lyrics breakdown foals

Post on 22-Jul-2015



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Olympic Airways

Intro – 00:00 – 00.36

Sun up we wait 00:36 – 00:38

All day 00:38 – 00:39

Sun up we wait 00:43 – 00:45

All day all day 00:46 - 00:47

(The fact that they are referring to having to wait all day could be

implying the fact that they enjoy the night and partying. This could also

show their displeasure that it is currently day time and could also

symbolise they are waking up from the night before and have a

hangover. However it could also mean that they are having to wait all

day for something, that has not been mentioned at this point.)

The hell outside kept away 00:47 – 00:50

If only we could move away 00:50 – 00:53

From here 00:54 – 00:55

(This shows they’re currently unhappy with where they are situated and

they want to escape to another place, something which is referred to

again and again throughout the song)

This is how 00:56 – 00:58

We build a place 00:58 – 01:00

An aviary for today, An aviary for today 01:00 - 01:07

(The band are explaining they are trying to escape and even go as far as

showing people how they would build an ideal world. An aviary is defined

as somewhere to confine birds and this could also be a representation for

how we as people are usually confined to where we live and most people

do not change this)

Let's disappear till tomorrow, Let's disappear till tomorrow 01:12 – 01:17

Dis-a-ppe-ar , dis-a-ppe-ar 01:17 – 01:24

dis-a-ppe-ar ar ar ar 01:24 – 01:31

(They want to disappear until tomorrow. Linked with the earlier

statement of waiting for something to happen, it seems as though the

band are waiting for something to happen, maybe some good news, and

when they do not find what they are looking for they want to forget it

and look forward to the next day where they hold they will find what

they are looking for.)

Blow up these play parades, Let's go 01:31 – 01:34

To an aviary far from home, To an aviary far from home 01:35 – 01:41

(Blow up these play parades could indicate how they want people to stop

pretending that everything is okay and want people to see the real

picture. They want everybody to go to another place that is far from

home where they think that what they are looking for is located)

A one hand clap is me and you and you and you and you 01:45 – 01:51

While the hell outside kept away, If only we moved away 01:53 – 01:59

(The one handclap could indicate that something is missing as a clap

usually requires two hands. The fact that it is only a one hand clap could

symbolise how they feel that something is missing from life and this

could be what they are looking for)

Dis-a-ppe-ar, Dis-a-ppe-ar, Dis-a-ppe-ar ar ar ar 01:59 – 02:11

(Again, the band are indicating that they want to move away, something

that has become a repeating theme throughout the song)

Last vacation was the same, We got moved away 02:27 – 02:37

Last vacation was the same, We got moved away 02:40 – 02:52

Last vacation was the same, We got moved away 02:54 – 03:06

(This is directly referring to a previous event that is the same as what

the band is already struggling through. The fact that they repeat this line

2 times indicates that they are very tired of having to do the same thing

over and over again)

Sun down now we have built, Our place, An aviary forever 03:28 – 03:35

An aviary forever, Forever forever 03:37 – 03:43

(This changes the song and almost acts like the new equilibrium of the

song. It seems like everything is okay now and it is almost like the

problems of the past have been forgotten about)

Re-a-ppe-ar, Re-a-ppe-ar 03:49 – 03:56

Re-a-ppe-ar, Re-a-ppe-ar 03:56 – 04:03

(The final words reference to the words that where constantly sung

earlier however now that the problems have been solved, it seems like

the band are telling the people who they previously told to run away,

that everything is now back to normal and everything is now okay)

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