magazine design

Post on 31-Jul-2015






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Magazine DesignStyle Models

Front Cover Style ModelI wanted to use this style model because of the awkward positioning of the model and the way the masthead and title of the main article are easy to identify by the reader. However, I wanted to adapt mine to the genre I chosen for my target audience. To do this, I have taken my punk/rock genre and designed the cover in a way that presents style and appeal, along with the music conventions of my chosen genre.

Contents Page Style Model This is my style model for the contents page, with similar layout of the text and image presented for the main article. In this case, I have stuck to the conventions of existing contents pages because I have only adapted the genre of my magazine into the design and kept most of the layout the same.

Article Style ModelI have definitely broken conventions when designing my main magazine article because the design of this article is largely in the genre of alternative/rock, which is clear from the physical setting of the main image. I have focused the article entirely on the article content, whereas the style model incorporates other bands and small snippets of information on them. The article I have designed is adapted to my target audience and the colour scheme.

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