magali dropa - · mensagens subliminares relacionadas à ... analisando o...

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Magali Dropa





. Ponta Grossa






Produção Didático Pedagógica Professor PDE/2010

Título O gênero propaganda e publicidade como facilitador do processo de ensino-aprendizagem da LEM – Inglês.

Autor Magali Dropa

Escola de Atuação Colégio Estadual Julia Wanderley – Ensino Fundamental, Médio e Profissional

Município da Escola Carambeí

Núcleo Regional de Educação Ponta Grossa

Orientador Prof Ms. Evanir Pavloski.

Instituição de Ensino Superior Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa

Área do Conhecimento/Disciplina Língua Estrangeira Moderna – Língua Inglesa

Relação Interdisciplinar Língua Portuguesa

Público Alvo 2ª série do Ensino Médio

Localização Avenida dos Pioneiros, nº 1730 - Centro

Apresentação No desenvolvimento desta Unidade Didática optou-se

por uma proposta de leitura dinâmica com textos do

gênero propaganda e publicidade os quais têm em seu

conteúdo grande amplitude temática que propiciarão a

associação com áreas do interesse do aluno,

estabelecendo relações com o que lê e o que já sabe

sobre determinados assuntos. A temática principal será

a discriminação em suas diversas formas e

manifestações, aliando o aprendizado da língua a um

trabalho de cunho educativo minimizando o problema

do “bullying” na escola.

Palavras-chave Propaganda; publicidade; discriminação



Assim como as demais disciplinas do currículo escolar, a Língua Estrangeira

Moderna – Inglês exige a utilização de métodos que motivem os alunos a ampliar

seu vocabulário, interpretem e analisem de forma crítica e assimilem sua estrutura.

Com vistas a esta exigência foi desenvolvido o estudo desta Unidade Didática

utilizando o gênero textual.

Esta proposta de trabalho privilegia textos do gênero propaganda e

publicidade os quais têm em seu conteúdo uma grande amplitude temática que

propiciarão ao aluno associar textos de áreas de seu interesse com o seu

conhecimento prévio, estabelecendo relações com o que lê e o que já sabe sobre

determinado assunto.

Considerando que o aprendizado da Língua Inglesa é pertinente a todos os

segmentos da sociedade, pois é exigência do mercado de trabalho, do acesso à

cultura, da obtenção de informações, que se esteja familiarizado com a terminologia

da Língua Inglesa, o professor da escola pública, precisa motivar o seu aluno para

que este atinja o aprendizado necessário. Muitas vezes os alunos não se sentam

motivados para trabalhar com textos por considerá-los difíceis, porém, com o uso de

técnicas de leitura adequadas, esse entendimento torna-se possível.

A presença das propagandas e publicidade no cotidiano do aluno,

veiculadas pela mídia, colabora com o desenvolvimento do trabalho, o qual abordará

temas como a discriminação e o Bullying, os quais, geralmente, aparecem de forma

dissimulada, passando muitas vezes despercebidos. A reflexão a respeito destes

temas despertará maior interesse por parte dos alunos e

consequentemente, contribuirá para que o aprendizado da língua inglesa seja


A prática de metodologias diversificadas que motivem os alunos precisam

ser utilizadas em todos os níveis de ensino, porém a sugestão ora apresentada

destina-se aos alunos da segunda série do Ensino Médio e tem como objetivo refletir

sobre estratégias de leitura de textos em Língua Inglesa que contribuam para o

enriquecimento pessoal, cultural e profissional, com temáticas interessantes que

levem à discussão e assimilação do seu conteúdo.



Dentro do gênero textual escolhido, os alunos trabalharão com textos de

propaganda e publicidade contextualizada. Serão utilizadas técnicas de leitura e

interpretação de texto.

As aulas e as atividades a serem realizadas pelos alunos serão em língua

inglesa e a língua materna entrará como apoio quando não houver clareza de

entendimento em língua estrangeira. Far-se-á uso de atividades escritas, imagéticas,

vídeo e de pesquisas na internet através do laboratório de informática.

A avaliação será contínua, com atividades individuais e em grupos,

verificando a produção dos alunos e os resultados positivos não só na aquisição de

conhecimentos na língua inglesa, mas também em relação ao tema abordado nesta

unidade didática – o combate à discriminação em todos os seus aspectos.



O desenvolvimento das atividades a ser realizado com o gênero textual

propaganda e publicidade obedecerá a seguinte sequência:

• O gênero propaganda (história, tipos de propaganda)

• Análise de propagandas (aspectos imagéticos)

• Distinção entre propaganda e publicidade

• Discriminação racial em propagandas

• Diferentes tipos de discriminação

• Bullying



A utilização de gêneros textuais dentro da disciplina de Língua Inglesa

poderá se dar de diversas formas, nesta Unidade Didática optou-se por explorar as

mensagens subliminares relacionadas à discriminação e bullying, que muitas vezes

estão contidas nas propagandas, porém, os professores ao desenvolver seu plano

de aula poderão selecionar outros tipos de propaganda para serem exploradas. O

trabalho contará com maior envolvimento dos alunos quando se tratar de temas que

mais se aproximem aos seus interesses.

O ensino da Língua Inglesa deve contribuir para a formação de leitores

críticos e questionadores, que através do estudo de textos consigam ler nas

entrelinhas, analisando o tipo de mensagem e a intencionalidade do autor, para que

assim, despertem sua curiosidade e sejam incentivados a pesquisar sobre

determinado assunto. Faz-se necessário também, que os alunos se sintam capazes

de refletir sobre situações apresentadas, de estabelecer paralelos entre culturas

diferentes e de reconhecer os benefícios da aprendizagem.

A exploração deste gênero textual exige uma atenção especial do professor

no que tange a interpretação por parte dos alunos. É necessário que se tenha bem

claro os objetivos a serem atingidos para que o trabalho pedagógico seja

direcionado para aquilo que se pretende atingir com ele.



5.2 - História da Propaganda

Objetivo: Informar sobre o gênero propaganda e publicidade .


Iniciar a aula conversando com os alunos sobre consumo.

- Do you like to buy?

- What products do you usually buy?

- Why do you buy them?

- How do you get to know about them?

- How do manufacturers announce their products?

Listar as prováveis respostas no quadro em português e inglês.

- publicity on TV, radio, internet

- pamphlets

- outdoors

- publicity in newspapers, magazines, etc.

Tomando como ponto de partida as perguntas apresentadas acima,

argumentar sobre o gênero publicidade (advertisement), a partir de sua história

fazendo um paralelo entre as publicidades antigas e as atuais, destacando as datas

em que foi lançada cada propaganda apresentada.

É importante que o aluno perceba a necessidade que as empresas têm em

divulgar seus produtos diante da grande concorrência gerada pelo capitalismo.

Assim, os comerciais estão sempre em busca da superação, tentando de todas as

formas, seduzir o consumidor. Muitas vezes, compramos algo não porque

precisamos, mas porque somos seduzidos e induzidos a comprá-lo pelo processo de

criação da propaganda implícito na publicidade.

Após estas discussões, mostrar mais alguns tipos de publicidade,

analisando-as junto aos alunos e convidando-os a descrever em uma folha de papel

suas impressões:


Algumas publicidades poderão ser acessadas na internet, como as dos exemplos nos links abaixo: (CasasPernambucanas,1962) (Casas Pernambucanas, 2010)

O trabalho com imagem de antigas publicidades e propagandas contam abaixo com algumas sugestões:

Figura 1 Figura 2

Figura 3 Figura 4

- Who would be interested in these commercials? - Who created them?

- What calls your attention in these commercials?

- Compare the old productions with the new ones.



Leitura e interpretação de anúncios. (distribuir algumas revistas para que os alunos

escolham algum tipo de publicidade)

- What are the qualities of this product?

- Are you convinced about the qualities of this product?

- What are the strategies used to convince the customer to buy the product?

- What calls your attention in this commercial? Why?

- What other things are used to call people’s attention?

Many companies make use of short sentences or phrases to advertise their products.

They are called slogans.

A slogan can be defined as a short sentence, easy to be memorized, which is

repeated many times to be associated to a product, an idea, etc.

Ex: BOMBRIL has 1001 utilities.

This washing machine isn’t any BRASTEMP.

Jogo de adivinhação:

Dividir os alunos em grupos e pedir que descubram o produto referente a cada


- Viver sem fronteiras: TIM

- A cerveja que desce redondo: SKOL

- O banco que está o tempo todo com você: BB

- Energia que dá gosto: NESCAU

- A verdadeira maionese: HELLMANS

- Todo mundo usa: HAVAIANAS

- I’m loving it: Mc DONALD’S

- Connecting people: NOKIA

- Melts in your mouth, not in your hands- M&Ms

- Put a tiger in your tank: ESSO

- Obey your thirst: SPRITE


- Drive one: FORD

- Open happiness: COKE

Closing activity

Homework: Pedir que os alunos pesquisem (na internet, em livros ou nos próprios

produtos) alguns slogans em inglês e os apresentem na próxima aula.


5.2 Propaganda e Publicidade- Distinção e aspectos imagéticos

Objetivos: - Distinguir propaganda e publicidade.

- Entender o uso das cores na publicidade.


Take a look at these pictures:

1 2 3

4 5 ( acesso em 18/07/2011 )

- What calls your attention in each picture?

- Why are the color, size and type of letters different?

- Are the colors important?

- What is the message contained in each picture?

- Which of them has something in common?

- Is it possible to say they are all propaganda?


- So, what is advertisement?

- Can we say that propaganda and advertisement have the same purposes?

As palavras Publicidade( advertising ) e Propaganda (propaganda ) são amplamente usadas na mídia, porém, elas não significam exatamente a mesma coisa.


Advertising Advertising is a form of communication used to persuade an audience (viewers,

readers or listeners) to take some action with respect to products, ideas, or services.

Most commonly, the desired result is to drive consumer behavior with respect to a

commercial offering, although political and ideological advertising is also common.

Advertising messages are usually paid for by sponsors and viewed via various

traditional media; including mass media such as newspaper, magazines, television

commercial, radio advertisement, outdoor advertising or direct mail; or new media

such as websites and text messages.

Propaganda Propaganda is information. It is always biased. The information is designed to make

people feel a certain way or to believe a certain thing. The information is often


The word 'propaganda' comes from Latin. At first, it meant 'ideas to be spread


Propaganda is like advertising in some ways. For example, it uses the mass media to

spread its ideas. But advertising is usually trying to sell something, whereas

propaganda is about ideas. It is often political, and used by states or political parties,

not private companies.

Todos os textos serão lidos com os alunos e serão aplicadas as técnicas de skimming and scanning, identificação de cognatos e inferência para checar seu entendimento.

1) Now, answer:


a) Can you tell us which of the pictures shown are propaganda and which are advertisement?

b) Are they convincing? Why?

c) What feeling do you have when you take a look at the 4th picture?

c) Can you remember some examples of propaganda in Brazil?

2) Mark with a (✔)if you agree or disagree with the statements:

a) Propaganda is used to influence people about a certain idea or belief.

( ) I agree ( ) I don’t agree

b) A public campaign about polio vaccination is an example of advertisement.

( ) I agree ( ) I don’t agree

c) Both propaganda and advertisement use mass media to announce ideas or products.

( ) I agree ( ) I don’t agree

d) Advertising persuades people about their ideas and propaganda persuades people about their products.

( ) I agree ( ) I don’t agree

Outro aspecto importante para entendermos uma imagem, não é apenas analisá-la em relação ao contexto, mas também em relação aos seus elementos constitutivos, tais como, tipo e tamanho das letras e uso das cores. Vamos analisar o texto a seguir quanto ao uso das cores na publicidade:

How to Use Color in Publicity

Most people respond strongly to colors. We don't often think of the impact of the color we choose to wear or paint our homes, but color affects our moods and our responses. So whether you are advertising a product, decorating an area, dressing for success, designing a website or printing up a business brochure, the colors you choose will influence the people seeing those colors. Here are a few tips on how to use color in advertising.

Choose your advertising colors carefully and keep these brief descriptions in mind: RED: Emotionally powerful, exciting, best for food


ORANGE: Enthusiasm, stimulus

YELLOW: Intensity, intellectual, attention-getting

GREEN: Nature, refreshing, wealth

BLUE: Calming, focus, loyalty, least appetizing for food

PURPLE: luxury, wealth, romance

WHITE: Purity, cleanliness, innocence

BLACK: Authority and power

PINK: Soothing and relaxing

BROWN: Earthy, genuine, wistful ( melancholic )

Besides the colors, other aspects are also important to call our attention, as the size and the form of letters, the context of the image, the elements that are in the picture, as a beautiful place, a famous person and others.

Dividir os alunos em grupo e pedir que analisem estas imagens no que se refere às cores e demais aspectos imagéticos.

13 ( acesso em 18/07/2011 )

Analyze the images and complete the chart below:

What is the ad trying to sell?

Is the product a basic need or a luxury?

What strategies are used to get people to buy more? (colors,famous people, style of letters,etc.)

Who might be the target groups of this ad? Why?



adapted from: (acesso em 25/07/2011).

Apresentação da análise das imagens em equipes.

Write the color that fits the definition:

a) transmits calm:

b) opens your appetite:

c) represents nature, something fresh:

d) the color of the sun, that calls the attention:

e) purity and innocence:

f) not stimulating for the appetite:







“Curiosities about colors”

What’s your favorite color?

See what your favorite color says about your personality:

Black – you’re intelligent and love to discuss serious things

Blue – you like fresh air and being outdoors and you like cold weather

Brown – you like to be in charge and tell others what to do

Green – you care about the environment and love animals

Pink – you love to laugh and don’t take things so seriously

Red – you have strong things and a quick temper

White – you love things to be neat and clean and you always plan ahead

Yellow – you’re a happy, friendly person and you love being in the sun

Do you agree with it?

Now, below there are some expressions with colors. Take a look.

Colorful Idioms

A lot of English idioms use colors to describe feelings. Below are just a few examples.

Jessica was seeing red when her computer suddenly crashed.

When George brought home his expensive car, his neighbor Bill was green with envy.

After Susan’s boyfriend left her, she felt blue and cried all the time.

He was a yellow-bellied cowboy. He always ran away from a fight.

John asked Nancy to marry him. He was tickled pink when she said yes.

Using the sentences above as examples, try to match the idiom with its meaning

Idiom Meaning


1. to see red a. wanting something that someone else has

2. green with envy b. coward, not brave

3. to feel blue c. very happy

4. yellow bellied d. very angry

5. to be tickled pink e. sad

Closing activity


The students should choose one picture and analyze it considering its most relevant aspects as colors used, size and form of letters, etc.


5.3 Discriminação racial

Objetivo: Analisar comerciais de forma crítica, percebendo a mensagem oculta neles contida.

Mostrar o comercial do produto Assim da Assolan e iniciar o diálogo com os alunos:

- What is this ad about?

W - Who performs the ad?

A U - How do they feel?

R P - Why are the babies wearing “steel wool” as hair?

M - What was the author’s intention?

- What’s your opinion on the ad?

Coletar diferentes opiniões e iniciar a análise do comercial.

1) The commercial talks about the benefits of the product “Assim” from Assolan in the house cleaning, right?

2) What’s the objective of the creator of this commercial?

3) Why are the babies wearing steel wool as hair?

4) What’s the idea associated to this image?

5) Do you think there’s a hidden message in this commercial? What?

Após a análise feita com os alunos, atentá-los para a mensagem oculta que há nos textos e nas imagens. Muitas vezes há uma conotação discriminatória oculta e temos que estar atentos para não nos tornarmos parte disso. Uma maneira é não consumindo os produtos, outra é alertando as pessoas para que façam o mesmo.

Let’s try to analyze these two commercials.

1st commercial: Negro


- Who does the cleaning in your house?


- Do you sometimes do some chores around the house?

- What products are generally used to do the dishes?

- How did you get to know about them?

-Now, take a look at this commercial about a product used to do the cleaning. ( acesso em 18/07/2011 )


1) Answer:

a) What is the product announced?

b) What’s its slogan?

c) Who would be interested in buying this product?

d) What calls your attention in this commercial?

e) What can you say about the colors used?

2) Take a look at the text and do this exercise:

a) How do we say “esponja de aço” in English? _______________________

b) “Customer” means: ( ) habit ( ) client ( ) simple

c) Wide means: ( ) great ( ) bad ( ) ample


3) What cognates can you find in the text?

4) Text comprehension:

a) What are the qualities of the product?

b) Where is it popular?

c) How many years has this product been on the market?

5) Mark ( T ) true or ( F ) false:

( ) “Over” means something in excess.

( ) “You will find it” indicates a future action.

( ) “Behind the success” means: à frente do sucesso.

( ) “Find, manufacture, satisfy” are verbs.

6) Choose a word to complete the sentences:


a) Paraná is in the south ________________ of Brazil.

b) I _________________ my school material when I come to school.

c) Nike and Adidas ____________________ sports equipment.

d) Brazil is a marvelous _____________________.

e) There are some farms around ____________________.

f) The sun ______________________ every day.

Closing activity Open discussion: a) Is there a connection between the name and the kind of product announced?


b) Do you think that there is racism in this commercial? Why?

c) Do you remember of any other commercial with any kind of racism? Which one(s)?


2nd commercial: DOVE

Pre-reading Take a look at this commercial and give your opinion about it: ( acesso em 18/07/2011 )

Reading 1) Answer:

a) What product is being announced?

b) Who would be interested in this product?

c) What’s the aim of this commercial?


2) Study of the text:

a) Underline the words that you already know.

b) What are the cognate words in the text?

c) What word(s) is(are) repeated in the text?

d) Look up the meaning of the word actually in the dictionary.

Explicar aos alunos que a palavra actually é um falso cognato, e que devem pesquisar sobre os principais como atividade extra-classe, podendo fazer uso da biblioteca ou do laboratório de informática.

3) Reading comprehension:

a) What calls your attention in this commercial?

b) What are the qualities of the product announced?

c) How does the producer try to convince us about the qualities of the product?

d) Do you believe in promises made in commercials?

e) Can you identify the promise made in this commercial?

f) Are the colors well used?

g) What feeling can you have looking at the white towel?

4) Grammar: Select adjectives from the text to complete the sentences:

a) Gisele Bundchen has __________________ skin.

b) There’s a ________________ concentration of oil in body cream.

c) Visiblecare is a _____________________ product on the market.

5) Why is there est added to the adjective high?

Neste momento explicar a formação dos adjetivos no comparativo de superioridade e no superlativo.

When the adjective has 3 or more syllables we use:

a) MORE + ADJECTIVE + THAN (comparative )

Ex: Rio de Janeiro is more beautiful than Ponta Grossa.

b) THE MOST + ADJECTIVE ( superlative )

Ex: Rio de Janeiro is the most beautiful city in Brazil.

When the adjective has 1 or 2 syllables we use:


a) ADJECTIVE + ER + THAN ( comparative )

Ex: My grandmother is older than my father.

b) THE + ADJECTIVE + EST ( superlative )

Ex: My grandmother is the oldest person in my family.

Some adjectives of 1 or 2 syllables have some particularities in their formation.

a) When the adjective ends in consonant + vowel + consonant, we double the last consonant before adding ER. The letters w, y and x can’t be doubled.

Ex: São Paulo is bigger than Curitiba. (comparative )

São Paulo is the biggest city in Brazil. ( superlative )

b) When the adjective ends in Y preceded by a consonant, we change the Y by I and

add ER.

Ex: My brother is funnier than my sister. ( comparative )

My brother is the funniest person in my family. ( superlative )

c) When the adjective ends in E, we just add R.

Ex: This classroom is wider than the director’s room. ( comparative )

This is the widest classroom of the school. ( superlative )

There are some adjectives that don’t follow any of these rules, they’re exceptions.

The two more used are GOOD and BAD, but there are others with special rules.

GOOD= better than ( comparative ) the best ( superlative )

BAD= worse than ( comparative ) the worst ( superlative )

6) Complete the sentences using the comparative of superiority:

a) A pizza is _____________________________ a hot dog. ( delicious )

b) A plane is _____________________________ a car. ( fast )

c) Girls are ______________________________ boys. ( romantic )

d) Your dog is ____________________________ my dog. ( fat )

e) War movies are _________________________ horror movies. ( bad )


7) Now, complete the sentences using the superlative:

a) Curitiba is _______________________________ city in Paraná. ( important )

b) Visiblecare is _____________________________ product of Dove. ( new )

c) This perfume is ___________________________ one I have. ( good )

d) Discrimination is __________________________ thing in the world. ( terrible )

e) A rose is _________________________________ flower. ( beautiful )

8) Let’s compare the two commercials that we have analyzed:

a) Do the two commercials have anything in common? What?

b) Can you identify racism in the first commercial? Explain.

c) And, is there racism in the second commercial? Explain.

d) What’s the meaning of the words “before” and “after” in the second commercial?

e) If we didn’t have these words, would there be racism in this commercial?

Closing activity

a) Open discussion: Look at some images from Benetton and give your opinion about them: ( acesso em 18/07/2011 )

Are they propaganda or advertisement? Justify your answer.

Após a análise das imagens, perguntar se conhecem outras empresas que também passam mensagens sociais através de comerciais.


b) Sometimes messages get people’s attention more easily when somebody famous transmits them by other means, as in a song.

Let’s read this song of Michael Jackson and try to guess what the message is.

After that, we are going to see the clip to help you understand the message of the song.

Black or White

Michael Jackson

I took my baby on a Saturday bang

Boy is that girl with you

Yes we're one and the same

Now I believe in miracles

And a miracle has happened tonight

But, if you're thinkin' about my baby

It don't matter if you're black or white

1) Do the following activities about the song:

a) Could you get the message of the song? What message was it?

b) What words led you to understand that?

c) What does Michael Jackson mean when he says:

- “It don’t matter if you’re black or white.”__________________________________

- “I’m not going to spend my life being a color.”_____________________________

d) Do you remember any song with a social message? Write part of it.

2) Vocabulary:

a) Copy some cognate words from the text.

b) Are there repeated words in the song? Copy them.

c) Why are they repeated?


d) Where else can we have repeated words or sentences? What’s the purpose?

e) Find these words in English in the word search:









2) Grammar

In the song there’s the contraction ain’t that is another way of using a negative form.

Ain’t is considered to be a slang and its use is considered colloquial.

Take a look at the expressions that can be substituted by ain’t:

• am not

• are not, aren’t

• is not, isn’t ain’t

• has not, hasn’t

• have not, haven’t

Substitute the negative expressions by ain’t as in the model:

We aren’t lazy. - We ain’t lazy.

- They aren’t at home. = ____________________________________.

milagre verdade ninguém

errado negócios guerra

assustado igualdade


- I am not a dentist. = ______________________________________.

- Isn’t she intelligent? = ____________________________________?

Now, let’s sing the song all together.

After that, as homework, ask the students to search on the internet or by other means, songs that contain any kind of discrimination.

Diferentes tipos de discriminação – texto e propagandas

Objetivo: Entender o que é discriminação e suas diferentes manifestações.


- What’s discrimination?

- Where is there discrimination?

- Have you ever been discriminated? Why?

Formar uma definição de discriminação com as opiniões dos alunos antes de

trabalhar o texto.

Let’s check if your opinions have to do with the text:

Discrimination means to treat or to judge someone differently because of his/her

race, gender, religion, sexuality, age, etc - instead of judging him/her for his/her

competence. He or she is just treated worse than others for some reason.

The most common forms of discrimination refer to age, disability, gender, sex,

marriage, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion and belief, sexual orientation, etc.

Ex: If you apply for a job where you are the most qualified candidate, but you do not

get the job because you are gay, then you are being discriminated against.

Reading Below there are some images that you should give your opinion about. Imagine

they’re pamphlets you’ve got somewhere.


( acesso em 18/07/2011 )

1) Answer: ( open discussion )

a) What do you think of the images?

b) Are they advertisement or propaganda?

c) Do you think they have important messages?

d) What’s the message contained in each one?

e) What kind of discrimination is there in each image?


f) Do you think that this kind of discrimination is common in Brazil? And in your city?

g) Have you ever seen any kind of discrimination taking place? Tell us about it.

When we see these kinds of images in a magazine, newspaper or when they are

handed out as a pamphlet, we generally read because the message is short and

effective. It’s very common to use these messages in the imperative form.

Explicar o modo imperativo.

O modo imperativo deve ser usado toda vez que se pretende expressar:

1- Order or request: ( ordem ou pedido ) Close the window. (Feche a janela).

Open your book,please. (Abra seu livro, por favor).

Speak only English here. (Fale somente inglês aqui).

Don’t eat in the classroom. (Não coma na sala de aula).

Do the dishes. (Lave a louça).

Come to the director’s room tomorrow at 8:00. (Venha à sala do diretor amanhã às


2- Invitation: ( convite ) Let’s watch the soccer game now? (Vamos assistir ao jogo de futebol agora?).

Let’s make a cake for us? (Vamos fazer um bolo para nós?).

Let’s listen to my new CD? (Vamos ouvir meu novo CD?).

Come have lunch with me. (Venha almoçar comigo).

We form a sentence in the imperative with the verb in the infinitive without “to”. We

generally use this verb in the beginning of the sentence. When the sentence is

negative we use “don’t” before the verb. In the sentences beginning with ”let’s”, we

do not use “don’t” in the negative sentences, just “let’s not” before the verb.

Let’s not eat too much. (Não vamos comer demais).

Let’s not forget Michael’s birthday. (Não vamos esquecer do aniversário do


It’s frequent the use of always (sempre) and never (nunca), at the beginning of an

imperative sentence, followed by the verb.

Always wear your uniform when you come to school. (Sempre use seu uniforme

quando vier para a escola).


Never disrespect your teachers. (Nunca desrespeite seus professores).

Adapted from:ês - Brasil Escola (acesso em



1) Identify and copy three sentences in the imperative from the images above.

2) Make up imperative sentences:

a) Ask your classmate to say his/her full name.

b) Ask your classmate to give the teacher a hug.

c) Ask your classmate not to talk during the teacher’s explanation.

d) Ask your teacher to say a sentence in English.

e) Invite your friends to go to the movies next week.

f) Tell your classmates to never miss classes.

3) Change these imperative sentences to the requested form:

a) Close the door!

(negative ) _________________________________________________

b) Don’t call your friends!

( positive ) _________________________________________________

c) We should go home now.

( invitation ) ________________________________________________

d) Never forget your mother’s birthday!

( positive ) __________________________________________________

4) Write down the most common imperative sentences that you hear:

a) in your house:

b) at school:

c) on TV:

5) Now, in pairs, let’s think about some propaganda that you can produce to be

shown around your school. You can draw, choose pictures, etc. The most important

thing is that it should have a clear message, so that communication will happen.


5.4 Bullying

Objetivo: Reconhecer diferentes formas de bullying.

Warm up: Let’s watch a video and then, talk about it.

- What happened in the video?

- Why did the boy have such reaction?

- According to him, how many years has he been harassed?

- What do you think of his reaction? Was he right or wrong?

- What would you do if you were him? Why?

Pre-reading - Now, what is the message of this image?

- Do you know what bullying is? ( acesso em 18/07/2011 )


Reading activities Let’s read this text to understand the real meaning of bullying.

Violence And bullying - Bullying is when a person or group repeatedly tries to harm

someone who is weaker or who they think is weaker. Sometimes it involves direct

attacks such as hitting, name calling, teasing or taunting. Sometimes it is indirect,

such as spreading rumors or trying to make others reject someone.

Often people dismiss bullying among kids as a normal part of growing up. But

bullying is harmful. It can lead children and teenagers to feel tense and afraid. It may

lead them to avoid school. In severe cases, teens who are bullied may feel they need

to take drastic measures or react violently. Others even consider suicide. For some,

the effects of bullying last a lifetime.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

(Disponível em: ( acesso em 14/07/2011 )

1) Answer:

a) What’s the text about?

b) Who is the text directed to?

c) Where was it taken from?

d) Could you understand the meaning of Bullying?

2) Take a look at the text and circle all the cognate words and underline the ones that

you already know.

3) Match some words with their translation to Portuguese:

( 1 ) harmful ( ) insultar

( 2 ) last ( ) tentar

( 3 ) measure ( ) provocar

( 4 ) try ( ) durar

( 5 ) hit ( ) tempo de vida

( 6 ) tease ( ) fofoca; falatório

( 7 ) spread ( ) prejudicial

( 8 ) rumor ( ) evitar

( 9 ) lifetime ( ) crescimento


(10) growing up ( ) bater

(11) taunt ( ) espalhar

(12) avoid ( ) medida

4) Copy from the text:

a) one adverb:

b) two adjectives:

c) one adjective in the comparative of superiority:

d) two verbs with the same meaning:

Quando os alunos conseguirem identificar os dois verbos que têm o mesmo

significado, iniciar a explicação dos principais verbos modais e sua aplicabilidade.

Grammar: Modal Verbs Modal verbs are auxiliary verbs that come before another simple verb without “to”;

they have the same formation for all persons of the verb, it means that they don’t

take “s” in the third person singular.

Can - Could

- Expressing ability: I can speak English. ( Eu posso falar inglês)

- Expressing capacity(capability): He can run 20 km. ( Ele consegue correr 20 km.)

- Expressing informal permission: Can I sit here? ( Posso sentar aqui?)

- Expressing possibility: It can happen to anyone.(Isso pode acontecer com qualquer


Could is the past form of can.

- Past: I couldn't speak English before studying with teacher Antonio.( Eu não sabia

falar inglês antes de estudar com o Professor Antonio).

- Polite request: Could you do me a favor? ( Você poderia me fazer um favor?)


- Expressing permission: May I sit here? ( Posso sentar aqui?)

- Expressing formal possibility: It may rain today. ( Pode ser que chova hoje.)

- Expressing a wish: May all your dreams come true.( Que todos seus sonhos se




- Expressing remote possibility: It might rain this weekend. ( É capaz de chover no

próximo fim de semana).

Should - Expressing advice or moral obligation: You should study more. ( Você deveria

estudar mais).


- Expressing suggestion (more used in British English): Shall we go to the movies?

(Que tal irmos ao cinema?)

Shall is used only with the first person singular (I) and with the first person plural (we)

in the interrogative form.

Must - Expressing obligation: You must stop smoking. ( Você tem que parar de fumar).

- Expressing prohibition: You mustn't eat sweets. ( Você não pode comer doces).

- Expressing logical deduction: His car is in the garage. He must be home now. ( O

carro dele está na garagem. Ele deve estar em casa agora).

Must is equivalent to have to, except in the negative form. In the negative form must

expresses “prohibition” and have to expresses “no necessity”.

Compare: You mustn’t eat sweets. ( prohibition)

You don’t have to eat sweets. ( no necessity )

Let’s practice:

1) Mark the alternative that corresponds to the meaning of the sentence:

a. We have to study for the tests.

( ) advice

( ) obligation

( ) permission

b. He should visit his grandmother tomorrow.

( ) advice

( ) deduction

( ) permission


c. It’s 2:00 a.m. The baby must be sleeping.

( ) ability

( ) deduction

( ) advice

d. Paul can speak four languages.

( ) moral obligation

( ) permission

( ) ability

e. Stella is in the hospital. You should visit her.

( ) moral obligation

( ) future

( ) permission

f. It might rain in the afternoon.

( ) moral obligation

( ) obligation

( ) possibility

2) Complete the sentences with the corresponding modal verb:

a. Sheilla _______________ sing very well. ( ability )

b. We ______________________ fight against discrimination. ( obligation )

c. Henry ________________________ eat sugar. He has diabetes. ( prohibition )

d. My family _____________________ travel in January 2012. ( possibility )

e. ___________________ I talk to the director, please? ( formal permission )

f. ___________________ we use your computer, Tony? ( informal permission )

g. You don’t _______________________ tease that boy. ( no necessity )

3) Copy from the text two sentences with modal verbs.

4) Text comprehension:

a) Have you ever seen bullying at your school?

b) Were you a victim of bullying?


c) Have you already bullied others?

d) Can bullying happen only at schools? Where else can it happen?

e) What can happen to a victim of bullying?

f) What can you do to avoid bullying to happen?

Forms of bullying PHYSICAL

• This form of bullying can be visually detected. This type of maltreatment

involves physically contacting the student (kicking, hitting etc.). It can also

entail stealing or hiding the belongings of the affected students.

VERBAL • This form of bullying is difficult to detect, unless the adult is in the presence of

the participants. It involves name calling, insults, offensive and threatening


INTIMIDATION • This aspect could include gestures or comments, spreading rumours or

stories, graffiti and defacing property.

CYBERBULLYING • This is the modern extension of bullying. This occurs via the Internet, mobile

phones or other cyber technology. This can include: (1) sending malicious

text, e-mail, or instant messages (2) posting defamatory pictures or messages

about others in blogs or on websites (3) using someone else’s user name to

spread rumours or lies about someone.

• More commonly, students are using sites such as Facebook and Myspace to

carry out bullying tactics. (acesso em 25/07/2011)

Aqui, os alunos serão reunidos em equipes para a discussão das estratégias de

propaganda a serem utilizadas para evitar o bullying na sua escola.

5) In groups, think about the strategies of propaganda that could be used to avoid

bullying at school.


Suggestion: Search for some images on the internet to represent forms of bullying,

or if preferable create the images by yourselves ( as drawing, painting, etc.)

Create some sentences, use the appropriate colors, size of letters, etc.

Os alunos verão um vídeo que alerta para os diferentes tipos de discriminação.

Final activity The students will work in groups. Each group will be responsible to work with any

kind of theme involving discrimination. They can create propaganda in the form of

pamphlets, billboards, produce some jingles, play a role in their own productions and

so on.

Their production will be shown around the school trying to create an atmosphere of

consciousness about different forms of discrimination that generally leads to bullying.

The main purpose is to promote respect among everybody that is part of the school




Disponível em:

Figura 1 - ( acesso em 18/07/2011 )

Figura 2 ( acesso em 18/07/2011 )

Figura 3 - ( acesso em 18/07/2011 )

Figura 4 - ( acesso em 18/07/2011 ),1962) (Casas Pernambucanas, 2010) ( acesso em 18/07/2011 ) ( acesso em 18/07/2011 ) ( acesso em 18/07/2011 ) ( acesso em 18/07/2011 ) ( acesso em 18/07/2011 ) ( acesso em 18/07/2011 )

adapted from: (acesso em 25/07/2011). ( acesso em 18/07/2011 ) ( acesso em 18/07/2011 ) ( acesso em 18/07/2011 )

39 ( acesso em 18/07/2011 ) ( acesso em 18/07/2011 ) ( acesso em 18/07/2011 ) ( acesso em 14/07/2011 ) (acesso em 25/07/2011) (acesso em 25/07/2011)

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