mastercourse hoenders cip2012

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Slides mastercourse Rogier Hoenders tijdens Congres Integrale Psychiatrie 2012


Mastercourse Integrative Psychiatry19th of April 2012

Rogier Hoenders, psychiatrist, founder and head

Center Integrated Psychiatry, Lentis

donderdag 26 april 2012


donderdag 26 april 2012


• Who are we?

donderdag 26 april 2012


• Who are we?• Why are we here today?

donderdag 26 april 2012


• Who are we?• Why are we here today?

donderdag 26 april 2012


• Who are we?• Why are we here today?

• Meeting, connecting, inspiration, exchanging, helping each other to bring the field of IP forward, learning about IP, forming a network

donderdag 26 april 2012


• Who are we?• Why are we here today?

• Meeting, connecting, inspiration, exchanging, helping each other to bring the field of IP forward, learning about IP, forming a network

donderdag 26 april 2012


• Who are we?• Why are we here today?

• Meeting, connecting, inspiration, exchanging, helping each other to bring the field of IP forward, learning about IP, forming a network

• New solutions (WM, CAM, lifestyle)

donderdag 26 april 2012


• Who are we?• Why are we here today?

• Meeting, connecting, inspiration, exchanging, helping each other to bring the field of IP forward, learning about IP, forming a network

• New solutions (WM, CAM, lifestyle) -> basis for the conferences IP

donderdag 26 april 2012


• Who are we?• Why are we here today?

• Meeting, connecting, inspiration, exchanging, helping each other to bring the field of IP forward, learning about IP, forming a network

• New solutions (WM, CAM, lifestyle) -> basis for the conferences IP -> and for the CIP

donderdag 26 april 2012


• 2006: the best of both worlds (1200)• 2007: in search of new solutions (800)• 2008: new perspectives on body and mind (900)• 2010: selfhealing capacity (800)

• 2012: Interconnectedness

donderdag 26 april 2012

Center for Integrative Psychiatry (CIP)

donderdag 26 april 2012

Center for Integrative Psychiatry (CIP)

donderdag 26 april 2012

Center for Integrative Psychiatry (CIP)

• Founded in 2006: inspired by CAHCIM, WHO, EP, David Servan Scheiber

donderdag 26 april 2012

Center for Integrative Psychiatry (CIP)

• Founded in 2006: inspired by CAHCIM, WHO, EP, David Servan Scheiber

• Part of Lentis: community based mental health institution,

donderdag 26 april 2012

Center for Integrative Psychiatry (CIP)

• Founded in 2006: inspired by CAHCIM, WHO, EP, David Servan Scheiber

• Part of Lentis: community based mental health institution,

• province of Groningen (575.000),

donderdag 26 april 2012

Center for Integrative Psychiatry (CIP)

• Founded in 2006: inspired by CAHCIM, WHO, EP, David Servan Scheiber

• Part of Lentis: community based mental health institution,

• province of Groningen (575.000),• 5 clinics, 8 outpatient clinics,

donderdag 26 april 2012

Center for Integrative Psychiatry (CIP)

• Founded in 2006: inspired by CAHCIM, WHO, EP, David Servan Scheiber

• Part of Lentis: community based mental health institution,

• province of Groningen (575.000),• 5 clinics, 8 outpatient clinics,• 4300 employees

donderdag 26 april 2012

Center for Integrated Psychiatry

donderdag 26 april 2012

Research group “the Middle Way”

• A. Bartels: senior researcher• E. Bos; senior researcher• K. v/d Ploeg, junior researcher• H. Berkelmans, assistent researcher• R. Hoenders: psychiatrist / researcher• B. Hartogs, psychologist• J. de Jong: Professor of Transcultural Psychiatry• UMCG: De Jonge, Aleman, Sanderman

donderdag 26 april 2012

Published papers

• Use of CAM• Review on efficacy CAM for bipolar disorder and

schizophrenia• Dutch protocol for CAM• Group studies effects of mindfulness • N of 1 studies TSA• ROM, routine outcome monitoring (400)

donderdag 26 april 2012

• Borgemeester S, Appelo MT, Hoenders HJR (2008) Complementaire en alternatieve geneeswijzen in de huisartsenpraktijk: de mening van huisartsen en patiënten. GGz Wetenschappelijk, 12, 2, 26 – 32.

• Brink, H van de (2006) Naar een integrale benadering van stemmingsstoornissen - voorbij regulier of alternatief. GGz Wetenschappelijk, 10, 1, p 4- 26

• Hartogs BMA (2009). Hartcoherentietraining en het geluk van motorrijden. Directieve therapie, 29, 161-169.• Hartogs BMA, Eikmans KM, Bartels-Velthuis AA. (Melting down the Ice Queen: an integrative treatment of Anorexia Nervosa; a case study

(submitted) • Hoenders HJR, Appelo MT, van den Brink H, Hartogs BMA, Berger CJJ, Tamsma HH (2010). Protocol voor alternatieve geneeswijzen; naar

een verantwoorde toepassing in de GGz. Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie, 52, 343-348.• Hoenders HJR, Appelo MT, van den Brink H, Hartogs BMA, de Jong JTVM (2011). The Dutch complementary and alternative medicine

(CAM) protocol. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 17 (12), 1-5.• Hoenders R, Bos E, de Jong J, de Jonge P (2011). Unraveling the temporal dynamics between symptom and treatment variables in a

lifestyle-oriented approach to anxiety disorder. A time-series analysis. GGzet Wetenschappelijk, 15 (2), 11-30.• Hoenders HJR, Bos EH, de Jong JTVM, de Jonge P (2011). Temporal dynamics of symptom and treatment variables in a lifestyle-oriented

approach to anxiety disorder: a single-subject time-series analysis. Psychother Psychosom (accepted).

• Hoenders HJR, Appelo MT & JTVM de Jong (2012) Integrative medicine: A solution for the polarisation between biomedicine and alternative medicine? (submitted)

• Hoenders HJR, Bartels A, Ploeg, K van der, Bruggeman, R, Knechtering, H & JTVM de Jong (2012) Natural medicines for schizophrenia (in preparation).

• Hoenders HJR, Bos E, Ploeg K van der, Bartels, A, Berkelmans, H & JTVM de Jong (2012) Routine Outcome Assessment of outpatient treatments in center for integrative psychiatry (in preparation).

• Hoenders HJR, Hartogs BMA & van den Brink H (2008) Gezondheidsbevorderende interventies in de GGz, Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie, suppl

• Hoenders, HJR, Willgeroth & Appelo MT (2008) Western Medicine and Alternative Medicine; a comparison of paradigms and work styles. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 14, 8, 894 – 896

• Hoenders HJR, Appelo MT & Milders CFA (2006) Complementaire en alternatieve geneeswijzen en psychiatrie: meningen van patiënten en psychiaters. Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie, 9, 733 – 737

• Hoffer C & Hoenders HJR (2010). Complementaire, alternatieve en religieuze geneeswijzen; gebruik betekenis en onderzoek ernaar. In: Handboek Culturele Psychiatrie en Psychotherapie. De Jong en Colijn (red). De Tijdstroom.

• Rodway M, Vance A, Watters A, Lee H, Bos E, Kaplan BJ. Efficacy and cost-benefit analysis of micronutrient treatment of psychosis: A literature review and case study (2nd revision).

donderdag 26 april 2012


•• Consulting and advising collegues• Yearly conference “Integrated Psychiatry”• Giving lectures and workshops on Integrated

Psychiatry and Mindfulness

donderdag 26 april 2012


• Residents psychiatry (officially recognized by the MSRC); part of the conventional training program in Lentis

• Students medicine, psychology and nursing• Nurse practitioners

donderdag 26 april 2012

Outpatient clinic; therapists

• 3 psychiatrists• 3 psychologists• 2 MD (residents)• 6 (specialized) nurses• 1 nurse practitioner• 1 physiotherapist• 1 mindfulness trainer• 1 creative expression

donderdag 26 april 2012

Outpatient clinic; patients

donderdag 26 april 2012

Outpatient clinic; patients

donderdag 26 april 2012

Outpatient clinic; patients

- Total of 450 outpatients

donderdag 26 april 2012

Outpatient clinic; patients

- Total of 450 outpatients- Reason for referral: no medication/side effects,

interest in CAM or IP, spirituality, second opinion

donderdag 26 april 2012

Outpatient clinic; patients

- Total of 450 outpatients- Reason for referral: no medication/side effects,

interest in CAM or IP, spirituality, second opinion- All types of disorders (conventional diagnosis),

mostly mood and anxiety disorders, trauma and personality disorders

donderdag 26 april 2012

Outpatient clinic; patients

- Total of 450 outpatients- Reason for referral: no medication/side effects,

interest in CAM or IP, spirituality, second opinion- All types of disorders (conventional diagnosis),

mostly mood and anxiety disorders, trauma and personality disorders

- About 100 new patients a year

donderdag 26 april 2012

Outpatient clinic; patients

- Total of 450 outpatients- Reason for referral: no medication/side effects,

interest in CAM or IP, spirituality, second opinion- All types of disorders (conventional diagnosis),

mostly mood and anxiety disorders, trauma and personality disorders

- About 100 new patients a year

donderdag 26 april 2012

Outpatient clinic; patients

- Total of 450 outpatients- Reason for referral: no medication/side effects,

interest in CAM or IP, spirituality, second opinion- All types of disorders (conventional diagnosis),

mostly mood and anxiety disorders, trauma and personality disorders

- About 100 new patients a year

- Which treatments?

donderdag 26 april 2012

Complementary vs Alternative

donderdag 26 april 2012

Complementary vs Alternative

donderdag 26 april 2012

Complementary vs Alternative

Complementary Medicine: treatments with scientific evidence for the effectiveness, but because of practical, ideological or social reasons they have not been integrated with conventional psychiatry (St Johns wort and massage).

donderdag 26 april 2012

Complementary vs Alternative

Complementary Medicine: treatments with scientific evidence for the effectiveness, but because of practical, ideological or social reasons they have not been integrated with conventional psychiatry (St Johns wort and massage).

donderdag 26 april 2012

Complementary vs Alternative

Complementary Medicine: treatments with scientific evidence for the effectiveness, but because of practical, ideological or social reasons they have not been integrated with conventional psychiatry (St Johns wort and massage).

Alternative medicine: like Reiki or Healing do not have the same evidence base and they use different paradigms to explain health and disease.

donderdag 26 april 2012

Complementary vs Alternative

Complementary Medicine: treatments with scientific evidence for the effectiveness, but because of practical, ideological or social reasons they have not been integrated with conventional psychiatry (St Johns wort and massage).

Alternative medicine: like Reiki or Healing do not have the same evidence base and they use different paradigms to explain health and disease.

donderdag 26 april 2012

Complementary vs Alternative

Complementary Medicine: treatments with scientific evidence for the effectiveness, but because of practical, ideological or social reasons they have not been integrated with conventional psychiatry (St Johns wort and massage).

Alternative medicine: like Reiki or Healing do not have the same evidence base and they use different paradigms to explain health and disease.

(Lake 2007)

donderdag 26 april 2012

Treatments in the CIP

donderdag 26 april 2012

Treatments in the CIP

• Western psychiatry: medication, CBT, psychotherapy, specialized nurses (life chart)

donderdag 26 april 2012

Treatments in the CIP

• Western psychiatry: medication, CBT, psychotherapy, specialized nurses (life chart)

donderdag 26 april 2012

Treatments in the CIP

• Western psychiatry: medication, CBT, psychotherapy, specialized nurses (life chart)

• Lifestyle training (nutrition, sport, relaxation, non-violent communication) and courses in mindfulness and compassion for patients and therapists

donderdag 26 april 2012

Treatments in the CIP

• Western psychiatry: medication, CBT, psychotherapy, specialized nurses (life chart)

• Lifestyle training (nutrition, sport, relaxation, non-violent communication) and courses in mindfulness and compassion for patients and therapists

donderdag 26 april 2012

Treatments in the CIP

• Western psychiatry: medication, CBT, psychotherapy, specialized nurses (life chart)

• Lifestyle training (nutrition, sport, relaxation, non-violent communication) and courses in mindfulness and compassion for patients and therapists

• Complementary medicine: supplements, herbal medicine, mindfulness, HRV training, massage, yoga and meditation

donderdag 26 april 2012

Treatments in the CIP

• Western psychiatry: medication, CBT, psychotherapy, specialized nurses (life chart)

• Lifestyle training (nutrition, sport, relaxation, non-violent communication) and courses in mindfulness and compassion for patients and therapists

• Complementary medicine: supplements, herbal medicine, mindfulness, HRV training, massage, yoga and meditation

donderdag 26 april 2012

Treatments in the CIP

• Western psychiatry: medication, CBT, psychotherapy, specialized nurses (life chart)

• Lifestyle training (nutrition, sport, relaxation, non-violent communication) and courses in mindfulness and compassion for patients and therapists

• Complementary medicine: supplements, herbal medicine, mindfulness, HRV training, massage, yoga and meditation

• Alternative medicine not inside CIP (protocol)

donderdag 26 april 2012


donderdag 26 april 2012


• Conferences, articles, media:

donderdag 26 april 2012


• Conferences, articles, media: -> Patients from all over the country started

contacting us

donderdag 26 april 2012


• Conferences, articles, media: -> Patients from all over the country started

contacting us

donderdag 26 april 2012


• Conferences, articles, media: -> Patients from all over the country started

contacting us

• Need to refer to collegues who work in a similar way -> NNIP

donderdag 26 april 2012


• Conferences, articles, media: -> Patients from all over the country started

contacting us

• Need to refer to collegues who work in a similar way -> NNIP

donderdag 26 april 2012


• Conferences, articles, media: -> Patients from all over the country started

contacting us

• Need to refer to collegues who work in a similar way -> NNIP

• Need to have high quality safe working method

donderdag 26 april 2012


• Conferences, articles, media: -> Patients from all over the country started

contacting us

• Need to refer to collegues who work in a similar way -> NNIP

• Need to have high quality safe working method -> CAM protocol

donderdag 26 april 2012


• 10.00 Opening by Rogier Hoenders• 10.30 Rupert Sheldrake• 11.15 Lama Gangchen Rinpoche & Lama Michel

Rinpoche• 12.00 Lunch• 12.45 Workshops• 14.00 Feedback workshops• 14.30 Paul Gilbert• 15.15 Break• 15.45 Richard Brown and Patricia Gerbarg• 17.00 Questions, discussion, closure• 17.30 Drinks / dinner

donderdag 26 april 2012

Rupert Sheldrake

• Rupert Sheldrake is a biologist and author of more than 80 technical papers and ten books, including A New Science of Life. A former Research Fellow of the Royal Society, he studied natural sciences at Cambridge University, where he took a Ph.D. in biochemistry, and philosophy at Harvard University, where he was a Frank Knox Fellow. He was a Fellow of Clare College, Cambridge, and Director of Studies in biochemistry and cell biology. He is currently a Fellow of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, near San Francisco.

donderdag 26 april 2012

Lama Gangchen Rinpoche and Lama Michel Rinpoche

• Lama Gangchen Rinpoche is a Tibetan Lama Healer who lives in Italy and who works in different countries all over the world. He received many prices and (peace) awards for his work.

• Lama Michel Rinpoche: was born in 1981 in São Paulo, Brasil, at the age of five he met Lama Gangchen Rinpoche and started a strong connection with Buddhism. Later he was recognized as a ‘Tulku’, the reincarnation of a Tibetan Buddhist Master. At the age of twelve he decided to become a monk and went to study at the Buddhist Monastic University of Sera Mey in the south of India.

donderdag 26 april 2012


• 10.00 Opening by Rogier Hoenders• 10.30 Rupert Sheldrake• 11.15 Lama Gangchen Rinpoche & Lama Michel

Rinpoche• 12.00 Lunch• 12.45 Workshops• 14.00 Feedback workshops• 14.30 Paul Gilbert• 15.15 Break• 15.45 Richard Brown and Patricia Gerbarg• 17.00 Questions, discussion, closure• 17.30 Drinks / dinner

donderdag 26 april 2012

Workshop psychiatrists

donderdag 26 april 2012


• Name• Profession• Why are you here?• What would you like to contribute to integrative

mental health in the Netherlands (and the world)?

donderdag 26 april 2012

This workshop

• 1. CAM protocol • 2. Netherlands Network Int Psy (NNIP)• 3. International developments

• 4. Discussion, ideas, plans

donderdag 26 april 2012

1. The CAM protocol

donderdag 26 april 2012

1. The CAM protocol

• Why?

donderdag 26 april 2012

1. The CAM protocol

• Why?• Based on what?

donderdag 26 april 2012

1. The CAM protocol

• Why?• Based on what?• How does it work?

donderdag 26 april 2012

1. The CAM protocol

• Why?• Based on what?• How does it work?

donderdag 26 april 2012

1. The CAM protocol

• Why?• Based on what?• How does it work?

• Two parts:

donderdag 26 april 2012

1. The CAM protocol

• Why?• Based on what?• How does it work?

• Two parts: 1. Inside the CIP: WM and complementary

medicine based on principles EBM

donderdag 26 april 2012

1. The CAM protocol

• Why?• Based on what?• How does it work?

• Two parts: 1. Inside the CIP: WM and complementary

medicine based on principles EBM 2. Outside the CIP: referring to and advising on

alternative medicine

donderdag 26 april 2012

Complementary vs Alternative

Complementary Medicine: treatments with scientific evidence for the effectiveness, but because of practical, ideological or social reasons they have not been integrated with conventional treatments (St Johns wort and massage).

Alternative medicine: like Reiki or Healing do not have the same evidence base and they use different paradigms to explain health and disease.

(Lake 2007)

donderdag 26 april 2012

donderdag 26 april 2012

2. International

donderdag 26 april 2012

2. International


donderdag 26 april 2012

2. International


donderdag 26 april 2012

2. International


donderdag 26 april 2012

2. International

• CAHCIM• NCCAM• ISCMR• European society for IM

donderdag 26 april 2012

2. International

• CAHCIM• NCCAM• ISCMR• European society for IM

donderdag 26 april 2012

2. International

• CAHCIM• NCCAM• ISCMR• European society for IM

donderdag 26 april 2012

2. International

• CAHCIM• NCCAM• ISCMR• European society for IM


donderdag 26 april 2012

2. International

• CAHCIM• NCCAM• ISCMR• European society for IM

• INIMH• Future: “Networking the networks”?

donderdag 26 april 2012

3. Forming a Network

• Why? – finding like minded colleagues - finding relevant information - getting help while starting a center - forming special interest groups - referring patients

• How? 1. Networking 2. Advocacy and policy 3. Research 4. Education 5. Clinical (different subgroups?)

donderdag 26 april 2012

Dutch network IP (NNIP)

donderdag 26 april 2012

Dutch network IP (NNIP)

• Start: March 2010

donderdag 26 april 2012

Dutch network IP (NNIP)

• Start: March 2010• Now: about 40 psychiatrists and 30 psychologists

and 10 family doctors

donderdag 26 april 2012

Dutch network IP (NNIP)

• Start: March 2010• Now: about 40 psychiatrists and 30 psychologists

and 10 family doctors

donderdag 26 april 2012

Dutch network IP (NNIP)

• Start: March 2010• Now: about 40 psychiatrists and 30 psychologists

and 10 family doctors

• What does the CIP have to offer:

donderdag 26 april 2012

Dutch network IP (NNIP)

• Start: March 2010• Now: about 40 psychiatrists and 30 psychologists

and 10 family doctors

• What does the CIP have to offer: - CAM protocol and our experience

donderdag 26 april 2012

Dutch network IP (NNIP)

• Start: March 2010• Now: about 40 psychiatrists and 30 psychologists

and 10 family doctors

• What does the CIP have to offer: - CAM protocol and our experience - Office: Wieny Kampinga

donderdag 26 april 2012

Dutch network IP (NNIP)

• Start: March 2010• Now: about 40 psychiatrists and 30 psychologists

and 10 family doctors

• What does the CIP have to offer: - CAM protocol and our experience - Office: Wieny Kampinga - Website/logistics: Simon Broekema

donderdag 26 april 2012

4. What are your suggestions? Ideas? Needs?

donderdag 26 april 2012

4. What are your suggestions? Ideas? Needs?


donderdag 26 april 2012

4. What are your suggestions? Ideas? Needs?


donderdag 26 april 2012

4. What are your suggestions? Ideas? Needs?


• LinkedIn groep: ‘Integrated psychiatry’

donderdag 26 april 2012


• 10.00 Opening by Rogier Hoenders• 10.30 Rupert Sheldrake• 11.15 Lama Gangchen Rinpoche & Lama Michel

Rinpoche• 12.00 Lunch• 12.45 Workshops• 14.00 Feedback workshops• 14.30 Paul Gilbert• 15.15 Break• 15.45 Richard Brown and Patricia Gerbarg• 17.00 Questions, discussion, closure• 17.30 Drinks / dinner

donderdag 26 april 2012

Feedback workshops

donderdag 26 april 2012

Paul Gilbert• Paul Gilbert is Professor of Clinical Psychology at

the University of Derby and Head of the Mental Health Research Unit, Derbyshire Mental Health Services NHS Trust. He is a Fellow of the British Psychological Society and has written, taught and researched extensively in the areas of mood disorders and shame. He is a former President of the British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapists. He has published over 150 academic papers and 20 books. He is a series editor for the “Compassionate Mind Approaches” to various psychological difficulties.

donderdag 26 april 2012

Richard Brown & Patricia Gerbarg

• Dr. Richard Brown, Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Columbia University, graduate of Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons (1977), gives over 200 lectures and courses every year. Since 1998, Dr. Brown has taught full-day courses on complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) for the American Psychiatric Association and other conferences. He coauthored over 90 scientific articles, books and chapters including, Stop Depression Now (1999), The Rhodiola Revolution (2004), “Complementary and Alternative Treatments in Psychiatry,” in Psychiatry (Wiley & Sons 2003, 2007); “Alternative Treatments in Brain Injury” in

donderdag 26 april 2012

Integration and closure

• What did we learn today?

• What do we take home?

• How do we continue in the future?

donderdag 26 april 2012

Thank you

donderdag 26 april 2012

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