managing and scaling puppet - puppetconf 2014

Post on 05-Dec-2014






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Manage and Scale puppet across data centers, cloud, managed hosting, vms


Managing and Scaling Puppet

Who is this guy?

Name: Miguel ZunigaJob: Computer guy @ SymantecPast: Ebay, Paypal, EA, Rackspace and many morePuppet user since: 0.22 mostly 0.24Not much of a social network user but just in case:@mikezuniga+MiguelZuniga


● Puppet and Puppetmaster● Scaling with a web cluster● Less load more cache● SCM and puppet● Multi datacenter● Masterless and the cloud● Moving forward● Questions?

Puppet and Puppetmaster

Puppet:● Client - Server (with puppetmaster)● Client Only (puppet apply)● Applies changes to nodes

Puppetmaster (Puppet server)● CA authority● Runs functions● Keeps tracks of nodes● Store data (facters)

Puppet and Puppetmaster

Puppet and Puppetmaster

Scaling with a web cluster

Scaling with web cluster

Pros● You can scale if you have money● Simple configuration, almost drag and drop● Puppet CA to rule them all

Cons● More complexity● If not SSL termination in use you need to

share certs across all puppetmasters● More clients = more load = more money

Scaling with web cluster

Usual setupApache + Passenger for puppetmastersHaproxy or Physical LB

Nginx + Passenger for puppetmastersApache reverse proxy + mod_ssl for LB

Nginx + Passenger for puppetmastersNginx loadbalancing + ssl for LB

Less load more cache

Puppet with passenger works as a Rack web application

Almost all web applications can benefit from having a caching layer

Will it work?

Less load more cacheserver { listen 8140 ssl; server_name puppet <%= @puppet_server %>; ssl_certificate /var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs/<%= @puppet_server %>.pem; ssl_certificate_key /var/lib/puppet/ssl/private_keys/<%= @puppet_server %>.pem; ssl_crl /var/lib/puppet/ssl/ca/ca_crl.pem; ssl_client_certificate /var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem; ssl_ciphers SSLv2:-LOW:-EXPORT:RC4+RSA; ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on; ssl_verify_client optional; ssl_verify_depth 1; ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:128m; ssl_session_timeout 5m; access_log /var/log/nginx-puppet_access.log headerlog; error_log /var/log/nginx-puppet_error.log; location ~* /certificate.*? { proxy_pass http://puppetca; }

location ~* /node/ { return 404; } location / { proxy_pass http://puppetmaster; proxy_cache one; proxy_cache_methods GET POST; proxy_cache_valid 200 7d; } }

Less load more cache

Note: Puppet > 3 use nginx with POST cache

SCM and Puppet

• Use any SCM to keep track of your changes.

• The less environments you have, the better.

• Make logical decisions on classes.

• Categorize your clients by roles.

• Use requires instead of includes.

• Virtual resources are always fun.

• Manage dependencies.

Multi Data Center

• Distribute the cache servers as endpoints

• Use the SCM to replicate code

• One central source of code and CA

• Use foreman, cobbler, razor... to generate your node configurations.

• Define downtime windows to pull new changes from SCM

• Configure a class specifically to clear the cache for that downtime window

• Remember standardization is your friend

Masterless and the Cloud

• Create a bootstrap script which loads the basic needs of your environment through puppet apply.

• Connect your clients to the puppet master at the end of bootstrap

• Maintain certs through query the cloud or cmdb.

• If certs are really a problem generate one cert for all (not recommended).

Moving Forward

● Search function○ Do queries against a CMDB, PuppetDB, Ldap

Nodes, Foreman, X, Y, Z

● Dynamic configurations○ Based on the result modify catalogs through

variables which could allow nodes to change them selves.

Use cases of search

● Discover new nodes● Semi-orchestrate● Create dynamic configurations● Notification based on dynamic resources

Example: Let know HAproxy that a new node is ready to be added.


Thank you

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