making a stand

Post on 13-Jul-2015






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Making a Stand

Make a Firm Position on God’s Marvelous Truth

Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters,

stand firm. Let nothing move you.

(1Cor 15:58a)

Making a Stand

• Knowing What We Believe and Knowing Who We Are…

Making a Stand

Would Enable us to make a firm Stand!

These are What We Believe

1 Corinthians Chapter 15 speaks about one marvelous truth of our


1. Resurrection of the Dead

These Are What We Believe

2) Jesus is both God and man

(John 1:1, 14)

These Are What We Believe

3) Salvation is by grace through faith alone

(Eph. 2:8-9)

These Are What We Believe

4. There is only one God and God exists as a Trinity of persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

(Exodus 20:3; 2 Cor 13:14)

These Are What We Believe

5. The Bible is inspired and without error.

(2 Timothy 3:16-17)

This is Who We Are

1. People of Integrity

(2 Timothy 2:19) "Everyone who confesses

the name of the Lord must

turn away from wickedness."

This is Who We Are

2. People of God

(1 Peter 2:9) ...chosen people, a royal

priesthood, a holy nation, God's

special possession, …declare the

praises of Him…

This is Who We Are

2. Dearly loved by God

(1 Cor 15:58) …my dear brothers and


Deep Conviction to God’s marvelous truth

demands fiery passion to God’ magnanimous work

Devote Fiery Passion to God’s Magnanimous Task

Give yourselves fully…

•Overflowing service to Jesus

• Exceeding all requirements in serving the Lord

Give yourselves fully…

Receive With Fabulous Pleasure God’s Trophy

….because you know that your labor in the

Lord is not in vain

(1Co 15:58c)

What if…

little things done wholeheartedly for God receives its due


What if…

big things done wholeheartedly for God receives its due


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