mana er thenewyorkcity - nyc mea 4-06.pdf · mea president stephen m. ferrer publicly recognized...

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Mayor Michael Bloomberg approved general wage increases toall managers effective November 14, 2005. Mayor’s PersonnelOrder 2005/3 authorized a 1% raise retroactive to July 1, 2004 andan additional 3.15% retroactive to July 1, 2005. MEA presidentStephen Ferrer immediately responded, “The ManagerialEmployees Association is pleased with Mayor Bloomberg’s deci-sion to authorize general wage increases for all managers. Onceagain, the Mayor has shown by his actions that he values thecontributions of career managers who play a critical role in theday-to-day operations of city government and tirelessly serve thepopulation of the City of New York.”

MEA’s executive director Dr. Sandra Taylor Griffin andPresident Ferrer submitted compelling justifications to the Officeof Labor Relations, advocating for these pay increases. “The MEAappreciates the efforts of labor commissioner James Hanley andhis able first deputy commissioner, Pamela Silverblatt, in commu-nicating our compensation concerns to the Mayor,” said executivedirector Dr. Griffin.

“In my two years as president of the MEA,” said Ferrer, “I havefound the current administration to be more than fair in its treat-ment of career managers. I am sure this positive dialogue willcontinue and that our issues will be dealt with expeditiously.”

The personnel order said, “Each manager who was hired for aposition under the Pay Plan for Management Employees betweenJune 30, 2005 and the date of this Order is eligible to receive anincrease of 3.15% effective on the date of such appointment, at thediscretion of the Agency Head.” The 1% raise for managers

appointed after June 30,2004 is also effective onthe date of the appoint-ment, but is not at thediscretion of the AgencyHead.

“Our feedback showsmanagers across thecity, including mayoraland non-mayoral agen-cies, received their

increases and back pay in December,” said Dr. Griffin.President Ferrer said these raises are a part of the MEA’s efforts

to improve conditions for active and retired managers. “We are notdone yet as we have other issues that need to be resolved, includ-ing the equalization of terminal benefits with those granted non-managerial employees,” he said. “Currently, mayoral agenciesrequire a minimum balance of 60 days upon retirement for a man-ager to receive accrued sick leave payments at a rate of one sickday paid for every three sick days accrued. There is no such 60 dayrequirement for non-managerial city employees who accrue sickleave payment at a rate of one to two.”

The personnel order did not address the pay plan for manageri-al employees. “We are working with OLR to address the inequitiesof the pay plan, particularly the difference between the Level Istarting salaries and the salaries of the managers’ immediate sub-ordinates,” said Ferrer. n

Ferrer, Lewis and RamagliaReelected; Durrah, Bowes andWoodbury Elected To MEAExecutive Board

The 2005 Managerial Employees Association’s elections createdan executive board divided between the President’s LeadershipTeam and the Members First/Time For A Change slates. StephenM. Ferrer (ACS), the head of the President’s Leadership Team,ran unopposed for reelection as president. James C. Durrah(DOH), the Members First candidate for executive vice presi-dent, ran unopposed after Eleanor Armstrong (HRA), the incum-bent, resigned and dropped out of the race.

Retiree Warren Lewis, the incumbent MEA treasurer and PLTcandidate, defeated Edward M. Yood (Sanitation), 327 to 273,with 16 blank or void mail ballots. MF/TFAC gained two of the

three directors-at-large seats. Tracy Bowes (HHC) gar-nered 354 votes and Jesse Woodbury (HHC) 296 voteswhile PLT’s Joseph Ramaglia (DEP) earned 330 votes.Darrel L. Sims (HPD) had 286 votes and Lee Fiorino(Finance) 282 votes. There were 300 blank and void mailballots for director-at-large.

The votes were tabulated and certified by the AmericanArbitration Association on November 18, 2005. The entire

Election Results

Continued on page 3Stephen M. FerrerWarren LewisJoseph Ramaglia

The NewYork City

Mana erApril 2006 Volume X11, No. 1

Mayor Authorizes General Wage IncreaseFor All Managers


Dr. Sandra Taylor Griffin (right) withMEA’s President Stephen Ferrer

President’sPlaceWhat a birthday present! The editionof “The Chief” dated November 25,2005 (my birthday) reported MayorBloomberg’s decision to authorizegeneral wage increases for allManagers. The New York CityManagerial Employees Association

efforts were instrumental in securing these wage increases in atimely manner. We also insisted that the raises be granted acrossthe board to all managers on payroll.

Ask yourself a question. Would the City of New York havebeen as generous if the MEA did not exist as an advocate forcareer managers? I, for one, would not like to take that chance!

MEA exists because its membership, like those in any otherorganization, has the obligation to pay periodic dues. These duesare set by a vote of the membership. The dues help pay for thecosts of representing members’ interests and in advocating forincreased compensation and improved benefits.

MEA is not a union and unlike New York City municipalunions, we do not have agency shop. An agency shop is a work-place where even if workers do not join the union, they must stillpay the equivalent of dues to the union. MEA must depend on itsmembers to voluntarily join the organization. We currently have

approximately 2,000 members. This number is less than half thepool of current managers who are eligible to join MEA.

The cliché that there is strength in numbers has never beenmore true, nor has the need for that strength been greater. TheMEA will soon draft a proposal to the City regarding the equal-ization of terminal benefits with those granted to non-manage-rial employees. We will also meet with the Office of LaborRelations to discuss ways of maximizing the benefits providedby the Management Benefits Fund (MBF). We will also advo-cate raises for 2006 and 2007 at a higher rate than those grantedto the unions.

For privacy purposes, the City will not provide a list of cur-rent managers and their addresses to us. As an MEA memberyou have the responsibility of helping us identify all managersand recruit new members. This is how you can help. When youmeet with other managers in your agency, ask them if they knowabout the MEA and are they members. If not, give them a cardand sign them up. Call the MEA Office at 212-964-0035 and wewill provide you with membership kits.

MEA is an equal opportunity recruiter. All managers, evenCommissioners, are eligible to join. Try to sign up your Deputyand Assistant Commissioners also. They also receive the bene-fits that MEA advocates for.

Remember, we are professionals who do our job very well.We do not accept mediocrity and we are worth more than that.

Be well.In Unity,Stephen M. Ferrer

MEA president Stephen M. Ferrer’s proposed action plan for2006 was approved by the executive board at the January 17thmeeting. President Ferrer emphasized the opportunities MEA hasto expand advocacy, benefits and career development if the vari-ous stakeholders worked together and with the MEA office staffduring the year.

The Compensation and Professional Development Committee,under the leadership of Darrel Sims (HPD), will work with MEAexecutive director Dr. Sandra Taylor Griffin and Mr. Ferrer (ACS)to develop position papers delineating advocacy issues identifiedby the MEA membership. “This committee will also plan an MEAmembership educational conference this Fall,” said Ferrer

Dr. Griffin will continue to prepare the advocacy plans anddocumentation needed for 2006/7 salary increases, TerminalLeave revisions and other salary enhancements. President Ferrerstated, “We have worked together effectively to dialogue with theOffice of Labor Relations and the Mayor. The unprecedentedacross the board salary increases the members received in 2004 andthis past December are the fruits of our labor.”

Newly elected executive vice president James Durrah (DHMH)will aggressively monitor chapter director elections. “I want to

ensure every member has a voice at our board meetings. My goalis to have a duly elected director for every chapter by this Fall.”

MEA will sponsor its second annual “Women’s Issues In TheWorkplace” workshop. Director-at-large Tracey Bowes (HHC)and Dr. Griffin will be responsible for coordinating this confer-ence, originally suggested by Mr. Ferrer in 2004. Executive direc-tor Griffin stated at last year’s conference, “. . . as we see it, whilemany women have been contributing their skills in the workplacewithin all levels of city government and some have received well-deserved recognition for their efforts, many still have a long wayto go to break down barriers to success.”

Joel Fishelson (Retiree) continues as chair of the organizingcommittee. “We accomplished more than ever before in 2005, andwe’ll do even better in 2006,” said Fishelson. The committee isresponsible for monitoring and evaluating the management bene-fits plan, developing legal and financial planning services, review-ing proposals to affiliate with management advocacy groups,expanding the scholarship program and holding benefits seminars.

Treasurer Warren Lewis (Retiree) continues his responsibilitiesfor all financial matters. Along with the finance committee, he willprepare the proposed 2006 operating budget and develop revenue

Action Plan EmphasizesAdvocacy, Benefits and CareerDevelopment Opportunities

Continued on page 4


180 Water Street • 12th Floor Conference Room

2 April 2006 • The New York City Manager

MEA President Stephen M. Ferrer publicly recognized theeleven MEA scholarship winners at the 2005 MEA Holiday Party.“This was a breakthrough year for our scholarship program,” hesaid. “For the first time, members were eligible to receive scholar-ships to help their career development. We also awarded $750 totwo particularly outstanding dependents.”

There were 16 scholarship applications from dependents ofMEA members. The eight winners were Beryl Chung (HPD),Carolann Hosey (Retiree), Rosa Iskiyayera (HHC), Andrew Kerr(HHC), Joel Rubin (Comptroller), Judith Rubinstein (DOE),Christine Velez (HRA) and Albert Wang (DEP). “Joel Rubin andAlbert Wang were so excellent that the committee recommended,and the MEA board approved, $750 scholarships for each,” saidorganization committee chairman Joel Fishelson (Retiree). TheMEA awarded $500 to each of the other six.

There were seven applications from members. Delia Beaudoin(HHC), Peter G. Curcio (Corrections) and Iris Hill (Probation)were awarded $500 apiece.

The organization committee’s scholarship subcommittee devel-oped formulas for evaluating the applications. Dependents wereevaluated on their SAT scores, high school or college grade pointaverage, an essay and their parent’s tenure as MEA members. TheMEA members were evaluated on their MEA membership sen-iority and an essay. “The essays were graded on content andstyle,” said Joel Fishleson. “We were looking for the connectionbetween the academic program and the member’s current jobresponsibilities.”

“The 2006 scholarship applications will be in the mail thisMay,” said Fishelson. “We hope even more members apply fortheir children and themselves.”

The other scholarship subcommittee members are JohnAndrezzi (HPD), Sam Borkow (HRA), Stu Eber (Retiree),Mary Masterson (DHMH), Elaine Scott (HRA) and Ed Yood(Sanitation). n

MEA members, their spouses anddomestic partners continue to enjoy legaladvice without charge. This unique pro-gram, initiated in 2004 with the lawoffices of Stuart Salles, provides activeand retired members with legal expertise,at no cost to them, in a variety of criticalareas. The free consultations include estateplanning, health care proxies and wills,powers of attorney, landlord-tenant dis-putes and real estate transactions, adoption,child custody disputes and other familycourt matters, separation and divorce,

immigration services, personal injury claims and criminal matters.These free sessions do not include job-related matters.

All that is required to obtain legal services is to call the LawOffices of Mr. Salles at (212) 267-9090, identify yourself as anMEA member and identify the area you’re interested in dis-cussing. Upon arrival at the law firm, located at 267 Broadway(across the street from the northern end of City Hall), you mustpresent your MEA identification card. At the end of the legalconsultation and if, and only if, it is agreed between the legalcounsel and the member that the matter discussed cannot beresolved without further legal assistance, the member can thenchoose to obtain legal counsel elsewhere or the member and thelegal counsel can agree to continue on at a special reduced rate.This rate is lower than the amount normally charged to the pub-lic at large.

MEA has made plans for member retirees living in southernNew Jersey and Florida to receive similar free legal services. n

election process, including nominations, mailings, debates andresults, was managed by the MEA’s election committee. JosephTaffaro (Retiree) was the chairperson. Vincent Norman (Retiree),Michael O’Connor (Retiree), Barbara Roche (Ed Dept) and HarrySigmone III (ACS) were the committee members. “Joe Taffaro andhis committee deserve the gratitude of every MEA member fortheir tireless efforts to meet several tight deadlines,” said MEApresident Stephen Ferrer.

Joe Taffaro thanked his committeeand the MEA office, particularly MarieCairoli, for “taking the time to do a dif-ficult job on time, accurately, fairly andprofessionally.” He also noted the sup-portive work done by the two slates’election liaisons, Stu Eber (Retiree) andBill Dworkin (Retiree) for thePresident’s Leadership Team and FredEwald (Retiree) and Ed Yood(Sanitation) for Members First/TimeFor A Change.

President Ferrer said, “The votershave spoken. The new board will worktogether to meet the needs of the activeand retired members over the next twoyears. Both slates had many positivegoals addressing these issues in theircampaign platforms. The six of us willdo everything we can to implement theproposals, particularly recruiting newmembers, ending terminal pay discrep-ancies and advocating for fair raises andmanagerial pay plan.”

MEA executive director Dr. SandraTaylor Griffin welcomed the new board.“Our office is energized by the newleadership the members have elected.We will continue to serve the membersand work with the board to implement their new initiatives toimprove the members’ lives.” n

James Durrah

Jessie Woodbury

Tracey Bowes

ELECTION RESULTS Continued from page 1

MEA Members Enjoying Free Legal Services

Stuart Salles

Members and Children Earn2005 MEA Scholarships;2006 Applications Available

The New York City Manager • April 2006 3

The Managerial EmployeesAssociation By-Laws revisions wereapproved by the required two-thirdsmajority at the March 15, 2006 SpecialMembership meeting. “These changesreflect a collective desire to move theorganization forward,” said MEA presi-dent Stephen Ferrer, “and the final prod-uct reflects a tremendous amount of work,energy, dedication and creative thinkingby the By-Laws Committee, and particu-larly the chairman, Joel Fishelson.”

Section 4.03 was revised to read, “Tobe eligible to run for any and all electedoffice in the Managerial EmployeesAssociation, a member shall be in goodstanding for at least 2 years, and/or have aminimum of 2 years membership immedi-ately prior to leaving City service.”

This will allow retirees to run for andserve as President and Vice-Presidenteffective with the 2007 Officer elections,“thereby making the entire MEA moredemocratic by removing ceilings to partic-ipation and allowing members to be eval-uated on their merits, not solely on theirwork status,” explained chairman Fishelson.

The revisions re-established the posi-tion of Recording Secretary and reducedthe number of Directors-at-Large fromthree to two. The Recording Secretary isvery important to ensure that accurate andup to date records of association meetingsare kept. This position relieves the MEAExecutive Vice President of many hoursof extra work in ensuring that minutes arekept accurately, professionally and ontime. Section 4.13 was included to

describe the duties as follows:“The Recording Secretary shall keep a

record of the proceedings of all regularand Special Membership meetings of theAssociation and the Executive Board,including the recording of motions, reso-lutions, amendments; record, report andmonitor attendance at the ExecutiveBoard meetings.”

The Treasurer’s audit duties wereexpanded in Section 4.13. Besides contin-uing an annual audit of the books of theorganization, the Treasurer shall also“retain a certified public accounting firm,subject to an affirmative vote of theExecutive Board on an annual basis for aprocedure engagement to ensure thatexpenditures conform with the Association’spolicies and shall report orally and in writ-ing the findings to the Executive Board.”By engaging a professional accountingfirm to perform these audit tasks, theMEA streamlines its committees’ opera-tions and upgrades its audit procedures.

The President’s duties were modified.Sections 4.10a and b now read in part,“The President . . . shall appoint Chairpersonsand members of all committees unlessotherwise specified in these Bylaws subjectto an affirmative vote of the ExecutiveBoard; . . . shall approve all written com-munications of the Association except forcommunications from Chapter Directorsto their membership dealing with Chapterbusiness . . . The President may act inemergency situations until a meeting ofthe Executive Board can be called. Anysuch emergency actions must be reported

in writing or by other appropriate meansto all members of the Executive Boardwithin ten business days.

“These revisions grant the Presidentmore authority to represent the MEA inemergency situations,” said Steve Ferrer,“while providing for timely reporting tothe Executive Board, thereby using emailand other technology to simultaneouslyfoster communication and strengthen MEAchecks and balances. The new by-laws alsogive the Chapter Directors more independ-ence to manage their areas. The individualchapters are the basis of the MEA, there-fore any changes to improve their func-tioning and intra-chapter communicationwill help the entire organization.”

The Executive Board membership wasredefined. All past Presidents who contin-ue as MEA members remain as votingmembers of the Executive Board. Section6.01.a now reads, “No person may holdmore than one Executive Board positionat the same time.” n

enhancement proposals. Executive vicepresident Durrah, Dr. Griffin and MarieCairoli will develop and update the MEAoffice’s written procedures and policies.

Ferrer proposed, and the boardapproved, the creation of a publicity com-mittee to work with the MEA office staff topublish newsletters, draft press releases,update the MEA web site and hotline andinstitute the MEA Person of the Yearaward. Stu Eber (Retiree) will be the firstchairperson for the new committee. n

MEA By-Laws Revised:Comprehensive Review CreatesMore Efficient Organization

NYC MEA EXECUTIVE OFFICERSStephen M. Ferrer………………...PresidentJames C. Durrah…Executive Vice PresidentWarren Lewis……………………..Treasurer

MEA EXECUTIVE DIRECTORSandra Taylor Griffin, Ph.D.

Published by the New York CityManagerial Employees Association

50 Broad Street, Suite 1101New York, NY 10004

Stuart Eber........Editorh

PHONE-----(212) 964-0035FAX----------(212) 964-6458HOTLINE---(212)

ACTION PLAN Continued from page 2


SUNDAY • MAY 21, 2006MEA members meet at 9:30AMS.E. corner 59th & Fifth Avenue

Contributions mailed to:AIDS Walk New York

Old Chelsea Station • P.O. Box 10New York, NY 10113-0010


The MEA is recruiting members to serveon our committees. We are as strong asour members are active, so please emailus at to join anyof the following committees:


4 April 2006 • The New York City Manager

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