[mas 500] mobile basics

Post on 13-May-2015






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  • 1.MAS.500 - Software Module - Rahul BhargavaMobile App Dev 2014.12.03

2. Topics Why mobile? Strategies Platforms & IDEs iOS Android Cordova OpenFrameworks Homework 3. Strategies 4. Strategies Think embedded Know your audience Smartphone? Internet access? Less is more Do one thing well Always be prepared User will disappear, phone will turn off, internet willgo away, etc. 5. App Design Dominikus Baur on Touchable Visualization http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=735kSTGZcHA 6. How Does DevelopmentWork? 7. EmulationemulatorappIDEsocket debuggerreal deviceusb connectionapp 8. Tips setup is a total pain emulator != real device 9. Technologies 10. iOS Toolchain: XCode Concepts: Storyboards, MVC, Sandbox, __Kits, Target-Action (Events), Delegates Develop in Objective C or Swift (with Xcode) Closer to the metal than other mobile platforms Walkthrough 11. Android Toolchain: Eclipse + ADT + Android SDK Concepts: Activity: screen a user sees Intents: inter-activity comms, inter-app comms Services: always running background thingies Develop in Java/XML Lynda training, Official Quickstart Fragmentation makes things difficult Making things work on all the phones can be a pain (tips) Walkthrough 12. Cordova Toolchain: Cordova + IDEs Develop in JS/HTML (Cordova Install) Leverage huge amount of people that know it Build an in-browser app, then wrap it up for mobile MVC Library: Backbone, etc http://backbonetutorials.com, ToDo list manage in multiple microframeworks UI Library: JQuery Mobile, JQTouch, etc. Native bindings to read sensors and call out to otherservices Write once, run everywhere? Walkthrough 13. Others Amazon Fire is based on Android Nobody uses Blackberry anymore Nobody uses Windows Phone (yet?) 14. Homework: bit.ly/mas500f14

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