managing your personal brand online

Post on 07-Nov-2014






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This presentation looks at how the Internet has evolved from a static "push" environment to the interactive community it is today. It defines social media and shows you how to use tools like blogs, podcasts and social networks to build and effectively manage your personal brand online.



Welcome to:

Managing Your Personal Brand Online

Mhairi Petrovic


Evolution of the Internet Internet Networking Hubs Your Personal Brand Online Defining your goals Social Media Tools Guidelines for Safe Personal Branding Examples of great Internet networking Monitoring Your Brand Online Recap

The Evolution of The Internet

Static to Dynamic Push to Pull Individuals to Community Few to Many Isolation To Interaction Old versus New Media Its all about being social

World Internet UsersDec 2007 (millions)








AsiaEuropeNorth AmericaLatin AmericaAfricaMiddle EastOceania/Australia

The Internet Now

Internetworking Hubs



Industry & Media

Social Networks

Professional Networks



Virtual Hubs

Social Media Scene

Over half of Canadians online use social media tools

No longer the domain of youth Collaboration is key Easy and inexpensive Networking Tool Worldwide exposure Targeted audience

Your Personal Brand On-line

Be true to real life Always conduct yourself professionaly in

these forums Highlight what sets you apart Be active in the community See yourself as others see you 8 out of ten recruiters check your online


What Are Your Goals ?

What are you trying to achieve? Who is your intended audience? What are your strengths? How much time do you have to allocate to


Professional Networks

Fastest growing of all networks Linkedin - Largest professional network in NA All professional users Your credentials online Get to know and interact with industry peers Establish your expertise Showcase your talents by answering questions Learn and share your knowledge Find jobs and get referalls

Social Networks - Facebook

Facebook is more professional and authentic

Create a profile and begin adding friends Spread the word Referrals are better than cold leads Become a groupy Create a company “Page” Advertise

Social Networks - MySpace

Largest social network in NAMore blue collar usersBranded look and feelGreat way to:

Network with more people Promote – via bulletins Drive traffic to your site Spread awareness of what you do

Social Networks: Twitter

Micro Blog 140 character limit Link to your site or blog 3rd largest driver of traffic Short, sharp bursts of info Promote your offering Establish you in your niche

The Key to Social Networking Success

Know your goals and act accordingly Grow Your Network Join Groups or create your own Use your status box Ask questions Using widgets appropriately Set the right privacy setting

Enter the Blogosphere

Web log Cronological Order Constant flow of information Categorized by subject Interaction builds community Blogging has mass appeal

Who is blogging?

133 million blogs

Blog out there on every topic

Canadians are taking advantage of blogs

89% of businesses use blogs

Not just young folk

Blogging 3 Steps

Step 1 – Get Aquainted

Step 2- Collaborate

Step 3 – Blog Yourself

Examples of Social Media Successes

Mari Smith on Facebook Rob Duncan on LinkedIn Wiggly Wigglers Threadless Yes We Can – Barack Obama

Guidelines for Safe Personal Branding Online

You are in control Google Yourself! Do the granny test on the results Always portray yourself professionally Be selective about who you add Add applications that are specific to what you do Schedule internet networking time Join and contribute to groups Be true to who you are Be respectful and don’t use profanities


Every tool has capabilities to allow for effective privacy control

Know how to change these Use them to give appropriate access

according to your goals You choose how much or how little you

make public For blog privacy, you can limit access or

commenting capabilities

Monitoring Your Online Brand

Always check your profile view Google Yourself Tweetscan Google Alerts Pipl

Internet Networking Recap

Done right can really advance your career and grow your business

Done wrong can damage your chances Focus on the hubs appropriate to your

niche Use networks appropriately Be safe Schedule time in these forums Enjoy

Join My Network

Mhairi Petrovic on LinkedIn “Outsmarts” on MySpace “Mhairi Petrovic” on Facebook 604 290 4099 Questions – let me know!

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