magazine analysis 1 improved

Post on 22-Jan-2018






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MAIN IMAGE This magazine cover is by Empire. It is very conventional as the

actor is in character presenting the movie. It is also a close up

shot of him showing that he is the main character and there is

something very strange about him as the audience can tell he has

an abnormal eye colour and is very pale. This suggest that he is

not human and will create enigmas for the audience.

He is placed in front of a black background which contrasts

with his pale skin. This could symbolise how there is evil and

death surrounding him (giving clues to the audience) but purity

and innocence comes above the evil and darkness. He is also

wearing a brown suit, this connotes with dirt, another link to

death by the idea of being buried in the ground.

The main image conventionally dominates the frame. It

compliments the main sell line well by successfully combining

mise- en- scene elements such as makeup and costume.

Profile lighting is used to darken one side of the characters

face adding a mysterious twist to this film. He looks straight in

the camera lens to create direct address with the audience.

Makeup is used on the actor to make him look more realistic to

his character, this is used in other magazine photoshoots

especially those from fantasy sub- genres.

GENERAL LAYOUTThe layout of this film front cover is quite typical and seems to be what

is expected from a film magazine. The masthead is always the biggest

and is at the top of the magazine as it most likely what is first spotted

by the audience, ‘Empire’ is the name of the magazine and suggests

that it is the best film magazine in the world.

The layout for this magazine shows two main pieces of text (the

masthead and the featured article) at the top and bottom of the page,

in bright eye-catching colours. There are sell lines surrounding the

image on both sides making the page appear full and rich with

information reading for the audience to divulge on.

The sell lines on this magazine cover like many others are

advertising other films and actors. They attract the readers attention

by displaying the film titles in bold, along with the fact that they use

bright, eye-catching colours such as yellow, green and white which

contrasts with the black background . Therefore the font stands out


Incentives are offered with the magazine and are featured at the

top, in this case, ‘free posters’. Offering a free gift will urge the

audience to make a payment in order to buy the magazine, the two film

posters are from two very popular movies that the audience is likely to

have seen, and so they will know that this magazine is up to date with

famous film reviews- again making them want to buy the magazine.

MASTHEAD• The masthead is always the biggest and is at the top of

any magazine as it most likely what is first spotted by the audience, ‘Empire’ is the name of the magazine and suggests that it is the best film magazine in the world. The font is in red which has many connotations such as love, lust, and death. This is used to anchor the main image of the vampire which has been displayed on the front cover, helping the magazine promote the film more successfully and effectively. This is also an example of how symbiosis is used through the themes of the magazines as they all reflect and link back to the main film being advertised. Empire does this cleverly by relating its masthead back to every film being promoted, again creating symbiotic links throughout.

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