masters careers: career planning for developing and advancing … · inspiring futures career...

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Inspiring futures

Masters Careers:

Career Planning for Developing

and Advancing Students in CAHSS

Suzanne Agnew & Kay Barbour

This session will start at 1830 BST

Inspiring futures

To introduce you to some resources and support that will:

• Identify motivations and skills

• Explore the options available

• Decide between options

• Progress applications

Supporting you to make and implement well-informed career decisions


Inspiring futures

Which statement best describes you?

1. I know what I want to do once I complete my postgraduate degree, but I need support to make it happen

2. I have some ideas of future careers, but I’d like to explore others

3. I really don’t have any idea what I’d like to do once I complete my postgraduate degree

Inspiring futures

Career Planning Cycle Law and Watts (1977 & 1996)


AwarenessKnow yourself and what you

want from a job.


MakingWeighing up options and

deciding on most suitable.


AwarenessLearn about options:

careers, employers, study.


SkillsPutting plans into action,

including applications.

Inspiring futures

Self-reflection• Why are you studying this Masters? Why now?

• Why did you choose the University of Edinburgh?

• What’s gone well for you so far and what have been your major successes/achievements during previous study or employment?

• What’s been challenging and what have you gained from this which could be helpful now?

• Can you identify any areas for your own development or areas you’d like to improve on during the rest of the year?

• What are your main aspirations for this year? How will you ensure that they happen?

Inspiring futures

Tools to help self reflection

Inspiring futures

What’s your story?

• Take control of your narrative

• Connect

• Own your challenges

Inspiring futures

What do you want?

• What knowledge/skills from your Masters do you want to use?

• What are your values? eg autonomy, creativity, challenge, money, making a difference, responsibility

• What drives you?

• What don’t you want?

Inspiring futures

Next steps

• Spending time honestly reflecting on your skills and attributes

• Practise your story

• As well as using the tools here ask friends, family and colleagues to help you gain better self-awareness

Inspiring futures

Broad options available

• Linear progression – carrying on in the same direction

• Changing the emphasis - staying within the same sector but in a new role or a new sector with a similar role

• New direction – outside of current skills and experiences

Inspiring futures

Exploring options• Destinations

• Alumni via LinkedIn/Platform One

• Vacancies

• Occupations

• Networks (friends, colleagues, family, classmates, friends of friends…)

• Career planner

Inspiring futures

What happens after the Masters?

University of Edinburgh College of AHSS Masters graduates

93% in positive destinations (employment or further study) 6 months after graduation*

Of those working, 90% in Highly Skilled Employment

• Longitudinal research

• Employers want to recruit our students (13th most targeted)

• Our graduates are high calibre, with the potential to compete & ‘win’

*Destinations of Leavers of Higher Education survey 2016/17

Inspiring futures

Inspiring futures

Inspiring futures

Geographic considerations

UK recruitment for international Masters graduates• Challenging yet possible

• Willing to use variety of approaches:

• MyCareerHub (also Prospects; TargetJobs; Milkround; Guardian, Indeed)

• Sector-specific recruitment sites

• Speculative approaches

• Utilise resources on Careers Service website

International recruitment• MyCareerHub

• GoingGlobal

• Alumni platforms

• Careers Service resources

Inspiring futures

Thinking about a PhD?• Find the right institution

• What are their strengths?

• What reputation do they have for the research student experience?• What is the culture like at departmental level? Does it suit you?

• Search for the right supervisor• Remember most eminent researcher doesn’t mean they are the best supervisor• Think about who you would like to approach

• Who could advise you on who to approach?

• Refine your research ideas• Ensure you have a good idea about your field of study • Will aid conversations with potential supervisors

• Stay engaged with the research community• Attend conferences

• Publish, where possible• Read!

Inspiring futures

Inspiring futures

Inspiring futures

Inspiring futures

Next steps

• Think through your options

• Explore and research opportunities using resources available:

Careers Service website and MyCareerHub are great starting points

• Make the most of events and activity available to you as a UoE student – attend, network, explore!

Inspiring futures

Making career decisions: what to consider

About you

• What do you want from a career? Values, skills, needs, interests

• What do you have to offer an employer (or PhD supervisor)?

About opportunities

• What’s out there and how to access it

Decision making• What can you do after your Masters?

• Choosing between options

Inspiring futures

Career Assessments - Abintegro

Inspiring futures

Questions to ask yourself

• Is this the “right” conclusion?• Am I making these assumptions?

• Why do I think this is the “right” thing to do?

• Is this based on all the facts?

• What is my primary motive as I make this decision?

• What sacrifices will I need to make, and what benefits outweigh these sacrifices?

• Whose strong influence am I feeling upon my decision, and shall I allow that?• What do I owe it to myself to attempt?

• What safety net will I have if nothing goes as planned?

• Do I need to stop thinking about this decision and do something?

• Am I trying to justify a decision I’ve already made?

Inspiring futures

Tools and resources to help

Inspiring futures

Next steps

• Evaluate how your own personal priorities and constraints affect your own career decision making style.

• Experiment with the suggested decision-making tools to find one which works best for you.

• Talk through your decision-making process with a friend, colleague or careers consultant.

Inspiring futures

Transition skills – preparing for selection process

Look at role, employer, sector and identify what is soughtIdentify how you are to give evidence of it (online application? CV or resume? Motivating statement; aptitude test? Video interview?)Craft your evidence and approach - seek feedback if appropriate

• Motivation – show you want the role• Showcase your Masters – show your academic fit• Experience and skills –articulate through evidence and examples• Personal qualities and values –show a match• What is essential and what is desirable?

Inspiring futures

Marketing your Masters

Inspiring futures

Next steps

• Research advice and information on applications, CVs, covering

letters and statements

• Consider the selection process or extended selection processes

for your chosen area of interest

• Explore and research how to present your fit to best effect

• Attend a workshop or presentation on applications and CVs

• Seek feedback and support from the Careers Service

Inspiring futures

Inspiring futures

How do I use the Careers Service?• Our Welcome desk is staffed by student engagement advisers who can signpost you

depending on individual need.

• You can Ask a Question via on MyCareerHub.

• Book a 1:1 appointment with a Careers Consultant; School appointments

• Use MyCareerHub to book appointments, view vacancies, find out about events and access careers resources such as GoingGlobal

• Browse our extensive website,

• Visit our office in the Main Library Building, George Square which is open through office hours and late on a Tuesday

Inspiring futures

Any questions?

Inspiring futures

Before you go – how did we do today?

Masters Careers: Career Planning

We would welcome your views on the session today and there is the opportunity to

do this via the following link:

All submissions are anonymous

3 October 2019

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