manifesting secrets with andy dooley -€¦ · mike dooley, my brother was...

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Manifesting Secrets with

Andy Dooley

Good Vibe University

Good Vibe University Manifesting Secrets


Jeannette: Hey every one this is Jeannette for Good Vibe University and very excited to have Andy Dooley with us today. Hello Andy!

Andy: Hello! Hello! Jeannette woooh!!! Jeannette: WOO HOO is right! I got to say there has been a lot of anticipation of this

call ever since I announced it. So, thank you for giving us your time and sharing you expertise with us today.

Andy: Oh it's my pleasure. I am thrilled to be on the line and I’ve been listening to some

of the other calls and it's awesome you know, what you got going on here. Jeannette: Right on! Well, I normally ask everyone to give their own bio, I know

everyone already knows who you are but why don't you tell us a little bit about yourself anyway before we dive into today's content.

Andy: Okay, years ago I started a company with my mother and brother called TUT

(Totally Unique T-shirts) and because we were putting unique thoughts on this T-shirts that were inspirational and uplifting we became Totally Unique Thoughts and we had retail stores and were doing trade shows and then we transformed into because of the internet.

And so all along that journey I, you know, was very much into the metaphysics, law of

attraction stuff. We weren’t calling it law of attraction back then. And one thing led to another and I have now become my own speaker, doing my own workshops, doing coaching, it's an amazing journey.

Jeannette: Woohoo! So what were you calling it back then? If not law of attraction, what

did you know it as? What you guys think of it as? Andy: We called it metaphysical. We just called it metaphysical new age stuff. Jeannette: Right on. So, I was just thinking about how I've met everyone except for your

mom and your sister, so I guess I've met half your family. I didn't know you guys had a sister until she friended me on Facebook.

Andy: Yeah! Yeah! She's awesome! She got married sort of young, not too young. She

had kids and became a full time mom but she's always been into the metaphysical stuff. Jeannette: Is she an older sister or younger sister? Andy: She's a little older than me. Mike's the oldest, then my sister, then me. Jeannette: Oh my Gosh! Well alright, I can't wait to meet her someday too. Because I

did have the pleasure of meeting you in person when you rolled through town, was it last year? Andy: Yeah! I think it was last year, we went hiking.

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Jeannette: Yeah we did. In fact I just had lunch with Auretha today. Andy: Oh cool! Jeannette: Yeah! We had Julie Brock from Good Vibe University, Julie B. everyone

knows her as at GVU. She was rolling through town so we got together for lunch today before she went out to the airport. And it made me think of you because the last time I saw Auretha for lunch was when we got together. So…

Andy: Wow! Jeannette: Alright! So, what I want to ask you, I want to hear, I'm going to ask everyone

else these questions, if we have time for them but what I want to hear first is about your journey and the evolution of your journey with law of attraction and deliberate creation.

Andy: Oh my journey, my epic journey into the ultimate destination of vibration

activation. Jeannette: Yeah and I want to hear the story in rhymes too so… Andy: Oh kay! Alright so, yeah I think back in the day I was very fortunate that my

mother was a big reader and shared this information. Mike Dooley, my brother was always, you know the thinker, and like the why and how come. And there are many dinner discussions where, you know, the topic was about life and how does life work and why are we here, how do you create and why do bad things happen. And Mike was starting to formulate a lot of his philosophy and principles at that time. And, my father was a very positive guy. He is still alive, he's out in Colorado. He was an insurance salesman and he was into listening to Earl Nightingale and lots of audio programs and he had a whole team of insurance agents underneath him. So, he just had a positive vibe. My mom had a positive vibe. So, fortunately I’ve picked up on that.

Jeannette: Wow! That's cool to be raised in it. Andy: Yeah! It was good and one of the books that I first … I started with Jonathan

Livingston Seagull that led to Illusions and then Seth. Channeled material, my third book was channeled material. Which at the time, I could not comprehend at all. I could not read a sentence. I just was very slow to develop my intellect. So Jonathan Livingston Seagull was about where I was at and that was even tough. But I knew from hearing my mother and brother talk and my dad, you know, just to think and be positive. Just think and be positive. You know, don't bitch and complain. Then the other books that really helped me a lot, that really got me going was the Florence Scovel Shinn books.

Jeannette: Was that The Game of Life or Your Word Is Your Wand? I can't remember

the name of it.

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Andy: Yeah both of them. I devoured both of them. I still think I have the original ones back in the day. This was in high school now, so I started reading the books in high school. So I used it to manifest chicks and parties.

Jeannette: Why am I not surprised? I guess I'm a little surprised you said it. I'm not

surprised you did it. Andy: Yeah man, you’re in high school. I mean what do you want? You want parties and

girls you know and good grades, kind of, you know, you just want to pass. Jeannette: Yeah! Andy: So you know I had, so I started practicing… Go ahead. Jeannette: I am just so glad you had your priorities straight. I really am. From the very

beginning, Andy knew it's about having a good time. Andy: Yeah! Truly! Truly! I visualized myself at parties, I swear it’s so stupid now but I

visualized myself walking into parties and everybody going like wooooh! And it happened, I swear to God. In high school, I’d walk into a party and everyone would go crazy.

Jeannette: But it still happens right? I mean Andy: Yeah sort of. Yeah I guess it does. Jeannette: It happens today. Andy: Yeah! Wow! Yeah see it's still happening. Yeah, I started doing it. I was just

saying the affirmation and hearing the little stories you know that Florence Scovel Shinn would tell and I was like ‘Oh wow, I can do that.’ And I would just say ‘em and say ‘em and say ‘em and say ‘em. And I would really get good at the feeling. And I really associated music. So I would play music in my car really loud and say my affirmations and go to school and go to parties. It worked. So WOW.

Jeannette: I got to imagine Andy that you didn't have a lot of friends who were

practicing this too right? I mean because… Andy: No, none of them. Jeannette: Yeah! I mean, I think even today someone in high school might stand out as

someone who is practicing this really deliberately and consciously like that. So, certainly it seems like you would not have had a lot of company in doing that.

Andy: No, no, not at all. But I did because of just my vibration. I did manifest friends in

high school who were just positive and you know wanted to have fun and party too. And so, it

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was a match, you know, in that way where we were just always focused on the good and we didn’t focus on what was wrong and we always had good times.

Jeannette: Sweet, alright so, that sounds like a pretty happy childhood to me. Andy: Yeah it was good. And then I fell into art school, really. I mean, I thought I was

going to go to University like my brother did. And then it was like “No you are going to art school” and I was like Wow! Man. I’m going to art school. Is this for real? Like, I'm going to draw naked woman in figure drawing class and go to the beach and this is too crazy.

Jeannette: And so you did? Andy: I did, I went to art school. It was just three years at the time. Then I got into

Ramtha. I was reading a lot of Ramtha. I could comprehend stuff now more. I could really like, The White book, The Ramtha White book, that book is still amazing. I looked at it just the other day.

Jeannette: Yeah! Classic isn’t it? Andy: Yeah! It's a really good book. So I was using that then I remember every day after

my morning classes, I would go back to my dorm room and I would visualize and kind of take a nap. And I wanted to go to New York City. So I just visualized myself in New York City, visualized myself in New York City, I didn't have the money, didn't have no way of how to get to New York City. But you know, I really was just visualizing for the fun of it. And I also visualized myself having a red BMW. You know when I got out, it was like, “I'm going to have a red BMW.” I had pictures of BMWs. So, I visualized myself in New York City and then I’d go to lunch and then… So fast forward, I am now in my second year of school and the creative director for HBO comes to the school and gives a talk and inspires everybody about being a designer and what you can do with a designing career. And on a whim, they decided to have an internship, the first one ever. They’re going to pick a student to go to New York City for the summer.

Jeannette: Oh boy! Andy: Do an internship and … Jeannette: The first time ever, like they had never done this before? Andy: They’d never done this before. Jeannette: Oh, this has got your fingerprints all over it, doesn't it? Andy: I know! I know! So the creative director said, “I'm going to be back in town for a

short time. I only can interview the top 10 of the class. Like, who are the top 10 designers in the class?” And I luckily made the top 10. And he wanted to see your portfolio, your design portfolio

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and just see personality. So I showed him my portfolio and it felt like it went good but I had no idea how it went. And then, you know, four days later they said, you’re going to New York City for the summer.

Jeannette: Yiheee! And so, so you had been… well that was deliberate Andy: I think it was deliberate Jeannette: So that was your New York City manifestation, I am looking forward to the

car one but I'm wondering so as they got closer and you could see it starting to happen. This is where some people get a little kinked up. Because then they think they see how it's coming and they get a charge on and like “Oh this is it, this is happening, okay don't screw it up, what else do I need to do to make sure this happens” But I imagine you didn't do any of that did you?

Andy: Not at that time. I've screwed myself up as I got older. Like I develop a really

serious problem. But at that time, I was still so much, like you know, college, riding my skateboard around.

Jeannette: Trying to meet women. Andy: Going yeah! And I was like “Man, I got this, I got this man. I know I got this.” I

am not going to say anything because in one of the Florence Scovel Shinn books, it says, you know, just keep it silent. You know, unless you are really ready to share it. So I just shut my mouth and just felt like “Man, I am so going to New York City” and I was like yeah man I went. I went to New York City for the summer.

Jeannette: Right on! Andy: Yeah! Jeannette: That's cool, that's very cool. But that's certainly wasn't, but I mean, you

probably weren’t too surprised right? Delighted I'm sure but you weren't surprised? Because you've been working this for a while in your life.

Andy: Yeah, it was. Then I thought my Mom almost blew it for me because I remember the Creative Director called my house to really confirm the details of when I would come up and where I was going to stay and then I could be in New York City on my own. And then my Mom was really, you know…I was like, “Yeah, I’m ready! Let’s go!” but I was really clueless, I really was clueless.

My Mom got on the phone with the Creative Director and she was Ms. Negative like, “Well, who’s going to cook his meals? And where is he going to stay? He’s never been away and I don’t know if he can handle this!”

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My alignment was so spot on that the Creative Director was like, “Look, I met him. He’s 18 years old; I think he’s going to be fine. He’ll figure it out.” My Mom was like, “Okay.”

Jeannette: That is a good reflection of your alignment. That would have been an easy way for it to get turned around. That’s very sweet of your mom; it’s just making me smile what a good mom she was being worrying for her son.

Andy: Yeah, she was.

Jeannette: Which was probably against most of her habits because she probably knows that’s not the kind of alignment that serves people.

Andy: Yeah, so she was great.

Jeannette: So, what happened next?

Andy: So, yeah, I went to New York City. It was awesome! I had some amazing experiences. I got taken for all of my money in Times Square playing Three-Card Monte. I thought I was so cool. I thought I was a manifestation, I thought, “I’m just going to clean up here, man.” I got cleaned out, man. I tell a story about it in my seminars, in my speaking workshop. I got cleaned, man. I got my clock cleaned.

Jeannette: Maybe you weren’t using affirmations for that?

Andy: I guess I wasn’t, man. I just – I don’t know – I just got taken. But now it turned into one of my best stories. It’s one of my first humorous speeches I did for Toastmasters. I’ve made tens of thousands of dollars off of that speech.

Jeannette: Really? There’s a way to put a silver lining on a story that some people might think, “Oh, there’s no good news here.” It makes it easy to say, “Hey, this might pay off someday in ways I can’t even imagine.”

Andy: It truly did. I remember when I was thinking about it, it was like, “Okay, then I’ll tell that story at Toastmasters. I’ll make it a 7 minute speech.” And it wasn’t funny at first. It was basically – I thought I was so cool and I got taken for the fool that I was, and then I made it funny; made it a powerful lesson. At the end when I tell the story, “You have to forgive yourself. We all do stupid shit. Forgive yourself.”

And I had to learn to forgive myself because, really, I’ve carried it around. That was part of me falling into my seriousness because I really thought I was stupid. Because my intellect was slow to develop and so, even when I was manifesting these things, I still really felt stupid.

I was developing the belief that I was stupid. I really had that as a belief. I was stupid. I didn’t get it. I wasn’t good in the intellectual side. My writing and reading was really bad. So, I had this belief that I was stupid. And that confirmed it. That sealed the deal. “Yeah, Andy. You are a stupid idiot.” I didn’t tell anybody, I swore to God I would never tell anybody what happened and then I turned it into speech and told everybody.

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Jeannette: You told everyone! Oh my word, how cool is that! Wow. So, at the time did you understand how heavily that belief was weighing on you or is that something that took a while to be aware of and rework?

Andy: I did feel it, and then I went back to Art School, finished my 3rd year, then went out into the real world and started working as a designer, and then doing film production. Then Mike came down from Boston because he quit his job as a CPA because he wanted to do his own thing. He’s sleeping on my floor in Orlando, in my apartment, and he’s like, “Let’s start our own business.” “What are we going to do?” Well, we said, “Let’s try t-shirts.”

So, I was the fun, crazy, artist man and he was the CPA, all serious. Then his seriousness started to rub off on me and then I started to get serious and like, I had to get serious, I had to now make a living, I had to pay bills, I had insurance payments and a car payment, and I just got serious. That stupid belief I had about me being stupid really sort of wound me.

Then it was when I started doing improv comedy at SAK that I really had to deal with it because I wasn’t as quick witted and funny as the other ones. I kept coming up stupid and sometimes the other improvisers – I was like Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer – no one wanted to improvise with me, you know, like, “Andy’s stupid and he doesn’t get it. Andy’s like…” and I was like, “Ah.” I really just got serious and that was when I started to try so hard to manifest and use affirmations to be funny and spontaneous. I was just getting so in my own way and I just got frustrated and the whole – I was just trying so hard.

Jeannette: That’s what it sounds like. A lot of effort and not a lot of fun which is what you had led with before, right?

Andy: I guess, I totally leading with fun and then I got all intellectual and tried to get smart and yeah.

Jeannette: But then you really got smart, right? And decided it’s not the only goal.

Andy: But then I did know – along the way I did develop my intellect, and I started to find a balance. Then going to the Tony Robbins seminars which were great but they also really – they had set such a high standard for me that I now felt like, well, I’ve done all these Tony Robbins seminars, and I had really gotten into Wayne Dyer and Deepak Chopra and Marianne Williamson, and I became a maniac for this stuff. I was so disappointed that I wasn’t following through with it and I wasn’t doing my morning questions and I wasn’t meditating.

I was just so pissed off and then I’d be so pissed off at Mike. Mike and I would fight every single day. If we didn’t fight, it would be a miracle we didn’t fight. You know, in the business we always fight. I just developed a really bad attitude and I was angry at him, I was angry at my Mom, I was angry because we could be doing better but we weren’t doing better, our numbers should be bigger and you know –

Jeannette: And yet, you guys were still doing all right, right? It’s not like you guys were failing.

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Andy: We were doing good. Yeah, we were doing good but I kept like,”Well, we’ve got to do better! We’ve got to be bigger! We’ve got to…” I just got serious. The fun got sucked out of me.

Jeannette: Andy, without fun that doesn’t sound like Andy at all.

Andy: Yeah, no girls, no parties, I just – and then I was like, “Ok, I’ve got to manifest a girlfriend.” I couldn’t manifest a girlfriend at the time; years went by with nothing, man. I’m telling you, it was tough! I was so in my own way! Oh God.

Jeannette: How did this get turned around?

Andy: The improv comedy really, I mean – because every time, every week, I go to improv comedy and I get slapped metaphorically around by them being so playful and fun and showing me how it’s done. Eventually, I started to loosen up because of the improv comedy. I had to; you can’t do improv comedy and be all tight. So, it really helped me get loose and looser and really see myself. I wanted to blame them but I knew it was all me. I knew it was me, it wasn’t them.

Then I got into Toastmasters and started speaking and writing. And then I started – and because I could do my own speech and I wasn’t dependent on anybody else, I really started to have fun with my stories and make them funny. That really helped me going into Toastmasters.

Jeannette: You know, what you were talking about your time in improv, feels like something deliberate creators experience as well, and that’s that, here, you were making a job out of it, you know, taking it seriously while the others were just kind of light-hearted and carefree. And they were having more success with it because of that lightness, right?

Andy: Yes, yes.

Jeannette: The same and deliberate creation – I know that a lot of people will be frustrated in that the stuff they don’t care about, that they don’t take too seriously happens really easily, effortlessly, swiftly, but the stuff that is a big deal, that they’re doing their affirmations on and their doing their pray rain journals on, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera, isn’t happening. That feels very similar.

Andy: It’s exactly, perfect. Great parallel, Jeannette, it’s right on.

Jeannette: I’ve also heard improv is really good for deliberate creators for other reasons as well. I don’t have any experience with it myself, I’m too much of a scaredy-cat to do that, and I think it takes a lot of courage. So one of these days, I want to pick the brain of someone who’s a deliberate creator who has also spent time in improv to get the benefit from it.

Andy: Every city has an improv troupe, you should go take classes.

Jeannette: Andy, I remember when we were having lunch and you were telling me this story about Second City, and I didn’t know what Second City was, then you were just like, “Everyone knows what Second City is, how do you not know?” And then the first thought after

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you said that to me, I saw it everywhere but it did make me feel kind of like silly but I didn’t know what something everyone was –

Andy: Yes, you don’t know. But improv helps you stay in the moment. It focuses you. You learn to allow and accept whatever comes at you and make it work. There’s so many parallels in manifesting and improv, it’s like a perfect parallel, it is. That’s why I think in my workshop, did we play Zip Zap Zop?

Jeannette: Yes, I loved that! Oh my word, it was fabulous!

Andy: Yeah, that’s such a great game to get people loosened up and have fun. Let’s celebrate the mistake instead of beat ourselves up.

Jeannette: That was such a huge, huge lesson. I don’t know if you want to take time to share it here but if anyone is listening to this, if you get a chance to see Andy live – do you still do that? Do you still include that in your workshops, Andy?

Andy: Sometimes, I do, sometimes. I’ve got some other stuff which I do want to share on this call, the vibration activation process.

Jeannette: Exciting. All right, let’s move along then.

Andy: Yeah, yeah. So yeah, getting into Toastmasters really loosened me up but then I started having fun and then I really started to shine in Toastmasters. Like, I went to an improv but I started to shine at Toastmasters because now I was with a group of older people. When I would tell a story and give a speech, I would do the characters and I’d act it out and I’d be funny and silly and I can make my own points and so that helped.

The thing that really kicked it, it kicked me into the right vibe that I needed was Abraham Hicks. That was it. Ask and It Is Given. I read that book and it 360d my whole world, I was like, this is it. I immediately started a meet up group and I didn’t even know – I was like, I’m not the expert but I’m starting one because I wanted to meet everyone in Orlando who does Abraham Hicks. We met every other Saturday and I put a little workshop together. It was fun and I did a visualization and I could speak and we did a rampage of appreciation and we all talked about the principles – it was great. Then I really sort of just started to get into listening to them, it just started to loosen up, and just some good things happened along the way.

I started teaching my own little workshop for speakers but I still felt very lost. I felt so lost and confused, like, “What am doing? Where am I going?” I was spending money. I lost a bunch of money with Vikings Extreme – a hundred thousand dollars. It felt just like, “What am I doing?” Then this speaker came along, and that was like, “Cool, cool.”

It’s the momentum started picking up, I really started chilling out, but the biggest thing I did was I just started focusing on the now and just feeling good no matter what. I stopped really trying so hard to be somewhere where I wasn’t and I just accepted where I was. All right, this is it, I’ve got credit card debt, I owe the IRS, you know, I really dug myself a hole. I really did, and

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that was like 4 years ago. I owed the IRS, I had my heart broken – I did meet a girl, fell in love, she broke my heart.

I wanted to be the world champion in public speaking in Toastmasters, that didn’t come true. I mean, a lot of things didn’t happen and I just had to let go of all of it and just do what I could – like Abraham – all you can do is what you’ve got right here and all so I just worked on feeling good every day. Then I kept moving forward and just said, “All right, whatever. I surrender.”

Jeannette: Wow, yeah, I can understand that.

Andy: And then as I was coming out of that, one of the things I did which was good, I hired you as my coach that really helped me stay in alignment.

Jeannette: I’m laughing because I remember telling you that coaching was better than sex and after we’re done, and you’re like, “Yeah, no, it’s not.” I thought, I’m doing something wrong here, either I didn’t coach Andy well, or Andy’s having much better sex than I am!

Andy: Yeah.

Jeannette: That’s why I can’t help but laugh when I hear you say that. Yeah, okay, so that’s acceptance and I know that’s a big theme in Abraham’s work as well; that being pleased with what is rather than just hanging our hats on what’s coming next is a big part of creating that internal alignment and that sounds like that’s what made the big difference for you.

Andy: That was. I remember telling my girlfriend, who then became my ex-girlfriend, we’d still talk here and there and I’d be like, “You’ve just got to feel good! Just feel good! Just feel good!” And I remember just being like this, “All I’m going to do is to find a way to feel good right now.”

Because I remember like, years before that moment, it would be like every year I would go down to my sister’s for Christmas, and I’d make a promise to myself, like, “Next year when I come here I’m buying everybody amazing gifts and then I’m going to fly here and I’m going to be doing this,” and then the next year would come around and I’d be like worse off. Then I’d be like, “I’m going to do it this year. I’m going to do it this year.” And then the next year would come around and I’d be worse off. I just said, “I’m not saying that anymore. Nuh-uh. I’m not saying it; I’m not owning myself in that place anymore.”

Jeannette: I totally get that. That kind of reminds me of what Florence said, you know, about, “There’s a time to speak it, and there’s a time to be silent about it.”

Andy: So, one thing led to another, the amazing thing was, I just kept doing what I could do. I continued to speak, I started coaching some people in speaking, I kept doing my little workshop, I was freelancing design work, and I started doing one man shows. That really helped me because now I had a body of material and I was doing a little visualization for fun and profit workshop, like a spiritual bookstore.

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And because The Secret had now come along, and Mike was getting so many offers to speak, he’d throw them to me. And so like, “Well, Andy can go speak.” And I’d do like – for free – I’d do a love offering or whatever.

Then I got invited to speak in North Carolina to do a Thursday night talk and then a Friday night comedy workshop and a Saturday full day workshop and I just finished recording my audio program and I was like just barely ready, but just on the edge of being ready, that I could handle what they offered me. You know, just like, “Okay, just say yes. Just say yes. I’ve got the material; I think I can do this.” And then the last minute, Mike sent an email to North Carolina to the TUT subscribers and said, “Hey, my brother is going to be speaking Thursday night at the spiritual function thing, check him out.”

And like, it blew my mind. Over a 150 people showed up. I was like, “Holy shit.” And so, I did my one-man show that I did in the Fringe Festival. Even though, in a way, that fell on deaf ears. I mean, people enjoyed it; but I was giving the wrong material presentation to the wrong people. Yet, they could appreciate the stories, a lot of them really liked it, but it wasn’t my audience.

Now, because I had created that material, and I gave it to an audience who was hungry for this, they just sucked it up, I mean they just loved it. I was like, “Wow, I can make this even better. I can make this even funnier.” And then so I came back, and I was like, “Mike, you know, maybe you could help me some more and send some other emails out.” He said, “We’ll see how it goes. No promises, we’ll take it case by case.”

Then, I was going out to Colorado and at the last minute, I secured a speaking gig, and this girl said, “You can speak at this bookstore, I get like 20 people and I’ll put you to my list.” I said, “Well, maybe Mike will help me.” Mike said, “Oh, I’ll do it for Denver.” So, Mike sent a list, sent an email out 2 weeks before I was going to be there and we had to get a bigger place – we had the place sold out at 150 and there was a waiting list.

So I was like, “Okay, I think I’ve got something.” I came back to Florida and Mike sent an email out to Florida, I set up a bunch of gigs in unity churches and went around and just started doing spiritual comedy. Then I was like, “Okay, okay. I think this is going to work.”

The momentum just started building and then I turned it into my workshop and then Mike said, “Okay, I can help you and I’ll get a percentage of your sales because I’m doing this for you and I’m happy to do it for you, you know, you’re my brother. We started TUT together, it’s the least that I can do.”

And so because of that, that’s how I’ve found my way and carved my niche. Mike will send out an email for me and that’s how I’m basically getting people to come. But now I’ve been building my own list and people come up to me afterwards and go, “I didn’t even know you had a brother. I found you on Facebook.” Or “I found you on YouTube.”

Jeannette: Yeah, you are really putting together some very cool things on YouTube and that’s one of my favorite editions; every time I see a new video of yours, to put that in the GVU library, it lights me up, it lights up our members. I think what you’re creating there is absolutely

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amazing and it’s very unique because we can take our LOA selves a little serious sometimes, and we do have a tendency to make work of this stuff, so for you to bring that – someone in the Chat Room said spiritual comedy – it does feel like that helps us lighten up where we might be getting in our own way in being too serious about it.

Andy: Yeah, yeah. So, thank you for reminding me of that, and that’s been my biggest focus right now, because right now, this moment, I’m finishing up my new website, I’m finishing up my new – I’ve written a book, I’m thrilled.

And then my focus when I – because next Monday, I’m flying to Africa for a safari, and then London, and then Amsterdam. When I get back from that, I’m going to spend all my time making videos. I want to get really good at it, really fast at it, so I’m pumping out these awesome videos, eventually once a week. They’re rocking, they’re funny, and I’ve already been telling the story, getting the vibe. It’s already done. I’ve just got to step in front of the camera and start shooting and editing.

And the thing about it is, I love the whole process. I love shooting it. I love writing down notes and tweaking it. I love the spontaneous creation in the middle of it. I love watching it come together. I love that just as much as putting it out there and hearing the feedback. I mean, that part of being the deliberate creator like, I love that. And like I love my book, I loved writing every word of it; I loved going back over and tweaking it and finding a better way to say it.

I’ve gotten so much better at the ‘in the meantime’ stuff, like what I’m doing now and not being, “Okay, once my book gets out there, then…” It’s like, “No, no. I’m not worried about once it gets out there. The joy was in writing it. I’m pretty sure it’s going to do good but I don’t even care if it does good because the joy was in the creating of it.”

Same with my videos. That’s where the joy was so I’m so in that. The intention has already been set; that I want to reach people, and touch lives and make them laugh and smile – that’s autopilot. Now I’ve just got to get into the creation and the joy of that.

Jeannette: Well, I am thrilled to hear it because, you know, when we met last year and we were walking down the canyon with Auretha, and you were sharing a little tune you were thinking about for your next video and I loved it so much I was like, we’ve got to record it right now. I was pretty hot and bothered that it did seemed really effortless for you – I mean that it was just so easy – and I just wanted more and more and more. So, I’m thrilled to hear that, very cool, I can’t wait to hear about the book, too.

Andy: Yeah, yeah. Okay, I think something that would be really good for the listeners is to share a little bit of the vibration activation which has been a process of developing and now with all my clients – because now I’m full, I have full-time clients, full-time speaking gigs – I mean, I’m truly right now, living the life of my dreams. It’s all come together in a way that I wanted it to but I wasn’t sure how it was going to, and when I let go back when, and just decided to feel good and just keep doing what I could with where I was, it just all came together.

Jeannette: Right on. Let’s hear more.

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Andy: In the vibration activation process, you pick a desire, and then you do “what if” and “wouldn’t it be nice” sentences to get the vibe going and get your focus. Then you try and change gears and then you get into the “that’s right” sentences. That gets your buzz really high, and then I used to leave my clients at that buzz and then they come back to reality and reality sucks because they’re not where they want to be. That’s when I brought in “in the meantime”. You have to bring them back into the now, into the meantime where they’re enjoying the process.

The reason this whole thing developed was because here’s what I like to say, which is very different and new that people aren’t saying, “Really, is that your problem?” People think they have a money problem, or a health problem, or a relationship problem. No, you don’t. You have a focus problem. You have a focus problem – you keep focusing on what you don’t want, and you focus on it and try to make it better while noticing that it’s not where you want to be and so you split your energy.

What everybody has is a focus problem and you can fix the focus problem but when you try to fix a money problem and do past life regressions, or relationship problem and try to get all intellectual, it’s like, “Look, you’ve got a focus problem. You just keep focusing on what you don’t want.”

Jeannette: Yep, it is that simple, isn’t it?

Andy: It is, and so most people when they try and they think they think positive and they think they’re really doing this stuff, but most people can think positive for 6-8 seconds. That’s it! And then they go, “Look! A squirrel!”

Jeannette: I wish that weren’t true, and I know exactly what you mean.

Andy: Yeah, they go, “Oh, I’m positive, I can do this stuff. Yeah, I’m going to attract a lot of money, things are really going good for me. Yeah, I believe this. Yeah, it’s going to turn around for me,” and then their cell phone goes off or they’re distracted. They’re not holding the vibration long enough and getting to the emotion of it. They’re doing the right thing, whatever process they’re doing, they’re doing it. They’re on it, they’re just not staying on it long enough and they’re not feeling it and that’s why the whole vibration activation process forces you to focus on it and to feel it as you’re doing it. You can’t help but focus and flow energy when you’re doing the vibration activation process.

Let’s do something right now with you, Jeannette. What is a desire, something you’d like to manifest, something you’d like to have happen?

Jeannette: I would love to have happen, I’ve got foster puppies in my house right now who they’re just starting to show signs of congestion, mom’s got a really bad kennel cough, so what I would love is for my puppies to grow up happy, healthy, and fat and for that to be a really, really smooth process for everyone in this house. My dogs and cats and boyfriend included, and for my puppies and the mom to all get great homes. Is that too much?

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Andy: No, that’s nothing, man. You know, “Poof! Done!” Okay, we’re talking about the universe here, the universe can do anything! Okay, so now, the ultimate feeling though – but we know that’s a picture end result – but it’s all about you feeling good about this.

Jeannette: Yeah, because I’m getting a little nervous.

Andy: Yeah, and you’re going to get caught up how it’s supposed to look. Knowing all these puppies, they’re on their own journey, too. Whatever may come may come. You’ve got to find a way to find good in it. But the vibration activation process is really about getting you in alignment with feeling good and even getting to the place where you say, “I have the intention for these puppies but I can’t be attached to their – because that’s going to mess up my vibration.”

Jeannette: I hear you.

Andy: We start off with, “wouldn’t it be nice,” right? You know that, but we do the sentences back and forth because it creates a focus and a flow between us. We keep our sentences short and you’re allowed to repeat yourself because this is about the focus and the flow. You don’t want to try so hard to come up with the best thought ever. Just easy thoughts, focus on the goal.

Jeannette: Yeah, I was already going there, I was already like, “Uh, is it okay to word it with negatives or should I be positive?” So, okay, I’ll lighten up.

Andy: Yeah, just lighten it up, don’t try too hard. I give you a “wouldn’t it be nice” sentence, and then you give me one back.

Jeannette: Okay.

Andy: Wouldn’t it be nice if these puppies grow up healthy?

Jeannette: Yes, wouldn’t it be nice if they’re the fattest puppies I’ve ever raised.

Andy: Wouldn’t it be nice if they give you lots of puppy love?

Jeannette: Oh, that would be so nice! And wouldn’t it be so nice if they fit into this household so easily, like – okay, I’m just keeping it short. Okay, yeah.

Andy: Okay, yeah. Wouldn’t it be nice if you didn’t make a big deal about it?

Jeannette: Oh my gosh, wouldn’t it be nice if their poop was really easy to clean up?

Andy: Wouldn’t it be nice if they pooped in the right place at the right time?

Jeannette: Yes! And wouldn’t it be nice if they give their mom a break so like, they get to play with each other and they don’t bother mom.

Andy: Wouldn’t it be nice if your boyfriend was just like, “Ah, don’t worry about it.”

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Jeannette: That would be really nice. Wouldn’t it be nice if Russ did some of the cleaning up after these puppies that would be really nice, too.

Andy: Wouldn’t it be nice if you weren’t attached to the outcome of these puppies?

Jeannette: Yeah, it would be nice if I would lighten up about the homes they go to. Wouldn’t it be nice if I didn’t cry if they got adopted?

Andy: Wouldn’t it be nice if you celebrated it?

Jeannette: Ah, that would be nice. And wouldn’t it be nice if they got adopted with some people that I know or they’re nearby so I could visit them after they get adopted.

Andy: Wouldn’t it be nice if six months from now, you’re walking down the street and here comes this dog and he’s like running over to you.

Jeannette: Wouldn’t it be nice if I get tons of puppy video so I could go straight into the vortex anytime I pulled up the video?

Andy: Yeah! Okay, so now we focused. We got good focus and good flow going. So we held the vibration for quite a while, and now you’re feeling the vibe shift aren’t you?

Jeannette: I could, yeah. I sure could.

Andy: Okay, you could feel it. You could feel your shifting. Okay now, the vibe is still there, we’ve still got the focus and the flow going, so now, we’re going to change gears, but what if we can skip “what if” because the whole vibration activation it is an art. It’s not a science, it’s an art, so we’re playing, and we’re being artists here. So now we’re going to change gears and do the “that’s right”. We’re allowed to repeat some of the things we just said, and we’re just going to do, “that’s right” about the situation. It’s a stronger vibration. And so, that’s right, it’s all going to work out with the puppies.

Jeannette: That’s right, they know what they’re doing here. I’m not in charge of creating for them.

Andy: That’s right! You’re beginning to find the fun in it.

Jeannette: That’s right! I’m also feeling more allowing around it.

Andy: That’s right! You’re coming into alignment and Russ is cleaning up the poop!

Jeannette: That’s right! I’m having the time of my life with these foster puppies.

Andy: That’s right! You’re getting really good at telling the story and feeling it!

Jeannette: That’s right! I’m really thrilled that I’d said yes to this foster gig.

Andy: That’s right! Everything always works out for you!

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Jeannette: That is right! Everything always works out for me! That is right!

Andy: That is right! And these dogs are going to find awesome homes!

Jeannette: That is right! I am dealing with really good people who are helping through this process, too, including Andy Dooley.

Andy: That’s right! You’re attracting the right people at the right time! Don’t you love it?

Jeannette: That’s right! I love it when I’m a cooperative component with everything and everyone else in my vortex.

Andy: That’s right! You’ve got this! So now, you’ve got the buzz going, right? We’ve been focused for more than 68 seconds, correct?

Jeannette: Correct!

Andy: So now, you really are in your vortex, that’s no exaggeration, I mean, you’re really there.

Jeannette: I feel it. You are absolutely right.

Andy: You are there. Okay, so now though, when we hang up this phone call, it’s possible – and this would happen with my clients – you hang up the phone call and reality hits you in the face. The dog just pooed where he wasn’t supposed to. Russ just said, “What the hell is that smell?” Right?

Jeannette: You know the situation perfectly. Yeah.

Andy: This is where we end the vibration activation process by saying, “in the meantime”. We focus on what’s good right now in the meantime because when you enjoy the meantime, then it won’t be a long time.

Jeannette: I see this is feeling really brilliant. Okay, so in the meantime –

Andy: So we go back and forth with “in the meantime” sentences and you just focus on the things that are good in the meantime which brings you back into the now.

Jeannette: Yeah. In the meantime, mom’s cleaning up all the poop right now. She’s doing a good job of it.

Andy: In the meantime, it’s working out!

Jeannette: Yeah, in the meantime, they told me the sniffles aren’t a big deal; just keep an eye on them. And I believe them.

Andy: In the meantime, your vibe is so good, you’re increasing their vibe.

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Jeannette: In the meantime, I get to smell puppy breath everyday!

Andy: In the meantime, even simpler, in the meantime you’ve got a great house for these dogs.

Jeannette: I do! In the meantime, I did, I put together a really good set up and in the meantime, I got good equipment delivered to my house yesterday to make it even better.

Andy: In the meantime, you’ve got a great boyfriend.

Jeannette: In the meantime, I do. He did say yes to the whole thing and all I asked him was at least don’t be unsupportive.

Andy: In the meantime, you’re even detaching from him not being unsupportive.

Jeannette: That would be nice.

Andy: Okay, so there’s a “wouldn’t it be nice” there, that’s good. So in the meantime, it’s all going really well.

Jeannette: Yeah, in the meantime, this is as good as it’s ever been. It’s true.

Andy: In the meantime, you focused, and in the moment and enjoying the unfolding.

Jeannette: In the meantime, I trust it’s all going to work out. It always does.

Andy: Perfect. So now, we just spent probably 2 minutes, 3 minutes, maybe, focusing on a specific desire of yours that had been bringing in some contrast and you’ve found alignment because you thought the thoughts, you stacked them one on top of each other and it was a believable transition from “wouldn’t it be nice”, “that’s right”, and “in the meantime”. Now your vibe has totally shifted and it was effortless and fun!

Jeannette: I love that, I love that, Andy. We’ve got a question in the Chat Room. Is that something that you can do alone does it need to be with a partner, can it be journaled or you’ve got to get someone enrolled for this?

Andy: You can definitely do it on your own. This is what I do every morning with my clients because part of my ritual I’ve developed now to bring me into alignment is every morning I email my clients my vibe tune up. I email them a little poem and then I write, I make a list of “that’s right” sentences or I’ll make a list of “in the meantime” or “I rock because” or “I love myself because” and I’ll make 7 to 10 sentences to activate the vibe and to get me focused and then I write my new story, you know, a paragraph or two.

This morning I wrote about I’m going to Africa next week and it’s a dream come true and everything in my life is clicking and I’m really flowing and today, I get to talk to Jeannette Maw and connect with other creators and everything just works for me and I’m going to have a great time in London, and my workshop is going to sell out. That’s how I do my vibe tune up by myself via email. My clients know just to email me back their version of their vibe tune up.

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So it works very well by yourself and driving in the car you can get in a train of thought of – you can do a bunch of “that’s right” sentences, whatever you need to do to get yourself in the vibe, to get the flow going.

Jeannette: I like it. So, wouldn’t it be nice if “that’s right” and “in the meantime” to keep reality a good thing rather than come crashing back down after getting to those really high places.

Andy: Yeah, yeah. You can also mix in “what if”. “What if”, “wouldn’t it be nice”, so you can do some “what if”. If you’re really stuck – if you’re working with somebody who’s really stuck – you can just do “what if” because that’s obviously a possibility, like, “What if this worked out? What if you found a solution? What if you tapped into more of your creativity? What if this was a gift?” And then they “what if” and “wouldn’t it be nice” and then “that’s right”.

Jeannette: That’s a very, very cool process. That’s a very cool process. I’ve got a bunch of your URL ideas that I’m going to email you after we hang up to make sure you own them. So, I’m just thinking people either on the call or listening to the recording are going to be wondering, “Wow, what does it take to get have Andy Dooley as my coach?”

Andy: Wow, it takes cash money, baby! No –

Jeannette: I love you! You’re so funny. So really, you’re taking on new clients?

Andy: Right now, I’m full of –

Jeannette: I knew it! See, I kind of knew that! It’s going to be a tricky manifesting!

Andy: I’m looking at taking in new clients, November, this November.

Jeannette: All right, good to know.

Andy: I’m open to taking new clients this November because when I get back I’m going to start making videos. I’ll see how it goes. But, yeah, I’m open to – and it’s really good, I’m telling you now, when I get on the call with my clients, it’s all about fun, I’ll do guided visualizations for them to get them into the feeling. I make them tell me their new story. I do the vibe tune ups every day.

They’re not mandatory that you’ve got to email me back but man, when they email me back and they’re doing the work, you can tell the ones that are having fun emailing me back, things are popping for them, man, because they’re about the flow, they get it, that it’s about focus and flow, it’s not about making it happen. It’s about focusing on something - you need to focus on something, and you need to flow the energy. That’s the juice, that’s it, that’s the gift.

Jeannette: I know. I think the way you deliver that through having fun and not taking it too seriously but being fun, lots of laughter, that gives someone such an advantage over – I mean, it’s easy to get kinked up by taking it too seriously.

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Andy: It is. It is! And then another thing that I like to do with my clients is that I turn into the Frenchman, and tells them they are so beautiful! And they are doing so very, very well. They are like a beautiful flower that is blooming. And they just must smell the flower and take it easy.

Jeannette: You’re great. We’ve got a question in Chat Room, I know we’ve got a lot questions we’re going to try to get to, but one, I want to make sure I ask Flavia’s. How long did Andy do improv before he noticed significant changes in himself?

Andy: Immediately. Immediately, I mean, from the first workshop and class, I immediately was able to find that creative, spontaneous, person that had started to get lost. I was having lots of fun doing it, and yet I was still pushing so hard and wanting to be better. I had many nights where I would do an improv show and I would be brilliant. Then I’d get caught up in my head again and try too hard, and then fail miserably.

Jeannette: Well, along those lines, at least listen to another question that I wanted to ask. Someone wrote, “You always seem so happy, are there ever times when you are not happy, times when you get depressed or discouraged? If so, what do you do to turn that around?”

Andy: I can honestly say now, I never get depressed. There’s moments where I’ll feel a little bit off, but now it’s like, “Ooh, contrast! Yes!” And with my clients, it’s like, “Look, contrast is going to happen.” It’s a wave of contrast so the metaphor I use is you’ve got to surf these waves of contrast. You’ve got to get good at surfing them, and look for the gifts in them. What I do when I get off or discouraged, every day I do some form of exercise, but I don’t exercise to lose weight or be in shape. I go outside to just exert my body, and to breathe, and to listen to music, and I’m pretty much riding my bike or my skateboard. Just listening to music, being on my bike or my skateboard just totally puts me into the vortex and whatever was discouraging or wasn’t what I wanted, I was just like, “Ah, whatever!” So as soon as I am on my bike with music, I’m like, “It’s irrelevant.”

Jeannette: Wow, very cool. Very, very cool. Well, you’ve hit on some of the other questions that came in already, but there is one – we did get a couple about the status of your love life and I think I friended your girlfriend, we friended each other on Facebook – that might be a good one to clear up, unless you are single, maybe that’s a good thing to tell, too!

Andy: Oh, yeah.

Jeannette: Let’s hear about what you’ve manifested in your love life lately.

Andy: Okay, so yes. I manifested this girl named Kat, Kat Dawes; she’s the creator of Nowism. We were together and then we had to become a long distance thing. We met in Tahiti, talk about an amazing manifestation of love and romance, it was in Tahiti where we met, and then she came to Florida and lived with me for 3 months. And it was – I mean, oh my God – talk about just an amazing connection and a beautiful woman and a beautiful soul.

But then it was going to be like, all right, so now she has to go back to Australia, and this long distance thing, it was like, because we both get it, and we’re on this spiritual journey, and

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let’s see what we can create, let’s not force ourselves into the long distance thing. Let’s say, “Hey, let’s be free spirits and see what else we can create, who else we can meet. So it wasn’t any heartbreak or it was just, “High five, let’s keep adventuring!”

Jeannette: Wow, if that’s not an endorsement for falling in love with another deliberate creator, I don’t know what is.

Andy: Yeah, totally awesome. Now she’s dishing it up in L.A., now she’s down in L.A. and she’s got a boyfriend out in L.A., totally cool guy, I’m totally cool with it. Now I’ve been attracting, meeting some other girls, I am single. I haven’t been putting it out there that I want to meet a girl who lives in Orlando. This girl I met years ago, who I was like, “Wow, she’s like something,” but I wasn’t ready. Now she’s all of a sudden back up again, I’m going to have lunch with her this Wednesday. She’s got a career that allows her to be loose and flexible so I can join her on her travels, she could join me on my travels, and she lives in Orlando so I could just go over and see her. Nothing’s happened yet, but the vibe feels really good.

Jeannette: Nice manifesting. That’s kind of the best part, isn’t it? Isn’t this the best part?

Andy: It is!

Jeannette: Like rich with possibilities! It’s a fun place to be.

Andy: It’s just holding myself in that place. If it turns out with her, cool. If not, I’m okay, you know, I’m in that place where I don’t need it, I’m not worried about it, and so I’m in that space.

Jeannette: That’s a good spot. All right, very cool. Another – thanks for bringing us up to speed on your love life – because like I said, we did get a lot of questions on that. Next question, “What is the typical day in the life of Andy Dooley like?”

Andy: It is like epic proportions, man! It is so going off! It’s gnarly!

Jeannette: I don’t doubt it for a single second. Hey do you still do the – I wanted to ask about your manifesting routine, if you have one? And I remembered something you shared in your workshop that you did with your Mom and Mike, and I’m wondering if you still do that or – but my question really is just do you have a manifesting routine?

Andy: The routine I do now is with my clients, sending out my routine now is doing my vibration activation via email because when I make my list of sentences and read them – that’s the thing I tell my clients – read your list 2 or 3 times to get the feeling. So when I read my list and then read my new story, it activates the vibration so that’s really my thing.

I have been doing more meditating. I listen to Abraham Hick’s Vortex CD. But I’m very loose and fun about it. I love doing it but it’s not like I have to or I didn’t do it today, and damn it. Because like, years ago, it was, “Damn it, what’s wrong with me? I didn’t visualize today.”

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Jeannette: In fact, that almost feels like it leads into – I wanted to ask what you see most deliberate creators – what are the most common mistakes we make in out manifesting work and what your best tip is to help people be successful creators.

Andy: It’s the focus problem. Everyone has a focus problem. They’re just not holding the thought and vibration and the feeling long enough and that’s why it’s taking them forever! They feel stuck and they go off on these tangents going, “Well, it must be a past life,” or “It’s my astrological sign,” or “It’s a sacred contact and I’m just not meant to be successful.” It’s like, “No, it’s not. You’ve just got a focus problem.”

Jeannette: Sweet. Boy, we’ve covered some ground on this but I want to ask you if there’s anything that you wanted to make sure to share with us that we didn’t get to yet.

Andy: Oh, I did want to give this. This is so good. It kind of goes along with, “What are people doing wrong?” Now when people ask me what I do, the symbolized version is, “I get people off the bitch train and onto the beach train.” People don’t even realize it and even deliberate creators, they think they’re positive but, unfortunately, your life reflects it. If you’re not where you want to be, doing what you want to do, you’re on the bitch train. Sorry, you’re on the bitch train.

Jeannette: And you’re fooling yourself about it if your complaint is, “Hey, I’m feeling good. I’m doing everything I’m supposed to do,” and it’s not happening. Oh, that’s the bitch train.

Andy: You have this train of thought, and you get into a negative train of thought, just like we did a positive train of thought with vibration activation. “I’m not good enough”, “I don’t know what it is”, “I can’t figure it out”, “What’s wrong with me”, “Nothing’s working”, well, that’s your bitch train.

I teach this in my workshops and now I get people up and they do it with their buddy and it’s the biggest shocker. There are people who will cry because of what they say to themselves. So when people get on the negative train of thought, you’ve got to get off that train and get off it by saying, “Stop, cancel, clear. Get the “F” out of here.” And you’ve got to use the “F” word, okay? I don’t care how spiritual you are, use the “F” word because it really shocks your system and it gives you a charge of energy. Stop, cancel, clear. You’re stopping the negative train of thought. Cancel it. Clear it. Get the “F” out of here.

And then the crucial moment is, you’ve got to tell the new story. That’s where people fail! They don’t have a new story; they’re not good at it. They’re so focused on the negative that it’s hard for them to get over to the positive. That’s the muscle you’ve got to get big.

In the workshop I have them do that exercise with their buddy. They each give each other their negative dialogue, and some people cry. Some people can’t even give the other people the other stuff but I make them do it. And they’re shocked. They will never let anybody in a million years talk to them that way.

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You wouldn’t let anyone tell you those things but yet you say it so much in your head so often that it just becomes the common background music that’s playing in your head and that is what’s messing you up. It shows you that you’ve got this negative vibe going and how to stop it and then you have to deliberately focus and create the new train of thought. “I’m beginning to get this. I’m beginning to turn my life around. I’m beginning to have more fun with this.”

You use the word “beginning” and “becoming”. “I’m becoming more optimistic. I’m beginning to stick with it. I’m becoming friendlier.” That gets you on to the positive train of thought, onto the bliss train to Bliss City and things start happening.

Jeannette: Sweet. Sweet, sweet, sweet. All right, so let’s talk about how people can catch up with you outside of this call at GVU. I have to tell you, Andy, I picked a couple of pieces of your art when you were in town, and I wished that I had picked up multiple copies of my favorite one is, “You’re beautiful, don’t change a thing.” I shift that from room to room – sometimes it’s in the bedroom, sometimes it’s in the bathroom, sometimes it’s in the office, I love that one, I should have picked up three. I’m a huge, huge fan of your art but you do a lot of cool stuff that would be nice to let people know about.

Andy: My website might be down if you go to it now.

Jeannette: You’re getting a new one, oh that’s right.

Andy: Yeah, my new one, it’s pretty cool. I mean, it’s cool. But it’s and my new book is I Manifest, that’s the title. I Manifest. My artwork is on my website, too. I have these really cool prints, they’re only 24.95 and they really create a good vibe. I’ve sold out on my audio program and I’m just going to recreate a whole new vibration activation one. But you can see my videos on my website, order my art prints, they are awesome. I personally will autograph them for you and ship them out.

Jeannette: I loved the “Visualize more, think less,” one, too. That’s another one that’s still on my office wall.

Andy: Yeah, that’s so good to just get the vision going, the feeling, the feeling!

Jeannette: And you’re not taking new coaching clients until November.

Andy: Correct

Jeannette: All right. Is there anything else we haven’t covered that you do that we should know about?

Andy: No, everything is going good. Follow me on – if you want to be my friend on Facebook – I have to be really selective now, just make a note, “Hey, I heard you on Good Vibe University,” and you’re in. But if you just send me a request, I don’t know who you are.

Jeannette: You’re so cute. Oh my gosh, well I knew you were going to be a ton of fun and you delivered as usual. Thank you for giving us this gift of your experience and your expertise. It’s been – you’re inspiring – and I want to have more fun like you so whatever I can

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do to help promote your work, I think deliberate creators need more of what you bring, and that’s the lightheartedness and that fun approach. Many, many thanks for your work.

Andy: Thank you. You’re welcome. I wanted to end this, so listen, anybody who after listening to this, I want you to know it is never too late to box up your old story and put it in a crate. It is never too late to change your mental state. It is never too late to become someone great. I’m Andy Dooley!

Jeannette: Bravo, Andy! All right. Thanks, Andy. Thanks, everyone for listening, we’ll see you on the next call.

Andy: Okay. Bye! Bye, all!

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