magnifier may2014

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May 2014 Edition of the MAGnifier


may 2014 page 1

employee newsletter | may 2014

Intuvo Tip ........................................... 2

Encompass Tip ................................. 2

Critical Dates .................................... 2

Products MAGnified ....................... 3

Birthdays and Anniversaries ....... 3

To Your Health .................................. 3

Kudos! ................................................. 3

Employee Submissions .................. 4

inside this issue

I WANT TO QUICKLY FOLLOW UP WITH YOU about the marketing email I sent out last week. The only items on hold are the events and the use of the production studio. Everything else we do is still going on!

If you have any questions please email me at or if you would like to speak with me personally, call my direct line at 360.436.4342.

automatically executed campaignsBy Brenda Carter, Assistant VP of Marketing

WE HAVE BEEN WORKING HARD WITH OUR FRIENDS AT INTUVO and our branch support team to implement automated campaign selection in Intuvo, to help streamline our processes and make it easier for you select programs you want to place your clients on.

Imagine a world where you don’t have to physically fill out post forms, that your marketing selections are located in Encompass where you spend the most time…well, that world is coming to MAG!

Once we are on one instance of Encompass, Chris Wortham and his team will finish setting up our custom post-marketing form in Encompass to help you and the marketing department work as efficiently as possible.

In the past several weeks we have successfully automated the company-paid 12 week pre-loan campaign. Now the system imports your pre-loan selections straight into the dashboard, where they are automatically assigned to the pre-loan campaign based on certain criteria such as, loan purpose is a purchase, the subject property is a TBD and so forth. We have been auditing all files coming over and every client selected on the pre-loan campaign has shown up in the dashboard in a timely manner! The system also notifies us to remove your clients from the campaign after the 12 week time period. We will be turning the system on auto pilot at the end of this week.

Client retention is important and placing your clients on our pre-loan campaign is easy, so if you are not utilizing this program, please start TODAY! You can place a client on our company-paid pre-loan campaign by going to the Borrower Summary—Quick App in Encompass, scroll to the bottom and click the “Client Retention Program” (TBD) button. This will start the automated process.

We are also in the process of automating the intra-marketing campaign. This will improve our communication to your borrower and Real Estate partners, and free up valuable marketing time. We are adding email touches to utilize Intuvo’s responsive HTML email templates so our clients and Real Estate partners can easily view them on their mobile devices.

Chris and his team are building a custom post-marketing form right in Encompass, so at the end of the loan process you can easily fill out your campaign selections. The automated portion will kick in and place those clients on the programs of your choosing.

may 2014 page 2

intuvo tip

what campaign are my clients on?THE MOST EFFICIENT WAY TO FIND OUT what campaign clients are on is to look at the Grid, which shows you the campaign name.

• Select Grid (Image 1)

• Selecting a new grid

• Click on the small black down arrow (1) (Image 2)

• Selecting a new Grid (Image 3)

Make sure you select the “Contacts By Campaign”(1), this is different than a filter. By selecting the campaign in the right column (2) you can see which contacts are on that campaign.

tracking disclosuresENCOMPASS HAS A GREAT TOOL for tracking which disclosures were sent to the borrower, when they were sent, and when they were received by the borrower. All of this information can be found under Tools >Disclosure Tracking. Each time that disclosures were delivered, an entry is logged in the “Disclosure History” section. By double-clicking on an entry, it will then bring up a “Disclosure Details” window.

Here you can see which disclosures were sent listed below, or click on “View Document” to view (and print) the actual disclosures that were provided. For disclosures sent electronically, you can check when the borrower opened the disclosure email and access the documents by clicking on the “eDisclosure Tracking” tab—you can also note the date that the borrower consented to receiving any information such as appraisal and re-disclosures electronically.




encompass tip

critical dates for funding• May 26th: Memorial

Day Holiday

• Last day to sign refi’s: May 23rd (due to holiday)

• All docs to be in funding dept for month end closing, no later than Wednesday by 10:00am

intuvo images

encompass images

may 2014 page 3

products magnified

fnma mycommunitymortgage programGREAT RATES!

• LTV’s up to 95% with only 16% Mortgage Insurance

Coverage required!

• 95% LTV 2-4 Unit! (subject to MI requirements)

• All gift allowed for 5% down on 1 unit properties

Purchase or Rate/Term Refinance

• Loan amounts up to $417k

• Does not have to be a first time homebuyer

• Borrower’s may not own any other properties

• Borrower’s qualifying income must meet program requirements

• Homebuyer education is required in some circumstances

See program guidelines for all requirements at

announcing a change!IN THE PAST, THE MAGNIFIER HAS BEEN PUBLISHED to coincide with a MAG payday. Now that those dates have changed, the MAGnifier will be published on the first of each month, with a list of birthdays and anniversaries for that month.

That being said, we are re- running the May birthdays and anniversaries, and those for June will run in the June 1st edition. Please accept our apologies for any birthdays and anniversaries that were overlooked due to the change in publication date!

Janie Shrader ......................... 3rd Michael Maher .................... 18th

Rebecca Wisner ................. 19th Chris Wortham ................... 20th

Stephanie Matthews ....... 22nd

David Lee ............................. 22nd

Erik Noet .............................. 22nd Traci Dry ................................ 23rd

Tracy Joy ............................... 23rd

Shannon Cordova .............. 25th Jason Austin ........................ 26th

Bonnie Brown ..................... 27th

Anne Ramsey ...................... 18th Nancy Smith ........................11th Joanne Gerry ...................... 14th Patty Ormiston ...................16th Sue Hall ................................. 18th

May 26th ................Memorial Day

may birthdays

may anniversaries

KUDOS TO Doug Prutman and DeBorah Williams from Greg Rielly: Just some insight and words of appreciation. The 5-star ratings and recommendations I’ve received on Zillow is the kind of goodwill that you have helped me to accomplish, building and maintaining a good name for myself and all at MAG.

This is a tough business— typically winner takes all, fluff and sugar and stuff does not matter a whole lot in a big numbers business, but no matter, I am proud of the good work we all do here at MAG! Thanks for your positive attitudes, encouragement and help!

may holiday

to your healthRUB YOUR TEMPLES! Tame tension headaches by rubbing peppermint oil, white Tiger Balm, or white flower oil into your temples. All three remedies contain menthol, which has analgesic properties.

green tipWHEN YOU’RE IN THE MARKET FOR A NEW COMPUTER, consider a laptop. It saves space, goes anywhere and uses five times less energy than desktop models.

did you know?MAY DAY ON MAY 1 is a traditional spring holiday, celebrating the coming of summer, in many cultures. Children fill May baskets with flowers and secretly leave them on neighbors’ porches.

Happy May Day!


may 2014 page 4

go team mag!employee submissionsCONGRATULATIONS TO LISA BRITTON AND LORI LARSH for passing the NMLS test! Due to a change that took effect January 1, 2014 in the Washington Consumer Loan Act WAC 208-620-301, managers must be licensed individually as mortgage loan originators if they supervise loan processors, underwriters or loan originators. This meant that Lisa Britton and Lori Larsh were required to take the test and become licensed. Congratulations on passing the test!

VISIT TO SUBURBAN MORTGAGE CORPORATE OFFICE: “It was a very nice visit when we went down to the Corporate office. I enjoyed meeting all of the employees and sat with most of them to learn how they do business. We share both similarities and differences for the way that we do business, but we are all excited to collaborate and find the best of all procedures and incorporate them into our flow to be the best of the best! It was sunny when we were down there, which was nice too! Here are a few photos from the trip.” From Lisa Britton.

YOUR CELL PHONE—A LIFESAVER! Your mobile phone can actually be a life saver or an emergency tool for survival.

• Emergency: The emergency number worldwide for mobile is 112. If you find yourself out of the coverage area of your mobile network and there is an emergency, dial 112 and the mobile will search any exist-ing network to establish the emergency number for you—112 can be dialed even if the keypad is locked.

• Low cell battery: To activate, press the keys *3370#. Your cell phone will restart with this reserve and the instrument will show a 50% increase in battery. This reserve will be re-charged the next time you charge your phone.

• To disable a stolen mobile phone: To check your mobile phone’s serial number, key in the following digits on your phone: *#06# . A 15-digit code will appear on the screen. This number is unique to your handset. Write it down and keep it somewhere safe. If your phone is stolen, you can phone your service provider and give them this code. They will be able to block your handset so even if the thief changes the SIM card, your phone will be totally useless. You probably won’t get your phone back, but at least you know that whoever stole it can’t use or sell it either.

• Free directory service for cells: Cell phone companies are charging up to $1.75 for 411 information calls. When you need to use the 411 information option, simply dial: 800 FREE411 or 800.373.3411 without incurring any charge at all. This is the kind of information people don’t mind receiving, so pass it on to your family and friends. Submitted by Patty Ormiston

MARYSVILLE BRANCH enjoyed some awesome grilled salmon and brauts, courtesy of branch sales manager Kevin Everett! He loves to cook and is a great chef—we look forward to a repeat performance soon.

Lisa Britton, Lori Larsh and Shawnna Alexander enjoy the California sun after a busy day at Suburban corporate office.

Shawnna Alexander and Lori

Head chef Kevin Everett at the grill

Lisa Britton and Lori Larsh

Marysville office enjoys lunch!

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