machu picchu by: eduardo sanchez machu picchu is located in peru mountains in south america

Post on 15-Jan-2016






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Machu PicchuBy: Eduardo Sanchez

Machu Picchu is located in Peru mountains in South America.

Describe your enigma

• It has jails in it.

• Main entrance, and a main plaza.

• It has a royal tomb, and a royal residence.

• Many mountains.

What caused your enigma

• The Incas built Machu Picchu.

Who discovered your enigma and how long

• The Incas discovered the Machu Picchu and a boy named Hiram Bingham

Have scientist known about Machu Picchu

• They found fingerprints to see how long they lived there.

Are all scientists viewpoints the same

• No not all scientists viewpoints are the same because some say the island was quickly vacant and others say that it was there for millions of years.

What dilemmas involve your enigma

• They don’t know for what reason the Incas built it they built it quickly.

Did your enigma change overtime

• Machu Picchu changes overtime because of the suns heat hitting the island and is breaking it

5 interesting facts

• 1200 people could live there

• It has a jail cell in it

• Machu Picchu has over 10 rooms or more

• It has lots of ruins

• It has a quarry

My theory

• I think Machu Picchu was created by the Incas because they were there and they could have built it when they got there.

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