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Luxury & Worth

S A L O N N O . 5

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S A L O N N O . 5

Luxury & Worth

Hi, this is Tonya Leigh, the creator and your hostess for Become a Modern Day Icon and you are listening to salon number five, luxury and worth. Just a heads up, you may want to grab a notebook and pen because I have a lot to share with you today on this topic. In this salon, you are going to learn how to raise your vibration when it comes to money and luxury, how to begin to view money that will change everything, the top three money mistakes that I see a lot of women making and what you need to know to avoid them, the importance of elegance in your money management, how to create everyday luxury and be a magnet for more abundance, and finally, the money mindset shifts that will take you out of struggle and into luxury.

At the core of today’s salon, I want to talk about the psychology of money and prosperity and abundance. I find it amazing that I’m even speaking to you on this topic because other than my weight, money is probably that area where I have struggled most of my life. Interestingly enough when I look back, a lot of the same beliefs that I held around my weight, I also held around money. So it’s no surprise that it was a major area of struggle for me. But because I was able to crack the code and learn how to think like an abundant woman, my life has changed dramatically. I’m not just talking about my bank account, but the internal transformation that has shifted my entire life and the way that I see the world, and if I can do it, you can absolutely do it.

What you need to know is that for me, it is a daily decision. It is something that I continue to practice in the lifestyle that I choose to live. This is not something that you can just listen to or read and expect money to come pouring in. Hearing and learning something is very different from practicing it. It’s just like losing weight. You can read all the diet books, you can watch Dr. Oz, and you can even do the work to lose the weight. But unless you change your internal programming, you will begin to gain the weight back and continue to struggle. Creating a wealth and luxury mindset is no different. It’s going to require daily attention and practice. But over time, as your beliefs shift, so will your circumstances. Living abundantly will become a lifestyle, not an exception. So I feel like I need to rewind the clock and share with you my story.

If we rewind to about 20 years ago, my normal was shopping at Kmart at the Blue Light Special. By the way, I still love a good deal. But I watched my parents struggle to pay the bills and luxury was not a part of my vocabulary. Basically, my money blueprint was one of lack and struggle and just always getting by. I held beliefs such as it’s hard to make money, it’s selfish to want more money. I believe that money inherently was bad. You see, like many of you, I wasn’t born into money and into wealth and people who aren’t are often raised in environments of lack and scarcity mindset. But again, I’m here to tell you, if I can do it, you can. Every person listening to this recording has the ability to create wealth and experience luxury in their lives. It is all between your ears.

I remember a time in my life where I just begged God like, “Why is it so hard for me to make money? I’m smart, I’m talented, and I’m willing to work hard. Why

do I keep struggling?” The truth is that wealth and luxury has less to do with talent and knowledge and more to do with mindset. That is why someone like Donald Trump can go bankrupt and rebuild his empire and the person who wins the lottery or gains an inheritance can ultimately lose it all. Their money mindset is completely different. As you have learned already, you will ultimately create what you believe to be true. You are a creative being and you’re creating your reality based on your beliefs, and that includes your financial wellbeing. If you don’t believe me, I want you to pause this recording and write down your top five to ten beliefs around money. Go ahead and I’ll wait for you.

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So I want you to take a look at your beliefs and I want you to look at how you create this experience in your life. Now, you’ll probably say what many of my clients say, “But Tonya, this is my reality,” and I will tell you that it is your reality because you created it with your beliefs and it’s understandable. We’re raised to think certain things and then we walk around and then we subconsciously believed those beliefs and create that experience. But now, you get to create a new relationship with money and luxury.

When I was finally tired of struggling financially, I declared to the universe that I would no longer struggle again. I claimed my right to live in prosperity and abundance. The way I had to think about money was very differently than the way I had been programmed to think. The number one thing that shifted my relationship with money is I realized that money is abundant. It is infinite. Before, I thought that it was finite and by me taking from the ATM of the universe, I was somehow taking from someone else. But that is simply not true. As our desires as humans expand, have you noticed how technology expands? How economies expand? How the world just keeps expanding with our desires? There is an abundance of money in the world, and it is your right to have what it is that you desire.

Now keep in mind, when I was going through this, when I made this declaration to the universe, I could barely pay my bills, but I could not look at how things had been to create what could be. Regardless of my circumstances, I had to change my beliefs and as a result, my circumstances began to change. As a coach, I have watched women work hard, do all the right things, follow the formulas, and still struggle financially. As I mentioned, I used to be one of them so I completely understand. But why is that? It’s because their money mindset is not set for abundance, success, and freedom. That’s why you must change your internal money story in order to create the external success that you desire.

Here’s the truth about money. Money is what you believe it to be. If you believe it’s a good thing, it is. If you believe it’s a bad thing, it is. A dollar bill or any piece of currency is just a piece of paper or a coin, and we project all of our beliefs and we give it power. The question is, are you giving it the power to fuel your life or to create struggle? Money is neutral. It is just an exchange of energy, and if you want to live a full life and be iconic, it will be necessary to take the struggles of money out of your life equation. Money struggles zap your creative

powers. Have you ever noticed when you’re struggling with money and when you’re in that fear-based, lack mentality, how it paralyzes you from being creative and putting yourself out into the world? It denies you the ability to share your work and to live your life to the fullest so that you can inspire others.

Now later on, I’m going to share with you some of the mindset shifts that I made to open me up for more abundance and more prosperity and some practices that I continue to use today. But I first want to discuss the biggest issue that I see stopping women from attracting more into their life, from coaching women around the world on the issue of money. I know that there are a lot of money stories out there. This stops women from claiming the wealth that they desire. But the number one foundational issue that stands far beyond the rest is this, a lack of self worth.

What I’ve discovered is that a woman that doesn’t own her worth will constantly sabotage herself, robbing her of love and health and wealth. It’s important to realize that self worth is not just about getting a weekly massage or taking bubble baths or buying yourself nice things. Those things are lovely. I enjoy them myself, but what I’m talking about is so much deeper. It’s about owning your truth, who you are, what you want, and staying committed to it. It is a moment by moment decision and I will be honest, it takes a deep fierceness and determination to own your self-worth, especially if you had childhood programming that said things like, “Don’t be too much,” or “Who do you think you are,” or “That dream is too big.”

But what you need to recognize is that you claim your self-worth by first making a choice. As an empowered woman, you can no longer blame your parents, culture, or anything outside of yourself for your own lack of

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self-worth. That doesn’t serve you. It keeps you stuck. Make the choice to value yourself. Remind yourself of your daily affirmations. Surround yourself with things and people who value you. Your self-worth is something you must own, grow, and nurture on a daily basis. Owning your self-worth requires change, and because change can be difficult, many women live lives of what they would call it quiet desperation, constantly desiring more but not giving themselves permission to have it. But as Oprah said, “You get in life what you have the courage to ask for.” What are you not asking for?

I see so many women devaluing themselves and they do this by living in mediocrity, living in scarcity, and creating mundane existences and not allowing themselves to experience their heart desires. One of the biggest things that I see women doing is settling. In those areas of your life where you’re telling yourself, “It’s good, not so bad,” and basically settling are beautiful areas that you need to explore that might need change. While I am a huge proponent and advocate of a woman loving where she is and loving the life she has, there’s a very different vibration between that and a woman who just settles.

Settling happens due to fear and doubt, and it basically says, “This is as good as I should expect.” Underneath that, there’s a belief that she shouldn’t deserve more. The iconic woman loathes such a life, and she sees herself as worthy to have adventure and luxury and wealth, whatever it is she wants. Can you imagine if Oprah or Beyonce or Lady Gaga settled? We wouldn’t have their music and their inspiration. These women claimed the lives they desired and they stay committed to being their most authentic selves and owning their worth.

I’ve come to learn that basically, money is a sign of confidence in yourself. So the first way to raise your vibration is to begin to see yourself as worthy enough to have what you desire. Question every belief that tries to convince you that you don’t have what it takes, that you’re selfish for wanting more, that you’ll fail, that you should settle. All of these are simply a sign of a lack of self worth, and these aren’t your beliefs but those that you took on probably as a child and continue to make your own. But as an adult and empowered woman, you can choose to begin to see yourself as worthy enough to have all of your desires.

Again, self-worth is about so much more than what you charge, what you wear, or what you buy. It’s a deep valuing of who you are and giving yourself permission to have the life you want. Self-worth requires that you become the leader of your own life and regardless of what is going on around you, that you stay focused on the type of woman you desire to be and be intentional about what you desire to create. Self-worth is about taking actions that affirm that you value yourself. It’s about taking exquisite care of your body, asking for what you desire, and only allowing those supportive people into your life.

One of the things that I find really fascinating in conversations with women is that they’ll look at another successful woman and expect it from them, but deny it for themselves or they’ll expect other women to live luxurious lives but they don’t think that they have what it takes to create it for themselves. Or they’ll see another woman traveling to Paris, but they think that they can’t have it, too. The only difference between you and them is that they believe they can have it, so they do. So again, what haven’t you given yourself permission to ask for? The universe is constantly giving us what we ask for. But most often, women live reactive lives, look in the way things have always been and declaring subconsciously that this is the way it will always be and therefore, they settle for much less than what they’re capable of having. Again, it comes back to a lack of self-worth.

Let me share a story with you. When I first started my business, I remember being challenged to charge a hundred dollars an hour for coaching, and I literally almost vomited when I thought about charging that much for my services. Why? Because I had been taught that my worth didn’t deserve that kind of money. I ran stories such as I am a fraud, what if did they judge me, what if I don’t get it right, what if I fail. I was in everyone else’s business but my own.

Fortunately, I took the risk and I stayed committed to what I wanted to create in the world. It finally clicked with me that my only job was to remain in my business, be the woman I desire to be, create a life I love, and then serve

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women from that place, not from a place of lack and fear. The more I stepped into my iconic self, the better my business became. I could not inspire others to own their self-worth unless I was owning my own. Please don’t think that I’ve arrived. I still push my limits and challenge myself to step more and more into my desires. I’ve turned money into this fun game of life where I constantly get to exchange energy in the world and because I own my value, I can now help women do the same.

So now, I want to talk with you about the top three money mistakes that I see a lot of women making and what you need to know to avoid them. The first money mistake is avoidance, and I did this for years. I avoided looking at my bank account. I don’t want to see it. It was because I was in fear and denial, and I was secretly hoping that it would fix itself or like a miracle would happen. But the miracle was within me. The reason that avoiding looking at your finances is damaging is for two reasons. First of all, what you resist persist. So if you resist looking at the numbers, the fear will persist and the numbers certainly won’t improve. Again, it’s all between the ears.

If you avoid looking at your finances, it’s because there is fear and it’s creating more scarcity and more lack and why you focus on growth. So one of the things that I do is I have a weekly money date now, and I sit down and I bless my money. I’m very thankful for what I have. I’m very intentional about how I want to feel when it comes to money. So even if money is tight, I sit down and I’m very intentional that I want to come at it from a place of abundance and appreciation and love. That one practice has shifted everything for me.

So if you have been avoiding your finances, that is one of the most beautiful places that you can start is to actually sit down and get real with your money. Have a relationship with it. Don’t be afraid of it, but really see it for what it is. It is just energy and if you keep it in the dark, it will continue to create fear and scarcity and lack mindset. So bring it out into the light. Look at the facts of where you are right now because once you know where you are, you can then begin to create the path to where you want to go.

The second mistake that I see women making, and I’ve certainly been guilty of this one, is unconscious spending. How many times have you walked into a store to buy a single item and walked out with a hundred dollars worth of stuff ? Imagine bringing awareness to every penny you spend and only making purchases that feel good and help you embody more of who you desire to be. This is why it’s so important for women to understand their top values because when you invest your money in things that you value, they will bring more value to your life.

So do me a favor and spend some time thinking about what are your top three values in life? For me, it’s connection, inspiration, beauty, and love. So when I invest in those things, and it could be getting together with my girlfriends and taking everyone out to dinner or it could be buying fresh flowers for my home or it could be investing and working with a mentor or a coach, I always feel good about those purchases because they are in alignment with what I value in life.

The third mistake that I see women making is not defining what you truly want, also not having a vision. We’ve talked about money mindset, and I believe you can create whatever you desire. However, not every woman desires to be a millionaire, just like some women don’t desire to live a simple life. With all of the hype out there in the internet world about go bigger, push your limits, be a millionaire, and the pressure to have more and do more, and you can certainly have anything your heart desires. But if you create it out of a place of pressure and pushing yourself and you’re not enjoying your life in the process, chances are you’ve stepped away from your own truth.

I do believe having a life without financial struggle is important for you to live a full life, but that does not mean you have to have a seven-figure bank account. It just means that you need to decide what type of life you have. It’s amazing. I tend to work with really successful women and one of the things that we work on is defining what it is that they truly want. Oftentimes at the end of that discovery process, what they find is they don’t want more money, they want to live more. So it’s not just about the money, it’s about being open to creating the lifestyle that you want and then defining the type of money that you need to create and allow into your life to support that lifestyle.

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What’s most important is your own joy, and no one can tell you what that is for you. An iconic woman may live in an Airstream and travel the country living off of $2,000 a month and be extremely fulfilled, not because she’s settling but because that’s what she’s chosen for herself and it’s what her heart desires, or she may want to create a multimillion-dollar empire. It doesn’t matter what it is, it only matters that it’s your truth. Abundance is available to you, but it’s up to you to define what you truly want for your life.

Now it is time for us to discuss the money mindset shifts that I made that began to open me up to more prosperity, more abundance, and just more overall joy in my life. So the first one, and we’ve spoken about this before but it’s super, super important and it’s a great place to start, is appreciating where you are. Okay, I know this is a toughie if you’re struggling financially, but it is the first step I took in relaxing around money. The truth is that over 50% of the world, and I think even that percentage may be higher, lives off of less than $10 a day. When you look at your life from that perspective, you can really begin to see where there is abundance in your life. If you want to attract more wealth and luxury into your life, it’s time to have a reality check and focus on what you do have, not what you don’t have.

I know in the age of social media especially, it’s tough to see people flying around the world and flaunting their wealth and living what you believe to be the good life, especially when that’s what you desire and you aren’t in a position yet to do those things. But realize right now, your wealth was created from old beliefs and the good news about that is that you can change those. I want you to practice staying in your own business, appreciating your own life, and begin to create an abundant mindset that will open you up to more. Oprah said, “Be thankful for what you have, you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never ever have enough.”

Let’s talk about mindset shift number two, live luxuriously now. Regardless of where you are right now, there are luxurious experiences available to you in this moment. It may be something as simple as sitting outside and sipping a glass of champagne and watching the sunset or maybe for me, one of the things that I did when I was trying to raise my money vibration is that I used to go and sit in beautiful hotel lobbies and work and just imagine that as my everyday life. You see, we often think that things aren’t available to us that actually are, and it’s because we’re not looking for them. We’re not seeking them. As Rumi says, “What you seek is seeking you.” So begin to seek out how you can live luxuriously now.

Mindset shift number three is start a dream account. I started doing this several years ago. I opened up an account with, and I just stashed away $50 a month, and it feels good for two reasons. Number one, I’m putting money aside and it just makes me feel more prosperous, more open to abundance. Then also, I know that I am creating the wealth that will actually fuel a future dream. So start where you are. You may just put away $5 a month or you may put away a hundred, it doesn’t really matter. But it’s a sign that you’re trusting the universe is going to bring you more.

Number four, invest in yourself. It’s interesting to me that women will invest in their children, their family, and their friends, but they’re reluctant to place their bets on themselves. Again, this goes back to a lack of self worth. However, I want you to see you as your most valuable commodity. Without you, life wouldn’t exist. Where areas in your life that you are wanting to invest in? Perhaps it’s joining a mastermind or hiring a mentor or maybe it’s investing in an art class or language classes. Investing in you is one of the biggest returns that you will ever receive, so look at areas that you can begin to invest in your own self-worth.

The next mindset shift is to surround yourself with a wealth mindset. As we’ve already discussed, wealthy people think differently about money and I learned this from hanging out in Monaco and experience what it’s like to live with an abundant mindset. If you want to create more abundance and luxury in your life, you’re going to have to guard yourself against two things. Number one, your own mind. As we’ve already mentioned, your mind is shaping your life and

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you must become aware of the beliefs and thoughts that you keep struggling with that keep you stuck in a state of lack and scarcity.

When I started this journey, I remember telling myself things like, “I don’t know how to make money,” and immediately I would stop and I would counter that thought with, “I do know how to make money.” When I found myself saying things like, “I need a man to take care of me,” I changed it to, “I am willing and excited to take care of myself.” I’ll admit, at first these beliefs felt so unnatural for me because I had been raised to believe that I did need a man to take care of me and that it was very difficult to make money. But I was so determined and I didn’t stop the moment the money wasn’t rolling in. I just kept that wealth consciousness at the forefront of my life. As I engaged in more appreciation, as I began to invest in myself, and as I began to change my beliefs, my financial situation changed as a result.

So the other thing that you need to guard yourself against is others with lack mentality. Be very mindful of those people who believe that money is lacking in the world. They try to argue that you should only have so much. Just because that is their reality doesn’t mean it has to be yours. When I started surrounding myself with people who believed in abundance and created wealthy lives, I began to see what was possible. I learned to think about money in very healthy ways and as a result, my mindset did shift to abundance.

The next mindset shift that I want to talk with you about is what I call true pleasure spending. Having spent a lot of time with wealthy people, what I have discovered is that they’re very disciplined with their money. They don’t waste it on useless things, but they spend money, as I said before, based on their values, while those who struggle spend mindlessly and indulge in short term pleasure for longterm gain. It’s just like when I’m working with women around weight and we talk about true pleasure versus false pleasure. True pleasure feels good long after the moment is over, while false pleasure feels good immediately but leaves one feeling really guilty and full of fear later down the road.

When you spend based on your values, you are most likely going to be investing in true pleasure and into your future. Personally, true pleasure spending is investing in myself, my knowledge, health, and experiences. However, buying a $50,000 car for me feels like false pleasure because it’s not one of my values, but it may feel good to another woman. But for me, I would drive off the lot and experience immediate regret. Again, this is where it goes back to you needing to know what you desire and what you want, and there’s no right or wrong. You just need to know what’s true for you and invest in true pleasure.

The next mindset shift that we’re going to discuss is seek opportunity. You cannot just sit around and visualize your way to success. At some point, you must put yourself out there in the world and make yourself available for opportunity. However, if you’re living in scarcity mentality, you will not be able to see all of the opportunities that are around you right now in this moment.

But when you’re living in abundance, you’ll begin to notice that the universe is constantly providing opportunities for more abundance to flow into your life. By constantly embodying the woman I wanted to be, opportunity that I never thought was possible began to avail itself to me. By constantly putting myself out there, having the guts to ask for what I want and showing up in my own life, I began to change my life circumstances.

One of the stories that I can share with you is that I had heard about this group called Summit Series, and I instantly knew that I wanted to be a part of it but I had no idea that it was by invitation only. But because I knew the woman I wanted to be and I was open to possibility and opportunity, I called them up and I said, “I really want to be a part of this group.” The response was, “Well, it’s by invitation only, Tonya.” I’m like, “So what? Invite me. You need me in this group.”

As a result, I did get an invitation and I’ve been a part of this group for four years now, and I’ve had the chance to meet Bill Clinton and Richard Branson and just be surrounded by people who believe in abundance and who

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are expanding their lives and thinking innovatively and just, it’s been a life changer for me. The only reason that that happened is that I was seeking it. I wanted so bad to be surrounded by a certain type of person, and I ended up stumbling into one of the most beautiful opportunities that I could ever imagine. You see, a wealth mindset requires that you don’t seek safety, but you embrace adventure. Furthermore, it’s going to require that you own your self-worth.

The next mindset shift we’re going to talk about is probably one of the most difficult ones, but it’s so necessary on this journey, and it’s letting go of outcomes. So I’ve been talking to you about desiring more and giving yourself permission to want what you want, but now I’m going to be doing what seems paradoxical. As you open yourself up to more wealth and luxury, it’s important that you let go of the outcomes. Why? Well, if you’re not seeing immediate results or if you have desperation around your desire for more money, you are back in scarcity mentality.

Remember when I said I declared to the universe that I was no longer going to struggle with money? I stopped the struggle. Regardless of what was going on around me, I was just choosing I’m going to have ease around my money even though my bank account is in the negative right now. It’s important that you do set your intention, that you do have your desires, and that you do the work that leads in that direction, but you have to let go of the outcomes and let the universe support you on this journey. If you try to catch it, it’s like a wild animal. If you try to catch the money, it is going to run from you. But if you sit in peace and positive expectation, the animal will trust you. It will come. So go out and live your life with what you have. Enjoy what you have. Embrace the abundance that’s all around you right now in this moment.

Other than appreciation, the next mindset shift is probably one of my favorites, and it’s one of my favorites because it feels really good and it’s very simple. It’s to give. Now when you give, what you’re actually doing is sending a powerful message that you trust that you’ll be provided for, and I do this as a weekly practice. First of all, I always give to the homeless even if it’s just a dollar. Granted, I don’t live in New York City because I’d probably go broke because where I live, there’s not a homeless person on every corner. But when I do encounter a homeless person, I do feel inspired to give to them. Plus, again, it feels great giving something and not expecting anything in return.

I also donate to charities that I’m passionate about, Women for Women, Kiva, and this is also one of those energetic things. It says as you give and as you donate to the things that you value and you care about, you’re sending a very, very powerful message to the universe that you will receive back in return. But again, don’t give for expectation, give because it feels good. Another thing that I love to do is when I go to the grocery store, I often hide a five or a ten dollar bill somewhere where someone will find it. When I do this, I trust that the person that finds it needs it, and I also trust that I am being provided for by the universe.

The next thing we’re going to talk about, the mindset shift that will get you in trouble if you’re not aware of it, is be careful of what you judge. If you look at wealthy people and you judge them to be selfish or lucky or anything that projects a negative belief onto them, what you’re actually doing is blocking yourself from having it for yourself. If you want to open yourself up to an abundant mindset, I encourage you to celebrate those that have wealth, bless them, be happy for them. As a result, you’ll open up your own channels for prosperity.

The final mindset shift that I want to talk about is one that we’ve already touched on in a previous salon, but I want to address it as it pertains to luxury and money. So I’ve mentioned to you before that I’ve had the opportunity to spend quite a bit of time in Monaco and if you’ve never been, it’s best described as like the adult Disneyland for very wealthy people. What was really interesting for me is that as a result, I really began to see money very differently. I began to see it as abundant and it was very easy at first for me to go there and see that my life was lacking, and that’s where you have to be really mindful and stay in your own business, in your own life, and just be really grateful for what you have.

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I was in Monaco, I mean that in and of itself felt abundant. But one of the things that really shifted my money mindset is one night, I was having dinner and this Frenchman turned to me and he said, “Tonya, if you want to make more money, you must act as if you already have it.” He then went back to sleep on his $10 million yacht that night. As a side note, this same man donated a million dollars the previous night to a charity. As I began to think about his statement, I began to realize like I don’t need a certain amount of money in my bank account to embody a woman of luxury and wealth. I could begin to act as if right now, and I did and I am telling you, everything shifted. That was one of the most pivotal moments around my money struggle that changed everything for me.

The following weekend, some girlfriends and I wanted to go to this exclusive private club in Monaco that we were told was impossible to get into. It was one of those clubs that has the huge bouncers at the door, a red velvet rope, and about two blocks of people lined up waiting to get in. I asked myself, I wanted to play with this concept of acting as if and I asked myself, “What if I acted as if I belonged there, like I was the wealthiest woman in Monaco, would it work?” Well, I told my friends as we were approaching the door, I said, “Follow me. We’re not waiting in this line. We’re getting in,” and I embodied it. I knew it, I intended it. They all looked at me like I was insane, but they sensed my determination and they sensed the energy that I had shifted into.

So they followed me and I walked up to the bouncer and I simply stated my name and he didn’t ask a question, but he lifted the rope. Not only did we get in, we were escorted to one of the most premiere tables in the club where a bottle of Veuve Clicquot was on ice waiting for us. I can tell you countless other stories of acting as if and what happens when you just embody the woman that you want to be, regardless of your circumstances.

So ask yourself, if you had money, how would you be showing up in the world right now? How would you present yourself ? How would you treat your money? How would you think and how would you act? Don’t wait for the money. Begin to show up as her now. There’s no better way to attract money than to act as if you already have all that you want and seeing yourself as worthy to have it and also appreciating the amazing life that you have right now.

So in wrapping up, money is what you believe it to be. If you desire more in your life, you must be an iconic woman who owns her worth and stays committed to her unique dreams. In the meantime, enjoy the life you have, embrace the luxuries that are all around you right now in this moment, and appreciate every moment regardless of what’s in your bank account. So go out there, enjoy your day, and be iconic. I will see you in the next salon. Cheers.

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