martin luther, protestantism & the counter reformation

Post on 17-Jan-2016






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Martin Luther, Protestantism & the Counter Reformation


During the Renaissance, there was a massive increase in Literacy rates

People looked back to Greece and Rome and believed that they were Golden Ages of civilization

Science, Math, Philosophy, Logic and political theory were all studied

People began to question traditional values and institutions

The Church was a sore point with many

People were disgusted with the wealth and power of the Church and wished that it could return to its simple beginnings


In 1517, Martin Luther, a Religious Scholar from Germany, began the Reformation when he nailed his 95 theses to the door of a church in his hometown.

He was upset at the church practice of selling indulgences (Basically, buying your way into heaven)

Some of Luther’s ideas include: 1. Faith alone leads to Salvation2. Relationships with God are

personal, you do not need a church to be saved

3. The power of the Church and Pope should be limited

4. The Bible should be translated and available to everyone

A Modern Translation of the 95 Theses

2. Only God can give salvation - not a priest.5. The pope must act according to canon law.21. An indulgence will not save a man.27. It is nonsense to teach that a dead soul in Purgatory can be saved by money.28. Money causes greed - only God can save souls.45. A person who passes by a beggar but buys an indulgence will gain the anger and disappointment of God.48. The pope should have more desire for devout prayer than for ready money.62. The main treasure of the church should be the Gospels and the grace of God.82. Why doesn’t the pope clean feet for holy love not for money ?93. Those in the church who claim there is no problem must go.94. Christians must follow Christ at all cost.95. Let Christians experience problems if they must - and overcome them - rather than live a false life based on present Catholic teaching.


Luther’s ideas were hit the town like a bomb

The 95 Theses was printed and read around town, then the country and soon, all over Europe

They were translated into many languages and people across the continent passionately agreed with him.

Luther was excommunicated and his writings were banned by the pope

At the Diet of Worms, Luther was brought before civil authorities to defend himself, he was found guilty and he was forced into hiding

THE EFFECT OF LUTHER’S IDEAS Although Luther was condemned by the

church, his words were inspiring to many people

Many Princes and Kings of Europe adopted Luther’s Ideas and went about changing their societies to match his concepts

It was also a way to gain more power within their region – operate without the influence of the Pope

This is the REFORMATION Lutheran was only the start, other

thinking and scholars published their religious viewpoints

The new religions that were formed were called protestant (in protest of Catholic teachings)

Soon Europe had Lutherans, Calvinists, Anglicans and more


During the Reformation, the Catholic Church was in crisis as Christians all over Europe turned away from Rome

The Counter-reformation was a move by the Catholic church to bring life back into the church and save it from complete destruction

The Pope called the COUNCIL OF TRENT, and new polices were introduced

1. Indulgences were stopped2. Jesuit order was created

(A group of Priests led by Ignatius Loyola, who were organized in military fashion, completely dedicated to converting people to Catholicism)

3. The Inquisition was restarted (it was more brutal than ever)

The counter reformation could not bring back regions that had already split from Rome, however, it was successful and keeping Catholicism the dominant religion of Europe


Martin Luther started the Reformation when he nailed his 95 Theses to the door of a church

Luther's Ideas were adopted by many people throughout Europe

Soon new religions started to spring up all over Europe

The church reacted with the Counter Reformation and managed to save themselves (mostly through murder and intimidation)

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