master class almada 23/27-mar-09. project summary started in november 2008 3-year project 15...

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Master Class ALMADA23/27-Mar-09

Master Class ALMADA23/27-Mar-09

Project Summary• Started in November 2008• 3-year Project• 15 Partners• €3.25m• Funded under INTERREG IVC (@79%)• Lead partner is London Councils • Extends, deepens and promotes PIMMS

Master Class ALMADA23/27-Mar-09


Master Class ALMADA23/27-Mar-09

Project Partners

01 LEPT UK Progression 09 Bratislava SK Initiation

02 Graz AT Progression 10 Klaipėda LT Initiation

03 Stockholm SE Progression 11 Maribor SI Initiation

04 Treviso IT Progression 12 Larnaca CY Initiation

05 Almada PT Progression 13 Gdansk PL Initiation

06 Frankfurt DE Progression 14 Sofia BG Initiation

07 Erasmus Univ NL Transfer 15 Timişoara RO Initiation

08 Serres EL Progression

Master Class ALMADA23/27-Mar-09


1. To stimulate modal shift towards more sustainable forms of transport by increasing the implementation of high quality mobility management techniques and policies in European regions.

2. To extend, deepen and promote best practice in mobility management.

Master Class ALMADA23/27-Mar-09


1. Effectively transfer know how on mobility management to new Member States.

2. Exchange and integrate existing best practices into PIMMS TRANSFER.

3. Test the relevance of identified ‘Critical Success Factors’ in taking action (as well as changing policies)

4. Raise awareness among regional and local decision-makers.

Master Class ALMADA23/27-Mar-09

Main Activities


Continue the programme of Study Trips and Staff Exchanges

Develop a programme of mentoring

Focus on a revised definition of ‘domains’

Review and extend the database of best practice

Continue the successful programme of regional dissemination (conferences, websites publications)

Master Class ALMADA23/27-Mar-09

Main Activities


EU-wide analysis of best practice in Sustainable Urban Transport Planning

Schools Challenge (action to reduce car-to-school on a comparative basis)

Multi-media best practice exchange during European Mobility Week

Programme of Master Classes

Programme of pilot projects to test elements of the transfer methodology identified in PIMMS.

Master Class ALMADA23/27-Mar-09

Main Activities


Dissemination and training action for each of the three domain

28 Regional Conferences, 3 Expert conferences; websites publications

International Schools Conference

Master Class ALMADA23/27-Mar-09

Domains• Policy & Integration

– demand management, land use / development control, strategic policies & targets, SUTPs and carbon trading

• Travel Plans– school, workplace, residential and personalised TPs

• Public Engagement & Training– travel awareness and promotion, public pledge schemes,

pedestrian / cycle training, community engagement, targeting specific user groups (market segmentation)

Master Class ALMADA23/27-Mar-09

Key Outputs

• 280 new entries on the best practice database, validated by independent experts

• 81 Study Trips typically involving 4 people for 3 days• Major review of Sustainable Urban Transport Plans

in all 27 Member States • 31 regional and thematic conferences, 1 schools

conference• 2 “Schools Challenges”, with at least 14 schools

competing to reduce car-to-school

Master Class ALMADA23/27-Mar-09

Key Outputs

• A mentoring workshop in each of 7 Initiation Regions

• 3 Master Classes on key mobility management issues, open to all

• European Mobility Week events in 14 regions in 2009 & 2010 with pan-Europe link-up

• 1 EMW DVD and best practice guide • 14 pilot projects supported and observed by all


Master Class ALMADA23/27-Mar-09

N° of staff with more skills, knowledge etc from the exchange of experience at interregional events


N° of good practices successfully transferred 42

N° of regional/local policies and instruments improved


N° of Critical Success Factors identified 50

Key Results

Master Class ALMADA23/27-Mar-09

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