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Post on 12-Apr-2017






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Luxury Expeditions

Ashley Wise












Safaris have been a rising trend in the luxury sector since the early 20th century.

Only those who could afford a safari could go, therefore seeing spectacular sites and

creatures that were completely foreign to their home country. Beginning with the

expeditions to Africa, they have since expanded globally. Traveling luxuriously is not

something new, but the level of luxury has since sored- pushing the envelope on what

the consumer could obtain and explore. The values for the luxury travel sector is

completely unique in itself, but safaris are even more niche and catered specifically to the


These consumers are different from others, they are usually those in the Baby

Boomer Generation and some portions of Generation X. They are very family oriented

and want to take their families with them to experience the wilderness in a luxurious

fashion. These consumers are usually older since they have family and the time to take

them on vacations. Another factor that drives group sales is that many of the agencies

charge per person but charge more for single vacationers. This can range from 10%

price increase, to almost 25% depending on the agency.

Education is of the utmost importance to the sector, as many of these expeditions

revolve around conservation or a philanthropic cause, which is a common occurrence in 2

the luxury sector. Many brands host philanthropic banquets or events, but in the safari

sector it encompasses the entire trip. Many agencies partner with local philanthropic

causes ranging from education on water preservation to animal conservation depending

on the locale. A major factor when choosing an agency for these consumers is the

specialization of the staff. Having biologists and scientists increases the educational fac-

tor of the expedition, which makes clients more likely to want to travel with them.

Expeditions are an experience, and clients want something intangible to take back with

them to their social circles.

Consumers want to experience something perfectly tailored to their needs.

Having exclusive access to certain reserves or sites makes the trip more luxurious and

sought after. Animals become a part of this need, as exploring reserves where

endangered or rare animals becomes more important to the consumer. Clients want to

be able to go to private reserves and have tours, something that is purely unique to a

specific locale. Not only seeing animals and nature sites, clients want to see the culture of

the people authentically. Many agencies have contracts with local villages to bring their

clients to, giving them exclusive peeks into the day-to-day life of the locals. They want

to feel like they have become one with the locals and nature in these expeditions, and


not be part of a group that is generic and uneducated. Having this connection with the

locales makes the experience much more meaningful and unique to the clientele.

Returning home with memories far exceeds the need for tangible souvenirs to this sec-

tor, setting it far apart from other sectors.

The luxury expedition sector caters to families that expect that the experience

and travel are very private; as traveling with their family becomes very personal. These

safari expeditions become luxurious, especially because some agencies have since

implemented a private jet factor to the travel. Most private jets only cater to about 15-50

people at a time, and some are just for particular reserved groups. Before private jets

became a popular way to travel, clients would reach the destination by a chartered plane.

Some agencies get their clients to the destination by a cruise liner, which has since

transformed into more exclusive and private yachts. As the consumer’s expectation of

luxury grew, the market had to then adjust to their values and standards.

The luxury agencies encompass all of these values, while remaining spectacularly

unique. The luxury sectors has numerous choices for the consumer since safaris become

such a tailored experience. As the market continues to grow and push the envelope of

luxury, there is still much to be seen from this sector in the future. Bringing science and

luxury travel together, while also bringing families closer together, makes this sector a

hidden niche in the luxury market.




Abercrombie & Kent Catering to many levels of luxury, Abercrombie & Kent dominates the luxury

sector of expeditions. Chartering destinations around the world privately is their strong

suit, from offering travel packages for the everyday premium client to having tailor made

safaris. Being in the sector since 1962, the business has been owned and run by the

Kent family (Fortune, 2015). Having hosted thousands of trips since, the London based

company has expanded to a $500-million-dollar business. As the owner, Geoffrey Kent,

explained to Fortune magazine:

“The secret of our success is that we have our own local offices around the world. When

you travel with A&K, your guide is always local, someone with an intimate knowledge of the

destination. Our guides are experts whose education, field research and personal accomplish-

ments make them ideal companions. Most importantly, they are cultural interpreters who explain

local customs and offer thoughtful insights that will transform your understanding of the

destination and can arrange insider access to places and people you would never find on your


Abercrombie & Kent’s success has been due to the fact that they have

shaped the luxury market with their attention to detail and knowledge. Education

remains one of the pillars of the sector, and Abercrombie & Kent set it as one of their top

priorities. This intimate traveling agency keeps their clientele in the utmost comfort while

traveling. In fact, they were among the first of the agencies to begin chartering their own

private jets from location to location (ranging from $91,000 to $120,000 per person),

making it so that the clientele could travel vast distances while remaining within the

Abercrombie & Kent agency. These private jets will take the clients quite literally around

the world, bringing them to come of the most beautiful places in the world without a

second thought. Taking care of the clienteles’ needs for ease of effort, makes

Abercrombie & Kent set apart from the luxury sector pack and make their experience first


INCA International Nature and Cultural Adventures, or INCA, has been in the luxury sec-

tor since the 1970s. Founded by scientists and explorers, INCA sets itself apart from the

rest in an educational front. The INCA has been self-described as: “discerning, particular,

and have a passion for perfecting the details. We cherish adding the personal touches

and the unexpected treats.” Compared to the other luxury brands, INCA is more relaxed

and down to earth. This agency has truly catered to the family value of the sector by

creating a program for every member of the client’s family. While traveling aboard their

luxury cruise of the Southern Oceans, parents can leave their children with the scientists

who have activities to teach them about the nature around them while the parents can

then go to observation decks and enjoy the nature.

Everything on their ship caters to the high quality standards of the luxury market,

from the spas to the excursions. Their main expedition ship, The Boreal, can have a

capacity of 250 people on board, but the company limits the capacity to under 200 so

the client to staff ratio is 1:1.4 (INCA). While aboard Le Boreal, clients can explore the

libraries and spas, while also enjoying their high class bars and suites. Once making it to

land, their scientist guides take passengers on expeditions through the territory, giving

incite and observations about the world they are seeing first hand. INCA travels around

the world, hosting adventures from Africa to the Galapagos Islands to the Antarctic, and

each step of the way providing a catered experience to each client and their families.


Ol Jogi Located on the private reserve in Kenya, the Ol Jogi ranch is one of the most

exquisite places to stay in Africa. The experience of this ranch is completely unique,

as you have 58,000 acres of land privately with a rich diversity of animals that migrate

through the territory. Built in 1979, the ranch was built with the utmost finest taste. The

ranch is decked out with Murano glass and Hermes linens, but not to forget the

Buccellati silver, Forbes points out though that these factors as mere “embellishments”

to the wildlife that consumes this ranch. As Forbes put it: “What’s enchanting about the

place is the wildlife: incredible density and diversity, including migrating elephants, 15%

of the world’s remaining Grevy’s zebra population and more than 40 of the 790 black

rhinos that remain in East Africa.” These animals cater to the needs of the privacy and

closeness to nature that the consumer craves. At $210,000 a stay, it creates a great need

to deliver to the consumer on experience.

While mainly being a ranch with many small bungalows for guests to stay in, the

ranch is a paradise in the safari. Hosting gardens, spas, and pools- it’s hard for one to

think they are in the middle of Kenya. The main ranch home can host up to 14 guests,

with seven private houses on the property all uniquely built. Each inch of the property is

designed and built to bring in nature and admiration for the scenery around them. While

on the property guests can take private helicopter rides to view the animals, as well as

taking a traditional safari with the local biologist and staff. Ol Jogi brings the comfort of

home to the wilderness so that the clients can enjoy nature while still feeling pampered.

While this goes against some of the key values of the sector, Ol Jogi has a special place

in the sector for those who aren’t ready to take the plunge into true safari style. 8

Olare Mara Kempinski Part of the Kempinski hotel group, Olare Mara is the brand’s location in Kenya. This

particular property is a step towards the wilderness that Ol Jogi does not take. Tucked

away in Kenya, the site of the luxury tents is located on the Ntiakitiak River, which perfectly

places clients close to the action of the day-to-day lives of the local animals. Open air

tents allow the clients to get up close and personal with the nature around them, while

still staying within some comforts of home- which have been described as “glamping” by

Luxury Travel magazine. Being a local branch of a major group, Olare Mara taps into the

local life of the people in Kenya by hiring specialized guides to host the safaris. Bringing

the nature into their lives, this is a much more hands off approach to safaris for the luxury

consumer. There isn’t much effort that is needed to see animals, as many come right up

to the tents as they are getting water. Olare Mara sells itself as an adventure without

fences, encompassing their guests with the wilderness around them.

Within Olare Mara, there are many spas and activities that can be done outside

of the safaris. They deliver on privacy, as each guest has their own private staff to cater to

their needs and questions. Most of the activities done at Olare Mara are private, and are

catered to experiencing things on a one-to-one basis with the client. Creating a comfort

away from home, Olare Mara connects with the land and creates a very authentic

experience for the client.


Belmond Safaris The ultimate experience for safaris in Botswana, Africa, is by far the Belmond Safari

group. Hosting some of the most spectacular views and tailored experiences, Belmond

brings the safari to their clients. From elephants next to the pool to water buffalo resting

next to your dinner table, Belmond brings the wilderness to a whole new level of luxury.

Having three different private lodges in Africa, there is something for every client. When

the guest arrives at the lodges, there is a private airstrip for them to use for ease of

transport. Once settled, the guests can seek use of the pools and spas, located right next

to where animals comfortably travel on the Moremi Wildlife Reserve.

With staff that have been doing tours for over 20 years, Belmond delivers on the

educational and experience value that the clientele is seeking. Ranging anywhere from

river safaris, helicopter safaris, walking safaris, and stargazing- Belmond has activities that

interest any member of the family. Not to mention Belmond hosts traditional dinners of

the area called “boma” and have trips to the local village of San Bushman. While in San

Bushman they might be welcomed into homes and see how the ancient civilization has

grown and flourished, adding an experience other clients might never get to see. Taking

their experience from the village, guests can also experience the history of the local art

and horticulture by taking additional expeditions. Bringing together the nature and

luxury is a specialty of Belmond, making them the high set bar for safari experiences.






Overall, luxury safaris have a much stronger following than premium brands. Their

ability to connect their clients with high level scientists and specialized tour guides

creates a more dynamic and pleasing experience. Having such strong educational

practices and a strong connection to philanthropic causes allows clients to feel like they

are not only having fun themselves, but helping others. Every time a client comes to an

agency there are many different choices for activities and destinations, which keeps them

returning for more. Having private airlines and cruisers also creates a more exclusive

feel, unlike premium brands that use generic travel. Clients are able to find their brands

through word of mouth and specialized catalogs and magazines, which makes it easier

to connect with their consumer.


Timing remains one of the top issues with luxury travel, as they do not run year

round for all destinations. Luxury consumers want to travel when they want to, which

doesn’t necessarily mean they have timing to schedule their trips around the scheduling

of an agency. Not only can they not travel whenever they want to, clients are also greatly

turned away from traveling alone as there are large single occupancy rates in the sector.

This pushes away the older baby boomers who might not have spouses or family that

can travel with them, which remains something that has yet to be tapped into in this


sector. Traveling period this way is extremely expensive, and upper premium brand

quality is not that far behind what is expected of luxury travel- which makes them a viable

threat when it comes to pricing.


There are always more opportunities to educate the consumer more about what

they are experiencing. Keeping the communication about the continued philanthropic

outreach and strengthening the retention of these causes could be more solid. Also as

stated in the weaknesses, there is opportunity in reaching out to single travel in a greater

way as many of the Baby Boomer generation ages and there are more single travelers.


Upper premium cusp agencies pose a threat to the luxury agencies as many as

transitioning to the values of clients that expect more. There is not as much innovation as

there was 10-20 years ago within the travel industry, so many up and coming brands are

posing threats to existing brands. Threats that remain are the fact that some of these

territories are disappearing or being ruined by creating lodges and tenting facilities.

While in the sector there is a lot communication and connection to preserving the land,

there are external threats that are posed to their success with global warming and

poaching on these destinations. Many of these destination have protection and have

visitors on this land might harm the environment and disrupt the peace.


Campaigns Campaigning in the luxury sector is very elusive and only distributed to those who

are in the know, which is few and far between. Many of the campaigns are located on

YouTube and are clips of the properties and the safaris provided, as well as the history

of the properties. Agencies such as Ol Jogi Ranch and Abercrombie and Kent, mainly

advertise on YouTube to give people a better feel for the experience they are missing out

on. The video created by Ol Jogi is simply beautiful and goes into the history of the land,

and also brings up their philanthropic cause and how every penny spent on the property

is returned to the people to create a non-profit land. Much of the written press or adver-

tising is done through magazines such as the Luxury Travel Magazine and Caviar Affairs

magazine. These magazines are accessed by those who are in the know and can afford

to travel lavishly. Their advertisements, such as INCA’s, are written by people who have

taken these expeditions with their own pictures and insights, creating a personal story

of what it is like to work with these agencies. Luxury safaris do not take out ads like other

conventional luxury brands, as their service is a story and not a product. This makes the

luxury safari sector a great indorser of the digital media as much of it is hosted on their

websites, making it accessible to everyone but tangible to very few.


Anti-Laws Being that the luxury safari market is very unique, the anti-laws of marketing are

approached in very different ways than your typical brands. Agencies do not pander to

demand, as many of these tours are not supported year round- no matter what the de-

mand for these tours are. There are also no celebrities when it comes to marketing in this

sector, as many of these advertisements are focused on the target market consumer and

are very real feeling. As the service is not perfect, there are some rough flaws, safaris carry

a very particular soul with them that keeps people coming. Non-enthusiasts need not

apply to the marketing of the luxury safaris, as they advertise how long and intense these

travels might be. Many of their stories quickly change people to be enthusiastic about

the services, but they are targeted to travel enthusiasts. Creating a unique yet personal

feel to their campaigns makes the safari sector a passionate market place.


market levelhierarchy


Marketing Level Hierarchy Breaking the pyramid into fourths, there is: ultra luxury, luxury, premium core, and

accessible. Each tier is broken down and sorted by how each brand appeals to the needs

and values of the target market: family oriented, exclusive, educative, and comfortable.

Price was also incredibly important to rankings, making the upper tiers more bespoke

than the lower. Specialty activities and history have also played a part, as these brands

have more experience in the sector than others. Particular companies, such as Onyx, is

rating amongst expeditions and not specialized activities they provide for a niche in the

market. Getting into the difference are small, but important in knowing where in the

pyramid companies stand.

At the bottom of the pyramid is the accessible core of luxury, meaning that it is

more accessible premium. These types of tours are on the lowest end of anything a


luxury consumer would want, if they would even consider it. Country Walkers is an

agency that focuses on back packing around the globe, and doesn’t cater to many of the

needs of the luxury consumer. Not only is there no specialized guides or

accommodations, luxury does not stand as their own companies’ target. These

consumers are more down to earth and willing to get their boots dirty, which is not

something that the target market is interested in. The only thing they do cater to is

getting to see spectacular sites and having that interaction with locales. Other than those

reasons, this would be the lowest level of the pyramid brand.

Moving up, there is premium luxury that has considerably more values in line with

the target market’s values. While they are lacking the price tag and exclusivity to be

considered true luxury, they do cater to the values of education and family interests.

National Geographic holds a popular brand name that makes it relatable to families,

as well as connection to some of the best scientists and resources for education. Their

brand name is almost too mainstream for the luxury consumer though, making them fall

short of the luxury category. African travels is much like an upgraded Country Walkers,

making it a more generic experience of Africa while still having choices of activities and

guides with a premium price tag (~$6,000). Onyx Photo Expeditions caters to a specific

niche, photography focused clients who want the best picture, but not focused on much

of their other values and priorities. Gondawana is a lodge in Africa, comparable to Olare

Mara, with more generic offerings and not nearly as luxurious standards. Premium brands

are generic compared to the brands in luxury and ultra luxury, making them fall short on

the pyramid.

Luxury is the standard for many of the target market clients, as they cater to all of

their values and needs. Ol Jogi is considered on the cusp of ultra luxury, as it is an

incredible piece of property and extremely educational with their activities. Where Ol

Jogi falls short of ultra luxury is that there isn’t a wide choice of activities for the family, as

it is more catered to adult getaways. INCA offers spectacularly educational expeditions,


armed to the teeth with specialists and activities for all members of the family. While they

have an wide variety of traveling opportunities, INCA lacks the exclusivity and privacy

of the ultra luxury brands. Olare Mara Kempinski is part of a major hotel group, which it

masks by being completely one with the environment around the outdoor tents. Much

like Ol Jogi, Olare Mara is adult focused and lacks a variety of activities that could be

offered. While all these brands are amazing in their own right, each can take further steps

to reach the pinnacle of ultra luxury.

Sitting at the top of the pyramid is the two ultra luxury brands, Belmond

Safaris and Abercrombie & Kent. These brands reach all the values and far exceed them

to perfection. Abercrombie & Kent not only provide multiple traveling opportunities;

they host one of the most spectacular private jet expeditions while still maintaining one

of the most flawless itineraries. Creating a private and enriching experience for any client,

they surpass expectations of other luxury brands. At the top of the top is Belmond Safa-

ris, which hosts one of the most beautiful and connected properties in Africa. The

clientele cannot get any closer to not only the animals, but the local people of

Kenya- easily making it one of the top experiences in the world. Each offering is tailored

to perfection, hosting anything any client would ever want to do in Africa. Not only do

they have access to any activity imaginable, clients have access to private pools and spas

while also having their own staff. Creating these perfect experiences place them at the

very top of the luxury expedition pyramid.




Conclusion Nature expeditions are by far some of the most beautiful and exquisite experienc-

es one could imagine. Raising the bar of the luxury sector really brings the world onto

a whole new level of exploration, creating one of the most specialized sectors. While all

of these agencies are catering to a specific need, they all perform well to their niche and

provide memorable experiences. The sector has really embraced digital as it becomes a

better way to communicate stories to the potential clients, making them one of the few

sectors that does. Watching this sector grow and evolve is interesting, because the needs

and values have changed as the expectations have grown. These clients want experienc-

es and not tangibles, making them stand apart from the regular luxury customer. Having

these agencies embrace philanthropy and conservation causes really educates the con-

sumer on important issues that may be far from home, creating a more connected world.





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