maravillas natu

Post on 18-May-2015






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Names: Soledad Gallego Belando and Katherine Rodriguez Group: B1IC


1- Argentina

The Skillful Brown glacier

2- Byelorussia

The red ant

3- Bolivia

Lake Titicaca

4- Brazil

Bread of Sugar

5- Bulgaria

Rio Danube

6- Chile

Mountain chain of the Andes

7- China

I bear Panda

8- Colombia

Coffee-tree (Arabic Coffea) and Jaguar (Panthera onca)

9- Cuba


10- Ecuador

Volcano Cotopaxi

11- España

The Iberian lynx

12- Peru

Machu Picchu

13- Poland

Soult Mines of Wieliczka

14- Uruguay


15- Venezuela

Cataract of the Angel

Introduction: In this work we have decided to write about natives nature wonders of some countries all over the world .You will get information about many interesting things that are in there..

Argentina: The Skillful Brown glacier

The Skillful Brown glacier , is one of the famous attraction that the Argentina has. It is located in the Arm South of the Argentine Lake . It is about five kilometres long to sixty high .. It is one of the most spectacular glaciers of the world , it is considered " the eighth marvel .The Glacier is situated in a zone of forests and mountains inside the National Park . “The Glacier” is in Santa Cruz province in the Argentina Republic.

It is known all over the world by the abrupt and gradual breaks . Depending on the moment that is dealing the frontal part of the glacier, which when it comes to the coast does not allow the step of the waters of the Rich Arm and produces an aquatic difference of 20 meters, originating the filtration that culminates in the awaited detachment of ice. Emotions and indescribable sensations arise in the moment that you see the detachment begins in this so powerful natural mass of frozen water. It is possible to observe closely the detachment of blocks of different sizes , you can listen to the uproar and your body vibrates with this abrupt movement and then you will be able to see how the floes continue to float.

Byelorussia: The red ant

The red ant (Formic rufa) are recognized for her "waist" formed by a narrow segment, or segments, between the thorax and the abdomen. The females and the males have wings when they leave the nest, but later, they lose them.

Bolivia: Lake Titicaca The lake Titicaca is the biggest second lake in South America and the highest navigable lake of the world. It is between the Peruvian and Bolivian altiplane at approximately 3.800 msnm.. It’s maximum depth is estimated at about 360 m.. These measures increase in the epoch of rains..The Titicaca lake is the biggest and highest endorheic lake in the world. The most out-standing thing is that almost all the endorheics lakes are salty but exceptionally , the Titicaca lake has sweet water.

Brazil: Bread of Sugar The Bread of Sugar (in Portuguese, Pão de Açúcar) is a beak placed in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in the mouth of Guanabara's Bay on a peninsula that stands out in the Atlantic Ocean. It is 396 meters high (1.299 feets ) above on the level of the sea. His name in Portuguese does not refer to the bread, it has to be with its similarity to the mounds of sugar that, during the XVI and XVII century, were sent to Europe.This beak is the only one of several monolithic knobs of granite that rise arises directly out of the edge of the sea in Rio de Janeiro. A teleferico of crystal artesonado (called " bondinho of the Bread of Sugar " in the popular Portuguese) with capacity for 75 passengers, it crosses a route of 1.400 meters between the knobs of Babylonia and Hooker every five minutes. The line of the original teleférico was constructed in 1912..

Bulgaria: Rio Danube Danube is the European longest second river, after the Volga. It is born in the Black Jungle of Germany from the union of two small rivers, the Brigach and the Breg, flowing towards the southeast 2.888 km up to the Black Sea in Romania, where it forms the delta of the Danube, a region of marshes and slightly populated marshes, though of great ecological value. This length of the Danube includes 49 km of the Breg river , which is the longest of both currents which confluence in Donaueschingen giving origin to the Danube.

Chile: Mountain chain of the Andes It is a mountain range chain of South America , that spreads almost parallel to the Pacific coast , from the end of Ovens up to the proximities of Panama. The Andes is one of the biggest mountainous systems of the world.The chain is 7.240 km long, 241 km wide and an average of 3.660 m high. From his final tightening to the south of Chile, the Andes spread in parallel chains over Argentina, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador and Colombia. In Venezuela it divides in three different chains. Along his extension, the mountain range spreads along the coast of the Pacific Ocean.

China: I bear Panda The Bear Bulging or Giant Panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) is a mammal that lives in mountainous regions to the east of the Tibet and to the Southwest of China, in mountainous regions up to 3500 meters high. The Panda is the national animal of the Popular Republic of China. Also a Panda was adopted as pet of the Olympic Games 2008 with sedate in Pekín, which they called Jing Jing.. It is one of the endangered species, though one finds protected and guarded the copies that live at liberty and in captivity. From 1961, the bear panda has been the symbol that represents the Protection of the Nature.

Colombia: Coffee-tree (Arabic Coffea) and Jaguar (Panthera onca) The highest quality and the best coffee comes from Coffee Arabica trees Coffee Arabica. These are the unique trees that are cultivated in Colombia. Arabic Coffee has diverse varieties of trees that grow in different climates and regions.. You can find differents varieties of this coffee in Colombia like Typica, Commonly, Bourbon, Caturra, Colombia and Maragogipe.Arabic Coffee produces the grains of the best quality, low in caffeine and acidity. The grains of Arabic grow better in high lands, and it is the type of coffee that Colombia cultivates exclusively.

The jaguar:

The jaguar is t he biggest feline of America, and the only one representative of the Panthera kind there (Nowell and Jackson 1996). It is the third species of the biggest feline of the world. It is in addition the major predator in the sylvan zones where he lives close to the caiman. The jaguar has to be had in consideration since it has been practically eliminated from great part of the dry zones of the north , as well as from the zones of bushes and pastizal of Argentina and in the whole Uruguay.

Cuba: Tobacco The Cuban tobacco, elite product of the economy in most of The Antilles, encloses in his green leaves and singular aroma a history of more than five centuries that him the only stamp of distinction .Though it is cultivated at present in almost all the provinces of the country, the best lands for this activity in the island are located in the western territory of Pinegrove of the Rio - especially “ Vueltabajo's territory”-, considered the cradle of the best tobacco in the world.

Ecuador: Volcano Cotopaxi Cotopaxi is a volcano in Ecuador, and with 5.897 meters it is the second one higher place of the country (the highest is the Chimborazo) and one of the highest active volcanoes of the world (the highest active volcano is the Ojos of the Salty one in the border between Chile and the Argentina) . It is 50 km to the south of Quito.

The last eruption was in 1877 and 1904, and it registered some activity in 1942.

España: The Iberian lynxThe Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) is considered to be like the most threatened carnivorous animal in Europe and the most threatened feline in the World. Of all the mammals of the Iberian Peninsula it is the one that, besides being an endemic species of our peninsula, suffers it a major threat of extinction worldwide.The Iberian lynx is a feline of much bigger than than a domestic cat. He, is characterized by his robust aspect, his long legs and his tail cuts with a black tassel at the end and that it is in the habit of keeping raised beating her in

moments of danger or excitation .His coloration changes of dun to greyish with the flanks specked with black.The Iberian lynx is exclusively in zones very restricted of Spain and Portugal.The principal habitat of the Iberian lynx it is constituted by the areas of Mediterranean forest well preserved, isolated of the human activity and with abundant bushes. In most cases, he lives in a solitary and nomadic way, proving to be more sociable in the epoch of zeal.

Perú: Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu is the contemporary name that nomes after a former stone Andean settlement Inca built principally in the middle of the 15th century in the rocky promontory that joins the mountains Machu Picchu and Huayna Picchu in the oriental slope of the Central Andes, to the south of Peru. It’s original name would have been Picchu.

Machu Picchu is considered to be at the same time a masterpiece of architecture and engineering. its peculiar architectural and landscape characteristics, and the veil of mystery that has been around , have turned it into one of the most popular tourist destinations of the planet.

Poland: Soult Mines of

Wieliczka It Is one of the most ancient active mines of salt of the world.They have been exploited without interruption from the 13th century, and still nowadays they continue to produce table salt. These mines include a tourist tour of 3,5 kilometres that contains statues of mythical and historical prominent figures, is made by the miners in the salt rock. Even the crystals of the chandeliers are done of salt. Also there are cameras and chapels excavated in the salt, an underground lake and exhibitions that illustrate the history of the mining industry of the salt. There comes approximately 800.000 visitors a year. During the Second World war, the Germans used the mines as store of war.

Uruguay: CapibaraCharacteristics: I weigh: 50 kg. Length: Between (Among) 1 and 1 ' 3 m. Height: 50 cm. Longevity: Between 8 and 10 years. In captivity 12 years.Habitat: Rivers, marshes;

in zones of dense vegetation. Distribution: South America. Customs: gregarious Species. Nourishment: Herbivorous (water plants, gramíneas of bank, pastures, maize, banana, etc). Reproduction: Gestation 119 days. I divide between 2 and 8 babies.“The Capibara” is the biggest rodent of the world. The capibara is a gregarious mammal. He forms groups from 8 to 10 members constituted by a dominant male , subordinated males and females.The capibara can swim very well and he is capable of remaining under the water up to 5 minutes. The female and the gland has sebaceous that serves him to mark the territory in the snout .When a capibara detects some danger , it emits a hiss to alert the rest and they go to the water.

Venezuela: Cataract of the Angel Cataract of the Angel is the highest cataract of the world. It is 979 meters high , and a water fall of 807 meters high Its name comes from the Pemón, indigenous dialect .They baptized the place as Kerepakupai-merú, which would mean " water fall up to the deepest site ".It is in the National Park called “ Canaima”.


The world has many things and places that people do not know that exist .It is a pity that not every one takes care of that as it should be..The previous information about nature wonders, gives the idea of every place or thing we are dealing with.. We could say that all the nature wonders are very amazing and interesting but We like the mines of salt in Poland the most . It is unbelievable that from salt people could make so many things like for example a chandelier or to carve in statues of famous and mythical prominent figures.

I would like to invite you to investigate about this interesting topic.


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