baggage return firmly to

where it belongs, in the past.

Depression - can lead to over-eating, and over-weight can

very often lead to depression. The oils which can help to

combat depression and therefore weight loss include lemon,

grapefruit, frankincense, clary sage, jasmine, ylang ylang,

orange, geranium, sandalwood, helichrysum and orange


Confidence - people who suffer from weight problems very

often have problems with confidence issues too. Oils which

may help include bay laurel, cypress, bergamot, rosemary and


If you have been battling with any of these symptoms and

you feel that it's hampering your weight loss goals then why not

try giving some of these aromatherapy oils a go. The only thing

you have to lose is those extra pounds.

When thinking about aromatherapy and the different oils which can help your weight

loss efforts it is important to remember that we are all different. Different people do react

very differently to different oils - there is no one size meets all solution. Just because

particular oil works for one person it really doesn't follow that it will work for everybody else.

Different oils also react differently depending upon how you use them. Oils can be

inhaled, added to bathwater, massaged or burned, all of which can help to affect our moods.

Lose weight in simple steps

Being in the Mood for Weight Loss

See also: Pure Essential Oils

Burning Calories for

Weight Loss

Three twenty minute weight training sessions

per week will not only help you to build muscle and

burn calories faster, it will also help you to tone up

and look better.

Another way to speed up the metabolic rate is

to simply move more. Moving at each and every

opportunity to help to increase the metabolic rate

and burn those calories faster even after you have

stopped moving. Increasing your movement

throughout the day does t o ly ea alki g to work or taking up running. There are plenty of ways

in which you can simply move more when taking

part in your daily activities and help to boost your

calorie burning power:

• S i gi g your legs i stead of sitti g still a help

• Tappi g your feet a help too

• Dru i g your fi gers a e e help to i rease your metabolic rate

• Sta di g up a d ha i g a good stret h e ery o and then can help

• Cha gi g positio

• Mo i g your head a k a d forth, side to side

• Maki g the effort to use the toilet up the stairs

• Taki g the stairs i stead of the ele ator

• Walki g arou d hilst talki g o the telepho e

• Getti g i to the ha it of le hi g a d releasi g your muscles periodically throughout the day

• Parki g further a ay fro ork – maybe just in

the furthest corner of the parking lot instead of the

closed space

Other ways in which your metabolic rate can be

increased to help with weight loss include eating

more spicy food, particularly chilli - your metabolic

rate may increase by as much as 50% for the

couple of hours following a spicy chilli, and if you

do take part in more strenuous exercise like

ru i g or y li g you ll e happy to k o that your metabolic rate will increase and continue to

burn calories long after your exercise session has


Weight loss can be really made to be

quicker and easier if you help your body to burn

more calories by increasing your own metabolic

rate. Basically the metabolic rate (or MR) is the

rate at which your body is able to burn the

alories you e eate . If you eat 2500 alories each day and burn 2500 calories each day your

weight will remain the same. If, however, you eat

2500 calories each day and burn only 2000

calories each day you weight will increase by

about 1 pound each week.

The speed of your metabolic rate is not set

in stone – there are ways and means of speeding

it up to help reach your weight loss targets faster.

How to Burn Calories Faster

Speeding up the metabolic rate will help

your body to burn calories faster and you to lose

weight. One of the ways in which this can be

achieved is by building muscle. Every extra pound

of muscle you have will increase the rate that

your body uses up calories by 50 per day – regular

exercise like weight training can help to increase

the metabolic rate by up to 15%. Metabolically

active muscle burns up more calories than other

types of ody tissue e e he you re ot doi g a ythi g. Bur i g alories hilst you re sitti g down – that sounds good to me!

10 Lose weight in simple steps

CoEnzyme Q10

Aids weight loss and

boosts energy;

May help to speed-

up metabolic rate

Common Myths About Weight Loss

There is so much talk about how to lose weight that it

can be sometimes a little difficult to decide which the facts

are and which is pure fiction. Here are a few of the most

common myths about weight loss.

The only way to lose weight is with a radical exercise

program - myth. The best way to lose weight and maintain

your healthy weight is to make small changes to your diet

and lifestyle which you can adopt for the future. Losing

weight begins in the kitchen not in the gym. By all means

you should incorporate some activity into your life but

you've still got to watch what you eat. Eat less, move

more, lose weight and feel great.

Healthy foods cost more than

unhealthy foods.

I can't afford to lose weight -


11 Lose weight in simple steps

Healthy foods cost more than unhealthy foods; I

can't afford to lose weight - myth.

The truth is that it is often cheap to eat a healthy diet

than it is to buy pre-packed, processed foods.

You will pay a lot more for a ready meal which is high

in salt and fat than you would have to pay to buy the

ingredients fresh and make it yourself.


There are many more weight loss

myths which I'm sure you've heard of,

this is just a snapshot of some of the

most popular misconceptions which

people have about how to lose a few

pounds. Remember that adopting a

healthy eating and exercise program is

really the only way to lose weight

healthily and maintain the new you.

The best way to lose weight is by

starving yourself - myth. The fact is that you

are unlikely to sustain any weight lost due to

a crash diet, as soon as you start eating again

you are likely to pile the weight back on

again plus a few extra pounds.

Crash diets are so difficult to

maintain that as soon as you start to eat

again you often eat more than you actually

need. The best way to lose weight is to adopt

a healthy eating lifestyle whereby you can

lose weight slowly and keep it off without

ever feeling hungry.

You must stop snacking to lose

weight - myth. It isn't the fact that people

take a snack that's the problem; the real

problem is what they choose to snack on.

Lots of people need to snack between meals

to keep their energy levels up, particularly

those people with an active lifestyle.

Many snacks are high in sugar and

fat so avoiding things like chips, cookies and

chocolate and replacing them with things like

fruit or vegetables means that you can enjoy

a snack without gaining excess weight.

Drinking lots of water will help you

to lose weight - myth. Although this one is

almost true! What happens is that the water

keeps you hydrated (very important for your

health) which stops you from getting the

urge to snack. People who are thirsty can

often mistake the signs for hunger and reach

for something to eat when in actual fact a

calorie free glass of water would have done

the trick.

Lose weight in simple steps

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Thanks and good luck!

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