managing time every mistake is an opportunity to learn something new

Post on 13-Dec-2015






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Managing Time

Every mistake is an opportunity to learn something new


Common Issues we face

Symptoms of Poor Time Management

Personal Management o Setting objectives and Priorities

o Basic of Time Management

o Procrastination & Distractions

Analyze yourself

Who would manage time ?

Would everybody like to manage time ?

Those who would like to take lead from others, would use their time efficiently,

others will give excuses not having enough time.


Why managing time is important

The supply of time is 24 hour a day for every person

Managing your time well makes you successful

Bad time management leads to stress

Helps achieving your goals in life

Common Issue

Unable to keep balance between office work schedules, family responsibilities, and other social engagements.

There does not seem to be enough time for everything I want to do.

Mostly people think that time management as scheduling appointments and making things to-do lists.

Common Issue

I attend Time Management session but after some time, I lose interest in using techniques suggested in such session.

I get distracted from my original plan when something more important come in.

I plan my time, but never been able to successfully manage my time.

Symptoms of poor Time Management

Never having time to do the important work. Devoting too much time on urgent rather

than important. Rarely completing work on time. Frequently staying late at the office. Letting others dictate how you use your

time. Frequently feeling stressed, anxious and

time pressured. Having difficulty in saying No

The moment you decided to improve your personal time management skills, you have touched a new dimension of solutions to many of your life's problems.

We will discuss basic techniques such as Goal setting Planning Prioritizing

But nothing will help, unless you have urge to improve yourself

You have limited time and you have to do lots on things in life

What should we do ?

You should budget your time, according to your priority

Personal Management

Personal Management

For the quick growth in your career, you should setup a target for yourself

Then make all you sincere efforts to achieve that target.

Once you achieve your target you setup new target, that is how you grow.

Some people are unable to setup target, they are either perfectionist, confused or no desire to grow.

Some setup the target but does not make sincere efforts to achieve that (wishful thinking).

How to set my target ?

Setup Targets

You have limited time

Biz Analyst



Project Mgr

What I want to be ?


How can I reach to my target ?

Time Management

Time Management

Do planning by define major tasks to be performed in a specific duration.

Prioritize your task by identifying critical deadlines, routine items, and fun/relaxation time.

Execute your task as per your schedule

Analyze previous schedules and learn from

your mistakes.

Time Management Steps

Target Setting

Tracking of your time

Make to-do List

Self Monitoring (Lesson learn)

Time Shifting & Adjustment

Execute your plan and note where you spend your time. Keep old diaries, things to do pad.

Action Plan; Daily, Weekly, & Monthly plans based on priorities.

Analyzed your plans. Paying attention how well you are working your plan, how accurately you have planned.

Improvement based on analysis. Changing where you spend your time to where you intended (or planned).

Define Short-term & Long-term target, should know difference b/w important & urgent.

Plan your activities

Plan your daily activity

Plan your weekly activity

Plan your monthly activity

Plan your annual activity

Plan your whole life and become a successful


Setting Targets

Long Term targets (5-6 years)

Short Term targets (2-6 months)

Things to remember You cannot work faster

Spent more time on right things

Don’t be perfectionist

Must set target

Setting up Priorities

Learn to Priorities

Prioritizing skills; ability to see what tasks are more important, give those tasks more of your attention, and time.

Prioritizing is about making choices of what to do and what not to do.

To prioritize effectively you should be able to recognize what is important, as well as to understand the difference between urgent and important.

Learn to Priorities






Not importantNot Urgent

Most importantNot Urgent

Most importantMost Urgent

Not importantMost Urgent

• Always in Crisis• Pressing Problems• Dead-Line Driven Projects

• Routine Matters • Popular Activities• Interruptions

• Busywork• Phone Calls• Time Wasters

• New Opportunities• Planning• Long Term Projects

Define priorities for each quadrant

Learn to Priorities

Not importantNot Urgent

Most importantNot Urgent

Most importantMost Urgent

Not importantMost Urgent




Difference between Urgency & Emergency ?

Urgency takes over importance

What is Urgent ?


Learn to Priorities

Most important, tasks are the tasks that help achieve long-term goals.

At first glance, many of the tasks we face during a day seem equally urgent and important.

Take a closer look, you will see that many of the urgent activities we are involved are not really important in the long run.

Things that are most important for us, like improving ourselves and our skills, getting a better education, spending time with family, often are not urgent.You should always enough have time for the important things

Daily, weekly Scheduling

Use things to do today every morning

Analyze your time consumed in activities such as - Number of hours you Sleep - Number of hours spend at Office - Number of hours for Family / Friends - Number of hours for Leisure / Relaxing

Schedule Weekly activities (use dairy/scheduler) - Meetings with clients - Official Dinner - Meeting with friends - Study time-table - Family gathering - etc

Know your capacity

Things to do today

Task Priority Time Status

Meeting at HBFC High 10:00 a.m. Follow-up with Imran Low 11:30 a.m. (next day) Prepare Marketing

Plan for Q-3Medium 12:30 p.m.

Meeting with Project Manager

High 3:00 p.m. Attending

Presentation Medium 5:30 p.m.

Balance your time

Spiritual (religion)

Social (family, friends)

Physical (exercise, nutrition, sleep)


Divide up your time

Emotional stress may eat your physical health and your ability to concentrate on your work or enjoy time with your family.

Make sure you have time for the important people and events in your life.

Procrastination & Distraction

Regularly review your long term objectives and eliminate unnecessary tasks that are not related to your objectives.

Take advantage of your natural strengths.

Learn to say NO to people including friends and relatives where you know your limitations.

Don’t accept responsibility more than your capacity.

Record things i.e. putting schedules and plans on paper and improve time allocation and your time wasting habits.

Analyze Yourself

Find out your inner enemy

Lack of planning


Lack of drive and self motivation


Looking for distraction

Lack of confidence

Concluding Remark . . .


will blame; not enough time for his failure

Victor (successful person)

will manage the time efficiently


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