making health care providers social: kp's enterprise 2.0 adoption

Post on 03-Sep-2014






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Presentation given by Miles Appel, Executive Director internal Web Capabilities at Kaiser Permanente and Gia Lyons, Director Strategic Conswulting at Jive Software at Enterprise 2.0 San Francisco 2009.


Making Health Care Providers Social:

Miles Appel, Executive Director Internal Web Capabilities, Kaiser Permanente

Making Health Care Providers Social: KP’s Enterprise 2.0 Adoption

Gia Lyons, Director Strategic Consulting, Jive Software

Kaiser Permanente’s Mission

P id hi h lit ff d blProvide high-quality, affordable health care services to improve the health of our members andthe health of our members and the communities we serve.

Page 2

About Kaiser Permanente

8 6 illi b 8.6 million members

14,600 physicians

167,000+ employees

9 states, Washington, DC

35 h it l / di l t 35 hospitals/medical centers

431 medical office buildings

Page 3

A Complex Organization

Care DeliveryCare DeliveryHospital OperationsHealth Plan CapabilitiesHealth Plan CapabilitiesNot for Profit / For Profit

Page 4

KP Culture

Passionate about our missionPassionate about our missionTremendous institutional knowledgePreference for consensusPreference for consensusThink nationally, act regionally

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KP IdeaBook Genesis

The Innovation and Advanced Technology (IAT) group proposed the KP IdeaBook concept to our CIO g p p p p(Phil Fasano) in July 2008.

Th k d i i f b hi d th id Three key driving forces behind the ideas:1. Internal Networking: to connect the many

like-minded innovators with similar ideas2. Resource Discovery: to create a robust network of KP people

who can help individuals find the resources needed to bring smart ideas to life

3. Diffusion of Innovation: to more broadly spread successful ideas and innovations

Page 6

The Sidney R Garfield Healthcare Innovation Center

The Garfield Innovation Center is a living laboratorywhere ideas are tested and solutions are developed pin a hands-on, mocked-up clinical environment. Many aspects of delivering health care are

innovated and examined using real-world scenarios and activities, such as simulations, technology testing, prototyping, product evaluations, and training.p yp g, p , g

Page 7

Identified Business Value

Improve the ability for KP employees and physicians to connect, collaborate, and deliverp y , ,

Facilitate collective knowledge sharing across communities of practice and interestcommunities of practice and interest

Extend sharing beyond existing boundaries

Speed time for adoption of successful practices

Increase employee productivity and help employees do their job better

Increase employee satisfactionp y

Page 8

Jive Software: Accelerated Time to Business Value

Easy up and ony pEnterprise SaaS, SSO, technical design

Business best practices consultingLearnings from similar Jive clients, adoption planningLearnings from similar Jive clients, adoption planning

Rollout deliverablesRollout deliverablesAdvocate program, help community, strategic group on-


Page 9

From Pilot to Roll-Out

Garfield Center for Innovation September 2008Jan 2009 Internal Web Capability team chartered toJan 2009 Internal Web Capability team chartered to

make Operational:

Operational Readiness Communication Plan Technical ReadinessStaffing Model


Support ModelS t C it

Viral only – 10 months Advocate ProgramKey Leader ParticipationCorporate Communication

Single Sign-OnApplication Configuration

Plug-in selectionBrand Compliance

Support CommunityHelp Desk

ComplianceSocial Media Guidelines


pRegion x RegionTargeted Leadership

Case StudiesBreadth

pInfrastructure on Demand

Page 10

Legal Depth

KP IdeaBook – The Movie

KP IdeaBook Today

Generally high acceptance with few obstacles

St d i l thSteady viral growth 900 new members/month with no



Viewers 2,000 new members/month with

“targeted” communication 75% respond to and/or create Responders


pcontent (as of Oct 1, 2009)

Partnership with Jive importantimportantMultiple releases completed Collaboration on overall roadmap

Page 12

Customized analytics reports


Base packageEarly enhancements / configurationsEarly enhancements / configurationsTrends

Social Network Blogs

Analytics / Dashboards Email plug-in

Portal Integration Video / Vlogs

What we are usingWhat we are using What’s comingWhat’s coming Still to come …Still to come …

Status Updates Discussions Search Tags

Microblogging Forms generator Document collaboration Pick your blog

High-fidelity images (Xrays) Private conversations

Dr. and Attorney

Polls Surveys - External

Lobbies Surveys - Internal

Page 13

Work In Progress

CIO BlogCase StudiesCase StudiesThrive Lobby Affinity Groups Sustainability Body, Mind and Spirit

Orthopedic Journal ClubOrthopedic Journal ClubSocial Network Analysis

Page 14

Leadership is Critical

"We started with a solid understanding of how organizational "We started with a solid understanding of how organizational “I'm proud that Kaiser Permanente

decided early on to be leaders not“I'm proud that Kaiser Permanente decided early on to be leaders not communications should flow. This

was critical to sponsoring the strategy that ultimately yielded the user adoption and excitement we

communications should flow. This was critical to sponsoring the strategy that ultimately yielded the user adoption and excitement we

decided early on to be leaders, not laggers, in social media. From our media managers tweeting pitches; to launching Facebook fan page and a

decided early on to be leaders, not laggers, in social media. From our media managers tweeting pitches; to launching Facebook fan page and a user adoption and excitement we

were driving for."

"Kaiser Permanente's strong

user adoption and excitement we were driving for."

"Kaiser Permanente's strong

YouTube channel; to more than 8,000 KP employees embracing our new internal social media platform, KP IdeaBook before it was even

YouTube channel; to more than 8,000 KP employees embracing our new internal social media platform, KP IdeaBook before it was even executive support and commitment

to implementing innovative, best practices in patient care and communication made introducing

executive support and commitment to implementing innovative, best practices in patient care and communication made introducing

KP IdeaBook, before it was even promoted, we are cementing our position as innovators in this area.”

G f S

KP IdeaBook, before it was even promoted, we are cementing our position as innovators in this area.”

G f S communication made introducing new tools like Jive easy to adopt in our organization.“

C l Eb li SVP

communication made introducing new tools like Jive easy to adopt in our organization.“

C l Eb li SVP

Diane Gage-Lofgren, SVPBrand Strategy, Communications, and Public Relations

Diane Gage-Lofgren, SVPBrand Strategy, Communications, and Public Relations

Page 15

Carl Eberling, SVPBusiness InfrastructureCarl Eberling, SVPBusiness Infrastructure


Find the path of least resistance and let it happen Early adoptersy p Stated need

Stakeholder managementWho has your back?Who can stand in your way and how will you educate them?

Risk identification / mitigationRisk identification / mitigationAccept “good enough”IterateIterateListenIt is not about the technology

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t s ot about t e tec o ogy

User Success Stories

We were able to transition our monthly e-mail newsletter for the large community of marketers and communicators across Kaiser Permanentecommunity of marketers and communicators across Kaiser Permanente into a community blog on KP IdeaBook. Since launching in April, we have more than 100 members in our group…numerous blog posts and a good level of commenting and discussion. Overall I personally am finding it to be a great deal more timely, time-efficient and dynamic than the traditional monthly newsletter.

Jeanne Hughes Communications Director

traditional monthly newsletter.

My VP asked me to disseminate and support … "Six Disciplines of Breakthrough Learning" …we started using IdeaBook …now we're seeing high membership growth, views of the documents, and knowledge sharing across regions

Luis E. Cuadros WBT Training & Support

knowledge sharing across regions.

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User Success Stories

I now use Google AND KP IdeaBook when searching for best practices …”someone, somewhere in the company is thinking of the exact same thing and you need at least

Alex J Easton Consulting Services, KPCO Strategic Planning

the exact same thing and you need at least 2 minds to leverage and create synergy

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