manx cat breed

Post on 13-Dec-2014






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A rather strange breed from a strange land right between Ireland and Great Britain.


Manx cat breed

The absence of a tail, as well as curly hair or folded ears, are mutations occuring in the domestic cat. They whould have remained a mere curiosity if man would not have intervened to make them the main feature of a breed.

In the case of the Manx breed of cats, the mutation spread spontatneously and only later it

became the subject of selection. Cats with no tail are the pride Man Isle's inhabitants, which even immortalized its image on a coin.Cat type: Great BritainOrigin: 17th centuryOrigin date: Great BritainNationality: 1900Official recognition: 1900Cat's temperament: balanced, peaceful, affectionateLifespan: approximately 18 yearsVarieties of Manx: semilong hair: CymricColor patterns:

Breed's standard

Medium sized cat, the Manx has a solid, compact, short and muscularbody. Its characteristic feature, besides the lack of tail, is the roundness.

The head is round, a bit longer than wide; the profile has a little pronounced stop and the forehead is slightly round, the muzzle is strong and the cheeks proeminent. The ears are properly sized, slightly round and spaced out; the eyes are round and large, slightly oblique,

of a color related to that of the coat.

The neck is short and thick, the forelimbs' calfs are shorter than the hindlimbs', the skeleton is solid.

The croup is taller than the shoulders, wide and round; the hips are wider than in other breeds, contributing to the overall compact, cobby look. The hindlegs are longer than the forelegs and cause the cat to have a hoppy walking style, which, in the United States, is considered a defect.

The paws are wide and round; the color of the pads must match that of the coat. The coat is of medium length, soft due to the presence of longer superficial hair and thick fluff.

The tail is absent; the presence of some bone or cartilage is not penalized, as long as they don't prevent the hand of the judge from sliding smoothly along the back of the cat as he strokes it to the croup. Breeders wish to obtain specimens of salientia cats, which are totally missing caudal vertebrae, called rumpy. The finest specimens only have a notch at the end of their spinal cord, where the tail would have started.Breed's character

The Manx breed of cats has a balanced character, moderately active and reactive. It doesn't usually cause damage in the house and can be left alone for several hours; it handles the presence of cats and other animals well. Peaceful, it has an affectionate and sociable temperament, without being pesky.

It isn't noisy and seeks human company. It has no problems living in an appartment, but it will certainly not refuse open spaces and access to a garden.

Modest and longevous, the Manx is a cat breed not well enough known, which knows how to make itself valued as a pet.Manx cat breed's colors

All colors are accepted, except those resulting from an obvious hybridization with other breeds such as the Siamese, chocolate and lilac and their combinations with white.

Among the recognized colors are white, black, blue, red and cream, the so-called shaded: chinchilla, silver shaded, silber tabby and smoke, with tipping, in all colors allowed.

Manx bicolored, tricolored and tortoiseshell black and red, blue and cream and each of these combinations with white, specimes are particularry common and in addition, mackerel tabby blotched and spotted.Grooming the Manx

It seems that the absence of the tail doesn't create any problems, either of balance, nor of communication for specimens of the Manx breed; they are easy to groom and particulary longevous.

Inbreeding of the Manx cats stops the development of homozygous embrions, carriers of the two Manx genes "MM" and an obvious increase of mortality in newborn kittens. Even in heterozygous specimens (holding a single Manx gene "Mm"), inbreeding can lead to certain skeletal abnormalities.Manx pictures

Manx's old historyAccording to the legend, Manx was the last animal to board the Ark before the Flood. In the haste of departure, Noah closed the gate of the boat without noticing the little cat and cut its tail.

Another legend puts the loss of the cat's tail on account of the barbaric custom of the soldiers of Philip the 2nd of Spain, who used to cut cats' tails to decorate their helms. In order to spare its young of this cruel ritual, a cat started to cut their tails herself, as soon as they were born, using her teeth and thus, the first generation of tail-less kitten appeared.

A third story tells that the Manx breed are descendents of the cats that were survivors of the shipwreck of a Spanish galleon in 1588, which saved themselves by swimming to the Isle of Man, off the western coast of Britain.Manx's modern historyThe Manx cat breed is the symbol of the Isle of Man. On this British island, cats with no tail have been around for at least 400 years. This feature is the result of a genetic mutation, which spread among the few indigenous cats, as a result of isolation. The Manx passed beyond the islands' shores at the end of the 19th century, when english breeders descovered the breed.

Reaching the United States in the 30's, the breed won unanimous appreciacion overseas; in Europe, Manx is not recognized in some states, where the lack of tail is considered to be the result of a "birth defect".

To breed Manx cats on a large scale, solid knowledge of genetics are required, because crossing specimens with no tails can result in serious malformations in kittens and a significant increase of the risk of intrauterine death.

About Manx Cats

"The Manx is both a pleasure to the eye and a comfort to the soul. What else could you ask of a companion animal?" -- Mary Stewart

A Manx... "The Manx is a huggable, lovable imp with a silken purr, an almost inaudible meow and a naughty twinkle in its eye. It spends every waking moment investigating its world. A Manx will gravitate to the center of your home and insist upon being one of the family. It possesses an uncanny ability to adapt itself to the psychological needs of its people. In a home with children who have been taught gentle animal care, the Manx is often found in the children's playroom, actively supervising the movement of dump trucks and doll carriages.

Characteristics... This breed is definitely not for anyone who wants a beautiful, feline house ornament. While a Manx can fulfill the beauty requirement, it will never be content to serve as a doorstop or a window decoration.

Characteristics of the foundation animals seen in the Manx breed today include a plush double coat; ears that are medium to medium small in size and are set far to the sides of the head (viewed from behind, the ears resemble the rocker on a cradle); and a roundish head slightly longer than it is wide, with a strong muzzle and chin, a sound, normal bite and prominent cheekbones. All of these characteristics, combined with large eyes set so the outer corners are higher than the inner corners, give the Manx a look of gentle, serene intelligence. That look, however, disguises the cat's true mischief-making self. Manx are active, fun-loving cats that remain playful well into their later years.

Personality... Some owners have suggested that Manx babies need to be sold with warning labels attached. The owners know firsthand that love for the Manx can be contagious. Many times, for example, a wife drags a disinterested husband along to a cattery to see a litter of Manx kittens. The husband waits politely, obviously bored, while his wife selects a kitten. A week or two later, the Manx breeder is amused when the wife calls to complain that the husband has been charmed by the beguiling Manx kitten, and now the wife needs another kitten so she can have one too! (The Manx has been called, apparently correctly, the Man's cat that women love.) As a result, few Manx-owning households contain only one Manx.

The Manx kitten's fascination with water has surprised many a new owner who has found his or her little friend sitting in a bathtub or sink with water spray bouncing off its fur as though the kitten were meant to be a tub toy. Don't let this mislead you to believe, however, that your Manx will enjoy a bath. Like children who beg to play in the rain but must be forced to take baths, your little Manx will not have the same feeling about its bath water that it does about your bath water!

The Breed... The Manx was one of the first breeds to be recognized for championship competition in the United States by all cat-registering bodies. considered unique from the beginning, the show Manx has evolved slowly. Major changes in the standard related to body size and head shape have come and gone according to the needs or desires of Manx breeders at a particular time. Most registering associations recognize the Manx in all colors except the Burmese and Siamese hues. When choosing your Manx kitten, however, coat color should not be an important consideration. Whether selecting a Manx for a companion animal only or for championship competition, the Manx look and personality are far more important considerations than the color.

Considerations... Usually Mother Nature is believed to possess infinite wisdom, but once in a while she seems to have failed to use her full quota of common sense. When she gave us this unique animal with heart and beauty, soul and intelligence, she somehow found it necessary to leave up to chance the amount of tail each Manx was born with. Life would be so much simpler for both the Manx and the Manx breeder if this were not so.

Only those Manx who are visibly tailless can be shown in championship competition. As one might guess, this makes the visibly tailless kittens more valuable to breeders and leads to the availability of more pet-quality kittens for the public. Unfortunately, the home-providing public, for the most part, refuses to want Manx that are fully tailed. On the other hand, the public will provide loving, lifelong homes to Manx kittens truthfully acknowledged as having docked tails. Hence, most fully tailed Manx kittens are docked at birth.

Choosing... As when selecting any companion animal, choose the person from whom you obtain your Manx with care. All Manx kittens should come to you with health guarantees. Any well-raised, properly handled Manx will adjust to your home with little effort. Age is not an important factor unless you adopt a kitten that is too young and has not received enough nurturing from its mother. A baby Manx receives its best education in the "catly arts" from its mother, not from you.The American-bred Manx of today is little changed from the natural mutation of yesterday. Beneath the dense, hared, short double coat of the most magnificent of today's grand champion Manx beats the heart of the original mousetrap!

Yet this cat, with its lovely eyes, its wide-set ears and its serene, intelligent look, is capable of extreme gentleness and will serve as a loving companion to young and old alike. The Manx is both a pleasure to the eye and a comfort to the soul. What else could you ask of a companion animal?" --Mary E. Stewart


Manx catsDiscussion in 'Breeding' started by SheWolfSilver, Feb 28, 2012.


Member Since:

Jan 23, 2012

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I am so guilty of wanting one of these but now that I know the health risk I am so ashamed of myself! Bella is only part Manx so I'm hoping the genetic defects of the Manx won't effect her.

Manx Syndrome is a normally fatal defect caused by the so-called Manx gene, which causes the taillessness. The gene's action in shortening the spine may go too far, resulting in severe spinal defects--a gap in the last few vertebrae, fused vertebrae, or spina bifida in newborns. If there is no obvious problem with a Manx Syndrome kitten at birth, the difficulties will show up in the first few weeks or months of the cat's life, usually in the first four weeks, but sometimes as late as four months. It is often characterized by severe bowel and/or bladder dysfunction, or by extreme difficulty in walking.

SheWolfSilver, Feb 28, 2012


Victor LeighActive Member

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Dec 1, 2011

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Considering the genetical defects of the Manx, does anyone else think that it would be more humane to totally stop the breeding of the Manx?

Victor Leigh, Feb 29, 2012



Member Since:

Jan 23, 2012

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I definitely do! I think any breeding that results in genetic defects should be stopped!

SheWolfSilver, Feb 29, 2012


Victor LeighActive Member

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Dec 1, 2011

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So how do we get this thing rolling? Is there some kind of website where we can start a petition? Now that we are on the subject of breeding that results in genetic defects, maybe we should also look into the advisability of allowing certain type of politicians to breed.

Victor Leigh, Feb 29, 2012



Member Since:

Jul 16, 2012

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This is a very interesting discussion for me to stumble upon. While I see the ethical grounds for your argument and potential petition, I do not personally believe that we should discontinue the breeding of manx cats.

My family owned a manx cat named Emily who lived for eighteen years. She was gray with a white chest and had the silky texture of fur that many max cats are renowned for. Emily was a very beautiful cat, to say the least. Born in 1990, she died in 2008 peacefully and of old age. She was always healthy and friendly. Based purely from personal experience, I think the manx breed is stunning.

blackcapped, Jul 16, 2012


Victor LeighActive Member

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Dec 1, 2011

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Yes, Manx cats are good cats. I have had at least one. Not exactly purebred. More like the odd man out in a litter of tailed kittens. The first one I had I named him Hitler. His body is a bit short and it's quite hilarious to watch him trying to mate with a standard-sized tabby. The difference in body length makes it rather difficult to get things into the right place.

Posts Tagged ‘tail’

Manx – breed without tail

Monday, October 5th, 2009

The absence of tail at Manx cats is a feature known for centuries and many stories circulate about their exact origin. Probably the oldest is the legend of Noah, when the Ark door closed, the rush, took the cats tail, leaving only a stump instead of a tail. Another legend tells of a cat with no tail which stroll along the boats of the Spanish Army on the Beach of Isle of Man. In 1588. There was no doubt that the island was very isolated to permit the perpetuation of the breed Manx cats. Manx cats with stumps instead of a tail is the result of genetic mutation suffered from breeding with the breed British Shorthair cats. This gene could be responsible for skeletal defects of these cats.Morphological traits:

Manx cats resembles those of the British Shorthair breed, except the tail. The head is large, round and has prominent cheekbones. The muzzle and chin are firm and strong. The ears are located above the head and are slightly bent outwards. Are wider at the base and rounded on top. The eyes are large and round, and color is in tone to that of the coat. The body is compact and solid, with a broad chest and short back. The seat is rounded and should be higher than the shoulders. Limbs are short and strong ,back legs slightly longer than the front. Cats for exhibition must not have tails at all, and the seat should be fully rounded. At pet cats are allowed stubs of different lengths.Character and temperament:

Manx has a good nature and affectionate, loving to be affectionate. She is getting along very well with children and other animals, seemed to get along very well even with dogs. They are ideal pets, adapting easily to the family life. Leading a very happy life like animals inside and make very little noise.Short fur of the breed Manx cats do not require excessive care, able to maintain his coat even single. Manx cat fur is a double acting, featuring two layers, one thick and short and one slightly longer than the other. The double coat is far more important than color or symbol on it. It is allowed any combination of colors and markings, except the Siamese pattern. Cats for exhibition are more than appreciated for the coat texture , color or markings.Varieties.Today, in Europe me meet two varieties: Rumpy Manx without tail and Stumpy Manx, who has a remnant of the tail, and also in America me meet three varieties: Riser, who owns several caudal vertebrae, Longy, which has a short tail and ailed with an almost norma tail.Tags: America, breed, british shorthair cats, Europe, Isle of Man, legend of noah,Manx, manx cats, Noah, tailPosted in Cat breeds | 1 Comment »

Scottish Fold breed don’t like noise

Wednesday, September 23rd, 2009Scottish fold cat first appeared as a natural mutation in Scotland in the ’60s. Many

veterinarians and competitions juries decided that ears that cats are a strain and that will not allow the cat to develop good and not allow to the cat to clean his ears properly. Deformations of the spine, backward legs and the tail appeared also when two cats of the same type were crossed. Therefore, the Board of the Association of cat lovers in the UK decided not to allow any registered breed Scottish Fold and now this race is not created or taken to exhibitions in Britain. However, creators of the breed continued to produce and to export to Europe and America, proving that it is possible to eliminate the problems of the column ,the legs, the back and the tail, incorporating cats with normal ears in the genetic reproducing surveillance. Scottish fold is now recognized on the American continent, where it is met in exhibitions.Morphological traitsWhat distinguishes the race Scottish fold of other breeds of cats are the small ears and

bent forward and down. Ear lobe is hard, cartilaginous and fully bent, so that covers the opening of the internal ear. Ear tips are rounded. The body is rounded, without seem cumbersome, supported by the States of medium length. The head is large and round

with p rominent cheeks, neck strong. The nose is short and wide, rounded brush whiskers. The ears are small, with folds ear as close to the skull. The eyes are large and round, and it harmonizes with the color of their fur. Hair is medium length and is often soft. Members are of medium length and directly proportional to the body. The tail is wider at the base, thinning toward the rounded top.She needs to be fed 70-80 kcal / kg / day. Are prone to obesity, being recommended to be carefully supervised on the amount of the food they eat. When two cats with the bent ears are crossed , the dominant genes that cause the bent of the ears it, can cause deformations of the spine, leg and back tail. Scottish Fold cats ears are difficult to clean the cat itself, so owners need to do this action from time to time. After the age of eight years is recommended a routine check at the veterinarian at least once a year for checking teeth and functioning liver and kidneys.

Character and behavior: It is an active medium breed cat, very affectionate with family members, and is very reserved towards foreign people. Do not like noisy places or unknown places. It is easy to adapt to apartment life. Get along well with children and other pets. Not noisy. Short and thick fur of cats of breed the Scottish Fold is easy to trim and does not require special attention. Regularly brushing helps remove dead hair. Shepherd sheds hair very little.Tags: America, Britain, cat, Europe, natural mutation, Scotland, Scottish, scottish fold cat, scottish fold cats, tail, UKPosted in Cat breeds | No Comments »

Japanese Bobtail – breed with rabbit tail.

Tuesday, August 4th, 2009As their name suggests, the breed Japanese Bobtail is originate from Japan. Unique feature of these cats is represented

by their tail. When the cat has a relaxed position, the natural tail looks like a rabbit tail. In Japan, the origins of the breed can be found somewhere in the VIII century, but came out of Japan only in 1960, when short-haired Japanese Bobtail was imported to America. It is now a recognized breed in America, and widespread.Morphological traits

Japanese Bobtail is a medium sized cat with elegant shape and a well developed muscles. The head is clean-cut and has the form of a triangle with curved lines and high cheekbones . Her nose is long and well framed, and the area joining the whiskers is well marked. The ears are large, expressive and are arranged at a considerable distance from one another. The eyes are large and round, are in a permanent state of alert. In terms of body size, males are somewhat larger than females. Cats are supple and elegant, with a well developed muscular system, with an overall harmonious appearance. The neck is appropriate in length, in proportion to body size. Hind legs are longer than previous ones.

The tail is one of the distinctive elements of this breed, which differ both from other races, and within the breed. It is almost impossible to find two identical tails to a Japanese Bobtail cat. The tail should be visible and consists of one or more curves, angles or any combination thereof. May be flexible or rigid and should have a shape and a size in direct proportion to the body. The hair on the tail is generally thicker and longer than the rest and grow in all directions, creating the effect of pom-pom tail or rabbit.Character and temperament:This cat is extremely friendly and intelligent. Have a sweet nature, get along well with most animals and love human company . Some of them can learn various tricks and attention need to be kept permanently. They are very good pets.This breed is famous for high resistance to disease and a very low mortality rate among infants. Pups are born not totally free of the tail, but not with a normal tail. Cats are active, intelligent and very “talkative”. Are capable of a lot of “tone” of voice, making so many people to say they are “singing” cats . Considering the fact that people love the company, of the Japanese Bobtail cats “talk” every time they are addressed a few words. They are very good travel partner.

Breed Japanese Bobtail cats do not require special care, whereas it is easy to keep their fur in good condition . The type with long hair needs some more attention. However, both will appreciate a brushed with a soft brush of natural hair.VarietiesIn cats with long hair, fur is medium length to long, and is as smooth and silky. This is preferable to a “collar” front, fur can be shorter and attached to the body at the shoulders. They are preferred tufts of hair at ears and fingers. The coat should be so willing to highlight the contours of the body. Skin color of the nose, the eye pads must match that of the coat. There are allowed blue eyes, but also different colors. Japanese Bobtail Cats can have different colored fur: white, black, red, beige.Tags: America, breed, high cheekbones, Hind, Japan, Japanese, japanese bobtail,japanese bobtail cat, tailPosted in Cat breeds | No Comments »

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