march 29, 2015 palm sunday of the passion of...

Post on 14-Mar-2018






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Church Email:

Bulletin notices (due by 11am Monday) Email:

Office: 615-758-2424 • Fax: 615-754-0043

Priest’s House: 615-754-4454 CHURCH OFFICE HOURS

Monday-Friday: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm

PASTORAL STAFF • EXT./PHONE Pastor, Rev. Pat Kibby....................................................... 12 Deacon, Fred Bourland ................................ 615-754-6899 Deacon, Steve Molnar……………………… 615-604-6059 Deacon, Rob Montini ..................................... 615-884-7541 Deacon, Mickey Rose ..................................... 615-758-0322 Deacon, Tom Samoray…………………… ... 615-504-6257 Deacon, Hans Toecker ................................... 615-482-1895 Office Director, Barbara Couturier .................................. 11 Office Secretary, Linda Ramming .................................... 10 Adult Formation & Ministries, Francie Duffield ............ 21 Life Teen Minister, Angie Bosio ....................................... 13 Youth Formation, Greg Karn .......................................... 15 RCIC, Connie Blevins .................................... 615-397-9255 Music and RCIA, Scott Goudeau ..................................... 30 Life Teen Band, Renee Campbell .................. 615-516-2067

RECONCILIATION: Saturdays at 4:00 pm in the Reconciliation Room and by appointment.

INFANT BAPTISM CLASS: For registered member s of the parish. Second Thursday of every month at 7:30 pm in the

worship space, unless otherwise noted.

MARRIAGE: Contact one of the following: Deacon Hans Toecker, Deacon Tom Samoray, Deacon Steve Molnar or Rev. Pat

Kibby (see contact numbers above) at time of engagement.

PRAYER CHAIN: For prayer for yourself or for someone else, call Rosetta at 615-889-9495.

SICK LIST; If you are going into the hospital or are homebound, please call the office, 615-758-2424.

24-HOUR CRISIS HOTLINE: If you are feeling lonely, depressed, overwhelmed, a caring voice is just a phone call away

at 615-244-7444, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.



Saturday 5:00pm…………Judy Henkel Sunday 8:30am ............... John Lell 11:00am ............... Jim Donnell 5:00pm ............... People of the Community Monday 8:00am ............... Heidemarie Moloy Tuesday 8:00am ............... Kevin Cunningham Wednesday 8:00am ............... Communion Service 6:30pm…………No Mass or Communion Service Thursday 7:00pm ............... Howard McGee Friday 7:00pm ............... No Mass Intention Saturday 7:30pm…………Tony Masciarelli Sunday 6:30am ............... People of the Community 8:30am ............... Melvin Burns 11:00am ............... Margaret Hunter

14544 Lebanon RD. • Old Hickory, TN 37138


It is triumph and tragedy. It is exultation and condemnation. It is a story of unification, and of abandonment, of love and excruciating suffering like nothing we can imagine. Today we share together the tri-umphant entrance into Jerusalem, greeted as a king with waving palms and shouts of Hosanna! We listen almost in disbelief as his followers and closest friends abandon him in his time of need. We hear the prayer of love, in spite of the events to come, to accept whatever God's plan is for him. We grimace at the details of the beatings and the death on the cross. In the depths of our hearts, we know why he would endure this love. It is perhaps the events in the Garden of Gethsemane that we realize both the humanity and unwavering love of Jesus. It is in the gar-den that we hear his prayer, a calling to his Father for the strength to accept the fate that is soon to befall him. It is the last opportunity he would ever have to avoid his fate; yet he remains, humanly troubled yet divinely willing. We listen to him chastise his followers-and us-for sleeping when he needs us the most. It is in knowing that he needs us as much as we should need him-that his love for us is forever and pure-that we truly begin to understand the pain he was about to endure. We are reminded in the Catechism of the Catholic Church that it is in the passion of Christ that sin is most manifested and displayed (CCC 1851). The crowds calling for his death, Pilate's indifference, the beatings by the guards, the abandonment by Peter and the disciples; through all of this, it is Christ's death on the cross, in which he accepted and offered redemption for all of our sins, that we turn to today and eve-ry day. ©2009 Liturgical Publications Inc.

Registration in the Parish: Forms

are available in the office during office hours, in the literature racks in the narthex of the church, or on our website (www. and

can be filled out and returned electronically.

Sunday Adult Education meets from 9:45-10:45 am in the Lounge (lower level of Holy Family Center).

LIFE TEEN All high school age youth of the parish are invited to attend the LIFE TEEN Mass held every Sunday at 5pm followed by LIFE Night in the Holy Family Center Hall.

PREP (Parish Religious Education Program) Classes for youth, age 3 through grade 8, are held on Sundays during the school year.

The Nursery is open during Sunday Masses for all children 12 months (and walking) through 3 years.

Adult Choir & Children's Choir practices vary according to Mass times. Everyone is invited. Contact: Scott Goudeau.

Christian Initiation (RCIA) and (RCIC) All non-Catholic adults interested in learning about or becoming members of the Catholic Church contact Scott Goudeau. Youth, age 7 or older, contact Connie Blevins. Meets every Thursday at 7:00 pm in the Hall.

Catholics Returning Home. If you have been away from the Church, Welcome Home! If you would like help with transition back, contact Jerry Marcec (630-362-7150 or

Parent’s Day Out. Located at 108 Brookhollow. Call Nancy Otting at 754-8432 for information and availability.

Elizabeth Ministry. The purpose of this ministry is to provide support, comradeship, spiritual guidance and encouragement to parents of any age. Contact Jill LaFaye 578-2662.

AA meets every Tuesday morning at 7:00 am in the Lounge of the Holy Family Center.

Al-Anon meets every Tuesday and Thursday at 12:00 noon in the Lounge of the Holy Family Center. We can help, you are not alone.

Funeral & Bereavement Ministry. Information to share on ways to save on the cost. Pre-planning allows us to establish a personal relationship ahead of time. After the death of a loved one we all need to journey with our grief in order for closure to take place. For questions about Catholic funerals or to pre-plan, call Francie Duffield at 758-2424.

Adult Ed meets on Sunday and

Monday. We will continue with

Scott Hahn’s The Bible and Prayer.

We will continue to look at scripture

and prayer as we see Moses and the Blessed

Mother as models of prayer. The Sunday group

will not meet on Palm Sunday and Easter,

while the Monday group will meet on March 30,

but will not meet April 6. *The Sunday group

meets at 9:45am. *The Monday group meets at

9am. All groups meet in the hall of the Holy

Family Center.

Catholic Basics Wednesday mornings at

8:30am. Join us in the HFC Lounge. We are

studying the Great Religions of the World and

will focus on Judaism. On Apr. 8, Rabbi Shapiro

will attend Catholic Basics to answer our

questions on Judaism. Everyone is invited to

attend at 8:30am in the hall of the Holy Family


Wednesday Morning Scripture and Prayer

Group from 10am-11:15am. We are studying

Scripture. Join us in Room 105.

A Time to Seek—chapter-a-day readings: 1

Kings 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.

This Week: Life Teen will

attend the presentation of the

Passion Mime at 6:30pm in

the Old Church.

Next Week: No Life Night. Happy Easter!

The Passion Mime has been re-scheduled one

more time to Sunday, Mar. 29 (Palm Sunday)

at 6:30pm in the Old Church. You are invited

to join Life Teen and Edge and show your


SEARCH 322: Please remember in your

prayers all high school juniors and seniors

attending Search this weekend. From our parish

are: Hailey Lavender, Olivia Rolick, Brian Witte,

Cameron Fowler, William Packard, and Leader

Landon Knoll. Search is a weekend retreat

offered by the Catholic Youth Office of the

Diocese of Nashville to show high school juniors

and seniors how they can be examples of faith by

knowing themselves, others and God in a more

loving, personal way. Contact Angie at 758-

2424, Ext. 13, for more information or an

application for Search. There is one more Search

weekend this year scheduled for April.

Attention all 2nd grade PREP,

Good Shepherd and Home

School parents:

Thank you to all parents and volunteers for the most successful

First Eucharist retreat ever! And thank you for taking the time to make a difference in the faith lives of our students!

First Eucharist is Saturday, April 11 during the 5pm Mass. A reception will follow in the old church.

Attention parents of students preparing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation:

Confirmation is Friday, April 24, 2015 at 7pm, and will be celebrated here at St. Stephen. Joining us in receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation will be Holy Rosary Academy and Holy Rosary PREP. We will have a reception in honor of the newly confirmed students following the Mass.

All Confirmation students will attend the liturgies of the Triduum (Apr. 2, 3, and 4; Holy Thursday, Good Friday liturgy, with a “mini-retreat” to follow until 9pm, and the Easter Vigil Saturday evening). Attendance at these liturgies is an integral part of their formation. Please make your plans to attend!

On Wednesday, Apr. 22, all Confirmation students from St. Stephen, and Holy Rosary will come together. We will rehearse and give final instructions to the Confirmands and parents.

Important: Please bring a copy of your child’s Baptism Certificate if we don’t already have it on file.

Pre-registration for all 2015-2016 Parish Religious Education Programs will be held during the Ministry Fair Apr. 18-19.

We will also be recruiting catechists for next year’s PREP as well. The only qualifications needed are love of our faith, love of our students, and a desire to authentically hand on our faith.

Special Note to Parents and Catechists: Next PREP year, we will expand our class offerings for grades 1, 3, and 4. We will have classes at 9:45am (the normal time), and also at 6:15pm. That means that parents of students with siblings in Evening PREP and EDGE Middle School Ministry will have an option for attendance. It will reduce class size during morning PREP for those grades.

Parents: Are your children missing anything? We have several items that have been turned into the PREP Lost and Found.

“Pilate again said to them, ‘Then what

shall I do with the man whom you call

the King of the Jews?’ And they cried

out again, ‘Crucify him.’” – Mark

15:12-13 Jesus told us “whatever you do for the

least of my brothers, you do for me.” Every day

we are presented opportunities to help someone.

Every day we have the opportunity to see the face

of Jesus in others and be the face of Jesus to

others. Pray for the courage to stand up for those

in need of our help.


Financial Report—3-22-15

Regular Collection ........................... $24,066

Debt Reduction Income ...................... $7,102 Debt Owed ..................................... $917,061

Income YTD (starting 7/1/14) ..... $1,103,418Income Last Year ……………… ..$1,099,586

Electronic donation is available on our website, www.saintstephencom Click the Online Giving

button on the right side, and the program will walk you through the steps to set up your account. Fast, easy and convenient.


the success of this hunt by donating candy (pre-

wrapped only) and placing it in the marked

tub in the old church. Sign-ups for your child's

participation will be available after all Masses.

Line Dancing starting soon on Tuesdays, April

7 – May 12, in the hall of the Holy Family Cen-

ter from 7-8:30pm. These classes will be High

Beginners/Improvers. The cost is only $45 for 6

weeks. Sign-ups will be on April 7, from 6:30pm

to 7pm. We have a wonderful instructor. Any

questions, call Mary English at 615-758-9709.

Our annual Ministry Fair will be held Apr. 18

and 19. Look for more information in the near


Parents: Mark Your Calendars for

KID'S Day 2015. Join us down on the

lower soccer field for a fun-filled after-

noon including inflatables, children's

train, balloon artist, caricature artists,

face painting and hair coloring, plus hotdogs,

popcorn and drinks. NEW this year, Molly's Ark

Petting Zoo. Saturday, Apr. 25, Noon-3pm.

Sponsored by St. Stephen Knights of Columbus.

FREE for all attendees. Bring a non-perishable

food item for Mt. Juliet Help Center.

Vacation Bible School is preparing to

go to Everest- June 22-26! We are call-

ing for all volunteers! If you are a return-

ing volunteer—welcome back! If you

are a new volunteer, we are glad to have you!

VBS needs an adult volunteer to lead our children

in games. To volunteer, contact Holly at hweath- Volunteers can register them-

selves and their children after all Masses at the

Ministry Fair on April 18-19. We look for-

ward to seeing all of our wonderful volunteers.

Prison Ministry: If you have a copy of Mat-

thew Kelly's Rediscover Catholicism and the

workbook and no longer need it, I would like to

give this to the women at prison. Place the book

and/or workbook in the prison ministry container

in the old church. Thank you for your support. If

you are interested in the prison ministry, please

contact Suzanne Visitacion at 615-476-8112.

From the Pro-Life Committee of the Ladies

Auxiliary: Contact your state legislators and

ask them to support upcoming bills supported by

TN Right to Life. The bills would: 1) require

regulation of abortion facilities as ambulatory

surgical centers; 2) require informed consent; and

3) require a 48-hour waiting period. These are

three separate bills.

day morning, Apr. 3, 8:30am-12pm. This is a

great time for service hours. No experience

needed. All ages are welcome.

Mark Your Calendar: Decorating the church

for Easter will be Saturday morning, Apr. 4. We

will start at 9am. Many hands will be needed.

Questions—call Connie Blevins, 615-397-9255.

Haiti Sea Container: We will be collecting the

following to be sent on the sea container to Petit

Goave until April. 5: Canon S35 black toner

cartridges, copy paper, soap, small deodorants,

toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo, lotions (for

care packs), flip flops, t-shirts, dolls, hot wheels,

and peanut butter. Fr. Bo has also requested the

following for the shelter and rectory: folding

chairs, toilet paper, towels, sewing machines for

school, fabric for table cloths in yellow, blue and

burgundy, wedding rings, wedding dresses, leath-

er shoes in varying sizes, and lanterns. We will

also be collecting monetary donations for ship-

ping expenses and to send money for those arti-

cles requested that are too large to ship. Please

place in the marked container in the old church.

Easter Egg Hunt sponsored by

the KC Ladies Auxiliary will be

Saturday, Apr. 4. Children

MUST be at the starting line no

later than 10am. Egg Hunt starts promptly at

10am. Pictures with the Easter Bunny FREE

with a donation of canned food for the Help

Center. Pictures begin at 8:45am until

9:30am and then will begin again after the egg

hunt. The egg hunt will be in the marked areas

(by age) behind the church, and all children

through 12 years of age are invited to participate.

In case of inclement weather, we will move to the

Holy Family Center. Please consider helping with

The Passion Mime has been re-scheduled one

more time to Sunday, Mar. 29 (Palm Sunday) at

6:30pm in the Old Church. The teens this year

are very dedicated to presenting the Passion to the

St. Stephen Community. Please come and sup-

port their efforts.

Liturgical Ministers: Signup sheets for Holy

Week and Easter Sunday are in the narthex.

Please consider volunteering to help with the

liturgical life of our parish.

Rice Bowls will be collected during Holy Week

in baskets in the narthex.


DURING LENT: All are obliged by Canon Law

to abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday, all

Fridays of Lent, and Good Friday, from the age

of 14 years throughout life. The law forbids the

use of meat, but not of eggs, the products of

milk, or condiments made of animal fat. All are

obliged by Canon Law to fast—limiting oneself

to one full meal and two lighter meals in the

course of the day—on Ash Wednesday and

Good Friday, from the age of 18 until the age

of 59. The combined quantity of food at the two

light meals should not exceed the quantity of

food taken at the full meal. The drinking of

ordinary liquids does not break the fast. If a

person is unable to observe the above regula-

tions due to ill health or other serious reasons,

they are urged to practice other forms of self-

denial that are suitable to their condition.

Help in the Prayer Garden: We need to get

the St. Stephen Prayer Garden ready for Easter.

If you can given an hour or two, it would be

really appreciated. We will be weeding, raking,

picking up sticks, cleaning statues/benches and

moving mulch. And, enjoying the conversa-

tions. Weather permitting, we will be working

Wednesday, Apr. 1, 5pm-dark and Good Fr i-


Chrism Mass, April 1 Holy Saturday Mass, April 4 Cathedral of the Incarnation 6:00pm Easter Vigil—7:30pm (no 6:30pm Mass or Communion

Service at St. Stephen) Easter Sunday Masses, April 5 Sunrise Mass—6:30am on the soccer Holy Thursday, April 2 field. Bring a lawn chair or blanket. Church office closes at noon Mass at 8:30am Mass of the Lord’s Supper—7:00pm Mass at 11:00am

No 5:00pm Life Teen Mass Good Friday, April 3 A day of fast and abstinence Easter Monday, April 6 Church office closed Church office closed Passion of the Lord—7:00pm


Sunday, March 29—Palm Sunday

PREP 9:45am

Life Teen Passion Mime 6:30pm

Monday, March 30

Adult Ed 9am

Rosary 6:15pm

K of C Officers 7pm

Life Band 7pm

Boy Scouts 7pm

Tuesday, March 31

AA 7am/Al Anon 12 noon

Room in the Inn—St. Stephen

VBS Meeting 6pm

Yoga Prayer 7pm

Wednesday, April 1

Catholic Basics 8:30am

Scripture 10am

Prayer Garden 5:30pm

Chrism Mass at the Cathedral 6pm (No

6:30pm Mass at St. Stephen)

Choir 7pm

Spousal Loss 7pm

Thursday, April 2—Holy Thursday

Church Office closes at Noon

Al Anon 12 noon

Mass of the Lord’s Supper 7pm

Friday, April 3—Good Friday

Church Office Closed

Passion of the Lord 7pm

Saturday, April 4—Holy Saturday

Church Decorating for Easter 9am

Easter Egg Hunt 10am

Easter Vigil 7:30pm

Sunday, April 5—Easter Sunday

Sunrise Mass 6:30pm

Mass 8:30am

Mass 11am

No 5pm Life Teen Mass

Monday, April 6

Church Office Closed

Rosary 6:15pm

Ladies Auxiliary 7pm

K of C 7pm

Life Band 7pm

Boy Scouts 7pm

Tuesday, April 7

AA 7am/Al Anon 12 noon

Line Dancing 7pm

First Eucharist Photo Session 3pm-8pm

Yoga Prayer 7pm

Wednesday, April 8

Catholic Basics 8:30am

Scripture 10am

First Eucharist Photo Session 3pm-6pm

Prayer Garden 5:30pm

Choir 7pm

Spousal Loss 7pm

Thursday, April 9

Al Anon 12 noon


Baptism Class 7:30pm

Friday, April 10

Saturday, April 11

Reconciliation 4pm

First Eucharist 5pm Mass

Altar Server Appreciation Dinner 6pm


Mt. Juliet Help Center: Most needed items

at the center are: soups (especially chili),

pinto beans, peas, and mixed vegetables.

Ladies of Charity: It’s that time of

year! Put away the wool coats and mittens

and head over to the Ladies of Charity Con-

signment Shop for our Spring Consignment

Sale. There is a plethora of spring/summer

clothing and accessories. The Consignment

Shop, located at 2216 State St., will be open

daily Monday—Saturday, from 10am to

4pm, thru May 2. We look forward to see-

ing you!

Way of the Cross for Victims of Abortion,

April 3 (Good Friday), 12pm, across the

street from The Women's Center, 419 Welsh-

wood Dr., Nashville. Info: Marilyn Cox (615)

766-4119. We will remember all the victims

of abortion in a solemn, ecumenical prayer


Pro-Life Oratory Contest for high school

students will be held Saturday, Apr. 18 at

10am. Contest registration deadline is

Apr. 15. Awards and scholarships will be

awarded at the local and state level. For an

application and more details, contact Wilson

County Right to Life.

New 13-week session of GriefShare on

Thursdays, beginning April 9, 6:30-8pm, St. Matthew, 535 Sneed Rd. W., Franklin.

GriefShare is a positive, caring support group

that helps participants deal with the emotions,

pain and challenges that come following the

loss of a loved one. Info: Frank and Donna

DeCoster (615) 419-3660 or George Largay

(615) 417-1873, or griefshare@churchofst

Family Camp Weekend at Marymount: Marymount is pleased to be the home of

Grandma’s Family Camp so families can en-

joy the Marymount experience together!

Have you always wanted to give camp a try?

Come to camp as a family Apr. 10-12. This

weekend will be filled with family fun and

fellowship. Activities include canoeing,

crafts, archery, evening activities, games,

sports, campfires, and more. For more infor-

mation, visit


at-marymount/ or call 615-799-0410.

Catholic Women of Faith Conference:

Saturday, Apr. 18 from 8:30am to 4pm at St.

Philip Church in Franklin. The day starts

with Mass with Bishop Choby, followed by

speakers: Sr. Miriam James (from college

party life to powerful conversion story,

“Loved As I Am”); Rebecca Dussault (Winter

Olympian faced challenges to her faith and

morals); Sr Mary Johanna (one of nine raised

in a happily hectic Catholic home); and Tajci

is back with another moving “Let it Be” con-

cert. For brochure and tickets: Come Be


Catholic Homeschool Conference – Apr. 18: The Immaculate Heart of Mary Tennessee

Homeschool Conference will be held at Aqui-

nas College, 4210 Harding Pike, in Nashville,

on Friday, Apr. 18, 12pm–6pm. Confirmed

speakers include: Dr. Richard H. Bulzacchelli,

Mary Ellen Barrett, Colleen Hammond, and

Nick Marmalejo! Admission is free and pre-

registration is not required. For more infor-

mation, please visit,

email or call 540-


Free Movie Night at St. Frances Cabrini:

Saturday, Apr. 25. Doors open at 6:30pm;

movie starts at 7pm. Free popcorn, drinks and

snacks. The movie is Please Don’t Eat the

Daisies. Please join us.

Holy Rosary News: Mark your calendar!

Saturday Apr. 18, 6pm at the Knights of

Columbus Clubhouse (2300 Knights of Co-

lumbus Blvd.). Holy Rosary Academy Home

and School Association's Annual Spring Fund-

raiser, " Denim and Diamonds" . Proceeds

benefit the Academy's HVAC and Windows

Project, and Enrichment programs at the

school. Tickets are on sale now! Go to the

website at and click the

"Denim and Diamonds" link on the home

page. Thank you for your support! Holy Ro-

sary Academy Summer Camps: The camps

will run from June 1 to June 25 and are for Pre

-K through Grade 5. Go to www.holyrosary.

edu/hra-summer-camps for an overview of the

classes and the link to register online.

Father Ryan High School News: Father

Ryan Purple Masque Players will present

the musical Guys and Dolls, Thursday, Apr.

16 thru Saturday, Apr. 18 at the Father Ryan

Center for the Arts. Show times are at 7pm

each night, plus a matinee at 2pm on Saturday.

Tickets can be purchased at the ticket booth

prior to the shows. For more info and tickets,

go to

Call the office to add your/ family member name to the prayer list. Names will be kept on the list until the end of the month. Let us know if we should keep someone on longer. Please inform the office of a loved one’s death so they may be added to the deceased prayer list.

Please pray for those who are sick, especially Susan Donahue, Ed Donahue (father of Susan Donahue), David Hood (friend of Connie Pryor), Natasha Bratz (daughter of Sherri Rollins), Kevin Stewart, William Joiner, Elaine Anderson (friend of Cheryl Wachtel), Barbara Christian (sister of Terry Winfree), Dan Jenkins, Tracy Brown, Ann Marie Garr, Mike Raway, Vivian Hoadley (niece of Joanne Hill), Ozzie Vogel (great-grandson of Tom & Joann Doss), Bruce Schipper (nephew of Judy Crowe), Richard Schultz (cousin of Judy Crowe), Dotti Smith (friend of Sandy Donnell), Dale Hudak, Kathleen Cunningham, George Mainville (brother of Betty Micol), Robert Porter, James Porter (brother of Bobby Porter), David Beers, Fred Scalzo (friend of Rosemary Beers), Greg Smith (nephew of Bob & Maureen Copeskey), Ruth Foster (mother of David Foster), Marguerite Dammann (mother of Dan Dammann), Mary Rehovsky (friend of Karen Mertens), Rob Aton (son of Margaret Aton), Marilyn Coleman (sister of Linda Norfleet and Alan Lancaster), Ted Slusar, Jessica Overton (niece of Molly Miller), Marvin Cropsey (friend of Francie & Carl Duffield), Jean Wajler (mother of Zig Wajler), Phil Kersey, John Zabaski, Ed Hudak, Ron Hadarich (friend of Suzanne Visitacion), Diane Kudrez, Mickey Rose, Fred Bourland, Scott Sulski (son of Natalie Sulski), Stuart Bowdoin, Kaleb Leigh (grandson of Sally Clinard), Greg Hamrick (brother-in-law of Deb Varallo), David Maass (brother of Herman Maass), Christina Hoover, Gizella Ricci (friend of Mark Marsh), Mary Decker (mother of Rosemary Beers), Betty Batcheldor, Ken Frost, Ferne Harris (mother of Chip Harris), Pauline Strawderman (mother of Helen Walsh), Don Wescott, Beth Covert (niece of Suzanne Valimont), Bishop Mikaelian.

Please remember those who have died, especially: Jack Norman, Alfred Wehby (father of Roger Wehby), Carol Stinebrickner (friend of Francie & Carl Duffield), Sandra Greaves (friend of Suzanne Valimont).

The following merchants have offered to donate 10% of your total purchase (excluding alco-hol and sales tax) to St. Ste-phen Life Teen and EDGE on the days listed below to help with funding for Life Teen Sum-mer Camp. Please present the bulletin or flyer at time of pur-chase. El OK Corral—First Sunday of the month. Children’s Trove Consign-ment—10% back to St. Stephen on all purchases. Choose St. Stephen from the list at check-out.

10% Donations

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