mary did you know?

Post on 15-Jan-2017






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There are some things Mary knew because she was told by an angel!

What did Mary know?

1. She knew the Messiah would come in her FAMILY.

What did Mary know?

22. She knew God had chosen her for some special FAVOR.

What did Mary know?

3. She knew she was going to have a baby boy, though she was a VIRGIN.

What did Mary know?4. She knew the conception was to be accomplished by the power of God’s SPIRIT.

What did Mary know?5. She knew the baby was to be named Jesus- meaning God SAVES.

What did Mary know?

6. She knew the baby was going to be the MESSIAH.

What did Mary know?

7. She knew the baby would be the SON of the Most High God.

What did Mary know?

8. She knew Jesus would be given the Kingdom of DAVID.

How can I have a BABY? I am a virgin!

I am the Lord’sSERVANT.

I am willing toaccept

WHATEVER He wants.

She knew there would be


This was confirmed by

SIMEON, when she took Jesus to be dedicated at

the Temple.

She was full of JOY and praise.

Because God sent a Savior to save her from

her SINS.

Because her Son would be the only Savior of the WORLD.

He came to be yourSavior!Have you acceptedHim?

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