market research competitors analysis

Post on 29-Jun-2015






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For media work.


Market research- Competitor analysis.

By Clare O’Mara

Cyber smart site:This screen grab appears to have use emotions though the use of icons, to create a positive facial emotion and the use of neutral colours it creates a youthful and calm appearance. So this is targeting the audience though the use of icons which many teenagers will use though the use of social networking sites which relates to the issue that this website is trying to communicate to the audience, (this website is about being safe on the internet/social networking sites).

Official website:

This screen grab contains both information and images this is so it appeals to the audience more also it shows the audience have used an up to date mobile phone, (which appears to be similar to the, ‘I phone’, therefore using this phone type is appealing and relating to the phone type the audience are most commonly to use. Therefore this screen grab is targeting teenagers and adults this is due to the fact there is an equal amount of information and images which will then appeal to teenagers and adults as the screen grab does not appear childish or unappealing.

Also this screen grab is clear to read due to the fact the size font is large and chose of colour matches the colour of the background, also the chose of image used, (which is a speech bubble) relates to the topic of the link. This is because this link is about needing an expert’s point of view on how be safe on the internet. Therefore the images and text relates to the issue of the website. The target audience for this screen grab is teenagers this is due to the fact there is an equal amount of images and text based information which will appeal to teenagers because it does not appear uninteresting or childish.

Cyber smart site:Official website:

And this screen grab shows clear use of bright colours, large font type and use of images. This is all used to appeal to the target audience which is young children aged 5-12 years of age. This is targeting children aged 5-12 years of age because the use of bright colours will make the subject matter appear more appealing, positive and fun though the use of bright colours. And displaying clear to read text will make it easy for children to read.

Also this screen grab shows use of dark tones of colours and shows use of use of clear colour text this is used so the audience can clearly read the text based information. Also there is use of some images this is so the topic appears more interesting and appealing leading to the target audience wishing to read about the subject and the reason behind it. Therefore the target audience for this screen grab is teenagers this is due to the fact there is an equal amount of text and pictures which will appeals to teenagers more because this target audience will not wish to read about an issue that does not contains an equal amount of text and pictures.

This screen grab shows a clear amount of information based, including images which relate to the topic, a use of calm tones of colours this is so the image appears realistic and serious to the audience. The target audience for this screen grab is adults this is due to the fact that this screen grab is targeting adults to help their children with any cyber problems they may have to deal with. Therefore this screen grab is targeting adults though the use of colours, text and images this is because there is an equal amount of images, text and shows use of calm colours.

Nsteens website:

For this screen grab the website is clear to understand for the audience this is created though the use of neutral colours, clear font type and use of a range of pictures images. Also there is clear use of cartoon images this is used to appeal more to the audience by making the website appear more fun to use and understand. Therefore the target audience for this screen grab is male and female teenagers, (aged 13-18 years of age). The screen grab is targeting the audience though the use of non bright colours, an equal amount of information and pictures as well as appealing appearing font type. Therefore the website targets teenagers by making the website appear fun and easy to understand.

Official website:

Here is the logo of the, ‘Nsteens’. The appearance of this logo appears youth, this is because this website is targeting male and female teenagers, therefore using a youthful appearance will appeal more to the target audience. Also the colour of this logo has used for little bright colours, this is so the logo does not appear childish. But there use of small colours, such as green this is so the website does not appear dull or unattractive.

Also for this screen grab the website clearly labels each link of the website including an image which is related to the link itself. This is included to make the website become more easy to use for the audience, making the website then become more appealing for the audience. Also this screen grab shows very little use of bright/bold colours this is so it doesn't’t make the website appear childish. Therefore the target audience for this screen grab from the website is male and females teenagers, (aged 13-18 years of age). The website have targeted their audience though the use of including both images and information which makes the website appear both fun and serious to the target audience.

Nsteens website:Official website:

For this screen grab of the website the audience clearly see use of both images and information, this is so the website doesn't’t appear unappealing leading to the audience having a larger intrest in understanding more about the meaning behind the website, and what the website is trying to communicate to their audience. Therefore the target audience for this screen grab is teenagers both male and female this is because the character seen in the image appears to be a teenager, (age 13-18 years of age). Therefore including this character makes it easier for the audience to relate more to the story behind the link and may lead to the target audience wanting to understanding more about the issues that are trying to be communicate to the audience on this website.

This screen grab includes a range of colours, this is so the audience will find the website more attractive. Also the website has included a, ‘game’ section onto the website. This is so the audience will have an increasing amount of interest onto the website leading to the audience understanding more about the topic and reason behind the website itself. There is also use of clear font type, this is used so the audience can clearly read and understand what is being stated. Therefore the target audience for this screen grab of the website is children aged 10-18 years of age, (both male and female). This is because the use of bright colours will attract the younger audience making the website appearing to target more then just one age range.

Internet safety tips for Kids and teens website: file


Official website site:

Here this screen grab shows use of clear font type and light colours, (which in this case is light blue for the background). So by using clear font type and not bold, bright colours and including no use of images then this shows that this screen grab is targeting males and females aged 18-60 years of age this is due to the fact that this target audience will not be interested in bright colours, a range of pictures or unclear font type/s. So this shows that this screen grab targets their audience though the use of providing information clearly, this so the issue is being communicate to the audience more seriously are easily.

For this screen grab is shows a range of different parts of this website and what the website has to offer to their audience in order to help them. Also this screen grab shows use of clear to read font type, light use of colours to make it easier to understand for the audience and shows no use of images. Therefore for this screen grab it is targeting males and females aged 18-60 years of age this is because this age group will not be interested in bright colours this is because this will make the website become childish as well as making the website appear as fun rather then serious. Therefore this screen grab targets their audience by making the website appearing more serious though the use of colour and font type.

This screen grab shows links to different parts of the website this is so the audience can understand more about the issues that the website is trying to communicate to their audience. Also this screen grab shows use of light colours and clear to read font type this is so the website appears more serious towards the audience. Therefore the target audience for this screen grab is males and females aged 18-60 years of age this is because this age group is targeted to appeal to lack of bright colours, no use of images and a range of information being supplied, which is shown in this screen grab.

Internet safety tips for Kids and teens website: file


Official website site:

For this screen grab it is displaying a range of facts and information. This is so the audience will become more clear about what this website is about and how it can help them. Also this screen grab shows use of light colours, clear to read font type and use of no images being included this is so it appeals to the target audience which in this case is males and females aged 18-60 years of age. This screen grab is targeting this age range due to the fact people aged 18-60 years of age are stereotyped to be interested in only factual information, no pictures, not bright colours and easy to read font type, which has all been included in this screen grab. Also by including this makes the website appear more serious for the audience making it easier for the website to communicate the meaning behind the website itself.

Also for this screen grab the audience can see there is a list of different other resources. This is included for this website to become more efficient for the audience. And this screen grab shows use of light colours, clear font and use of no images. Therefore the target audience for this screen grab is males and females aged 18-60 years of age this is because this target audience appeal to website that does not appear childish but instead appears serious, so this website appears serious though the use of not including a range of images, bright colours or unclear font type.

Kid’s health website:Official website:

For this screen grab the audience clearly see the logo for this part of the website being displayed which in this case is, ‘Teens health’. Also this screen grab is clear to understand as clear font as been included, it includes bold colours to make the website appear more fun and appealing for the audience and there is no use of pictures being included in the logo. Therefore the target audience for this screen grab is males and females aged 13-18 years of age this is due to the fact that the logo includes an equal amount of text and colour, which makes the website appear more fun to use for the audience.

And this screen grab is supplying information for the audience by making it bold though the use of contrasting colours. So this screen grab shows use of a range of contrasting colours, clear to read font type and use of no pictures. Therefore the target audience for this screen age is males and females aged 13-60 years of age this is because the use of colours will appeal to this target audience as attracts the audience attention more, includes no images and is clear to understand for the audience. Also this screen grab shows the website is serious though the use of the colours black and white making the website appear less childish and more serious.

For this screen grab it shows links to three sections for the website. (Which in the case the website is displaying information for parents, children and teenagers). Also the website shows use of bright colours, clear to understand text and use of no images which then makes the website appear more fun to use for the audience. Therefore the target audience for this screen grab is males and females aged 13-60 years of age this is because the website is displaying information but including no images make the website appear both fun and serious.

Kid’s health website:Official website:

This screen grab shows a, ‘quiz’ if the audience wish to take part in. This quiz is related to the website as it is included information that the audience may or may not be already aware of. Also this screen grab shows uses of bright colours, some information and clear to understand font type. Therefore the target audience for this screen grab is male and females aged 8-16 years of age this is because by including a quiz makes the website appear more fun and easy to understand the meaning behind the website. Also adults will less interested in the website if a quiz may be included as adults may be already aware of the facts, and may find by including a quiz makes the website appear childish.

Also for this screen grab is shows expert advice for the audience. Also this screen includes use of bright colours, small amount of information and colourful font type. Therefore this is being included to target males and females age 8-16 years of age this is because the use of bright colours will attract people aged 8-16 years of age as it makes the website appear more fun and appealing to use. It also includes little information to make the website appear more easy to understand by the target audience, (which in this case is males and females aged 8-16).

And for this screen it is displaying information to help the audience’s future, the title for this section of the website is, ‘Take 5 tips for life’. Also this screen grab shows little information being supplied, colourful font type and use of colour for the background of this section. Therefore the target audience for this screen grab is males and females aged 10-18 years of age this is because this section is about what the audience could do for their future, (about finding employment). This screen grab also targets their audience though the use of colourful font type, lack of information and use of colour for the background of this screen grab. By including as this makes the website appear more fun, easy and appealing to use for the target audience, which in this case is males and females aged 10-18 years of age.

Safe Web Surfing: Top Tips for Kids and Teens Online- YouTube video: Official link:

This is a screen grab from the video, ‘Safe web surfing: Top tips for kids and teens online’. This screen grab shows what the video is about which in this case is, ‘Internet safety’, the video shows use of clear to read text and use of no bright pictures or text and little information being displayed. Therefore the target audience for this screen grab is males and females aged 10-18 years of age this is because this age group are stereotyped to be interested little information but easy and quick to read/understand.

And for this screen grab it is displaying humor though the use of images which is comparing today's technology. Also the younger generation will understand this humor as a smart mobile device is being included to appeal more to the target audience which in this case is males and females aged 10-18 years of age. This screen grab appeals to this age group as there is a equal amount of information and images being included as well as the images being included makes the video become more interesting and appealing to watch for the audience.

Also for this screen grab of the video it is supplying short of detailed facts. This is included to make the audience more aware of what this video is about, the issues being communicate to the audience and factual information this is included to make the audience more aware of Internet safety. Therefore the target audience for this screen grab from the video is male and females aged 10-18 years of age this is due to the fact that an equal amount of pictures and information is being included making the video become more appealing to watch for this age range.

Safe Web Surfing: Top Tips for Kids and Teens Online- YouTube video:

Also this screen grab contains humor, clear to read text and a range of pictures which then makes the video become more appealing and fun to watch for the audience. Therefore the target audience for this screen grab is males and females aged 10-18 of age this is because the screen is displaying an equal amount of information and pictures making the video appear less serious but more fun to watch for the target audience.

Official link:

This screen grab is supplying advice for the audience, this is so the audience will be aware of what to do when an unknown caller calls their mobile device. Also this screen grab of the video is displaying an equal amount of information and images, clear to understand information and plan colours to make the video become more serious for the audience watching. Therefore the target audience for this screen grab is males and females aged 10-18 years of age this is because there is an equal amount of text and images being displayed making the video become more appealing and interesting to watch for the target audience.

And for this screen it contains information about how to keep your computer's information safe from virus. This is shown though the use of information and pictures making the more clear for the audience of what they may need to do in case their computer has a virus. (Therefore this screen grab is containing advice and information to help the audience). Therefore the target audience for this screen grab is males and females aged 10-18 years of age this is due to the fact it contains both information and pictures making the video appear both serious and fun to watch for the audience.

The Cyber Bulling Virus-YouTube video. Official link:

This screen grab from the vide, ‘The cyber bullying virus’ shows facial expressions of a female character who has been cyber bullied though a range of social networks and though text. The screen grab as shows use of dark colours to represents how the character may feel being cyber bullied., it also shows use of a range image to make to clear to the audience of how the female character may be feeling during this time. So the target audience for this screen grab is males and females aged 10-18 years of age this is because it is an issue that can affect this age group, and by displaying the character’s emotions clearly relates more to the storyline making it easier for the audience to understand.

Also this screen grab is also displaying facial expressions of how the character feels reading a negative text message, relating to how cyber bullying makes a person feel as they read a message which is offence/negative about themselves. Also the screen shows a clear image of how a person will feel if they may be being cyber bullied, making more clear to the audience of how people feel if they are being cyber bullied. Therefore the target audience for the screen grab is males and females aged 10-16 years of age this is because this age group may be unaware of how people feel if they are being cyber bullied. Therefore the use of emotions being displayed by the character makes it easier to understand for the audience about cyber bullying and how it can affect people.

In this screen grab it is displaying information in the form of an appearance of a text message/social network message of what to do if someone is being cyber bullied. (Which in this case is to help others and give yourself courage in order to help stop people being cyber bullied). Also the screen grab shows use of clear font type in order to make it easy to read for the audience watching the video. Therefore the target audience for this screen grab from the video is males and females aged 10-18 years of age this is because the audience will now be aware of what to do if somone is being cyber bulled and the use of clear to read font type makes it easy to understand for the target audience watching.

The Cyber Bulling Virus-YouTube video.

Also for this screen grab it is displaying factual information related to cyber bullying, the information is also be displayed in similar layout of how text messages are displayed. This is so the audience can related more to the video as they will understand and relate to the layout more. Also the target audience for this screen grab is males and females aged 10-18 years of age this is because factual information is being included making the audience more aware of cyber bullying and there is an equal amount of information and images being used in order to appeal more to the target audience, which in this case is males and females aged 10-18 years of age.

For this screen grab taken from the video, ‘the cyber bullying virus’ the screen grab is displaying a bight logo to attract the audience’s attention more also the logo includes an equal amount of information and pictures this is used to appeal more to the target audience which in this case is males and females aged 10-18 years of age. The audience are being targeted though the use of equal amount of information and pictures this is used to make the video become more serous but appealing to watch. And so the message being communicate to the audience becomes more clear to understand for the audience watching the video.

Official link:

For this screen grab of the video it is supplying advice for the audience watching of what to do is someone has supplied social networking with offence information about a person, which is cyber bullying. (The video is communicating to the audience if offence language is being included on social networking then it should be reported. Also the screen grab shows use of clear to read font type making it easier to read by the audience what the message that the video is trying to communicate for the audience watching. Therefore the target audience for this screen grab of the video is males and females aged 10-18 years of age this is because it is supplying clear to read font type as well as advice in order to help those who may be being cyber bullied on the Internet, social networking sites or though text messages.

Ways to Stop Bullying-YouTube video.

Also this screen grab shows clear image which creates facial expressions, this is because the facial expressions being displayed on the character shows how a person may feel in a present of a bully. Therefore the target audience for this screen grab is males and females aged 10-18 years of age this is because it is communicating to the audience how other people may feel around people who bully them. Therefore this screen grab is then making the audience more aware of how bullying can affect people’s lives.

For this screen grab taken from the video, ‘Ways to stop bullying’ the audience clearly see factual information being displayed clearly though the use of clear font type and plan colours and there is also se of an equal amount of information and images being included in the screen grab in order to appeal to the target audience more which in this case is male and females aged 10-20 years of age. The video targets this age group though the use of equal amount of information and images in order for the video appear less unappealing but to appear more interesting and fun to watch and understand.

Official link:

Ways to Stop Bullying-YouTube video. Official link:

And for this screen grab is shows a range of offence and negative comments that bullies may make to a victim. Also this screen grab shows an equal amount of images and information making the video become more appealing for the audience watching and making it easier to communicate the meaning behind the video, Therefore the target audience for this screen grab is males and females aged 10-18 years of age this is because the screen grab includes an equal amount of information and images making the video appeal more to the target audience as the video becomes more interesting to watch.

For this screen grab the audience can clearly understand the video as both information and images are being included in order for the message behind the video become more easier to communicate to the audience. Therefore the target audience for this screen grab is males and females aged 10-18 years of age this is becausethe screen grab shows an equal amount of information and images and being included which are also clear to understand, which then reflects on the audience finding it easier to understand the video and the message being communicating to the audience though the use of this video.

Ways to Stop Bullying-YouTube video. Official link:

For this screen grab it is communicating to the audience how a bully may make a person feel but also how to address this matter. This screen grab also includes both pictures and information making the video become more appealing and interesting to watch for the target audience. Therefore the target audience for this screen grab taken from the video is males and females aged 10-18 years of age this is because this age group will find the video more appealing if both pictures and information is being included in the video in order to make the message being communicating to the target audience though the use of the video become more easier to understand

And for this screen grab it supplies information to the audience if they be being bullied by someone. (Which in this case this case is to talk to another person about how a bully may be making you feel in order to help stop the situation). Also the screen grab shows clear information being displayed though the use of clear font type making the video become more appealing to watch for the target audience. Which in this case the target audience is male and females aged 10-18 years of age this is because this age group will find the video more appealing and useful is helpful information is being included in the video in order to help the audience, and to help others who may be being bullied.

What I can improve on my competitor's campaigns?

For my competitor’s campaign I plan to clearly target my audience. I plan to do this by including a range of information, images, clear font type and colour in order for the message to be communicate to the audience more clearly. This is because the audience will be able to understand the meaning behind the campaign more as it has a appealing appearance but yet is serious, due to the fact the campaign will be dealing with a serious matters which may affect many people.

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