love and commitment

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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Shey AsuncionChristelle ContiKatherine DatuSarah Santos

Rose Anne TanRejoice Villanueva


Video Presentation


Love is a word used to describe one, if not the most, potent experiences available to humans.

The word love was once leubh, a word used by the Proto-Indo-Europeans approximately five thousand years ago to describe care and desire.


The practical definition of love is best summarized by St. Thomas Aquinas, who defined love as "to will the good of another," or to desire for another to succeed. 


There are several Greek words for "love" that are regularly referred to in Christian circles.

Agape:In the New

testament, agapē is charitable, selfless,

altruistic, and unconditional.

Phileo:Also used in the New testament, phileo is a human

response to something that is

found to be delightful.

Love is….

Love is….


Love is….

ManipulationCompromising who you are

Love is….

ManipulationCompromising who you are


Love is….

ManipulationCompromising who you are

ViolentJust LUST.

Love is….

ManipulationCompromising who you are

ViolentJust LUST.

Love is….

ManipulationCompromising who you are

ViolentJust LUST.

Love is….

Compromising who you areViolentJust LUST.

Love is….

ViolentJust LUST.

Love is….

Just LUST.

Love is….

Love is….Caring


7 Theses of TRUE LOVE1. Love is not a feeling.2. Love is a decision –

commitment.3. Effective love is

unconditional.4. Love is forever.

5. The commitment of love involves decision.

6. Love is the affirmation, not the possession of

the one loved.7. The essential gift of

love is a sense of personal worth.

7 Theses of TRUE LOVE

5. The commitment of love involves decision.

7 Theses of TRUE LOVE

5. The commitment of love involves decision.


It refers to a promise, or a personal dedication that restricts an engagement or

obligation in freedom of action. It involves dedicating yourself to something, like a person or a cause. 

The Issue:Teenagers love

and commitment in a relationship

Long time Ago:

The commitment in terms of the youth’s relationship (boyfriend- girlfriend) before was very deep.

The commitment before was stronger because before they entered in a relationship, they went to a long process and they earned it in a hard way.

Actual Situation

Video Presentation

The commitment in the relationship of the youth today is just like the tip of an iceberg.

Today’s relationship is very easy to be ruin because the commitment is not that strong, because the relationship was not earned in a hard way.

Most of the youth today looks on the physical appearance of the person and not on their attitudes/ good qualities.

Actual Situation:

Factors of teenagers’ problem in a relationship

• Immaturity• Pressure• Education• Dependency and Self- Worth• Social Status

Positive Effects• Inspirational• Companionship• Responsibility• Security


Negative Effects• Overly attach• One- sided love• Easily go away• Depression• Regret

Moral Dilemma

Moral Dilemma

Video Presentation

(Ecclesiastes 11:9-10)

• ". . .Rejoice, young man, in your youth, and let your heart do you good in the days of your young manhood, and walk in the ways of your heart and in the things seen by your eyes. But know that on account of all these the [true] God will bring you into judgment. So remove vexation from your heart, and ward off calamity from your flesh...."

• What God wants for us is something that will bring us true and lasting happiness.

• Relates with loving someone romantically in the right time.

• The ultimate goal of dating or courting is finding a life partner.

• It is important to love and honor others as we love ourselves

(Genesis 2:24)

• “Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.”

• Couples become one flesh in a relationship which should be permanent and unbreakable

• Promise of love before God

• Maturity of couples. Both should be committed to the relationship.

• Must be directed to marriage

Wife Husband


• Deuteronomy 6:5• Romans 8:28• 1 John 3:18• 1 John 4:7• 1 John 4:12• 1 John 4:19

Bible Verses

Deuteronomy 6:5

5 Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your


Romans 8:2828 And we know that in all things God works for

the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

1 John 3:1818 Dear children, let us not love with words

or speech but with actions and in truth.

1 John 4:77 Dear friends, let us love one another, for love

comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.

1 John 4:1212 No one has ever seen God; but if we love one

another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.

1 John 4:1919 We love because he first loved us.

1 Corinthians 13: 4-7

Love is patient. Love is kind.It does not envy. It does not boast.

It is not proud. It is not rude.It is not self-seeking. It keeps no record of

wrongs.Love does not delight in evil but rejoices

with the truth.It always protects, always trusts, always

hopes, and always perseveres.

Tips• Be honest to each other.• Patience and Tolerance• Make a physical appointment with each

other.• Communicate with each other.• Learn to resolve things together as a

couple.• Don’t let the fight past beyond bedtime.• Bond with each other.• Set up some rules and parameters by

respecting the schedule of the other party.

Tips• Don’t use words that are negative.• If the argument is too tough, get

some space and talk again to your partner as soon as you’re ready to talk. (This is to prevent harsh words coming out from each party’s mouth.)


I am against having love and commitment in the context of relationship of the youth today

because it’s getting very shallow in a sense that a relationship could

only last for a day.- Shey Asuncion

Teenagers who are engaging in commitments must realize that

this is one big responsibility and that they may lose a lot of

things in the process if they make wrong decisions.

Therefore, they must always keep a rational mind in making decisions in order not to have

regrets in the future. - Christelle Conti

Teenagers were getting into a relationship even they were not get ready so the tendency they entered in a situation that they can’t handle.

- Katherine Datu

Being in a relationship requires full time commitment. It means fulfilling the promises you have

made to your partner. It also requires you to be loyal to your

partner. - Sarah Nicole Santos

Love can’t live without a commitment. It’s like cooking rice, rice grains cannot be cook without water, just like in love, love cannot

last long without a commitment. We should know the amount of

commitment we should put into a relationship.

- Rose Anne TanLove is an unconditional commitment. You didn’t love her just because of what she has but for who she is as a

whole. Being in love is not just a strong feeling but a decision.

Yes, it’s easy to fall and it makes you feel good inside. But it also requires effort to

make your relationship work. Also pray for your partner and put God ALWAYS at the center.

- Rejoice Dianara Villanueva

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