manual functional specification part document...functional specification - part documentcheck 3...

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Functional Specification - PART DOCUMENT--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Functional Specification for the Common Object

Part Document---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1 SCOPE..............................................................................................................2

2 PART DOCUMENT BUSINESS FUNCTION...........................................................2

3 MANUAL, HOW TO DO IT…...............................................................................33.1.1 Create New Part Document......................................................................................33.1.2 Uploading files.......................................................................................................53.1.3 Completing Task.....................................................................................................53.1.4 Finding “My Tasks”.................................................................................................63.1.5 Approving..............................................................................................................6 Standard case...................................................................................... Multiple Approvers................................................................................ Flexible Approver Selection....................................................................7

3.1.6 Viewing (downloading attachments)..........................................................................83.1.7 Search................................................................................................................10


4.1 Part Document Creation..........................................................................................11

4.2 Part Document Revision..........................................................................................11

4.3 Rights Table of Part Document................................................................................12

4.4 Roles.......................................................................................................................124.4.1 Yazaki Employee (YEL_pcg_Employee).....................................................................124.4.2 PDA - Part Document Approver (yel_pcg_PartDocApprover) .......................................124.4.3 Common Document Administrator (yel_org_Administrator).........................................124.4.4 Error role (yel_doc_DocApproverError)....................................................................12

4.5 Lifecycle..................................................................................................................134.5.1 Available Promotes / Demotes................................................................................134.5.2 Creation, Going into the state CREATED...................................................................13 Mail 001............................................................................................ Task 001...........................................................................................13

4.5.3 From Created to Stored......................................................................................... Mail 005............................................................................................14

4.5.4 From Stored to Approved....................................................................................... Task 005........................................................................................... Mail 006............................................................................................14

4.5.5 From Stored to Created......................................................................................... Mail 003a...........................................................................................15

4.5.6 From Approved to Obsolete....................................................................................154.5.7 From Approved to Stored.......................................................................................154.5.8 From Obsolete to Stored........................................................................................15

4.6 Part Document Attributes........................................................................................164.6.1 Attribute Behaviour in Revise Case..........................................................................164.6.2 Document Type....................................................................................................164.6.3 Document Identification (Number)..........................................................................164.6.4 Document Approver..............................................................................................17

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4.6.5 True Part Number of requested document................................................................ Mail for “True part number requested” case............................................17

4.6.6 Attribute Display...................................................................................................17

4.7 Type Tree Menu.......................................................................................................184.7.1 Attachments........................................................................................................18 File Versions....................................................................................... Multiple File Upload.............................................................................18

4.7.2 Related Parts.......................................................................................................184.7.3 Subscriptions.......................................................................................................184.7.4 Also issued for......................................................................................................194.7.5 Related Documents...............................................................................................19

4.8 Part Document Relations / Cardinality.....................................................................19

4.9 Additional Functions................................................................................................194.9.1 Mails...................................................................................................................19

4.10 Process Overview..................................................................................................21##################################################

1 ScopeThis very unspecific object can be used by all Yazaki members (role yel_pcg_Employee) who have to store a Part Document, which is any document which has a relation to a part.

2 Part Document Business FunctionThe Part Document is a document which contains requirements and information for parts, the handling of parts etc. It is a document of a general file type (Part Document) where the exact file type e.g. FMEA is defined by selection in an attribute. The files attached to documents can be created in any program and stored in any file format.

A positive example is the FMEA as it is directly related to one or multiple parts.A negative example is the “Drawing Check Sheet”, which is more related to a drawing than to a part.

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Functional Specification - PART DOCUMENT--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3 Manual, How to do it…

3.1.1 Create New Part DocumentSearch for Part by clicking on the Yazaki Search button in the blue menu bar. Then type the part number (or parts of it) and start the search with a click on the Find button.

From the result table select the desired part number by clicking on it. The part will be displayed in the main matrix window.

Click on the Documents command to display the list of all documents which might already be available for the part number selected.

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Functional Specification - PART DOCUMENT--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Check 3 things before creating a new document:1. is the document you want to create already existing?2. should the document you want to create be created as a revision to an existing one?3. does an existing document need to be manually promoted to obsolete?

Click on the ACTIONS button and select Create Part Document from the pull-down menu.

The system will display the create window. (Switch off your browsers pop-up blocker if that does not happen).

Fill the three mandatory attributes (Part Doc. Numberaccording to your department’s naming convention – if any).

Then select the department which issues this document by clicking on the 3 dotted button of theattribute Issued / Approved By. This will open a search dialogue in which the department can be selected from a list of departments which have been set up to use that kind of document. Go the Viewing section to learn more.

Close the window with a click on Create.

The document is now created and will be displayed inthe list of documents of the Yazaki part.

Select your document by clicking on the number you assigned.

The document will be displayed.

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Functional Specification - PART DOCUMENT--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3.1.2 Uploading files

In Attachments under the ACTION menu choose upload files and select 1 or up to 5 files for upload.

3.1.3 Completing TaskThe only thing that remains to be done now is the completion of the task the system has assigned to you when the document object has been created.

Click on the document number. This displays the main view of the document.Click on the ACTIONS button and select the Complete Task… command.The task window will be displayed. Enter a comment if you want or if Comments is red.Click Done and your part document will be promoted to the next stage, a task will created for the approver.

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3.1.4 Finding “My Tasks”

Each user can always find the tasks assigned to her/him in the My Tasks list and he / she will be informed by email.

The My Task list can be accessed via MY DESK / My Tasks.

It can also be made the default start page for every login (Tools / Preferences / Home Page).

3.1.5 ApprovingApproving is technically seen nothing than completing as task.

Approval is always given by one of the document approvers who is a member of the selected “Issued / Approved by” department.

There are several cases to be distinguished:

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Functional Specification - PART DOCUMENT-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Standard case.

The “Issued / Approved by” department has got 1 document approver attached and the creator of the document does not use the “Document Approver Selection” attributes.In this case, the system will create one approval task for the default approver. The document will look like this …. Multiple Approvers

The “Issued / Approved by” department has got several document approver attached and the creator of the document does not use the “Document Approver Selection” attributes.In this case, the system will create one approval task for each default approver. The document will look like this …. Flexible Approver Selection

The “Issued / Approved by” department has got several document approver attached but the creator of the document does use the “Document Approver Selection” attributes and selects one of the default approvers. Click on one of the Document Approver Selection buttons.

The system will display the selection list which differs according to button selected. Select the desired approver from the list.

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In this case, the system will create one approval task for the selected approver only. The documentwill look like this ….

3.1.6 Viewing (downloading attachments)Viewing is always referring to the attachment only. Everybody can see the object, the metadata. Only the download of the attachment is blocked without viewing rights.

A document is by default linked to the site Yazaki. This means the file can be viewed by all YEL members with an matrix account. If this is not wanted site the access can be limited by changing the “issued for” site.

If this is done the document is in the first step linked to two departments. Thus all the members (see role in picture above) of these two departments can download the files. Others can’t.

If this is not sufficient, additional departments can be added which also have viewing rights on the document.

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Functional Specification - PART DOCUMENT--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

In order to add additional departments, close the editing window and change in the viewing mode of the document. See picture below.

From this menu select the “Also Issued For” command. This will bring up the already known department selection and you can add multiple departments to the viewers of your document.

If a department you need is not listed, feel free to request it to the process owner.

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Functional Specification - PART DOCUMENT--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3.1.7 SearchIn order to search for a particular document or a set of documents the user has the following options.

1. Via the part number. Then go to Documents and check if the desired doc. is there.2. Via the document. If the search for the document type has been selected the system will

display the attributes which are available for searching the respective type.a. In case of the Part Document, as a general object which exists in the explicit types

e.g. Interim Crimp Standard, the explicit type has to be selected.

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Functional Specification - PART DOCUMENT--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4 Part Document / Type Requirements (Specification)

4.1 Part Document CreationThe “Create Part Document” command shall only be available in the ACTIONS menu of a Yazaki-Part-Item in the Type-tree-menu item “Documents”.

The “Revise Part Document” command shall be available only in the ACTIONS menu of an existing Part Document (which has to be in the state “Approved”).

The system does not make sure that no new drawing object is created when in fact an existing object should have been revised.

4.2 Part Document RevisionFor every release level a new document object is created. When a Part Document level reaches thestate “Approved” the previous level –if existing- must be promoted to “Obsolete”. The picture below shows the revision process as example with a Document named “SPEC_71245678_00001”.

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Functional Specification - PART DOCUMENT--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4.3 Rights Table of Part DocumentState Action (not mentioned – not possible) Role (not mentioned - NO rights)

Roles are devided by commas (,)

Create YEL_pcg_EmployeeCreated View Object Instance Task Owner, Yel_pcg_Employee,

Promote Owner, Task Owner, Yel_pcg_PartDocApproverModify attributes Owner, Task Owner, Yel_pcg_PartDocApproverDelete Attachment Owner, Task Owner, Yel_pcg_PartDocApproverDownload Attachment(all Versions) Owner, Task Owner, Yel_pcg_PartDocApproverAttach Document Owner, Task Owner, Yel_pcg_PartDocApproverDelete Object Owner, Task Owner, Yel_pcg_PartDocApprover

Stored View Object Instance YEL_pcg_EmployeeDownload Attachment (latest version only) Task Owner, Yel_pcg_PartDocApproverModify attributes Task Owner, Yel_pcg_PartDocApproverPromote System when task is “Approved”Demote System when task is “Rejected”Download Attachment (all Versions) Task Owner, Yel_pcg_PartDocApproverDelete Attachment (all Versions) Task Owner, Yel_pcg_PartDocApproverAttach Document Task Owner, Yel_pcg_PartDocApprover

Approved View Object Instance YEL_pcg_EmployeeRevise YEL_pcg_EmployeeDownload Attachment (latest version only) YEL_pcg_Employee of the related sites.Connect (additional Related Parts) Yel_pcg_PartDocApprover of related site

“issued by…”, yel_org_AdministratorDisconnect (Related Parts) Yel_pcg_PartDocApprover of related site

“issued by…”, yel_org_AdministratorConnect & Disconnect “Also Issued for..” yel_org_AdministratorDemote yel_org_AdministratorPromote Yel_pcg_PartDocApprover (manual lifecycle

promote), System, when newer version is approved.

Obsolete Download Attachment Yel_pcg_PartDocApproverDemote yel_org_Administrator

4.4 Roles

4.4.1 Yazaki Employee (YEL_pcg_Employee) Everybody who is a member of the Yazaki Company has got this right level. It allows to see that documents are available but does limit the download to approved and actual document levels only. Global role.

4.4.2 PDA - Part Document Approver (yel_pcg_PartDocApprover) These persons are either selected automatically according to their relation to an issued-by site or manually via the two approver selection attributes.

4.4.3 Common Document Administrator (yel_org_Administrator)The administrators have rights to manipulate objects beyond the intended workflow.

4.4.4 Error role (yel_doc_DocApproverError)The error role is always used to address tasks when no other selection has been made and the PIRAS fails because no-one is assigned to the site.

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4.5 Lifecycle


4.5.2 Creation, Going into the state CREATEDPrerequisites:

• User has got role YEL_pcg_Employee. (User becomes “owner”)• Part at which the creation takes place is ACTIVE.

1. Create task001 for Part Document owner.2. Send mail001 to Part Document owner. Mail 001

Mail Subject: “New Part Document Created”Mail text:“A Part Document has been created for part number<Yazaki part number>. Please check your MY TASKS list for a new task asking you to complete the creation process.”To: Owner Task 001

Owner: Owner of Part DocumentTask Name: “Complete Creation of Part Document Object”Task Text:“Please complete the creation of the Part Document shown below.

1) Upload the part document file,2) then click on the ACTIONS button above and complete the task.”

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4.5.3 From Created to Stored1. Promote to „Stored“ when task001 is „complete“ with „Approved“2. Send mail005 Mail 005

To: “Yel_pcg_PartDocApprover“ as determined (see Document Approver)CC: Mail Subject: “Part Document Stored”Mail text:“A Part Document for part number<Yazaki part number> has been stored in the database. Please check your MY TASKS list for a new task asking you to approve the Part Document. Upon Approval,the Part Document lifecycle will be promoted to APPROVED and the document can be downloaded publicly.

The comment given by <task owner name> was:


<Comment of task 001>


4.5.4 From Stored to Approved1. Promote to “Approved” when task 005 is complete with APPROVE2. and (logical and) a file is available under Attachments.3. Send mail 006 Task 005

Owner: “Yel_pcg_PartDocApprover“ as determined (see Document Approver)Task Name: “Approve Part Document”Task Text:Approve the uploaded Part Document file by completing this task. In order to do this, click on the ACTIONS button above and Approve or Reject this task. If you Reject, the lifecycle will be demotedto CREATED. Upon Approve the Part Document lifecycle will be promoted to APPROVED. The document can now be downloaded publicly. Mail 006

To: OwnerCC: SubscribersMail Subject: “New Part Document Approved”Mail text:“The new >Part Document Type< >Document Number< Document Name ____>Document Name<____for part number ____>Part Number<____has been approved and is publicly available for downloading.The comment given by <task owner name> was:


<Comment of task 001 or task 004>


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4.5.5 From Stored to Created1. Demote to “Created” when task 005 is completed with REJECTED.2. Create task 0013. Send mail 003a Mail 003a

To: “Owner“ CC: Mail Subject: “Part Document Rejected”Mail text:“The approval for a >Part Document Type< for part number<Yazaki part number> has been rejected by <previous task owner>. Please check your MY TASKS list for a new task.Pay attention to the comments mentioned below. When done, complete the task. Upon completion of the task the Part Document lifecycle will be promoted to STORED..The comment given by <task owner name> was:


<Comment of task 005>.


4.5.6 From Approved to ObsoleteAutomatically promote to “Obsolete” when a higher revision level reaches “Approved” state.Allow manual promotion according to rights table.

4.5.7 From Approved to StoredThis is a strictly manual demote possible for the role specified in the rights table.

4.5.8 From Obsolete to StoredThis is a strictly manual demote possible for the role specified in the rights table.

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Functional Specification - PART DOCUMENT--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4.6 Part Document AttributesAttribute Name Attribute Description (Type, Range Default) Revise

BehaviourMandatory (before) LC

Document Type Allows selection of the document type to be “created”. Selection is from a pull-down list or a type search. See Document Type.

*In Creation

Name String, single line ------------Number See Document Identification, String (Single Line) In CreationRevision Number starts with zero. Automatic attribute, not manually

editable.+1 ------------

Description String (Multiple Line) ------------Document Approver by Department Pull down selection, details see Document Approver ------------Document Approver by Role Pull down selection, details see Document Approver ------------Inform User ... when state APPROVED Replaced by Subscriptions ------------True Part Number of requested document String, Single line, triggers email to Admin when filled ** ------------

RelationsRelated PartsPart Number Relation, multiple (min 1), automatic by “create” command,

manual by connect part number in RELATED PARTS------------

Revision List Shows all Predecessors and successors of the document.Issued / Approved by Relation to site (see Cardinality), established via site search In CreationIssued For Relation to site (see Cardinality), established via site

search, default preset to “Yazaki”.In Creation

Related IDDO Relation to IDDO Object, Established via IDDO search and connect.


Related Project Relation to (IDDO) Project, Established via Project search and connect.


Related Documents Relation to other (Common) documents established via document search.

Related Customer /Carline Relation to site (see Cardinality), established via site search ------------Subscriptions See chapter Subscriptions

4.6.1 Attribute Behaviour in Revise Case“*” marked attributes are not editable in „revise“ case.“**” marked attributes must be empty on new revision when drawing is revised.Unmarked attributes are carried over to new revision and remain editable.

4.6.2 Document TypeAt the go-live, the following types shall be available for selection:

1. FMEA2. Design-Check-Sheet3. Design Verification Plan & Report4. Special Drawings5. Handling Manual6. 3D Packaging Data7. …and others

4.6.3 Document Identification (Number)The System always enters (proposes) a name like this in the Number field:

• PARDOC_71246578_001

1 2Prefix Part Number

PARDOC_ 715409871. Fix part2. Automatic entry of part number

This number can be changed whenever editing is allowed.

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Functional Specification - PART DOCUMENT--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4.6.4 Document ApproverThe document approver is found according to the following rules / priorities:

Prio 1. If the document owner has not used any of the approver definition attributes, the task goes to the PIRAS (yel_pcg_PartDocApprover at the Issued / Approved by site). If there is more than 1 PIRAS connected at the site, all of them receive a mail and a task in state ASSOCIATED.

Prio 2. The user has selected an approver in any of the two “Document Approver by…” attributes

a. “Document Approver by Department” list shall contain the yel_pcg_PartDocApprover of the ISSUED BY / APPROVED BY site. (If the selected site does not have any yel_pcg_PartDocApprover attached or the mandatory attributes “Issued by/for” have not yet been completed, the list is empty.)

b. In order to avoid conflicts when two approvers are entered (one in each attribute field) the system shall always prefer the “Department”-user over the “Approver Role”-user. It is intentionally not considered to be a solution to hide the other field as soon as one has been filled.

Prio 3. If neither the PIRAS function nor the manual selection does return a yel_pcg_DocApprover, the task goes to the error role.

4.6.5 True Part Number of requested documentWhen filled, a mail shall be sent to the role “yel_org_Administrator”. Mail for “True part number requested” case

To: “yel_org_Administrator “CC: Mail Subject: “New Part Number Requested”Mail text:“A >Part Document Type< has been created at a wrong or dummy Yazaki part number. Please create the requested part number <string of attribute “True part number of requested document”>in the ASL and correct the relation of the created document.The comment given by <task owner name> was:


<Comment of task 001>.


4.6.6 Attribute DisplayAttributes are displayed in all states on all Edit and View forms, not only when they are mandatory.When they are mandatory they will be displayed in red.

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Functional Specification - PART DOCUMENT--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4.7 Type Tree MenuThe type tree menu of the Yazaki Release Notice document shall contain the following entries:

• Attachments• Lifecycle• History• Related Tasks• Related Parts• Issued by• Issued for

• Revisions List• Related IDDO• Related Project• Related Documents • Subscriptions • Also issued for

The tables shall have the same information (columns) as the ones already used.

4.7.1 AttachmentsWhen a new (revised) object is created, the Attachment folder shall be empty in order to stimulate the uploading of a new file. File Versions

The attachments of the Part-Specification shall support versioning. In the situations specified by the rights table it shall be possible to upload new file versions which are attached to the object as new versions according to the matrix standard.Wherever the download of attachments is allowed, the latest version shall be prioritised. Older versions shall only be accessible via a separate list. (Matrix standard). Multiple File Upload

A Part Document can also consist of more than one page. This means that more than one attachment needs to be uploaded to the same Part Document object. In order to simplify this task the system shall provide a function for multiple file upload.This will be a function which provides the possibility to select several files, one by one, from the hard drive and upload them all (up to 5) in one go.

4.7.2 Related PartsSince a Part Document can reference more than one part this Part Document should be connected to all the parts it refers to. From the Part Document object it shall be possible from within the “Related Parts” menu to start the operation “Connect existing Parts” in the Actions menu. A search window opens where the user can search for the suitable objects (parts) using one of the available part searches (via supplier parts search, via customer parts search and via Yazaki parts search). This function can be seen implemented on the object Part Specification. It shall be possible to select more than one item at the same time.

4.7.3 SubscriptionsAny yel_pcg_Employee shall be able to subscribe to document events. The promotion to APPROVEDshall be the automatically chosen event.

The table “Subscriptions” which shows all existing subscriptions shall have the following columns:

The command for subscribing to the selected document is to be found under the Action button in the type tree menu Subscriptions.

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Functional Specification - PART DOCUMENT--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4.7.4 Also issued forthis is the possibility to create multiple links to other departments.

4.7.5 Related DocumentsIn this table the user can link the document which is currently created to other document existing in the System. This includes the same types of document as listed in the Yazaki Search for Common Documents.

4.8 Part Document Relations / CardinalityThe list determines which requirements the connected object has to fulfil before it appears in the selection list and can be connected.Type / Class

Relation Name (see Attributes)

Object type Number of Connected Items / Cardinality

Required LC state of connected object

Requirement to be fulfilled by connected object, e.g. site SALR

Part Document

Issued /Approved by

Site “1” Active SALR 3 (Affiliate), also departments

Issued for Site “1” Active All sites , also departments

Related IDDO IDDO “n” ---------- ----------Related Project Project “n” In Work ----------Related Documents

Common Document

“n” ---------- ----------

Related Customer

Site „0...1“ Active SALR 2 (Customer)

Related Parts Part „1...n“ Active ----------

Here are some examples how the table and the cardinality graph below are read:A Part Document is always linked to exactly 1 site via each of the “issued by / issued for” relations.One file must be attached to it, many (“n”) files can be attached.One Yazaki Part Number must be connected, many (“n”) can be.

4.9 Additional Functions

4.9.1 MailsSuppress sending mails when the next task owner is the same person as the active task owner (session user).

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4.10Process Overview

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