materi tot ba-evaluasi program pelatihan

Post on 08-Apr-2016






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materi TOT evaluasi program pelatihan



“The reason for evaluating is to determine the effectiveness of a training program.” (Kirkpatrick, 1994, pg. 3)

Reasons for Evaluating Kirkpatrick gives three reasons ‘why’

there is a need to evaluate training:

1.“To justify the existence of the training department by showing how

it contributes to the organizations’ objectives and goals.”

Reasons for Evaluating 2. “To decide whether to continue or

discontinue training programs.”

3. “To gain information on how to improve future training programs.”

(Kirkpatrick, 1994, pg. 18)

Evaluasi Aktifitas membandingkan antara standar keberhasilan

program dengan keterlaksanaan Program.

Memberikan penilaian terhadap hasil pembandingan.

Keterlaksanaan program dapat diketahui dari aktifitas melakukan pengukuran.

Untuk melakukan pengukuran membutuhkan instrumen (alat ukur)

Menghasilkan informasi menegani ketercapaian program

mami hajaroh, evaluasi program 7

Evaluasi adalah proses dari Persetujuan terhadap standar-standar program Penentuan apakah ada ketidaksesuaian yang

muncul antara beberapa aspek program dengan standar-standar yang mempengaruhi aspek-aspek program tersebut.

Penggunaan informasi untuk mengidentifkasi kelemahan program.

Evaluasi untuk memperbaiki, mendiagnosis, dan mengobati tp juga menyembuhkan (evaluation to improve not to proof)

Model CIPP

Stuffle beam's CIPP Evaluation Model

Stuffle beam's CIPP Evaluation Model in brief..

Model Stake

april 2008, mami hajaroh stake's model 12


intents observation standards judgment




Descriptive matrix Judgment matrix

april 2008, mami hajaroh stake's model 13

Descriptive data from one program

Standart of excellence

Descriptive data from another program


Absolut comparison

Relative comparison

Model Kirkpatrics

Model Evaluasi Kirkpatrick

The Four Levels





“The Four Levels represent a sequence of ways to evaluate (training) programs….As you move from one level to the next, the process becomes more difficult and time-consuming, but it also provides more valuable information.” (Kirkpatrick, 1994, pg. 21)

Reaction: is the measuring of the reaction of

the participants in the training program.

is “a measure of customer satisfaction.” (Kirkpatrick, 1994, pg. 21)


is the change in the participants’ attitudes, or an increase in knowledge, or greater skills received, as a result of the participation of the program.

Learning The measuring of learning in any training program

is the determination of at least one of these measuring parameters:

Did the attitudes change positively?

Is the knowledge acquired related and helpful to the task?

Is the skill acquired related and helpful to the task?

Behavior Level 3 attempts to evaluate how

much transfer of knowledge, skills, and attitude occurs after the training.

The four conditions Kirkpatrick identifies for changes to occur:

Desire to change

Knowledge of what to do and how to do it

Work in the right climate

Reward for (positive) change

When all conditions are met, the employee must:

Realize an opportunity to use the behavioral changes.

Make the decision to use the behavioral changes.

Decide whether or not to continue using the behavioral changes.

When evaluating change in behavior, decide:

When to evaluate

How often to evaluate

How to evaluate

Guidelines for evaluating behavior: Use a control group

Allow time for change to occur

Evaluate before and after

Survey/interview observers

Get 100% response or sampling

Repeat evaluation, as appropriate

Consider cost versus benefits


Level 4 is the most important and difficult of all - determining final results after training.


Reaction - What Is It? Bagaimana kecenderungan rekasi partisipan

pada pelatihan(“Customer satisfaction”) Mengumpulkan reaksi pada instruktur,

pembelajaran dan lingkungan belajar.

Berkomunikasi dengan peserta bahwa umpan balik mereka dihargai

Dapat memberikan informasi kuantitatif


Reaction - What It Looks Like

Questionnaire - Most common collection tool Content: I enjoyed the content.

Methods: The seminar approach helped me learn.

Media: The AVs were helpful to me.

Trainer style: I liked the instructor.

Facilities: The room was useful for my learning.

Course materials: The materials provided make my learning better.

SD: 1 2 3 4 5 6 :SA


Reaction - How to Perform Menentukan apa yang ingin diketahui

mendesain instrumen untuk mengumpulkan / mengukur reaksi

lakukan Segera

Mengembangkan standar skor yang dapat diterima

Follow-up yang sesuai


Learning - What Is It?





Learning - What It Looks Like

Media used to measure learning: Text: I felt the textbook help me learn. Voice: The audio materials increased my

knowledge. Demonstration: I learned well from the


Methods used to measure learning: Interviews Surveys Tests (pre-/post-) Observations Combinations


Learning - How to Perform

Menggunakan kelopok kontrol jika fisibel. Use a control group, if feasible

Mengevaluasi pengetahuan, ketrampilan dan atau perilaku sebelum dan setelahnya.

Menggunakan 100% partisipan atau sampel.

Follow-up yang sesuai


Behavior - What Is It?

Transfer pengetahuan, ketrampilan dan perilaku dalam kehidupan nyata (the real world)

Measure achievement of performance objectives

Mengukur prestasi dari performent tujuan-tujuan


Behavior - What It Looks Like

Amati performer, langkah pertama

Survei orang yang menjadi kunci yang mengamati performer

Gunakan checklist, kuesioner, wawancara, atau kombinasi I believe coming in early is helpful.

I work better on the new production system.


Behavior - How to Perform

• Mengevaluasi sebelum dan sesudah pelatihan

Memungkinkan cukup waktu sebelum mengamati

• Survei orang yang menjadi kunciPertimbangkan biaya vs manfaat

100% partisipasipan atau sampling

Evaluasi di ulang pada interval yang tepat

Menggunakan kelompok kontrol


Results - What Is It?

Menilai "Intinya," hasil akhir

Definisi "hasil" bergantung pada tujuan dari program pelatihan


Results - What It Looks Like

Tergantung pada Tujuan Program Pelatihan Quantify: productivity, improvement

Sample Questions: I believe the new system has improved productivity. My training has allowed me to be more productive. My boss is a better leader after my training.


Results - How to Perform

MengGunakan kelompok kontrol

Menyediakan waktu untuk hasil yang akan direalisasikan

Mengukur sebelum dan sesudah program

Pertimbangkan biaya versus manfaat

Puas dengan bukti ketika bukti tidak memungkinkan

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