mastering mobile event marketing part one

Post on 13-Aug-2015






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What if I told you that more people own a mobile device than a toothbrush? Would you believe it? There are 7 billion

people in the world — about 4 billion own a smartphone, and about 3.5 billion own a toothbrush! It’s a fact: the world

has gone mobile, and that’s no surprise.


How does this correlate to event marketing?

Chances are, at this moment, you may be reading this on your smart phone, your phone is in your pocket or it’s sitting close by. We’ve all become dependent on mobile, especially customers and attendees. When it comes to events and conferences, the smartphone/mobile

is one of the biggest industry game-changers. There are certain things that can help or really hurt your marketing by the mobile

experience you provide. We’ve got a few tips to help you master mobile when it comes to your mobile event marketing.


Did you know that in 2010 mobile marketing only accounted for 2.1% of all digital search ad revenue?

Fast forward… in 2015, we all know responsive mobile/web design is a BIG deal. According to comScore, 4 out of 5 consumers use their smartphone to

shop, and event attendees are no different. This means that if your site is not mobile friendly, you’ll be missing out on a HUGE chunk of potential

customers/attendees. Why?

1. Be Responsive!


Because 67% of users are more likely to make a purchase or RSVP with a smartphone on a mobile friendly site than

on a non-mobile optimized site.

Of course, with responsive mobile marketing comes the challenge & responsibility of giving the user a smooth and easy experience. For more

on this topic check out one of our previous posts; “Five Easy Ways to Optimize your Event Webpage.”


Studies show that 66% of emails in the US are now opened and read on smartphones or tablets, while 34% are viewed on a desktop. (http://

If an event marketer isn’t mobile-optimizing their emails for example, then they aren’t taking full advantage of vital leads and opportunities. We’ve seen this result over and over at EventKloud

2. Easy To Read Mobile Emails

Mobile Emails Get More Clicks & Signups!


So when it comes to mobile optimized emails, we’ve got a

few best practices to point out:


Subject lines and pre-headers are the MOST important.

To engage potential customers and increase email leads you need to make the experience better for your audience. This means reducing the file image sizes for better delivery rates,

and resizing images by proportion to make uses of those Calls to Actions.

Ditch the Clutter.

Stacking links or CTA’s on top of each other cause the user to click the wrong link, and discourage them from clicking any link. Avoid user frustration by de-cluttering. Use white

space to let your emails breathe, and allow your readers to know what to click.

Cut to the chase. Evaluate your content and cut less useful, less relevant links, and copy. Be short! Be concise! Be sure the copy you use is direct but still approachable. Sometimes longer works better for

audiences, if you’re telling an engaging story perhaps. But the key is to keep only the essential and remove everything else.


3. Target for Multiple Devices In 2014 Facebook found that more than 60% percent of online users use at least two devices everyday. We live in a world that’s constantly connected, if we’re not at our computers, we’re on our smart phones or our tablets. We don’t live in a one-device-fits-all world. Different devices play unique roles and the smartphone is typically considered the go-to device.

Why’s this important?


It’s important simply because you could be taking complete advantage of multi-channeling marketing, finding ways to be in front your potential attendees in every possible way, on every

possible device. This will mean higher attendance, happier attendees and better marketing.


4. Mobile Conference Apps

While events are full of professionals, they can also be full of distractions and noise that can interfere with your attendees ability to connect with what’s important. At events and conferences, chances are your attendees carry around their smartphones and other devices, these apps can allow attendees to easily see who else is there as well as their industry and contact information.


Not only that, but for today’s event marketer, 63% of professionals use mobile apps to organize and run their events. The primary reasoning being

that conference apps provide a convenient and easy access to session details, individual attendees and also to see how events are going, what

people are saying, in real time.

So looking ahead, in the very near future event/conference mobile apps will be viewed as an essential part of events, and an integral component of the

overall event strategy and experience.

Stayed tune for our next segment and if you have more detailed questions or would like a personal consultation for your specific upcoming event,

don’t hesitate to reach out to the EventKloud team. Best of luck!

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