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Margus ErnitsCurriculum Vitae

Mustamäe tee 137-153Tallinn, Estonia

H (+372) 50 31771T skype://margus.ernitsB

Í∼mernitsDate of birth December 20th, 1973

Education2011–2013 Master of Science in Engineering, Joint curricula of Tallinn University of

Technology and University of Tartu , Estonia, average grade 4.94 on 5-pointscale.cum laude

2001–2006 Diploma of IT Systems Development, Estonian IT College, Estonia, averagegrade 4.38 on 5-point scale.

1989–1993 Diploma of Vocational Education, Tallinn Polytechnic School, Estonia, av-erage grade 4.9 on 5-point scale.Electrical Technician, with honors

Master’s ThesisTitle Hands-On E-learning Course on Cyber Defence for System Administrators

Supervisor Rain Otis, Ph.DDescription Result of the work is a new outcome-based e-learning course with the load

of 6 ECTS (32h lectures, 46h practical classes, 78h homework). The coursewas piloted in Estonian IT College and also in continuous education. Thee-learning course contains lectures, self-tests and preliminary tests, problemoriented hands-on classes and interactive tests.

Diploma ThesisTitle Development of Web Browser Driven and Programmable Microprocessor Sys-

tem for the Purpose of E-Learning Hardware ProgrammingSupervisor Andres Mulin M.Sc

Description The thesis focuses on possibilities of using web browser driven e-learning inhardware programming laboratory at IT College. Students are able to workwith particular hardware (50Kit and Atmega88) without leaving home.



2007–Present Project manager and teacher, Estonian IT College/InformationTechnology Foundation for Education, Tallinn.Lecturer and Instructor of Robotics Club.

Lecturer of the following subjects:{ Operating System Administration{ Linux Administration{ IT Infrastructure Services{ Scripting Languages – python, bash{ Digital Audio and Video Processing – digital image processing with OpenCV and

C++{ Study Setup and Introduction to Speciality

Lecturer of the following continuous education courses:{ Scripting for IT system administrators using python and bash{ Configuring Internet services such as: DNS, DHCP and ntp{ Unix and Linux basics{ Hardening web services using caches and application firewalls{ Basics on mathematics using robotics

{ Supervised 27 diploma thesis between 2006–2013.{ Instructed local robotics club{ Head of IT system development curriculum

ITC sector2000–2007 System Integrator (before that I was Project Manager), Swedbank

(previously AS Hansabank), Tallinn, Estonia.Moe important projects:{ Improvement of availability of E-mail service (System integration){ Implementing group ware services for the company (System integration){ Implementing e-mail archiving system (System Integration){ Syslog compatible logging service (several improvements to standard syslog protocol

for additional security and autitability) Windows ja Linux software development asC programmer

{ Hansabank Latvia ATM software development (Two years as a project manager)1999–2000 Senior IT Specialist, AS Marat, Tallinn, Estonia.

Linux and Windows administration, software development, system analysis1996–1999 Software engineer, KNIF-KANGA AS (later TRIXTAL), Tallinn,

Estonia.Software development, IT support, system administration

Miscellaneous1993–1993 Electrician, AS Viisnurk, Pärnu.

Repaired and maintained electrical circuits on machines of ski production.


Awards2012–2013 IT academy scholarship for master studies of Cyber Security in Tallinn Univer-

sity of Technology2010 Lecturer of the Year (elected by students)2008 Worker of the Year (EITSA)2008 Lecturer of the Year (elected by students)2006 Scholarship for best Diploma work in Estonian IT College (Rak-

enduskõrgkoolide Rektorite Nõukogu stipendium)2002 1st place in Robotex Open 2002

2002–2013 Robotex competation results for ITC Robotics Club:

Computer skillsBasic java, Ruby on Rails, QT, GIT, SVN,

Intermediate Python, Ruby, HTML, LATEX, LibreOffice, C, C++, OpenCV, Ar-duino, AVR (gcc), LDAP, iptables, syslog

Advanced GNU Linux, Computer Security, Apache, SAMBA, BIND, ISCdhcp and ntp, bash , Puppet, KVM virtualization, libvirt

Conference talks and articles2010 Margus Ernits – Robootika kasutamisest reaalainete õpetamisel. E-ÕPE TÕ-

SINE MÄNG, April 14.–16. 2010 Tallinna Tehnikaülikool2009 Margus Ernits, Kristiina Hakk, Kalle Tammemäe – Teaching robotics and

embedded systems as a learning chain of different subjects. 8th InternationalConference and Workshop on Ambient Intelligence and Embedded SystemsSeptember 23.–25. , 2009 Funchal, Madeira, Portugal

2009 Margus Ernits – Kauglaborid ja kaugpraktikumid. Probleemid ja lahendusedConference KOOL - ÕPETAMISASUTUSEST ÕPIRUUMIKS April 1.–3. 2009Eesti Maaülikool

2008 Margus Ernits, Kalle Tammemäe – Environment for distance study of em-bedded system programming 7th International Conference and Workshop onAmbient Intelligence and Embedded Systems, Kiel 2008

2005 Margus Ernits – Robootika suvekool 2005 ITKs A&A 20052003 Margus Ernits – Vau faktor A&A 01/2003

Charity activities2006,2007,2009 Joint project with UNICEF, Microsoft, DHL and EITC "Uus Algus" of restoring

old computers for giveaway2005 Joint project with UNICEF, Microsoft, DHL and EITC of restoring old com-

puters for reuse


2004 Charity project with UNICEF – Restoring old computers for giveaway for dis-abled childrens.

LanguagesEstonian Mother tongue

English Very good (spoken), good (written)Russian Pre-intermediate Basic level in reading/writing

Ongoing projects2013

{ Implementing Cyber Security module for System Administrators in EstonianIT College

{ Robot Vision projects for Robotics Club{ Development of distance laboratory environment in Estonian IT College{ Using robotics to teach mathematics and physics{ Research and development of Estonian IT College’s Robotics Laboratory

Interests- Reading - Robotics- Electronics - Computer Security- Open source movement - History


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