magazine of the citroËn s p ecials cl ub

Post on 28-Jan-2017






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Callum Beveridge

47 Old Mill Lane, Inverness, Highland IV2 3XP Tel: 01463 231787




Peter and Margaret Cook

CARTOONS John Wheatley

Printed in England by:

Paul Hackett


on 5th. Oct 2007

The next Flat Out will be issued around Nov 1st Please send articles by e-mail or typed.

The Editor nor the officers of the Citroen Specials Club are necessarily in agreement with opinions expressed in this magazine. Such opinions are entirely the views of the author and imply no recommendation by the Citroen Specials Club

All rights reserved. Apart from any fair dealings as permitted under the terms of the Copyright Design and Patents Act of 1988, no part of this magazine

may be reproduced in any form whatsoever without the written permission of the Citroen Specials Club

3 Chairmans Notes 6 Editorial 11 Letters 19 Committee Profile 24 Events Diary 27 Classified Ads 33 Monthly Meetings

7 West Mids & Mid Wales 10 East Midlands (Mid Shires) 17 North West 18 Cotswold Chat 25 North Thames Gas 26 Not So Wild West 30 Scotland Frozen North 31 East Coasters 34 North East News 35 Down South Roundup

10 Northern Ireland Trip 20 Bakewell Summer Camp 29 2008 Anniversary Meeting 36 Grande Tour de France 38 The Car’s The Star


CSC Homepage


Cover picture: Bakewell cars at the Crich Tramway Museum


Well what a summer we are having, rain, rain and yet more rain. Carole and I got a good soaking both going to Bakewell and on the way home, but the weather although not perfect while we were there was not too unkind and we had a really good time. I congratulate Steve Spence and his team on a job well done, I know that they put in a lot of work to make the event a success but I would like to assure them that we all appreciate their efforts. Carole and I have just got back from our holiday where we spent five days in Belgium at the venue for next years anniversary celebrations along with Bill and Mary Johnson and Richard and Jane Allen. We spent the time there sorting out some of the activities we hope to include in next years festivities. After this we continued alone down to the Black Forest area of Germany, returning home across France to St.Malo for the ferry home via Jersey and Guernsey. The weather Gods were kind to us with no rain during the daytime at all until we landed in Poole from there we had to do the last leg in very heavy rain. ‘Scallywag’ behaved perfectly for the whole trip happy to cruise along, fully loaded, at sixty miles an hour on the French motorways. We had a great time in Germany and France with ‘Scallywag’ causing the usual interest everywhere that we went, the car seems to act as a kind of introduction card and we found ourselves talking to so many interesting people who we otherwise would never have met. By the time that you read this the club trip

to Ireland will be underway, Carole and I are really looking forward to it, as I am sure are the drivers and passengers of the 32 cars that have registered for the event. At the recent wedding of club members Ian and Ranah Kelly, the seating arrangement at the reception was done by marking everyone’s place with a helium balloon. The balloons were released after the reception with a view to seeing how far they travelled. Carole recently received a card from a place called Ploumilliau in Brittany this being a small village half way between St.Malo and Brest, Carole’s balloon had been found by a young boy named Leo in his Grandmothers garden. Quite a long way for a balloon that had already deflated quite a lot before it was released. We were invited to call in if we were ever in the area; alas we had been in St. Malo the week before we received the card. Drive carefully. Alan



Officers Chairman: Alan Peacock Verazza, 61 Windmill Avenue, St Albans 01727 862971 Herts. AL4 9SJ email: Secretary: Richard Perfitt 10 Monmouth Road, Harlington LU2 01525 876 671 Dunstable, Beds. Treasurer: Peter Chitty 8 Forest End Courtmoor, Fleet, Hampshire, 01252 620 128 GU52 7XE Membership Carole Chitty As above Secretary: e-mail:

Area Representatives

North Thames: Vic Braybrook 11 Meade Road, Billericay, Essex 01277 622 331 CM11 1DE South East: Vacant South: Carole & Peter Chitty 8 Forest End Courtmoor, Fleet, 01252 620 128 Hampshire, GU52 7XE South West: Ron Bishop 2 Beresford Gardens, Landsdown 01225 335777 Lane, Weston Bath, Avon BA1 4NX Cotswolds: Gordon Burch 6 The Barracks, Parkend, Lydney 01594 562844 Glos. GL15 4HR E-mail South Wales: Vacant Contact: Rob Raikes 90 Heol Bardd, Bridgend, 01656 668 683 Mid-Glamorgan CF31 4td email: North East: Dr John Fowler “Rivendell” Shortsill Lane Flaxby 01423 867410, Knaresborough, N Yorks HG5 0RT e-mail East Midlands: Jim & Joy Barry 164 Polwell Lane, Barton (Midshires Sub-Group) 01536 724 512 Seagrave, Kettering, Northants NN15 6UB North West: Richard Williams 316 Brindle Road, Bamber Bridge 01772 628470 Preston, Lancs. PR5 6ZL E-mail Scotland: Jennie White Whitelaw Cottage, 01387 370 291 Carlesgill, Westerkirk Langholm, Dumfrieshire DG13 0NZ North Wales & Cliff Thomas-Smout 118 Kingsley Road, Kingswinford West Midlands: 01384 830140 West Midlands DY6 9RS Northern Keith Bomber Hummock House, 186 Abbey Road, Ireland: 0289 186 2667 Millisle, County Down, Northern Ireland BT22 2DH East Anglia: Bob Hartley 19 Grove Hill, Belstead Village, 01473 730 434 Ipswich, Suffolk IP8 3LP East Midlands: David Field Warren House, 24 Cherry Tree Lane (East Coast Sub-Group) 01522 753372 Nettleham, Lincoln, Lincs. LN2 2PR


Falcon Registrar: Joyce Taylor Ridge Cottage, Glevering 01728 746 155 Hill, Wickham Market, Woodbridge, Suffolk IP13 0DG Specials Registrar: Richard Perfitt 10 Monmouth Road, Harlington LU2 01525 876 671 Dunstable, Beds. Technical Advisers: Derek Smith 4 Sherbourne Drive 01753 868 537 Windsor, Berks SL4 4AE5 Dicky Dawes 55 Pedlars grove, Frome, 01373 461589 Somerset BA11 2SX e.mail: Regalia Sales: Brian Peters 43 Belstead Avenue, Ipswich, Suffolk. 01473 405974 IP2 8NR e.mai:l Handbook Technical info: Jim Barry 164 Polwell Lane, Barton Seagrave 01536 724512 Kettering Northants NN15 6UB

A couple of specials at the world meeting in Sweden

2CV World Meeting - Borlange, Sweden Some interesting video of the recent 2CV World Meeting can be found on YouTube at the following addresses:


Firstly, apologies for the picture quality in the last issue - I’ve been trying to strike a balance between picture resolution and size of the finished magazine - and got it a bit wrong. Hopefully, the image quality in this issue will be a bit better (sorry John). A big “Thank You” to all of the contributors for this issue. Initially, I thought it wasn’t all going to fit in, but I think I’ve found space for most of it. If I’ve missed anything out, it will make it into a future issue. The competition also resulted in an overwhelming response - Both of you got it right!, but Anthony Shelton was the first correct entry guessing that the item was indeed a gearbox input bearing retaining flange. Anthony is offering a prize for this issues competition on page 13. Answers direct to him please. Hopefully, this has reached you before the Ireland trip at the end of August because Keith has written a short bit on page 10 regarding where and when to meet etc. I’ve now managed to book my Ireland accommodation although I wouldn’t be surprised to find a Spanish waiter working there. I’m not 100% convinced that they’ll actually have a room for me due to a recent ‘phone call just to check exactly when I was coming and for how long… If you see me in Ireland, come up and introduce yourself. I’ve got a terrible memory for faces, and it will be good to put some faces to the many names with which I’m now familiar On the home front, I finally put my ‘long’

gearbox into the Burton a few weeks ago. Initial testing was somewhat confusing, as I appeared to be going slower than before at the same revs. A quick check with a GPS revealed that the car is now pulling 70mph at 5,500 revs although the speedometer is now relegated to ‘looking nice’ without actually being of much use! I’ve also put together my ‘modified’ engine and have had it running on the bench with a view to putting it in the car in the Winter. With 9:1 pistons, lightened flywheel and severely modified valve-train and manifolds, it should go like the clappers. For how long it continues to go has yet to be seen… Another local success story is of the one-off special built by Topher Dawson from Ullapool (See issue 112). Despite all the odds, he managed to get it on the road in time to take it to the 2CV World Meeting in Borlange, Sweden. This involved driving from Ullapool to Glasgow for the SVA test with a gearbox which was later found out to be almost completely empty of any oil. Undeterred, he repeated the performance 10 days later and passed the SVA with flying colours. No-one has seen him since he set off, but text messages from Scandinavia seem to suggest that all is going well. Until next time, best regards Callum




Sunday September 9 – Six Ashes Rally, just turn up. Sunday October 14, Priorslee Lodge, Telford, meet 12 noon. Sunday October 21, Malverns Classic Car Show (see above) Sunday November 11, Priorslee Lodge, as above. Sunday December 9th , Christmas Dinner—contact Ray John.

It's now August – where has the summer washed away to? After the very wet Marches on Wheels, the Summer Camp also was very nearly washed out. It proved to be a very enjoyable Saturday afternoon; we were in shirt sleeves at the Tram Museum, but it was not to last. On the way back to Bakewell, outside Chatsworth House the heavens opened and the down pour continued all the way.

The evening meal and entertainment though was first class – well done Steve and company.

My annual weekend at Tywyn was also almost washed out, but Dicky and Pat, Ray John, Ken Carlton and Steve Spence, stayed all three days. Peter and Della Harris, Jeanne and I went up on Friday but came home, and I went to collect them all on Sunday for another very wet drive home. All I can say – what has happened to that global warming!

At Tywyn, Jeanne and I were very impressed with Dicky and Pat's little caravan, and it has jump-started me to resurrect the one I was

building two or three years ago. I hope to have it ready for 2008, and to tow it behind my blue car, which is built from a Citroen Ami. Jeanne is recovering from her ailments and as this is written we are both hoping to join other members on the Ireland trip.

On the club side, we have been told the Six Ashes Show has been rescheduled for Sunday September 9th. If you haven't booked, just turn up. Another new date is Sunday October 21st for Malvern Classic Car Show. To book a ticket for this you must apply to Andrew Greenwood, PO Box 1254 Huddersfield HD4 6WY, phone 01484 452002.

We also start our winter programme on the second Sunday of the month at Priorslee Lodge, Telford, the first on October 14th, from 12 noon. The Christmas dinner is on Sunday December 9th, again organised by Ray John. Please get in touch with him to book. Bob Lloyd

WEST MIDS – MID WALES Bob’s bit the Wrekin/Border Man




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Hi Folks, What wet, wishy-washy, weather we’re wandering around in. Anyone out there with an amphibious Lomax? I bet someone’s made one. April was superb, with a good summer predicted but its all gone wrong, it must be a record year for wash-outs. On the bright side Bob Davison has put a new Lomax on the road.(see Letters section), Tony Bradwell drove his new Trike down to Kinver. Both builds have a fantastic finish so the inevitable crowds gather. My sincere congratulations to both. I am disappointed at not seeing more members but with this weather its hardly surprising. At my age water is something you drink not stand around in!!!! See you somewhere Cliff and Diana "STOP PRESS MIDLAND MEMBERS" New Venue BASIL'S High Street, KINVER. Meeting upstairs in this new venue next to The White Harte public house in the centre of Kinver every third Wednesday in the month. First meeting September 19th at 7.30pm.

An atheist was taking a walk through the woods. "What majestic trees! What powerful rivers! What beautiful animals!" he said to himself. As he continued walking alongside the river he heard a rustling in the bushes. Turning to look, he saw a 7 foot grizzly charging towards him. He ran as fast as he could up the path. Looking over his shoulder he saw that the bear was closing in on him. His heart was pumping frantically and he tried to run even faster. He tripped and fell on the ground. He rolled over to pick himself up but saw the bear raising his paw to take a swipe at him. At that instant the atheist cried out: "Oh my God....!" Time stopped. The bear froze. The forest was silent. It was then that a bright light shone

upon the man and a voice came out of the sky saying: "You deny my existence for all of these years, teach others I don't exist and even credit Creation to a cosmic accident. Do you expect me to help you out of this predicament? Am I to count you as a believer?" The atheist looked directly into the light and said: "It would be hypocritical of me to suddenly ask you to treat me as a Christian now, but perhaps, you could make the BEAR a Christian?" "Very well," boomed the voice. The light went out, and the sounds of the forest resumed, and then the bear lowered his paw, bowed his head and spoke: "Lord, bless this food which I am about to receive and for which I am truly thankful, Amen."


East Anglia 1741 Sheree Page - Lowestoft Suffolk - Red Lomax 223 KDB 233P East Midlands 1738J Geoff & Jean Spray - Derby Derbys - Lomax PLC 3SW 1733J Paul & Julia Williams - Redmile Notts - Black Lomax WRE 955X N.Wales/W.Mids 1727 Jon Goodson - Stone Staffordshire - BRGreen Lomax 223 FWL 80S 1729J Robert & Frances Robinson -Llanfair Caereinion Powys - Cream Lomax 223 BNZ7362 1734 Dave Thomlinson - Clun Shropshire - Green Pembleton Grasshopper C856 PUJ 1731 Malcolm Abraham - Harlech Gwynedd - Yellow/black Triking GYG 456 North East 1736 John Allford - Sheffield S. Yorks - Blue/Silver Hudson Kindred Spirit B559 MLK Overseas (France) 1739J Nick & Antje Poll - Haute Garonne - Red Lomax 223 EGV 950Y South 1728J Mark & Margo de Vries - Worthing West Sussex - Lomax 224 1735 Pete Willmin - Haslemere Surrey - Building a Pembleton Grasshopper South East

1730 Doug Fackrell - Shorne, Kent - Red/Aluminium BRA CV3 B27 AKN 1740 Leonard Gardner - West Wickham Kent - Silver Lomax Lamda 3 C205 PCP South West 1737J Lorraine & Robert McGowan - Pewsey Wilts - BRGreen Lomax 223 M222 LOR

Welcome to New Members


EAST MIDLANDS (MID SHIRES) Report Mid Shires Events 2007 Aug 25th Holcot Steam Fair, Northamptonshire Aug 26th Little Gransden, Cambridgeshire. Sep 3rd Cranford. Sep 29th/30th Erewash. Selsey Forest/Tree Top Walk to be arranged

Jim & Joy Barry

After the last two months of disastrous weather it’s a wonder that anyone has anything to report, although we in the Midshires have had it quite good compared to many other regions, it has not been good enough to “get up and go”. Many events in our region have had to be cancelled and where they have been run nobody seemed inspired enough to turn out. Hopefully summer has finally arrived.

We are still trying to find the “PERFECT VENUE” for our monthly meetings, at the moment the WHITE LION at North Kilworth seems to fit the bill. When we first tried It out earlier this year it was far to ‘smokey’ but now the smoking ban has finally come into force it seems much better. As the August meeting was the last of our summer evening meets we will have to see how it works out for the first Sunday in the Month starting in October. There will be no September evening meeting as many of our regulars will be away on the Ireland Trip.

Monthly Meetings

The first Sunday of the month Starting October 2007 to March 2008 at 1.30pm

Initially at the White Lion, Lutterworth Road in North Kilworth but check with us to confirm.

Joy and I will be away from the 29th August to 11th September and again from 14th to 21st September

Northern Ireland 2007

Plans are well underway for the meeting 31Aug to 4 Sept and I hope that when it is over you will have seen a lot of what Northern Ireland can offer. Although the meeting officially starts on 31 Aug I am planning a get together at Groomsport Boathouse at Groomsport (postcode BT19 6JP for those of you with GPS) on 30 Aug between 7pm and 10 pm. This is just to meet you and have a chat about the 4 days. For those of you who cannot make that we will be meeting in the same place at 0915 on 31 Aug. See you then Keith Bomber


Excellent Service For any members who have not heard of them, "Der Franzose" of stock a range of parts which are not commonly available elsewhere. I was looking for a new suspension arm and none of the usual suppliers could help. Thanks to the internet, I found Der Franzose who stocked what they called an original item from stock dissolution, possibly slightly rusty or dusty. What arrived after only 10 days was, as you can see, in superb greased condition. I think that this is worth broadcasting. Don't you? John Plaister

Sparking Plugs I have noticed that a lot of shops do not stock plugs, or not on lists supplied by manufacturers. So I thought I would find out what was recommended by other makers. So here is a set of makes Prices vary from £2.90-£8.00 each.




There are more that will fit but I cannot find them on my lists. I hope these numbers will be of help to members. I am trying IWF22 - expensive to start but should get more power and better mpg. Will try and let you know outcome. dell (Derek Swain) member 622 lomax 223 twin dellortos 123 ignition,runs well, but never got jetting correct.


To all our new friends in the CSC We joined the CSC at Stoneleigh this year and immediately bumped into german visitors that we met in last year's 3-wheeler meet at Westerstede, Germany. Doubtless we will make their acquaintance again at the next meeting in Speyer this September. I think Claus, another Pembleton builder, said he is going to go as well. This is an excellent event which I would thoroughly recommend to anyone. All three-wheelers are welcome (with 4-wheel cousins accepted too). A couple of pictures are on the back cover. Contact us if you're interested and we'll let you have details. We are just back from our first continental trip this year - to France, where we touched base in Amiens with a prospective french builder, Jose. We had a faultless performance from the Silverfish with the Guzzi motor providing effortless cruising with boundless oomph in reserve. 1000 miles covered and about the same number of pictures taken of the car by passers by. Rick Pembo has just been and built a "tall" gearbox for the car. When combined with the large diameter wheels that are fitted this will give about 16 mph per 1000 rpm in top gear and 110+ top speed, further enhancing the touring capabilities of the car - with any luck! New Pembleton builders keep popping up with three 3-wheeled cars being built within a short distance of home and a newly finished car seen recently in Bewdley. Thanks again for the shiny cup presented at Stoneleigh - an unexpected surprise. We look forward to seeing some Pembleton related news in the CSC magazine in addition to the excellent existing content. Best wishes Dave and Nicki Parr

Hotel Update The ‘Live and Let Live’ Frampton Cotterell Near Bristol, the meeting place for the South-West section has now been totally refurbished. The Hotel ‘Del a Bay’ Fouesnant in Brittany has been demolished to make room for a new development. Hotel de France Josselin Britney has now ceased business. The Stardust Hotel, Las Vegas, USA was demolished earlier this year and is to be rebuilt. We would like to point out that the demise of these businesses were purely coincidental and had nothing to do with recent visits from the South West section. Ken Edwards



New Design Filler/Breather David Forbes, the 2CVGB MODCON Registrar lives very close to the 2CV Mail-Order operation, ECAS in Stafford and knows the new owner, Richard Dalton very well. ECAS have been developing a new design breather/oil filler unit for the ’A’ Series Citroën engine, originally for the racing teams but which would also benefit all ’A’ Series Citroëns and ‘Specials’. David was asked by Richard if he would like to trial the prototype of this device on his Lomax 223. He said he would, and he has. The basis of the breather is the BMW motorcycle reed-valve. Where the ECAS unit differs from other breather alternatives, is that instead of fitting it in series with the original ailing breather, this unit actually replaces the original breather and, being physically smaller than the original breather/filler unit, requires no modifying to fit underneath the bonnet of Specials. It bolts directly to the top of the crankcase, as the original, and comes complete with the drain-back pipe connection into the crankcase, and the oil-condensate take-off pipe to the air-filter. The filler is capped by a screw-cap and comes complete with ‘O’ ring seal and spare! The reed valve can easily be removed for washing out with petrol and so should outlast the life of the car. We had an opportunity to look at this device in some detail during the Louth show and were impressed by what we saw. Although it is now available from ECAS under product code 00359, it isn‘t cheap retailing at £84.83. To put this into context, a new, original Citroën breather from ECAS will cost you £79.00. David Field

European Tour Just a note to say our ‘European Tour’ of some 2,800 miles went O.K. We ‘only’ got soaked twice and the only fatality was a handbrake cable. Visited some fourteen campsites (using site caravans) in some seven countries. Nearly got killed by a Dutchman in a people-carrier near Grenoble. The tour took six weeks. A picture from our tour is shown here. The first person who can identify the location, by writing to me by letter or card, wins a prize – a Lomax cufflinks set and badge. Anthony and Pat Shelton (Lomax Pilots) Member No. 230



What a Shocker At one point on the way to Bakewell for the Summer Camp, I was behind John Davis’s 223 and noticed that the rear of the car was ‘floating’ up and down more than I remembered. I initially dismissed it thinking the phenomenon was being caused by the additional weight of his camping equipment. Later in the day, John had a look under the car and found to his surprise that, the rear attachment pin for the rear shock-absorber had sheared which meant that the shock-absorber was only attached to the car by the front attachment pin. As a result, although the rear suspension was still working normally on the coil-spring, the vertical oscillations were completely un-damped causing the ‘float’. The pin is a stud screwed into the chassis and the pin had actually sheared such that the only way to remove it was by drilling out. Little could be done at the Camp so the shock-absorber was tied up out of the way and the car laid-up for the duration of the camp. The car got John home in one piece and, on further investigation he discovered that in order to get access to the broken pin to drill it out, the rear of the body would need to be lifted a coupe of inches off the chassis! By slackening the body tub to chassis attachment bolts, John was able to lift the rear of the body sufficient to get at the pin and, although new pins are available form ECAS and 2CV City, elected to replace the pin with a high-tensile bolt and a nut on both ends. The suspension was then checked and the body re-bolted down. Why did the pin shear? Well John is running on a single suspension spring and shock-absorber. Because John’s car is quite an early one we think that the car is pre-linked suspension and, because he didn’t build it, has no idea how the car may have been abused before he bought it. Food for thought? The failure probably occurred with no visible warning that it was about to do so but, how often do we check these nether regions of the cars anatomy for wear and security? How often do we grease the ‘knife-edges’ and lubricate the spring cans? Finally, I can’t ever remember my friendly MOT inspector ever giving the shock-absorber attachments anything other than a cursory glance during the annual MOT. David Field



Aesthetic ‘Split Screen’ Divide Materials: Ali Flat 30mm x 300mm Ali Angle 30mm x 30mm x 300mm Cycle inner tube Adhesive to stick ali and innertube Step1 Anneal. Heat up the ali angle and and use a match until charcoal marks appear on the angle then quench. Step 2 Turn angle upside-down on a block of wood and give it a good clout with a hammer along the top edge until the shape starts to form. Step 3 Cut to required width (30mm) and length to fit vertically up the outside centre of your windscreen. (approx 250mm) Step 4 Cut a similar length of flat aluminium bar for the inside of the windscreen Step 5 Stick both sides to windscreen with inner-tube sandwiched between ali and glass. Finish off with moulding top and bottom made out of ali or painted wood. Pete Herbert Member No 628




Bob Davison (member No. 1086)


A very mixed couple of months – with some shows cancelled due to rain and poor condition of fields – although we have not had the floods that other areas have been subjected to. Malcolm and I managed to get late entry to the Fleetwood Festival of Transport (Tram Sunday) – where we had an enjoyable day with another Pembleton and a BRA – all of which attracted a lot of interest as the show is in Fleetwood town centre and gives the general public more chance to see our cars. The weather has picked up this weekend and Saturday I attended the Hebden Bridge Classic weekend alongside a Lomax from Kent (on holiday with its owners). Sunday Malcolm and I went to the Woodvale Show – great weather and hundreds of Cars, bikes and model aircraft (which need to be seen to be believed – some of them are larger than our cars – certainly faster and better handling). So far we have not had any newcomers at our monthly meeting but we are meeting owners from the North West and other areas as we attend shows and runs – the owners in the North West seem to be spread all over the area and there doesn’t seem to be any central location that would suit area meetings – although if anyone is interested in trying to meet up – please call myself or Malcolm. The next monthly meetings are the 11th August and the 8th September from 1.30 at the Farmers Arms – on the B5250 at Heskin Green close to the M6 Junction 27. (Different location due to closure of the Hinds Head.) Richard Williams (member No. 1210) 01772 628470 Malcolm Hopwood (member No. 1591) 01253 854363 Forthcoming Events North West Classic Car & Motorcycle Show Cholmondeley Castle – 2nd September Lancashire Classic Car & Motorcycle Show Hoghton Tower – 9th September Lakes 2 Run in October.

North West Section Notes


Cotswold Chat

Diary Dates October 20th - 21st is the 4th Malvern Classic Car Show at the Three Counties Showground – Booking necessary - ask for a form - £2.50 entrance fee if pre-booked.

In spite of the weather it has been quite a busy couple of months. Defford Air day on the 9th June saw the sun shining and a few members in attendance. We had the embarrassment of being trailered home by those nice people in the recovery business. On our way there we were quite concerned about the noise coming from the car behind only to discover on turning left that the noise came with us whilst he had turned right! Fearing the worst we thought that the rear brake had collapsed but as we were almost there decided to continue on to the air field and investigate there. Unable to discover the cause (no-one had a suitable jack) we enjoyed the day then phoned the recovery people. Investigation the following day revealed three very loose wheel nuts!! Ah well at least we saved the petrol. Summer camp was a good weekend again in spite of the weather - thanks to everyone involved in the organisation. Saturday was dry so we went for a quick run around the area covering about 60 miles by the time we got back for the hog roast. Our area camp was well attended with a number of members from other areas braving the weather and the date (Friday 13th) to come and join us. The weather was a carbon copy of last years May event – wet Friday, sunny Saturday and wet again on Sunday. Friday evening 18 of us descended on a local eating establishment for refreshments and most of us had never seen cod as big as they served. 11 cars set off on Saturday for a tour of the Forest

of Dean & Wye Valley covering 75 miles with the promised stop for cream teas followed on our return to the site by a BBQ, the odd bottle of wine (or two), Pat’s sing song, enjoyable chat and the results of the quiz which after several tie break questions was declared a tie between Pat & Dickie and Chris Tilney. Sunday morning being wet was the scene of an impromptu ploughing competition by a couple of members which, despite Richard’s brave effort, was won by Terry Pearce with extra points for style!! Having changed the date from last year in the hope of better weather and failed the only thing for next year is a change of venue – Dubai anyone? The Black Country Museum Vintage Vehicle Rally on the 29th was a good day out and the weather was kind. By the time you read this we will be into September and in Ireland hopefully enjoying some good weather – why do they say it’s so green? Surely it’s not really mould! Events for September onwards are getting fewer although Six Ashes has been re-scheduled – see Cliff’s bit for details. Well that’s all for now – this month’s tip from one who knows – Check your nuts! Gordon & Allyson Burch (Membership No. 1462J)


Name: Richard Perfitt First Special Build: RTP SuperSports Current special(s) None What year did you join CSC? 1989 How long a Committee member? Can’t recall How did year about CSC? Visiting the now defunct Sandown Kit Car Show Committee post: General Secretary, Specials Registrar First ever car and when: Chrysler Alpine. 1984? Favourite Special: RTP SuperSports (So far!) Would you build another car? Yes, two actually A Burton for my wife, Sonia, and a 4-wheel special for me (ideas developing!!) What changes would you like to see in CSC? Again, more young members, preferably building specials- while one still can! Hobbies: It’s easier to list the hobbies I don’t have!, but most importantly, eating good food, drinking good wine, and socialising with good friends Cheers everyone! Music Preferences: Classical (Orchestral); small set Jazz; Ambient, & Prog. Rock!! Favourite holiday destination: FRANCE! Favourite food: Any well cooked dish from quality ingredients Most embarassing CSC moment: On one of Bob Lloyd’s Welsh Weekends, getting everyone to give me a bump start, and realising I had run out of petrol!! Sorry!

Committee Profile


Bakewell Summer Camp 2007 Well 12 months on from Cheddar finds me at Bakewell Water Park for my second Summer Camp. What a difference a year makes. Last year I attended Cheddar on my own in brilliant sunshine, being taken under the wing of the Scottish contingency after helping to fix the Red Baron's car.

This year, Bakewell in damper conditions but with Lynda my new partner and being asked by Callum our new Editor if I could do a write up on Bakewell. Before I start may I say that Steve Spence and everyone that helped to make the weekend possible did a brilliant job and I think I can say for everyone a big thank you, it was most enjoyable even if it did rain some of the time. It would have been a good test run for Topher Dawson's Clinker built 2CV special. Lynda and I arrived Thursday evening quite late but it had stopped raining. Richard Holt suggested that we eat first and come back and put up the tent. Not too much persuading needed Richard ran us down in his tin top as he had towed his caravan up leaving the 2CV Military vehicle at home. Having finished the meal we rang Richard who picked us up. On

return to camp we pitched the tent and joined everyone else in the bar. Last orders called and we all reluctantly returned to our tents etc for a good night's sleep. Friday morning still damp saw almost everyone else arrive. It was good to see so many faces that I recognized even if I didn't remember all the names. Lynda and I took Blue Belle and Rocket down into Bakewell and had a mooch round. We found the Motorcycle Museum but it was closed until July. Having spent an hour or two looking round and having lunch, we returned to camp. Later we decided to have a ride round in Rocket and took off towards Buxton. What a super road, long sweeping bends much enjoyed even in the wet. Passed Gordon and Allyson going in the

opposite direction in their camper towing Fifi. After a while we turned round and decided to have a look round Ashford in the Water. Coming out of Ashford we met Gordon and Allyson turning in, asking where the campsite was. "No problem" we hailed "follow us" and


promptly turned left. After half a mile and not recognising any landmarks we realised we had taken the wrong turn. Oh well, onwards till we reached a roundabout and about turn - everyone else in convoy - back the way we had come to the right road and on to the camp. Moral of the story - don't follow us! Friday night saw everyone in the marquee for

the Cheese and Wine and Steve Spence welcomed us all and explained the itinerary for the weekend. With the cheese and wine consumed in double quick time most then retired to the bar until we were turfed out at closing time.

Saturday brought a dry day with everyone left to do a long or short "tulip" run or make their own way to the meet at Crich Tram Museum at 1300 hours. Lynda and I teamed up with Ian and Ranah for a ride out over the peaks passing through a village where we stopped to photograph the well dressings. Then up through passes and over Mam Tor and down the other side, eventually going via Matlock Bath to Crich and the Museum for the rest of the afternoon. What a venue, we were able to drive in convoy down into the village and become an added attraction for the visitors. The standard and number of trams was unsurpassable and everyone took the opportunity to "spend a penny" on the tram ride. Yes, spend a penny - an old penny given out with the tickets to be used on the tram. Memories! Much welcomed sustenance could be purchased at the "old pub" which served real ale and an assortment of snacks. That evening we met up at the marquee again for a hog roast and barn dance. This was a real success with plenty of food and wine flowing. Everybody joined in the barn dancing and I must say it was good to see so many members make the effort to dress up. An excellent evening enjoyed by all. Sunday! Having told Steve Spence that the Motorcycle museum was closed he had


arranged with the owner for it to be specially opened to us on Sunday morning at 11.30. So Lynda and I duly lined up to follow Steve Parrish into town. A narrow side entrance led to the parking area used by visitors to the museum and we all crammed in very neatly! The motorcycle collection is privately owned

and is simply amazing. Every exhibit in working order except one. Talk about a trip down memory lane. Brough Superior AJS 7R, Harley, Bonneville, Bantam, all working and in mint condition most having been lovingly restored in their own workshop. Walls filled and cabinets stuffed with all sorts of paraphernalia from bygone days made interesting viewing. It was £1.50 entrance fee well spent and all monies going to a local charity. The owner kindly allowed those who wished to leave our cars parked whilst we had lunch in the town and browsed the shops.

Returning to camp we met up with Peter and Carol Chitty and decided that we would go into Bakewell that evening to an Indian restaurant

recommended by Steve Parrish. What a good recommendation, the food was superb and we had a laugh with Carol giving instructions on how to fold napkins into Edwardian slippers. Even had the owner changing all the napkins on his tables as he was impressed with the


results! Apply to Carol for detailed instructions. On Monday morning we woke up to rain and some flooded pitches. Little did we know what was going on over the border in Yorkshire! During a brief respite we managed to break camp and pack up the cars. A quick round of goodbyes to those who were left and then we were on our way home, braving the elements. We tackled the deluge of the M6 down to Birmingham. (Lynda: I knew Don was ok, I could see in my rear view mirror that even without a roof he was still smiling!) Pulling in to Frankley services we discovered that Blue Belle had just fractured an oil feed to the rockers. Lucky we had a spare flexible set on board Rocket which was duly fitted and only around one pint of oil was lost. I would recommend anyone with rigid oil feeds to change to flexible. At only eighteen pounds to change, it has to be better than replacing the engine. The rest of the journey home was dry and without incident.

Reading on the forum other members had epic journeys home as well. Chris Tilney riding the white water rapids between Marlborough and Stonehenge. Steve Parrish skippering his green racing Panhard home (with his new found skills and experience perhaps he will organise a regatta next year?). Peter and Carol navigating a series of closed roads due to floods. What a great and memorable weekend. Thank you Steve and sorry to hear that after organising a last minute trip to the Motorcycle museum, you missed out on it yourself. Next trip, Forest of Dean and hopefully, better weather. Is Drybrook a good omen? Don Eden


Events Diary This is not an exhaustive list—Check area listings for more details (CSC events in bold text)

August 25-27 Greyhound Inn, Eldersfield 12.00 noon - 4.00p.m. Classic cars, steam engines etc 25 Holcot Steam Fair, Northamptonshire 26 Little Gransden, Cambridgeshire. 26 Romsey Pageant of Motoring, ticket entry only please contact Carole C. asap 27 Gosporteers Event at Leigh on Solent please contact Carole C. asap if you are likely to come. 27th The Enfield Steam & Country Show. Pre-book individually - free. 31–Sep 3 Ireland Expedition – see details on page 8. September 2 North West Classic Car & Motorcycle Show Cholmondeley Castle 3 Cranford. 9 Lancashire Classic Car & Motorcycle Show Hoghton Tower 9 Six Ashes Rally, just turn up. 14 Priorslee Lodge, Telford, meet 12 noon. 14–16 Selkirk Veteran & Vintage Show 16 Milton Keynes Museum. Just turn up- free. Confirmed in next issue. Club Area. 24 CSC "Yorkshire Dales Spectacular Tour" 29-30 Erewash. 30 Battlesbridge, Essex. Pre-book individually one month beforehand - free. Unbooked vehicles will

be admitted at the discretion of the organisers and payment of £5 per head. October 5-7 Lakes Run II. Stay at Denton House, Keswick an independent Youth Hostel. £15.50 per

person/night includes breakfast £5.50 deposit when you book with Craig & Lesley. Long steep, extremely scenic route on Saturday, Short run on Sunday finishing with Sunday Lunch. Book with Craig & Leslie Asbridge. 1588J 0122854910

7 First winter lunch at Brewers Fayre. 20-21 4th Malvern Classic Car Show at the Three Counties Showground – Booking necessary -

ask for a form - £2.50 entrance fee if pre-booked. November 11 Priorslee Lodge, Telford, meet 12 noon. December 1-2 Christmas weekend. Lunch at the Douglas Saturday 1st, & stay at Carlesgill - Jennie 9 Christmas Dinner—contact Ray John (WEST MIDS – MID WALES section). June 2008 20-27 40th Anniversary meeting, Petite Suisse Campsite near Douchamps, Belgium


North Thames Gas

Events: SEPT: 16th,Sunday. Milton Keynes Museum. Just turn up- free. Club Area. 30th, Sunday. Battlesbridge, Essex. Pre-book individually one month beforehand - free. Unbooked vehicles will be admitted at the discretion of the organisers and payment of £5 per head. OCT: 7th, Sunday. First winter lunch at Brewers Fayre - see above.

After a sunny start to the season, at the time of writing the weather has taken a turn for the worse with the flooding dominating the news for some weeks. The rain started during the Summer Camp in the Peak District, held nr Bakewell. Although it was a bit damp, luckily the floods that were around (Sheffield was only approx. 15 miles away) didn't dampen the event. Again, it was nice meeting friends from other areas. Thanks to Steve Spence and all his helpers for organising everything! The visit to Crich Tramway Museum (who allowed us to take our vehicles inside and line the streets) was very good, as was the visit to a private Motorcycle Museum in Bakewell. Some of us stayed at an excellent farmhouse B.&B. for the rest of the week and were fairly lucky with the weather. In June a couple of vehicles attended the new South Weald Park event and would like to go again next year. We couldn't go due to a prior engagement, which was annoying as it was only about 10 miles from us. In July, another new event was held at Barleylands, nr. Billericay (2 miles from us) which was very good, with something

for the ladies . It has a complex with over 40 craft units, plus a bootfair. One of our North Thames members, Graham Curtis, won a very nice "Best in Class" trophy, which he well deserved as he had spent a lot of time on his Lomax. It was very nice to return to the Chiltern Open Air Museum again after some years. It was a nice laid-back event and they were very pleased to have us again as a Club. Afterwards we were all invited back to Val and Graham Curtis's home to a very nice buffet. We were very lucky with the weather and sat in the garden all evening. We have got our fingers crossed at the moment, hoping they will not get caught up with the flooding, as they live near the Thames. Please note our winter lunches, which start the 1st Sunday in October, at noon, held at the Brewers Fayre, "Airfield" Galleria Site, Lemsford, Comet Way, Hatfield, Herts, AL10 ODA - off the A1 at Hatfield, follow the sign to Galleria. Vic and Denise


Not So Wild West You may recall that our newest recruit, Darren, had problems on this way to SVA and unfortunately, had to abort his appointment – and forfeit his fee! I learned later that his Lambda wing supports had broken and the car also broke down due to coil problems! These difficulties have now been resolved and we are keeping our fingers crossed that his next SVA attempt – sometime soon - will be more successful. I regret to say that in recent weeks several trips and shows have been cancelled because of the terrible weather and as I write this yet another of our organised runs has had to be cancelled. Even my wife is complaining that we’ve not had a decent day out in the Lomax so far this summer. Surely, it’s got to get better! Let’s all hope that we shall be lucky enough to have an ‘Indian summer’ in time for the Ireland trip! On the 1st July, a couple of our local group braved it out and visited the Atwell Wilson Motor Museum Trust near Calne. It’s a smallish private museum worth a look with a surprisingly good selection of vehicles – many of which the museum owners have run in the past as family cars. I’m told that it was a very enjoyable and interesting visit particularly as they were joined during the day by several members of the Swindon Snails! A few weeks earlier, when the weather was brighter, a few of us attended the Wiltshire County Show near Pewsey. It is the first time that I have attended and I was

very pleasantly surprised at the wide variety of interests at the show. It’s certainly one that I shall put in the diary for next year. Whilst we were there, we met Lorraine McGowan and her dark green Lomax which she had purchased locally some time ago. She told us that she absolutely loved it and, as a Night Nurse, used it on a daily basis. I’m pleased to say that she has now joined our ranks but is looking for some help/ideas on how to fit a Roll Bar. She has a 13 year-old daughter and is a little concerned for her safety in case the car should roll over. If anyone has already fitted one and could let me have details, it would be very much appreciated. Finally, a really big “Thank You” to the organisers of the Bakewell weekend as their hard work and organisation was very much appreciated and, despite the weather, we had a really enjoyable visit. The journey home, however, is another story! The pictures at the top of the back cover were taken on one of our brighter days during our stay. The first is of our little group enjoying a welcome break, but does anyone recognise who is peering over our shoulder? Regards Ron and Janet Bishop (Member No. 847)


Classified Ads

For Sale 652cc M28/1 engine C.R. 9.5:1. New VISA pistons fitted. Polished alloy heads. Stainless steel exhaust stubs. Twin new Dellor- to carburettors and fuel regulator. £150 or near offer. Dennis Gaw Email Tel No. 01489 588786 (Southampton)

For Sale 1996 Lomax 223 Yellow respray. Original 2CV chassis, MG wire wheels, SS exhaust, mudguards and spare wheel cover. Aeroscreens, anti-roll bar (torsion), Lomax rocker covers, Custom bench seats, ‘wooden’ steering wheel, floor gear change, carpeted. Ton-neau cover. Recon 602 ‘Vege’ engine with 9,500 miles on it. £2,500 ono Aviator clothing available as extras. Contact Derek Andrews (member No. 661) on 01454 250959 or 07778 814946 (Near Okehampton)

Free 2 2CVs offered free! I have been offered 2 off 2CV’s free. Possible help locally with trailer delivery, Enfield area. Contact Graham (non member) on 0208 4824284 or Richard Martin (member No. 57) 01727 859796 ASAP. The scrap man looms!


For Sale BRA LEIGHTON 3 wheeler.Reliable,well sorted car in old english white with maroon cockpit & tonneau & walnut dashboard. 602cc engine with disc brakes.Coil over sus-pension all round gives excel-lent road holding without body roll. Built new in 2002,only 3722 miles including end to end round trip in 2003. Correctly registered on age related plate with V5C doc. MOT to June 08, Taxed to Dec07. car is in Warwickshire. £2850 ono. Doug Johnson (member 1297J) 01788 544260.

For Sale Citroen Parts All parts to build 3 or 4 wheeled special. Nearly new rust free 2CV chassis,plus all mech. & electrical partsfrom 2CV donor + 2 sheets of zintech steel. Donor V5C document currently on SORN. £200 ono. Parts are in warwickshire. Doug Johnson (member 1297J) 01788 544260.

Wanted Cycle wings and wire wheels for Lomax Continental Please telephone Nigel Bray (member No. 1480J) on 01530 460573

(Leics) Wanted Replacement clock with body diameter of 2 inches. Originally Smiths/Jaeger from Citroen GS. Ron Bishop (member No. 847) 01225 335777


For Sale LOMAX 223 Built June 2000. 4032 miles since build. For illustrated build details, please see Green with yellow wings, Galvanised Lo-max chassis, flared wings, hinged bonnet, stainless steel exhaust, front disc brakes, floor gear change (linkage covered and carpeted), anti roll bar, modified suspen-sion, modified caster angle, aero screens, Lomax instruments, battery isolator switch, Mountney wooden steering wheel, fully carpeted. Taxed until November 2007 MOT until 14/07/08 Stored in garage. A delight to drive. £2500 Howard Stidwill (Membership Number 1212) Tel: 01384 241857


The 20-year Anniversary Celebrations will take place in the Ardennes area of Belgium centred at the Petite Suisse Campsite near Douchamps, from Friday 20th June to Friday 27th June 2008. We are likely to need to book the accommodation etc. before the November/December issue of Flat Out. I shall be sending out the detailed information to all the members who have added their names to the list of interested parties. Please if you think that you might be interested in coming along let me know and I will add you to the list. This does not com-mit you to attending but will ensure that you have the opportunity. All accommodation will be allocated, against payment of a deposit, on a first come first served basis as soon as I am able to release details. We are not expecting a shortage of accommodation but we don’t know how popular this event is going to be so please let me have your details as soon as possible to avoid any disappointment. Alan Peacock – Chairman Citroen specials Club. Telephone: 01727 862971 E-mail:


Scotland Frozen North

We’ve managed to get out quiet a lot in spite of the rainy summer. Five cars with eleven members went to Thirlestane in dry weather. The show had lots of interesting vehicles and it was good to see Thirlestane again. Several of us went to Derbyshire and much enjoyed the Summer Camp. Various Local attractions were visited as well as the Tramway Museum. Merlin didn’t think much of the trams but enjoyed the woodland walk with some fascinating wooden sculptures. Everyone enjoyed the special ice-cream! The journey home was quite exciting. Merlin and I went the high route, through Buxton and met such high winds that the van nearly came to a halt. Others taking the M1 route met floods and diversions but we all arrived home safely. The next event at Lennoxlove was cancelled due to floods. Soon after this Chris & Judy,

Barbara & Richard set out for the Pyrenees. They enjoyed all the sunshine and the two Lomi managed the high passes, nae bother! The dam run was a super outing through fabulous scenery and twisty steep roads, with luckily only a few gentle patters of rain. It may sound weird for mid July but John’s car had problems with the carburettors freezing up. Craig explained this was something to do with the dew point – we learn something new every outing! Unfortunately only 3 cars on this great run due to various holiday events. Next big event is Ireland so looking forward to seeing many of you there. Jennie

Events *Sep 14th–16th Selkirk Veteran & Vintage Show – Jennie *October 5th-7th Lakes Run II Stay at Denton House, Keswick an independent Youth Hostel. £15.50 per

person/night includes breakfast £5.50 deposit when you book with Craig & Lesley.

Long steep, extremely scenic route on Saturday, Short run on Sunday finishing with Sunday Lunch.

Book with Craig & Lesley Asbridge 1588J 0122854910 *Dec 1st – 2nd Christmas weekend. Lunch at the Douglas Saturday 1st, & stay at Carlesgill - Jennie


‘EAST COASTER’S’ Five of our members attended the Thrumpton Hall Easter Show with 3 Lomax and 2 BRA cars. This event was a first for the East Coaster’s and had the usual mix of attractions for a Country Show. The available space for classic Cars was over subscribed, but John Davis managed to negotiate some space in front of the Disabled Parking area! “Do we give the impression of being geriatrics driving 3-wheeled Invalid Carriages”, pondered John?

For us, June is a hectic month: the ‘Louth Classic Show‘, the ‘Newark National Kit-Car Show’ and then the ‘CSC Summer Camp’ a week later. The Louth Classic is a popular and unique local event which combines a 1½ hour run out over the Lincolnshire Wolds (the only lumpy bit in Lincolnshire) with a Classic Car Show, judged by the public. This year we were well represented with Lomax 223’s and 224’s, a BRA and a Blackjack Avion from the ‘East Coaster’s’ and the 223 of CSC member and 2CVGB ’Modcon’ Registrar, David Forbes who travelled over from Staffordshire for the weekend, just to attend this show. We have had some success at this show (me included) however, there is one person who consistently shines out like a chromed and polished alternator, Glenn Oswin and his immaculate Avion. Well this year, he did it again - 1st in

class! He normally displays his car with the bonnet open to show the lovely red & chrome engine bay. We had decided that next year we would ‘nobble’ him by fitting a hasp and combination lock to his bonnet whilst he wasn’t looking, however, this won’t be necessary because next year he’s in the ’Past Winners’ class - that should sort him out! This year was the 25th Anniversary National Kit-Car Show at Newark. Where this show differs from some of the others is that it is club focused. That is, clubs are allocated areas inside the showground. There has been a gradual fall-off in attendance at Newark over recent years and this year was no exception. It may well have been the uncertain forecast with most participants being in open top cars, however, the Citroën Specials Club was an oasis of 18 cars surrounded by other Club stands with 1 or 2 cars and in some cases - none! This consisted of: 10 Lomax 223s, 2 Lomax 224s, 2 Blackjack Avions, 3 BRAs and a Pembleton Brooklands. Of those, 8 cars attended from the ’East Coaster’s’ and, one of the 223’s was the newly built and SVA’d car of Paul & Sheila Turner who arrived beaming - mobile at last! As always, we met up with old friends and acquainted ourselves with some new faces on the stand, some new to the CSC and some new to the world of ‘Specials‘. Among this category were a couple in a Green (yes, painted) Pembleton who had recently got the car through SVA - first time! They live within John Fowlers patch and so were introduced to him during the event. As far as Kit Car company attendance goes, there was the usual array of exotic, shiny supercars with engines producing far too much power for their own good. Apart form Deauville, there was no sign of any other ‘A’ Series based kits. Every year at Newark, we have public asking if the cars


are still available in kit form - its such a shame that the Companies never attend the major shows. Although Deauville were there, their new model, the Rondo Hotrod was not. The event was enjoyable nonetheless, however, I think that the event organisers need to try and inject something different for next year if the event is to survive in the long term. Enjoyment when camping is in direct proportion to the amount of rain falling on your tent and, after several years of relatively dry Summer camps, our luck finally ran out in Derbyshire. Although rain is not too pleasant when camping, those who do it regularly can often see the funny side of getting soaked. Unfortunately, after months of brow-beating, we had encouraged two more from our Group to join us which embarrassingly, turned into a baptism of fire for them - well baptism of water actually! Our arrival in Derbyshire was delayed firstly by a broken throttle cable on one car and then a White Van spectacularly self-combusted in a pall of smoke which brought the following traffic to a standstill. After arrived at the Greenhills Holiday Park just after lunch and, after setting up our camping paraphernalia during a brief spell of dry weather, some serious ‘hands on knees’ sessions were evident. By far the star attraction was Steve Parrish‘s 223. Lurking under the bonnet of this car was a Panhard 850cc air-cooled flat twin engine attached to a GS 4 speed Gearbox no less! Now these engines are few and far between and Steve has two of them. As some of you may know, Steve tows a trailer for the summer and other Camps and he said that the 223 managed effortlessly up hills at 60mph! The Friday night Cheese & Wine ‘Meet & Greet’ was excellent and the trip over to the Tramway Museum at Crich on the Saturday an experience for those who had not been before. Saturday was rounded off with the traditional evening’s entertainment organised by the local committee. This year, because the ‘Theme‘

was Country & Western, there was a barn-dance and hog-roast. The food was good, the band terrific, the wine and beer went down well and the Country & Western costumes and barn-dancing were excellent with lovable Leo stealing the show again!. Despite the weather, those who braved it did so with a typical CSC smile on their face and the best was made of an otherwise excellent event.

Unforgettable images of two of the ‘East Coaster’s’ remain in my mind. Firstly, Keith Halliwell (he of the ’Stealth’ black 224) sitting in front of his single burner GAZ stove, cooking a complete meal in his 5 inch frying pan in one hand, with an umbrella in the other hand trying to stop the rain from diluting the tomato sauce in his Baked Beans! The other is the amazing spectacle over the weekend by seasoned camper and Boy Scout veteran John Davis, who demonstrated that with plastic sheeting, tarpaulins, assorted old tent poles and a ball of hairy string, you can convert your 1 man tent into a block of flats! We must all thank and congratulate Steve Spence and his team for providing us all with another memorable ‘CSC Summer Camp‘. David Field



Regular local meetings not listed in the main diary: South: The Cricketers Arms pub, Chestnut Avenue, Chandlers Ford

(Eastleigh), Hants. Last Sunday of the month, 12 noon. Bat and Ball pub, New Pound, Wisborough Green, Billingshurst, West

Sussex. 2nd Sunday of the month, 12 noon. South East: The Harrow Hill Hotel, Warren Street, nr Lenham, Kent. Last Friday

of the month, 8.00pm. South West: The Strode Arms, Cranmore (off A361 opposite East Cranmore Rail-

way, 01749 880450) 2nd Monday of each month. The Live & Let Live, Frampton Cotterell, Nr. Bristol 3rd Monday of

the month. Details: Derek 01454 250 959. The Borough Arms, Bodmin, 2nd Monday of each month. South Wales: None at the moment. Cotswolds: The Anchor Inn, Eckington 1st Sunday of the month, 12 noon. East Midlands (East Coast sub-group) We are temporarily without a permanent Monthly Meeting venue due

to closure of 'The Chase'. Meetings continue at 12 noon on the last Sunday each month, however, please contact David Field (Tel: 01522 753372 or John Davis (Tel: 01652 655351) for venue details before travelling.

East Midlands: (Mid Shires Group) 1st. Sunday of the month, 1.30—2.00 pm The White Hart, South Kil-

worth, Leics, LE17 6DN.

1st Tuesday of the month 19.00-19:30 The Bell, Husbands Bosworth — contact Jim or Joy 01536 724512 in case of any last minute chang-es.

East Anglia: The Flixton Buck, B1062 Bungay to Haverhill Road, 2nd Sunday of the

month 12.00 noon North Thames The Airfield, Galleria Site, Lemsford, Comet Way, Hatfield, Herts

AL10 0DA. 1st. Sunday of the month, Oct. to Apr, from 12 noon


North East News Greetings everyone. Now the weather has finally improved and with the constant rain hopefully a thing of the past, it is high time we all used our three and four wheeled creations to the full before the Winter sets in seemingly all too soon! With that in mind, I have been fettling the "Demented Wasp" over the last few days and am off to the massive Pickering Steam far tomorrow where I hope to meet up with several local CSC members. (Oh the constant joy of being retired!!) In doing so, I have realised that the Wasp has been on the road for the last 15 years almost continuously since I first completed it (with vital and invaluable assistance from Peter Cook and Tom Lucas) down in Bushey Heath, Herts back in 1992! Anyway, I do not have much "News" to impart this time as all to many of our local shows have been cancelled of late due to flooding or waterlogged fields, while a large majority of CSC members quite logically do not wish to use their cars in the pouring rain! Anyway, as promised in the last edition and back by popular demand, herewith the route and outline timings for my main Dales Run this year on Sunday 24 September. I will certainly be going (come rain or shine) and I look forward to a good turn out from Members near or far! Please, however, call or preferably e-mail me if you wish to join us somewhere "en-route" so we can keep a look out for you. Details as follows! With best wishes and drive safely Dr John Fowler 01423 867410 CSC "Yorkshire Dales Spectacular Tour" - Sunday 24 September 2007 0930-1000 Meet at Public Car Park, Ripley (3 miles north of Harrogate on A61 Ripon Road) 8 miles to Pateley Bridge 10 miles to Grassington 6 miles (unclassified road) to Kettlewell (stop - approx 10.45-1100hrs) 14 miles (Unclassified Road up a long steep hill) over Coverdale to Middleham 12-1300hrs 2 miles to Leyburn (Stop in Market Place approx 1200-1300hrs) Cafes, Pubs and lots to see 6 miles over Arkengarthdale to Reeth 3 miles to Langthwaite 7 miles to Tan Hill Inn (Highest Pub in England at 600 metres!) (stop for a beer, eats or coffee) 5 miles to Keld 2 miles to Thwaite 6 miles over the spectacular Buttertubs Pass to Hawes 8 miles to Aysgarth 6 Miles to Leyburn 10 miles to Bedale 1515-1615hrs 8 Miles to Masham (Stop in Market Place approx 1515 - 1615) Excellent Cafe, Pubs, Brewery trips and much more! 8 Miles to Ripon 1700hrs 8 Miles to Ripley (End of Run in Car Park - but all welcome to come on to my house in Flaxby (10 miles very picturesque drive) for tea and cakes!


Forthcoming Events: Aug 25–27 Evelyn and Brian’s Bank Holiday Weekend Do – A whole weekend of events or just come for one of the days

Sat 25 - Evening Barbeque (arrive for 5pm)– bring your own meat to cook Sun 26 - Romsey – Pageant of Motoring, ticket entry only please contact

Carole C. asap Mon 27 - Gosporteers Event at Leigh on Solent please contact Carole C. a

sap if you are likely to come. Aug 30-Sep 4 Northern Ireland Trip Contact Alan Peacock I have been told of an event in Wimbourne in September I will try to find out more information.

What awful weather we had from the end of May through June and July, Peter Hill’s Vandee Trip was very wet as was the Pyrenees Microcar Rally that the French Connection were invited to join. This did not bode well for our own Nation Summer Camp at Bakewell, we were lucky as the rain dried up for the run out to the Crich Tramway Museum on the Saturday. Well done to Steve & Janet Spence and their helpers, it must have been an awful week wondering if the event should have been cancelled. For going ahead at all costs Steve and Janet have been awarded the Chitty Challenge Trophy. The next on the agenda was the Running Board Rally and with severe weather warnings in the South we wondered if this would go ahead as usual. On the Friday, Tony from the Rickman Club, who has been organising the event for some years told me he was already camped there and that they were going ahead with the rally. We had problems getting over to Henley as there were flooded and impassable roads on the way. When we arrived we found the rally field flooded at the bottom and the campers were only along two sides of the field instead of all round as in previous years. With yet more overnight rain the car games on the Sunday were cancelled as the ground was too wet.

Those that did venture to Henley enjoyed themselves. Peter and I with Richard Hold were joined by Geoff and Gwen Ticehurst from Lincolnshire and Des and Carol Haslam from Chesterfield and although we did not win any of the awards we did manage to win three of the raffle prizes between us. The New Forest Camp had to be cancelled due to yet more bad weather. The Bat and Ball event was fantastic weekend. The sun shone all day Friday and Saturday and just a threat of a shower on Sunday. Nine cars turned up and mine hosts at the Bat and Ball pub cooked us really good food. On Saturday, Paul Leaney took us out to a Country Show where we parked behind a magnificent beast, old sports car style with a Rolls Royce Merlin engine - the owner had taken 30 years to build it. (see for a video) On Sunday we had run through the lanes and some pretty villages of West Sussex. Then back to the pub for lunch where we were joined by more members. A very relaxing and enjoyable weekend. We are now looking forward to Evelyn and Brian’s Weekend do over the Bank Holiday. Carole and Peter Chitty

Down South


LE GRANDE TOUR DE FRANCE On Thursday 5th July, Ragbag with Richard and Barbara, closely followed by the Red Baron with Chris and Judy, set off on the Grand Tour de France and the Pyrenees. We stayed the first night in Abbeville, driving through Boulogne, Montreuil and Nouvion. The weather was a bit unpredictable – sunny, cloudy, windy, cool but DRY, and travelling via Tours, Rouen and Limoges where we just had to stop and visit the factory pottery shop, not many bargains and all quite expensive but lovely stuff!! Onwards towards Perigueux, which on the way was sun, sun, sun and very warm. The most impressive sight on our journey south was fields and fields of sunflowers all facing the sun. Whilst staying at Tarbes, we visited Lourdes, which was very commercialised, but very humbling seeing many elderly, infirm and disabled folk being wheeled in special carts to light candles and pray for a miracle! We hadn't any bottles to fill with holy water so we had to go back to the shops to buy bottles which we then sent back with Chris to fill for us at the cathedral tap, (not sure whether he filled it at the gents) hope not. The cathedral was beautiful, well worth a visit. That afternoon we set off for our first venture into the Pyrenees. With trepidation and a little fear the Red Baron bravely followed Ragbag, 2115 mtrs up the Col de Tourmalet. It was a spectacular drive with the sun shining and the cars climbing higher and higher, we reached the top

where a massive statue of a cyclist (with a pained expression on his face), towered over us. We took photo's quickly as it was getting very cold and the clouds were rapidly enveloping us. We descended back into bright sunshine without mishap. The next day we were off again, up the Col de Aspin 1489mtrs, the sun was shining with stunning views and wherever we stopped motorists and cyclists clustered around the cars, it seemed they had all owned 2CVs at one time or another. Descending this we then immediately started to climb the Col de Peyresourde 1569mtrs, where we stopped en-route for a picnic lunch. Feeling much braver and more confident we continued our journey to Carcassonne, a medieval town which brought back lots of memories of last year's festival at Dinan. The next day we drove to Valras Plage, for a day of sun, sand and sea, it was very very hot and the sea very very cold, the sand burnt your feet through your shoes. Onwards then to Montpellier, where we spent Bastille Day, a beautifully clean


city, with the new blending in well with the old, watching the firework display by the river in the evening. We caught the tram back to our digs which was so crammed we felt like sardines! The next day we drove on through Avignon and Carpentras, lovely countryside full of sunflowers, lavender and vines and up Mont Ventoux 1912mtrs, where British cyclist Tommy Simpson died in 1967 during Tour de France. We stopped at the memorial then carried on towards the top where we saw more spectacular views. On the way down Chris (who doesn't like heights) remarked “it makes me feel dizzy looking over the edge”, to which Judy remarked tersely “don't look then”, the next moment the brakes failed!!!! Chris managed to glide into the car park of Chalet Liotard, (why did this make me think of Leo), a mountain cafe, Richard and Barbara came back to find out what had happened to us, Chris took the bonnet off and with a bit of head scratching (and with no Ian or Craig to do instant repairs) all agreed a cold beer was required. After half an hour and a cold drink it was decided Red Baron's brakes had only overheated, and we then made our way gingerly and safely back down the col with no further

problems and continued to make our way north staying at Montellimar. Two days later as we neared Laon, our proposed overnight stop disaster befell us as suddenly crash, bang, wollop, the air pressure from an oncoming lorry had torn the Red Baron's windscreen in half blowing half away taking Chris's sunglasses and gouging a hole in the bridge of his nose. Richard and Barbara stopped, "what's up with them this time?" Barbara applied first aid and we carried on to our destination with just the Brooklands screens. "Why don't you buy a proper one" suggested Richard, "BUY one" cried Chris with indignation. Cont'd..... We then moved on toward Arques, another shopping trip after Barbara realized this was the home of Crystal D'Arques. Thence on to Calais and homeward, we could tell you lots more but it would fill the whole Flat Out. We had a wonderful holiday thanks to Richard and Barbara's navigation and leadership, the Red Baron clocked up 3133 miles. Chris has already made a new windscreen and we are ready for Northern Ireland! Judy and Chris Rigby, Frozen North.


The Car’s The Star This is the final instalment regarding my home built trike powered by a Honda Fireblade motorcycle which was firmly mated into the rear of a two front-wheeled chassis of my own design. The Fireblade bike on which the trike is based (four

cylinders, 124bhp) is one of the last 893cc bikes which had a reputation for wild performance, the power band really cuts in at 6500 revs (max revs 11,000) and on the bike the front wheel would lift easily in 1st, 2nd or 3rd gear if the throttle was opened quickly. Bike performance figures are 80mph in 1st gear and max. speed 160 mph and having taken several motorcyclists for a ride they are all convinced that the trike acceleration is virtually the same as the original bike! I havn’t found it necessary to check out the maximum speed! Total weight is only 315 kg. so the power to weight ratio is better than virtually anything else which is fully road legal, hence the need for the Bridgestone 17x205 rear tyre (normally used on Porsches), which fits directly onto the standard 17” motorcycle rim, this being the maximum width that can be accommodated in the standard rear swinging arm. One of my previous trikes, Stinger Mk 1, had a similar layout and was based on the K series BMW motorcycle (four cylinders, 100bhp) and whilst the performance was good, it does not compare with the Mk 11 version.

With a performance trike it is important not to have tyres too wide on the front so I have used early Escort Mk 11 rims which are only 4 ½” width, the handling is comparable to any modern sport scar and overtaking is sheer delight! It is very docile at low revs and pulls well in all six gears, but when it gets “on the cam” Hold on tight. I originally learned to ride on an old belt driven 500cc Triumph, and then progressed through Velocette 350MAC and Douglas 600cc for/aft twin to a BSA B32A which was in trials trim. On the car side I worked my way through a two Morgan 3 wheelers with JAP engines, Raleigh 3 wheeler, Bond Minicar, Bond Bug and then onto four wheels with a chain drive Frazer Nash, tail-wagger Allard, then an SS100 which I swapped for a Bugatti in pieces to get some money to go on honeymoon with in the father in law’s Ford 8. I wasn’t well off as a trainee at Rover Motor Co. but in those days all these vehicles were very reasonably priced for instance the Morgan cost me £15.00 from a garage, and I turned down the offer of a 4 ½ Bentley at £125.00 from a kerbside car site on the Coventry road in Birmingham! I campaigned the Shell RAC sprint and hill climb championships for several years initially in a home built Cox GTM kit car and then in a Brabham BT14 which had had a 4 ½ litre Oldsmobile V8 with the Tony Marsh 4 wheel drive system shoe-horned in. Happy days.


The only brand new components used were the front brake callipers, the rear tyre, a brake balance valve, a pair of Bates headlights, and a front nosecone from a Mongoose kit car. The bike itself was bought as an insurance write off, having been stopped very suddenly by the side of a car which pulled straight out from a side road. The rider was OK except for numerous scrapes and bruises and a burnt mouth from the fiery words that were said to the car driver.

The main recycled parts are Cortina hubs, Escort Mk 2 steering rack, Vauxhall Nova steering column with second hand boss and steering wheel bought from the Ebay auction site, as were a complete Honda radiator, also exhaust system with downpipes, a Caterham master cylinder and pair of seats, Westfield full harness seatbelts, Skoda choke lever, Lotus Elan pedals which have been very much modified to suit. Mini handbrake A Skoda rear calliper is mated to the bike rear disc brake to give a separate hand brake operated by a Mini lever. The dimensions for the chassis were arrived at by my sitting on an 8x4 sheet of block board laid on my garage floor and drawing lines where my feet and rump (also a passenger’s feet and rump) extended to, the other major components were then positioned, and the base of the chassis drawn onto the board which gave a flat base for welding up the 1” and ¾” square tube framework. Aluminium sheet was bought new for the bodywork, bent and pop riveted into place. The whole project took about 3 years from purchase of the bike to passing the MSVA. Being a pensioner I begrudged paying out £30.00 for the MSVA manual so gleaned info. re critical dimensions re lighting etc. from kit car magazine

articles. The MSVA test was passed at the second attempt, as

I had not realised that the requirement concerning radiused edges also applied also to the sides and rear of the trike (Health and Safety decreed that you also have to protect pedestrians etc. from injury when they attack your pride and joy from any direction). With 124bhp at 11000rpm and a six speed sequential gearbox. My wife bought me a plaque to mount in it which reads “ Don’t drive faster than a guardian angel can fly”! I do hope that my rather radical project will encourage other members to build specials to their own design and not be put off by thoughts of the MSVA test; most of the test requirements really are only common sense.

Tony Bradwell alias The Demented Pensioner (Membership No. 586)

40 Great Glen Run Pilots

Former chairman? Summer Campers.

Topher Dawsons Clinker-built special at the World Meeting in Sweden

Westerstede meeting, Germany Westerstede meeting, Germany

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