magazine fourth a and b

Post on 08-Feb-2016






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Fourth graders wrote about their busy lives and created avatars about themselves.


This issue is about….


routines!!! Fourth graders write about a

day in their busy lives!!!

Don´t miss the students´ PICS in



I get up at half past six. Later I go to

school by car at quarter to seven.

Then I meet my friends at eight o´clock.

After that I finish school at four o´clock.

I watch TV at half past four. Later I

study at seven o´clock. Then I have dinner

at eight o’clock. Finally I go to bed at nine




I get up at half past six. I have breakfast

and go to school at half past seven. I study

at half past five. I have dinner at half past

nine. I go to sleep at half past ten.



On Wednesdays I get up at half past six.

Later I have breakfast and I go to the


I finish school at four o’clock and I do my

homework. After that I go to dance

lessons. I go home at half past six and I

have dinner. Finally I go to sleep at nine




Every day I get up at quarter to seven. I

go to school and I come back home at four


I watch TV and play computer games at

five o’clock. I go to taekwondo at six

o’clock and I have dinner at nine o’clock. I

go to bed at ten o’clock.



On Thursdays I get up at twenty past

seven. I brush my teeth and I have

breakfast at half past seven. Later I go to

school at eight o’clock. I have lunch at half

past eleven. Then I finish school at four


I play tennis at five o’clock. Later at six

o’clock I finish my tennis lessons. I go to

my house and study. Then I watch TV.

After that I have dinner at nine o’clock.

Finally at ten o’clock I go to bed.



On Tuesdays I get up at six o’clock.

I brush my teeth and I have breakfast at

ten past six. Later I go to school at twenty

past six. I have lunch at twenty past

eleven. I finish school at half past four

o’clock. I go to my house and I study at

five o’clock. I have dinner at eight o’clock

and I go to bed at nine o’clock.



I get up at half past six and at the same

time I have breakfast. Later I go to school

at seven o’clock by car with my mum and

my brother. After that I meet my friends.

At twenty past eleven I have lunch, at half

past three I finish school. I study between

four and five o’clock. I watch TV at

quarter to six. I have dinner at quarter to

eight and I go to bed at nine o’clock.



On Fridays I get up at six o’clock. I go to

school at quarter past seven. At eight

o’clock I have Music. At twenty past nine I

have English. At twenty past ten I have

Italian. At twenty past eleven I have

lunch. At twenty past one I have Language.

At twenty past two I have Math. At half

past seven I have dinner and finally at

twenty to ten I go to bed.

Julieta ♥


On Saturdays I get up at six o’clock and

have breakfast at quarter past six.

After that I go to the club to play hockey.

I finish at quarter past ten. After that I

go home and I have lunch at one o’clock. At

quarter past three I go to the park to play

football. I have a dinner at seven o’clock

and I go to bed at eight o’clock.



On Mondays I get up at seven o’clock.

Then I put on the school uniform and I

clean my teeth. I have yoghurt for

breakfast. At twenty five past seven I go

to school by my mother’s car. Then I study

different subjects and I have breaks to

play football. In the afternoon I go to the

club C.A.S.V.A. with my friends. I play

football. In the evening I have a bath, I

have dinner at nine o’clock, then, I watch

TV and I go to bed. Finally I sleep.



On Mondays I get up at seven o’clock, I go

to school at seven thirty. I have lunch at

eleven twenty and I go to my house at four

o’clock. I go to the bed at half past ten.

On Saturdays I get up at one o’ clock I

have lunch at two o’ clock. I play PS 3 at

two thirty. I study at five o’ clock. I have

dinner at nine thirty and I go to bed late.



Hi! I get up at seven o’clock.

I go to school at seven o’clock and finish at

four o’clock.

On Fridays I go to guitar lessons at seven

o’ clock and on Wednesdays and Thursdays

I go to taekwondo at half past seven.



I get up at half past six. I have breakfast;

I drink tea with milk, and eat cookies.

At seven o’ clock I put on my clothes. At

quarter past seven, I go to school by car

with my sister, mum and my brother.

At school I study, I play with my friends

and I have lunch at twenty past eleven.

I leave school at four o’ clock. In my

house, I play, I do my homework, I take a

shower and I have dinner at eight o’ clock.

I watch TV and at half past nine I go to


Santi M.


I get up at seven and have breakfast at

ten past seven.

I go to school at half past seven. I have

lunch at twenty past eleven.

I finish school at half past three and I go

to swimming lessons. Later I study, I

watch TV and play PS 3 with my dad.

I have dinner at nine and after dinner I

watch TV and go to sleep.



I get up at six o’ clock. Later I have

breakfast and I go to school at half past

seven. I have lunch at school at twenty

past eleven. I finish school at quarter past


I watch TV at half past four. I study at

six o’ clock. I have dinner at nine o’ clock.

After that I go to bed at ten o’ clock.



I get up at half past six. I have breakfast

at quarter to seven. Later I go to school

by car at half past seven. Then I have

lunch at twenty past eleven. I have a snack

at half past four. Then I have dinner at

half past ten. Finally I go to bed at eleven




On Saturdays I get up at nine o`clock.

I brush my teeth and I have breakfast at

half past nine. After that I go to play with

the computer or I study.

I have lunch at one o`clock. Later I go to

bed from half past two until four.

I get up and I go to the kitchen at five

o`clock. I have tea.

At nine o`clock my father cooks pizza

while I eat French fries.

At ten o’clock I eat pizza that my father

made. At ten thirty I go to bed.



On Fridays I get up at seven o’ clock.

I get dressed at seven o’ clock.

I have breakfast at quarter past seven. I

go to school at quarter to eight.

I finish school at quarter past four and I

have English lessons at quarter past four.

I have dinner at eight at night.

I go to bed at twelve at night.



My favourite day is THURSDAY

I get up at seven o’clock.

I have breakfast at ten past seven.

I get dressed at half past seven.

I go to school at eight o’clock.

I have lunch at half past eleven.

I go home at four o’clock.

I play basketball at five o’clock

I finish basketball at six o’clock

I walk in Paraná Street at ten past six.

I have dinner at eight o’clock.

I go to bed at ten o’clock.



My favourite day is Friday.

I get up at seven o’clock. I wash my face

at two past seven. I get dressed at ten

past seven. I have breakfast at half past

seven. I go to school at eight o’clock.

I have lunch at twenty past eleven.

At four o’clock I finish school and I go

home by the school bus.

When I arrive at home my mum prepares

me a little tea with cookies and milk. I do

the homework. I have dinner at nine

o’clock and I go to the bed at ten o’clock



My favourite day is Sunday. I get up at

eleven o’clock .I wash my face at quarter

past eleven. I get dressed at half past

eleven. I make my bed at quarter to


I go rollerblading to Palermo at twelve o’

clock. I go home at half past one. I have

lunch at quarter to one. I eat ice cream at

two o’ clock. I watch TV at half past two.

I read at three o’ clock. I help my mother

at five o’ clock. I help my mother cook at

half past five. I play at seven o’ clock. I

have dinner at eight o’ clock. I go to bed at

nine o’ clock.



I get up at half past six.

I eat breakfast at seven o’ clock.

I go to school at eight o’ clock.

I eat lunch at half past eleven.

I finish school at four o’ clock.

I play football at half past four.

I play tennis at five o’ clock.

I go home at seven o’ clock.

I take a bath at half past seven.

I finish my homework at eight o’ clock.

I eat dinner at half past eight.

I watch TV after dinner.

I go to bed at ten o’ clock.

Lautaro C.


My favourite day is Sunday.

I get up at ten o’clock.

I have breakfast at half past ten.

I watch TV from eleven o’ clock to twelve


I play with the computer at quarter past

twelve. I have lunch at half past two.

I play with table games at three o’clock.

I play with the PS2 at twenty to four.

I go to the Square at half past four.

I go to home at half past six.

I play again with the PS2 from seven o’

clock to nine. I have dinner at nine o’ clock.

I go to bed at ten o’ clock.



My favourite day is Friday.

I get up at six o’clock.

I wash my face at half past six.

I get dressed at half past six.

I make bed at half past six.

I have breakfast at seven o’ clock.

I walk to school at half past seven.

I finish school at four o’ clock.

I go home and have tea at half past four.

I have dinner at nine o’ clock.

I go to bed at half past ten.



My favourite day is Tuesday-

I get up at seven o’ clock.

I wash my face and clean my teeth at

quarter past seven. I get dressed at half

past 7. I have breakfast at half past 7.

I go to school by car with my brother, my

mother and my father at 8 o’ clock.

I finish school at 4 o’ clock. I go to Art

lessons at 4 o’clock. I finish at half past 5.

I walk to my home at half past 5.

I study at 6 o’ clock. I have tea at half

past 6. I go to the tae-bo class at 7 o’

clock. I finish and go home at 8 o’ clock. I

watch TV at half past eight. I have diner

at 9 o’ clock. I go to bed at 10 o’ clock.



My favourite day is Thursday.

I get up at twenty to six. After that I get

dressed. I have toasts and cookies for

breakfast at seven.

I walk to school with my brother and my

mother at seven to eight.

I finish classes at four o’ clock.

I go home and have lunch with my

grandmother and my brother. At five o’

clock I finish my Art lesson.

I play with my dogs “Boro and Floppy” they

are beautiful dogs!!! I have dinner at half

past eight. I read a book. Its name is “The

house isn’t a door”. I go to sleep at ten o’




My favourite day is Wednesday.

I get up at seven o´clock.

I have breakfast at ten past seven.

I go to school at half past seven.

I arrive home at ten past four.

I do my homework at half past four.

I have lunch at twenty past eleven.

I finish school at four o’ clock.

I go to swim at five o’clock.

I finish at seven o’clock.

I arrive home at twenty past seven.

I play the wii at ten past eight.

I have dinner at ten o’clock.

I go to bed at twenty past ten.



My favourite day is Saturday.

I get up at seven o’clock.

I get dressed with the school uniform at

two past seven.

I wash my face at five past seven.

I have breakfast at ten past seven.

I go to hockey and play hockey at eight

o’clock. I finish hockey and go to my house

at twelve o’clock.

I have lunch at quarter to twelve.

I do the homework at one o’clock.

I finish the homework at two o’clock.

I watch TV at five o’clock. I have dinner a

eight o’clock. I go to bed at nine o’clock.

I go to sleep at ten o’clock.

Sofi I.


My favourite day is Saturday

I get up at eight o’clock. I

I wash my face at quarter to nine

I get dressed at nine o’ clock.

I have toast at four past ten.

I walk to the park with my sister.

I go home and have lunch at twelve.

I go to my grandma´s house at four o’

clock. I return home at half past two.

I have dinner at eight o clock

I go to bed.



My favourite day is Friday

I get up at six o’ clock.

I wash my face at quarter past six.

I don’t make my bed. I have biscuits for

breakfast at twenty to seven.

I go to school by car with my mum and my

grandma at ten to seven.

I finish classes at six o’ clock.

I go home and have tea at half past six

with my mum and my grandma.

I have dinner at nine o’ clock.

I go to bed at eleven o’ clock.

Valen D. M.


My favourite day is Friday.

I get up at six o’ clock.

I wash my face at quarter past six.

I don’t make my bed.

I have breakfast at twenty past six.

I go to school with my father at seven o’

clock. I finish school at six o‘clock.

I go home at quarter past six.

I have dinner at quarter past ten.

I go to bed at twelve o ‘clock.



My favourite day is Friday because I meet

to my friends TITI and FELI.

I get up at seven o’ clock. I have breakfast

at ten past seven. I wash my face at

twenty past seven. I go to school at half

past seven. I finish school at four o’ clock.

I go home at half past four.

I have tea at five o’ clock.

I play games in Facebook.

I have dinner at nine o’ clock. I go to bed

at eleven.



My favourite day is Saturday.

I get up at ten o´clock.

I have breakfast at eleven o´clock.

I do the homework at twelve o´clock.

I play computer games at quarter past

twelve. I have lunch at quarter to twelve.

After lunch, I go to my cousin’s house to

sleep there.

When I am with my cousin we listen to

music of VIOLETTA .



My favourite day is Sunday.

I get up at six o’clock.

I clean my boat and I sail.

I finish sailing. I have a shower, get

dressed and I have lunch with my family.

Then, I go home and I go to bed at ten


Lautaro L.


My favourite day is Sunday

I get up at twelve o’clock.

I get dressed at quarter past twelve.

I have breakfast at half past twelve.

I go to my grandma’s home at one o’clock.

I arrive at ten past one.

I play with her dog at two o’clock.

I have a lunch at half past two.

I watch TV at three o’clock.

I have tea at half past three.

I go to home at half past six.

I arrive home at seven o’clock.

I have dinner at eight o’clock.

I go to bed at ten o’clock.

I sleep at twelve o’clock.

Sofi Sivori


My favourite day is Saturday.

I get up at seven o´clock.

I wash my face at quarter past seven.

I get dressed and I go to Barlovento´s


I have breakfast at eight o´clock.

And then I sail my boat (Optimist).

After sailing I play soccer and then I go




, Miss Viviana (Teacher of English) Miss Ivana (Teacher of English) And Fernanda (Computer Science teacher)

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