mathematics in modern india

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  • 8/10/2019 Mathematics in Modern India






  • 8/10/2019 Mathematics in Modern India



    Introduction: Continuing tradition of Indian Astronomy (1700-1850)

    Surveys of Indigenous Education in India (1825-1835)

    Survival of Indigenous education system till 1880

    Modern Scholarship on Indian Mathematics and Astronomy (1700-1900)

    Rediscovering the Tradition (1850-1950)

    Development of Modern Education and Modern Mathematics in India


    Srinivasa Ramanujan (1887-1920)

    Modern Scholarship on Indian Mathematics (1900-2010)

    Development of Modern Mathematics in India (1950-2010)

    Development of Education in India (1950-2010)

    Halting Growth of Higher Education and Scientific Research in India (1980-


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    Gaitasrakaumud(in Prkta)ofhakkura Pher(c.1300) and otherworks inregional languages such as Vyavahragaita (Kannaa) of

    Rjditya, Pvulrigaitamuof Pvulri Mallaa in Telugu.

    GaitakaumudandBjagaitvatasaof Nryaa Paita (c. 1350)

    Mdhava (c.1350): Founder of the Kerala School. Infinite series for ,

    Sine and cosine functions and fast convergent approximations to them

    Works of Paramevara (c.1380-1460)

    Works of Nlakaha Somayj(c.1444-1540): Revised planetary


    Systematic exposition of Mathematics and Astronomy with proofs in

    Yukti-bh(in Malayalam) of Jyehadeva (c.1530) and commentariesKriykrmakarand Yuktidpikof akara Vriyar (c.1540).

    Works of Jnarja (c.1500), Gaea Daivaja (b.1507), Sryadsa

    (c.1541) and Ka Daivaja (c.1600): Commentaries with upapatties

    Works of Munvara (b.1603) and Kamalkara (b.1616)

    Mathematics and Astronomy in the Court of Sawai Jayasiha (1700-1743). Translation from Persian of Euclid and Ptolemy.

    Works of later Kerala astronomers Acyuta Pirai (c.1550-1621),

    Putumana Somayaj(c.1700)

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    'While waiting in Pondicherry for the Transit of 1769, Le Gentil tried to gather

    information about native astronomy...Le Gentil eventually contacted a Tamilwho was versed in the astronomical methods of his people. With the help of an

    interpreter he succeeded in having computed for him the circumstances of the

    lunar eclipse of 1765 August 30, which he himself had observed and checked

    against the best tables of his times, the tables of Tobias Mayer [1752]. The

    Tamil Method gave the duration of the Eclipse 41 second too short, the tables

    of Mayer 1 minute 8 seconds too long; for the totality the Tamil was 7 minutes48 seconds too short, Mayer 25 seconds too long. These results of the Tamil

    astronomer were even more amazing as they were obtained by computing with

    shells on the basis of memorised tables and without any aid of theory. Le

    Gentil says about these computations: They did their astronomical

    calculations with swiftness and remarkable ease without pen and pencil; theironly accessories were cauries... This method of calculation appears to me to be

    more advantageous in that it is faster and more expeditious than ours. '

    [Neugebauer,A History of Ancient Mathematical Astronomy , Vol. III, Springer , 1975, p.20]

    *Translated from French.

    Note: What Neugebauer is referring to as Tamil method is nothing but the Vkya method

    developed in south India, especially by Kerala Astronomers. Neugebauer also refers to the

    report of John Warrren about the calculation of a lunar eclipse in 1825 June 1, where the Tamil

    method predicted midpoint of the eclipse equally accurately with an error of about 23 minutes.

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    akaravarman (1784-1839):Raja of Kaattan in Malabar. Due to the wars

    with Hyder and Tipu, he is supposed to have spent his early years withMahrja Svti Tirunl at Tiruvanantapuram. In 1819, He wrote Sadratnaml

    (one of the four works mentioned by Whish in 1835), an Astronomical manual

    following largely the Parahita system. He also wrote his own Malayalam

    commentary, perhaps a few years later (published along with the text in

    Kozhikode in 1899). Chapter I has interesting algorithms for calculation ofsquare and cue roots. Chapter IV deals with computation of sines.

    Candraekhara Smanta (1835-1904): Popularly known as Paihni

    Smanta, he had traditional Sanskrit education. Starting from around 1858, he

    carried out extensive observations for over eleven years, with his own versatileinstruments, with a view to to improve the almanac of Puri Temple. He wrote

    his Siddhntadarpaa with nearly 2500 verses in 1869 (published at Calcutta

    1899). Based on his observations, Smanta improved the parameters of the

    traditional works, he detected and included all the three major irregularities of

    lunar motion, and improved the traditional estimates of the Sun-Earth distance.In Chapter V of his work, Smanta has presented his planetary model where all

    the planets move around th Sun, which moves around the Earth.

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    We have the education of this future State. I say without fear of my figures

    being challenged successfully, that today India is more illiterate than it

    was fifty or a hundred years ago, and so is Burma, because the British

    administrators, when they came to India, instead of taking hold of things

    as they were, began to root them out. They scratched the soil and began tolook at the root, and left the root like that, and the beautiful tree perished.

    The village schools were not good enough for the British administrator, so

    he came out with his programme. I defy anybody to fulfil a programme

    of compulsory primary education of these masses inside of a century. This

    very poor country of mine is ill able to sustain such an expensive method

    of education. Our State would revive the old village schoolmaster and dot

    every village with a school both for boys and girls.

    Mahatma Gandhi, Speech at Chatham House London, October 30, 1931

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    If a good system of agriculture, unrivalled manufacturing skill, a capacity

    to produce whatever can contribute to convenience or luxury; schoolsestablished in every village, for teaching reading, writing, and

    arithmetic; the general practice of hospitality and charity among each

    other; and above all a treatment of the female sex, full of confidence,

    respect and delicacy, are among the signs which denote a civilised people,

    then the Hindus are not inferior to the nations of Europe; and if civilisation

    is to become an article of trade between the two countries, I am convinced

    that this country [England] will gain by the import cargo.

    [Thomas Munros Testimony before a Committee of House of Commons April 12, 1813]

    We refer with particular satisfaction upon this occasion to that

    distinguished feature of internal polity which prevails in some parts of

    India, and by which the instruction of the people is provided for by a

    certain charge upon the produce of the soil, and other endowments in

    favour of the village teachers, who are thereby rendered public servants ofthe community.

    [Public Despatch from London to Bengal, June 3, 1814]

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    There are probably as great a proportion of persons in India who can read,

    write and keep simple accounts as are to be found in European countries[Annual Report of Bombay Education Society 1819]

    I need hardly mention what every member of the Board knows as well as I

    do, that there is hardly a village, great or small, throughout our territories,

    in which there is not at least one school, and in larger villages more; manyin every town, and in large cities in every division; where young natives

    are taught reading, writing and arithmetic, upon a system so economical,

    from a handful or two of grain, to perhaps a rupee per month to the school

    master, according to the ability of the parents, and at the same time so

    simple and effectual, that there is hardly a cultivator or petty dealer who is

    not competent to keep his own accounts with a degree of accuracy, in my

    opinion, beyond what we meet with amongst the lower orders in our own

    country; whilst the more splendid dealers and bankers keep their books

    with a degree of ease, conciseness, and clearness I rather think fully equalto those of any British merchants.

    Minute of G. Prendargast, Member Bombay Governors Council, April 1821

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    The British Government conducted a detailed survey of the indigenous system

    of education covering all the Districts of the Madras Presidency during 1822-

    25. The Survey found 11,575 schools and 1094 colleges in the Presidency.

    Summarising the survey information the then Governor Thomas Munro wrote

    in his Minute of March 10, 1826:

    It is remarked by the Board of Revenue, that of a population of 12

    millions, there are only 188,000, or 1 in 67 receiving education. This is

    true of the whole population, but not as regards the male part of it, of

    which the proportion educated is much greater than is here estimated if

    we reckon the male population between the ages of five and ten years,

    which is the period which boys in general remain at school, at one-ninth

    the number actually attending the schools [and colleges] is only

    184,110, or little more than one-fourth of that number. I have taken theinterval between five and ten years of age as the term of education,

    because, though many boys continue at school till twelve or fourteen,

    many leave it under ten. I am, however, inclined to estimate the portion

    of the male population who receive school education to be nearer to

    one-thirdthan one-fourth of the whole, because we have no returns from

    the provinces of the numbers taught at home....The state of education here

    exhibited, low as it is compared with that of our own country, is higher

    than it was in most European countries at no very distant period.

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    Community Profile of Boys Attending School

    District Brahmin Kshatriya Vaisya SudraOtherCastes Muslims Total


    Telugu Districts 13,893 121 7,676 10,076 4,755 1,639 38,160 4,029,408

    % Total 36.41 0.32 20.12 26.40 12.46 4.30Boys of Sch-going ge 9,111 2,507 7,387 134,896 59,479 10,387 223,856

    % of Community 152.49 4.83 103.91 7.47 7.99 15.78 17.05

    Malabar 2,230 84 3,697 2,756 3,196 11,963 907,575

    % of Total 18.64 0.70 30.90 23.04 26.72Boys of Sch-going age 953 15 620 25,447 9,893 13,286 50,421

    % of Community 234.01 0.00 13.54 14.53 27.86 24.06 23.73

    Tamil Districts 11,557 369 4,442 57,873 13,196 5,453 92,890 6,622,474

    % of Total 12.44 0.40 4.78 62.30 14.21 5.87Boys of Sch-going age 10,191 1,619 7,910 255,260 77,373 14,901 367,915

    % of Community 113.40 22.79 56.16 22.67 17.06 36.60 25.25

    TOTAL 29,721 490 13,449 75,943 22,925 10,644 153,172 12,850,941% of Total 19.40 0.32 8.78 49.58 14.97 6.95

    Boys of Sch-going age 23,203 4,212 16,778 457,279 169,275 42,051 713,941

    % of the Community 128.09 11.63 80.16 16.61 13.54 25.31 21.45

    Source data from Dharampal, The Beautiful Tree, Impex India, Delhi 1983, pp.21-22.

    Boys of school going age in each community, estimated by using the community profile of the

    total population as per 1871 Census, and by estimating the boys of school-going age

    (5-10 years) as one-ninth of total population, following Munro.

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    The languages of instruction in most of the 11,575 schools were the

    regional languages. The average period of instruction was around 5-7

    years. The subjects taught were reading writing and arithmetic. The

    Collector of Rajahmandry gave a list of books which includes the titles

    Gaitam, and Pvalri Gaitam.

    The instruction in most of the 1,094 "colleges" or institutions of higher

    learning was in Sanskrit. Details of the subjects taught are available for the618 colleges four districts - 418 taught Vedam, 198 Law, 34 Astronomy

    and Gaita and 8 taught ndhra stram.

    Further, in Malabar, 1594 scholars were receiving higher instruction

    privately, of whom 808 studied Astronomy (of whom 96 were dvijas) and

    154 Medicine (of whom 31 were dvijas).

    As regards the financial support received by the indigenous schools and

    colleges the situation was clearly stated by the Collector of Bellary:

    Of the 533 institutions for education, now existing in this district, I

    am ashamed to say not one now derives any support from the state...There is no doubt that in former times, especially under the Hindoo

    Governments very large grants, both in money, and in land, were

    issued for the support of learning.

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    William Adams survey (1835) of indigenous education in selected

    districts of Bengal and Bihar showed the following interesting subject-wise distribution of institutions of higher learning.

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    Adams survey also showed that textbooks used in these institutions of

    higher learning included, apart from the ancient canonical texts of thevarious disciplines, many of the important advanced treatises

    commentaries and monographs composed in during the late medieval


    These included the works of Bhaoji Dkita (1625), Kauabhaa

    (c.1650), Hari Dkita and Nagea Bhaa (c.1700) in Vyakaraa, the

    works of Raghuntha (c.1500), Mathurantha (c.1570), Viwantha

    (c.1650), Jagada (c.1650) and Gaddhara (c.1650) in Navya-nyya, the

    works of Raghunandana (c.1550) in Dharmastra and the works

    Vedntasra(c.1450) and Vedntaparibh(c.1650) in Vednta.

    The period of study in these institutions of higher learning was between

    ten and twenty-five years. In many of these centres of higher learning a

    large part of the students came from outside, many from even different

    regions of India. All the students were taught gratis and outside students

    were provided in addition free food and lodging.

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    On visiting Navadvpa or Nuddeah in 1787, William Jones wrote to Earl of

    Spencer that 'This is the third University of which I am a member'.

    An account of Navadvpa published in Calcutta Monthly Register in January

    1791 noted:

    'The grandeur of the foundation of the Nuddeah University is generally

    acknowledged. It consists of three colleges Nuddeah, Santipore and

    Gopulparra. Each is endowed with lands for maintaining masters in the college of Nuddeah alone, there are at present about

    eleven hundred students and one hundred and fifty masters. Their

    numbers, it is true, fall very short of those in former days. In Rajah

    Roodres time (circa 1680) there were at Nuddaeah no less than four

    thousand students and masters in proportion. The students that comefrom distant parts are generally of a maturity in years, and a proficiency in

    learning to qualify them for beginning the study of philosophy

    immediately on their admission, but yet they say, to become a real Pundit,

    a man ought to spend twenty years at Nuddeah.'

    According to Adam, in 1829 there were reported to be 25 schools of learning

    in Navadvpa with 500 to 600 students. Some of these schools were supported

    by a small allowance from British Government.

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    While the vast indigenous system of school education received no aid or

    support from the British Government, there were a few centres of higherlearning which received some grants, though it was on a much reduced

    scale from what prevailed prior to British rule. For instance, the famous

    Dakshina Fund of the Peshwas which amounted to several lakhs of Rupees

    distributed each year in the period prior to 1818 was reduced to 35,000

    Rupees annually, by 1824.

    In the history of modern Indian education, the so called Orientalist-

    Anglicist debate of the 1830s has often been misrepresented by portraying

    the Orientalists as great admirers of indigenous learning. In fact, the

    Orientalists held the same view as the Anglicists that the indigenouslearning was erroneous and outmoded, but they vehemently argued that

    the study of English and true science is best engrafted upon the course

    of education best esteemed by the Indian people.

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    The Orientalist position is clearly set forth by James Prinsep in his note of

    February 18, 1835 written in response to Macaulays Minute:

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    But it was Macaulays imperious dismissal all indigenous learning, clearly

    formulated in his Minute of February 2, 1835, which carried the day in the

    formulation of the British policy on Indian education:

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    At the time when the Department of Education waas established in 1855,

    there were only 83 schools under it, while nearly 12,500 indigenous

    schools were still functioning with a total of 1.6 lakh students.

    The situation was similar even till 1870-1, except that about 3,000 schools

    had been brought under the scheme of Aided Schools.

    It was only duing the decade 1870-1880, that the Education Department

    seems to have managed to bring nearly a lakh indigenous schools underthe aided scheme. In tishs way around 1875, for the first time, the number

    of students studying under the aegis of the Department of Education

    become comparable to the number who studied in the indigfenous schools

    fifty years earlier in 1825.

    Year Departmental


    Departmental Aided


    Indigenous Total

    Schools Students Schools Students Schools Students Schools Students Schools Students

    18556 83 2093 1112 32843 12,498 161,687 13,693 196,623

    18701 98 5463 3352 84,239 12,624 149,003 16,074 238,705

    18812 1,263 46,975 13,223 313,668 2,828 54,064 17,314 414,707

    Source: Report of the Education Commission 1882.

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    In 1687, Simon de La Loubere (1642-1729) the French Ambassador to Siam,

    brought to Paris a manuscript describing Indian methods of computation of

    Solar and Lunar longitude. In his book, Du Royaume de Siam (1691), he

    discussed these methods, along with comments by Cassini. La Loubre also

    gave an account of the Indian methods of construction of magic squares.

    The methods of calculation in the Siamese tables were commented upon in a

    book by Bayer (1738) along with a note by Leonard Euler on Indian Solar


    Le Gentil (1725-1792) who visited India during 1761 and 1769, to observe ther

    transit of Venus, gave a detailed account of Indian Astronomy in 1770s based

    on Tables aand Texts obtained in Pondicherry. This led to the treatise Traite de

    lAstronomie Indienne et Orientalle (1787)by Jean Sylvain Bailly (1736-

    1793). This was reviewed in detail by John Playfair (1748-1819) in the

    Transactions of Royal Society in 1790.

    The Asiatic Society was founded in Calcutta under the leadership of William

    Jones (1746-1794) in 1784 and started publishing the Journal Asiatic

    Researches from 1788. Articles by William Jones, Samuel Davis and John

    Bentley dealt with the Indian Zodiac and methods of computations in texts

    such as Sryasiddhnta, Grahalghava andMakaranda-srii.

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    The Bjagaita of Bh

    skara, was translated in to English from the PersianTranslation of Ata Allah Rushdi (1634) by Edward Strachey (1812-1901) with

    Notes by Samuel Davis (London, 1813). This was closely followed by the

    translation ofLlvatby John Taylor (Bombay, 1816).

    Henry Thomas Colbrooke (1756-1837) published several articles on Indian

    astronomy and many other disciplines such as Law, Linguistics Philosophy

    etc. His most important work is Algebra withArithmetic and Mensuration

    from the Sanskrit of Brahmagupta and Bhascara (London, 1817), which

    included a tranlsation of Gaitdhyyaand KuakdhyyaofBrhmasphua-

    siddhnta as well as the Llvat and Bjagaita of Bhskara II, along with

    notes some times drawn from the ancient commentaries.

    John Warren (1769-1830) wrote on Indian calendrical computations based on

    both the siddhnta and vkya methods in Klasakalita(1825). The book also

    includes notes of exchanges between Warren, B.Heyne and C.M.Whish on the

    various infinite series with which the contemporary south Indian astronomers

    of seemed to be acquainted with.

    Charles Matthew Whish (1794-1833) collected several important manuscriptsof the Kerala School and made extensive notes on them. His seminal article on

    the Kerala School was published in 1835.

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    Lancelot Wilkinson, political agent at Bhopal, edited the Siddhntairomai

    of Bhskarcrya with Vsan(Calcutta 1842) and Grahalghavaof Gaea

    with commentary of Mallri (Calcutta 1843). His translation of Goldhyyaof

    Siddhntairomaiwas edited by Bapudeva Sastri (Calcutta 1861).

    Fitz-Edward Hall (1825-1901), in collaboration with Bapudeva Sastri, edited

    Sryasiddhnta with the commentary of Ragantha (Calcutta 1854). Rev.

    Ebenzer Burgess published an English translation of Sryasiddhnta with

    detailed notes with the help of William Dwight Whitney (New Haven 1860).

    Albrecht Weber edited the Vedga Jyotiawith the commentary Somkara

    (Berlin 1862)

    Johann Hendrick Caspar Kern (1833-1917) edited the Bhatsahit of

    Varhamihira (Calcutta, 1865) and partially translated it (JRAS, 1873). He also

    edited the ryabhaya with the commentary of Paramevara (Leiden 1875)

    George Frederick William Thibaut (1848-1914) edited the Baudhyana-

    ulvastra with the commentary of Dvrakntha (1874). He also edited

    Vedga-Jyotia(1877) and Ktyyana-ulvastra(in part) with commentary

    (1882). In collaboration with Sudhakara Dvivedi, he edited and translated the

    Pacasiddhntikof Varhamihira (1884). Thibauts essay, The ulva Stras,

    was reprinted as a book (Calcutta, 1875). He also wrote an overview

    Astronomie Astrologie und Mathematik(Strassburg, 1899).

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    Some editions and translations into Bengali, Telugu, Marathi etc, of Indian

    source-works such as Llvat, Bjagaita, Grahalghava, were published in

    the first half of 19th century. Around the same time, several Indian scholars,who were often from traditional learned families, but had also studied in the

    English education system, embarked on a process of rediscovery of Indian

    tradition. We mention some of the seminal figures in this movement.

    Bapudeva Sastri (1821-1900) studied with Pandit Dhundiraja Misra and later

    Pandit Sevarama and Wilkinson at Sehore Sanskrit College. He became aProfessor at Benares Sanskrit College where he is said to have taught

    Euclidean Geometry. He published editions of Siddhntairomaiwith Vsan

    of Bhskarcrya (1866) and Llvat with his own commentary (1883). He

    collaborated with Lancelot Wilkinson and edited his translation of Goldhyya

    of Siddh


    Bhau Daji Laud (1821-1874), trained in medicine at Grants College, Mumbai,

    was also a Sanskrit and an expert in numismatics. He was the first to locate a

    manuscript of ryabhayain 1864.

    Shankar Balakrishna Dikshit (1853-1898),a mathematics teacher and Principal

    of Teachers Training College, Pune, wrote a voluminous history of IndianAstronomy, Bhratya Jyotia strch Prchna i Arvchn Itihs in

    Marathi (Pune, 1896). Along with Robert Sewell, he also wrote on theIndian

    Calendar(London, 1896)

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    Sudhakara Dvivedi (1855-1910) studied with Pandits Devakrishna and

    Bapudeva Sastri at Benares Sanskrit College and later Professor there. He

    edited a very large number of ancient texts which included Llvat (1878),

    Karaakuthala of Bhskarcrya II (1881), Yantrarja with Malayendus

    commentary (1882), Siddhnta-tattvaviveka with eavsan of Kamalkara

    (1885), iyadhvddhid of Lalla (1886), Bjagaita with his own

    commentary (1888), Bhatsahit with Utpalas commentary (1895-7),

    Triatik of rdhara (1899), Karaapraka of Brahmadeva (1899),Brhmasphuasiddhnta with his own Sanskrit commentary (1902),

    Grahalghavawith commentaries of Mallri and Vivantha (1904), Yjua-

    Jyautiamwith Somkara commentary (1908),Mahsiddhntaof ryabhaa II

    with his own commentary (1910), ryabhaya with his own commentary

    (1911), Sryasiddhnta with his own commentary (1911). With Thibaut, he

    edited Pacasiddhntikwith his own Sanskrit commentary (1889).

    Dvivedi wrote many original works such as Drghavtta-lakaam (1878),

    Vstavacandra-gonnati-sdhana (1880), Bhbhramarekh-nirpaam

    (1882), Calanakalana on differential calculus in Hindi (1886) and

    Gaakataragi (1890) on the lives of Indian mathematicians andastronomers. In 1910 he wrote A History of Mathematics, Part I (Arithmetic)

    in Hindi. His son, Padmakara Dvivedi, edited Gaitakaumud of Nryana

    Paita in two volumes (1936, 1942).

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    Several important texts of Indian mathematics and astronomy were

    published in the period 1900-1950.

    Harilal Dhruva published the Rekhgaita, translation of Euclid from

    Tusis Persian Version (Bombay Sanskrit Series 1901).

    Vidhyesvari Prasad Dvivedi published the available ancient siddhntas in

    Jyotiasiddhnta-sagraha(Benares 1912).

    Babuaji Misra edited the Khaakhdyaka of Brahmagupta with

    marjas commentary (Calcutta 1925) andSiddhntaekhara of rpati

    with Makkibhaas commentary (Calcutta 1932, 47).

    Gopinatha Kaviraja edited the Siddhntasrvabhauma of Munvara, 2

    Vols. (Benares 1932, 3); 3rdVol. Ed. Mithalal Ojha (Benres 1978)

    Kapadia edited the Gaitatilakaof rdhara with commentary (Gaekwad

    Oriental Series 1935)

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    Several important works were published from the Anandasrama Pune:

    Karaakaustubha ofKa Daivaj

    a (1927),L


    with commentaries

    of Gaea Daivaja and Mahdhara (1937), Bjagaita with Ka

    Daivajas commentary (1930), Siddhntairomai Gaitdhyaya with

    commentary of Gaea (1939, 41), Kukrairomaiof Devarja (1944),

    Mahbhskarya with Paramevara's commentary (1945),

    Laghubhskarya with Paramevara's commentary (1946), Laghumnasa

    with Paramevara's commentary (1952). Siddhntairomai Goldhyaya

    with Munivaracommentary (1943, 52)

    Several important works of Kerala School were published: Goladpikof

    Paramevara, ed. by T. Ganapati Sastri (1916), ryabhayabhya of

    Nlakaha in 3 Volumes, ed. by K. Sambasiva Sastry and S.Kunjan Pillai

    (1930. 31, 1957), Karaapaddhati of Putumana Somayaji, ed. By

    K.Sambasiva Sastri (1937), Tantrasagraha of Nlakaha with

    Laghuvivrti of ankara ed. by S.Kunjan Pillai (1957).

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    Malur Rangacharya (1861-1916), a science graduate from Madras Christian

    College, later became Professor of Sanskrit at Presidency College. He edited

    Gaitasrasagraha of Mahvra along with English translation and notes(Madras 1912). This was the first detailed exposition of an Indian

    mathematical work after Colebrookes translations of Brahmagupta and

    Bhskara in 1817.

    Prabodh Chandra Sengupta (1876-1962), a Professor of Mathematics at

    Bethune College, Calcutta, published several technical articles on Indianmathematics and astronomy highlighting the distinct nature of Indian methods

    from the Greek. He published a translation of ryabhaya (1927) and a

    translation of Khaakhdyaka with detailed notes and examples (Calcutta,

    1934). He later edited Khaakhdyaka with Pthdakas Commentary

    (Calcutta, 1941). He also wrote on Ancient Indian Chronology(1947)

    Attippattu A.Krishnaswamy Ayyangar (1892-1953) wase ducated at

    Pachaiyyappa college, Madras, and later worked as a Professor of Mathematics

    at Maharajas College, Mysore. He published several articles bringing out

    many technical aspects of Indian Mathematics. In a series of articles (1929-

    1942), he showed that the cakravla process always leads to a solution of the

    Vargaprakti equation and that it corresponds to a semi-regular continued

    fraction expansion which is a contraction of the simple continued fraction

    associated with the Euler-Lagrange method of solution.

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    Bibhutibhusan Datta (1888-1958) passed MSc in Mixed Mathematics in

    1914, and was awarded a research scholarship at Calcutta University.

    However, right form an young age Datta, had an inclination for Sannyasa,

    the life of renunciation. He was initiated by Swami Vishnu Tirtha

    Maharaja in 1920. After receiving the DSC degree of Calcutta University

    for his thesis on hydrodynamics in 1921, Datta became interested in

    History of Mathematics under the influence of Prof. Ganesh Prasad.

    During the period 1926-35 he published over fifty papers on variousaspects of Indian Mathematics. He also collected and studied a large

    number of manuscripts. All of this led to the preparation of the

    monumentalHistory of Hindu Mathematics.

    Datta resigned from Professorship of Calcutta University in 1929 'in

    aspiration of the life of a Vedantist residing in the Brahman, the Infinite

    Self' as he mentioned in a letter to Prof. Karpinsky in 1934. In 1931, he

    briefly returned to the University and, in deference to the wishes of Prof.

    Ganesh Prasad, delivered a series of lectures which were published as The

    Science of ulba (1932). In 1933, he retired from the University and in

    1938 took up Sanyasa and became Swami Vidyaranya. He spent most of

    his later life at Pushkara. In this period he wrote several scholarly volumes

    in Bengali on Indian Philosophy.

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    It is said that, prior to leaving the University in 1929, Datta handed over

    the manuscript of the bookHistory of Hindu Mathematics: A Source Book,

    to his junior colleague Avadhesh Narayan Singh (1901-1954). The lattersaw through the publication of two volumes (Arithmetic and Algebra) in

    1935 and 1938. Singh went on to initiate study of Indian mathematics at

    Lucknow University. He died in 1954 without completing the publication

    of the third volume - which was to contain the history of 'geometry,

    trigonometry, calculus and various other topics such as magic squares,theory of series and permutations and combinations' as noted in the

    preface of the first volume.

    The third volume was not included even when the book was reprinted in

    1961. It seems that, prior to his death in 1958, Swami Vidyaranya gave the

    manuscript of the third volume to Kripa Shankar Shukla. A copy was alsoobtained by R.C.Gupta in 1979 from S.N.Singh, the son of A.N.Singh.

    Shukla published a revised version of the third volume as a series of seven

    articles in the Indian Journal of History of Science during 1980-1994.

    Ramavarma Maru Thampuran published, in collaboration with

    Akhileswarayyar, the Mathematics section of Yuktibh (in Malayalam)of Jyeha Deva with detailed mathematical notes in Malayalam (Trichur

    1948). This formed the basis of all later work on Yuktibh.

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    The Universities of Calcutta, Bombay and Madras were set up in 1857. It

    has often been remarked that these (and the later Universities in India)

    were established as examining bodies with affiliated colleges on the modelof the then London University and not on the model of the renowned

    Oxford and Cambridge Universities with extensive research and teaching


    The Indian Association of Cultivation of Science was established by

    Mahendra Lal Sircar (1833-1904) in 1876 with a view the object of

    enabling Indians to cultivate science in all its departments with a view to

    its advancement by original research. However, during the first thirty

    years, the main efforts of the institution were directed towards the

    development of science teaching at the collegiate level.

    In 1855, there were 15 Arts Colleges with 3246 students, and 13

    Professional Colleges with 912 students. By 1901, there were 5

    Universities, 145 Arts Colleges with 17,651 students and 46 Professional

    Colleges with 5,358 students in the whole of India (including Burma).

    The medium of instruction in all the High Schools and Colleges wasEnglish. English was also the most important subject of study in them.

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    Yesudas Ramchundra (1821-1880), a teacher of science in Delhi College,

    wrote a Treatise on Problems of Maxima and Minima (1850), which

    approached these problems purely algebraically. Augustus de Morgan got itrepublished, with his own introduction, from London in 1859.

    The Indian Mathematical Society began as the Analytical Club in 1907 at

    the initiative of V. Ramaswamy Aiyar, a civil servant (then a Deputy Collector

    at Gutti). It was renamed Indian Mathematical Society in 1910. It started a

    journal in 1909 which was edited by M.T.Narayaniyengar and S.NarayanaAiyar. The Society also started the journalMathematics Studentin 1932.

    The Calcutta Mathematical Society was formed in 1908 at the initiative of

    Prof. Asutosh Mukherjee (1864-1924) the then Vice Chancellor of Calcutta

    University. It also began publishing theBulletinof the Society in 1909.

    Syamdas Mukhopadhyaya (1866-1937) was A student of Presidency College,he proved the famous four-vertex theorem in global differential geometry in

    the Bulletin of the Calcutta Mathematical Society in 1909. He continued to be

    a major contributor to the Journal for several decades.

    Ganesh Prasad (1876-1935) studied in Cambridge and Gottingen and taught at

    Allahabad, Benares (1905-1923), and Calcutta Universities. He worked on

    potential theory and summability. His two volume work Some Great

    mathematicians of the Nineteenth Century(1933) was a landmark publication

    in the history of mathematics.


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    K.Ananda Rau (1893-1966) was a student of Hardy at the time Ramanujan

    was in Cambridge and served as a Professor at Presidency College,

    Madras, from 1919. He was an outstanding analyst and teacher of manyprominent Indian mathematicians.

    Prasanta Chandra Mahalonobis (1893-1972), was a contemporary of

    Ramanujan at Cambridge. He founded the Indian Statistical Institute in

    1931, the first institute devoted to Mathematics research in modern India.

    The Journal Sankhya was started in 1933. Mahalanobis was elected anFRS in 1945.

    Ramaswamy S. Vaidyanathaswamy (1894-1960) was a student of

    E.T.Whittaker and H.F.Baker. He served as a Professor at the Presidency

    College, Madras, from 1927. He worked on Lattice theory and Topology.

    He served as the editor of the Journal of Indian Mathematical Society

    during 1927-1950. He wrote a pioneering Treatise on Point Set Topology


    Raj Chandra Bose (1901-1987) was also associated with the Indian

    Statistical Institute. He did important work on design theory and errorcorrecting codes. He migrated to the United States in 1947.


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    Subbayya Sivasankaranarayana Pillay (1901-1950) was a student of

    Ananda Rau and worked in the Annamalai University during 1929-41. He

    is well known for his work on the Waring problem in Number Theory. Healso worked on Diophantine approximation.

    Tirukkannapuram Vijayaraghavan (1902-1955)was a student of Hardy at

    Oxford during 1925-28 when he did notable work on summability. He

    later joined Andre Weil at Aligharh University during 1930-32 and moved

    on to Dhakka. He did important work on nonlinear differential equationsand Diophantine approximation. He was the first Director (1950-55) of the

    Ramanujan Institute of Mathematics set up by the munificence of

    Alagappa Chettiar in Madras.

    Subbaramaiah Minakshisundaram (1913-1968), a student of Ananda Rau

    at Madras, he later specialised in partial differential equations. He worked

    at Andhra University at Vishakhapatnam. His work with Pleijel on the

    eigen-functions of Laplace operator in Riemannian Manifolds is highly


    Hansraj Gupta (1902-1988) and Sarvadaman Chowla (1907-1995) wereimportant number theorists from Punjab.


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    Srinivasa Ramanuja Iyengar, the greatest mathematician India has produced in

    recent times, was born on December 22, 1887 at Erode. In 1892, he enrolled in

    a primary school in Kumbakonam. In 1898, having passed his primary

    examinations with distinction, he joined the Town High School of

    Kumbakonam. He passed out of the school as an outstanding student in 1904

    and received a scholarship to study at the Government College Kumbakonam.

    While at school, he got a copy of Loneys Plane Trigonometry which he soonmastered and also derived several advanced results by himself. Around 1903,

    Ramanujan went through Carrs Synopsis of Pure and Applied Mathematics (a

    compendium of about 5000 results) which, by its concise style, is said to have

    influenced his writing.

    Ramanujan seems to have started discovering new results and recording them

    his Notebook by 1904. However, at the college, owing to his weakness in

    English as Hardy notes, Ramanujan failed and lost his scholarship. He joined

    the Pachaiyappas College at Madras where also he faced the same fate.

    Ramanujan got married in 1909 and with great effort managed to get a job inMadras Port Trust as a clerk in 1912, by the good will of various personalities

    who were impressed by his mathematical results.


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    During 1911-1913, Ramanujan published 5 papers in the Journal of Indian

    Mathematical Society. On the first paper, On certain properties of Bernoulli

    Numbers, it is said that the principal results are well-known and proofs are

    incomplete. The paper Modular equations and approximations to ,

    published later from London (QJM 1914, 350-372), is also said to embody

    Ramanujans early Indian work. Here is a sample of his results:

    Ramanujan also notes that the last series "is extremely rapidly convergent"Indeed in late 1980s, it blazed a new trail in the saga of computation of


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    During 1911-13, Ramanujan also posed about 30 problems in the Journal

    of Indian Mathematical Society for nearly twenty of which he also

    provided the solution (as it was not solved by others in six months). Here

    is a sample question published in 1911.


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    In 1912, Ramanujan sent a sample of his results to Prof. M.J.M. Hill of

    University College London through Prof. C.L.T. Griffith of the Madras

    College of Engineering. Prof. Hill wrote back that Ramanujan had fallen into

    the pit falls of ...divergent series and advised that he consult Bromwichs

    book on infinite series. The issue had to do with Ramanujans Theory of

    Divergent Series elucidated in Chapter 6 of his Second Notebook.

    Ramanujan is said to have also contacted Profs H.F.Baker and E.W.Hobson at

    Cambridge and received no response. On January 16, 1913 Ramanujan wrote

    to Prof Godfrey Harold Hardy (1877-1947) at Cambridge, enclosing an eleven

    page list of over one hundred formulas and theorems.

    The impact of this letter can be gauged from the fact that on February 2, 1913,

    Bertrand Russell wrote to Lady Morell that he found Hardy and Littlewood ina state of wild excitement, because they have discovered a second Newton, a

    Hindu clerk on 20 a year. There is also a note of Littlewood to Hardy in

    March 1913 with the comment I can believe that he is at least a Jacobi

    On February 8, Hardy wrote expressing his interest in the work of Ramanujan,

    while adding, But I want particularly to see your proofs of your assertions

    here. You will understand that in this theory everything depends on rigorous

    exactitude of proof. The same point is repeated twice again in the same letter.

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    Ramanujan arrived in London on April 14, 1914 and left for India on February

    27, 1919. Of the nearly five years he spent there, he was very ill for more than

    two years. From around the spring of 1917, he was in hospitals most of thetime. On his work during 1914, Ramanujan wrote to his friend B.Krishna Rao

    on November 14, 1914:

    I am attending only some of the University lectures...I am very slowly

    publishing my results owing to the present war....I changed my plan ofpublishing my results. I am not going to publish any of the old results in my

    notebook till the war is over. After coming here I have learned some of their

    methods. I am trying to get new results by their methods by their methods so

    that I can easily publish these results without delay. In a week or so I am going

    to send a along paper to the London Mathematical Society. The results in thispaper [on highly composite numbers] have nothing to do with those of my old

    results. I have published only three short papers....

    Ramanujan reiterated this in a letter to S.M.Subramanian in January 1915: I

    am doing my work very slowly. My note-book is sleeping in a corner for these

    four or five months. I am publishing only my present researches as I have not

    yet proved the results in my notebooks rigorously. I am at present working in

    arithmetical functions...


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    During 1914-1919, Ramanujan wrote about 30 papers, 7 of them in

    collaboration with Hardy which were mostly concerning properties of

    various arithmetical functions.

    His work was highly acclaimed. On March 16, 1916 he was awarded

    Bachelor of Science degree by Research from the Cambridge University

    He was elected a Fellow of Royal Society on February 28, 1918, the

    second Indian to be so honoured. On October 23, 1918 he was elected a

    Fellow of the Trinity College (It appears that the College failed to elect

    Ramanujan as a fellow in 1917 for various non-academic reasons).

    In late 1918, the Madras University also offered a matching grant of 250

    a year. On receipt of this communication Ramanujan wrote to the

    Registrar of the University on January 11, 1919 that after meeting his

    basic expenses the surplus should be used for some educational purpose,

    such in particular as the reduction of school-fees for poor boys and

    orphans and provision of books in schools.


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    On March 27, 1919 Ramanujan returned to India. He was in very poor health.

    He stayed for while in Madras and then moved to Kodumudi, then to his home

    town of Kumbakonam, and finally returned to Madras by January 1920.

    Though seriously ill, he was continuing his work all the while. On January 12,

    1920, Ramanujan wrote to Hardy (for the first time after returning to India): I

    discovered very interesting functions recently which I call Mock -functions.

    Unlike the False -functions (studied partially by Prof. Rogers in hisinteresting paper) they enter into mathematics as beautifully as the ordinary -

    functions. I am sending you with this letter some examples.... This was

    followed by a few pages containing definitions and some properties of the

    mock -functions.

    The so called Lost Notebook of Ramanujan is a sheaf of over hundred sheets

    containing about 600 results that Ramanujan had found during the last year of

    his life. This seems to have been sent to Hardy along with all other papers of

    Ramanujan in 1923. It was finally discovered by George Andrews in Trinity

    College Library in 1976.

    Ramanujan passed away in Madras on April 26, 1920.


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    Soon after Ramanujans death, Hardy wrote an obituary (Proc. Lond.

    Math. Soc. 19, 1921, pp. 40-58), which was later reproduced in the

    Collected Papers of Ramanujan (Cambridge 1927). There, Hardy wasfrank enough to present his assessment of Ramanujan in detail. Hardy first

    presents his assessment of Ramanujan he arrived in England:


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    Hardy then notes that, after their interaction, In a few years time, he

    [Ramanujan] had a very tolerable knowledge of the theory of functions,

    and the analytic theory of numbers. He was never a mathematician of the

    modern school...but he knew when he had proved a theorem and when he

    had not. And his flow of original ideas shewed no symptom of abetment.

    Hardy also states that Ramanujan adhered with a severity most unusual in

    an Indian resident in England to the religious observance of his caste; but

    his religion was a matter of observance and not of intellectual conviction,

    and I remember well his telling me (much to my surprise) that all religions

    seem to him more or less to be equally true.

    Hardy then raises the issue: I have often been asked whether Ramanujan

    had any special secret; whether his method differed in any kind from those

    of other mathematicians; whether there was anything really abnormal in

    his mode of thought. I cannot answer these questions with any confidence

    or conviction; but I do not believe it. My belief is that all mathematiciansthink, at bottom in the same kind of way, and that Ramanujan was no



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    Hardy then goes onto declare: It was his insight in to algebraic formulae,

    transformation of infinite series, and so forth, that was most amazing. On

    this side most certainly I have never met his equal, and I can compare him

    only with Euler or Jacobi. He worked, far more than the majority of

    modern mathematicians, by induction from numerical examples; all of his

    congruence properties of partitions, for example, were discovered this

    way. But with his memory, his patience, and his power of calculation, hecombined a power of generalisation, a feeling for form, and a capacity for

    rapid modification of his hypothesis that were often really startling...

    Hardy concludes by the observation: Opinions may differ as to the

    importance of Ramanujans work, the kind of standard by which it should

    be judged, and the influence which it is likely to have on the mathematics

    of the future. It has not the simplicity and the inevitability of the very

    greatest work; it would be greater if it were less strange. One gift it has

    which no one can deny, profound and invincible originality. He would

    probably have been a greater mathematician if he had been caught andtamed a little in his youth; he would have discovered more that was new,

    and that, no doubt of greater importance.


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    Till the latter half of 20thcentury, the corpus of work of Ramanujan that was

    generally available comprised of the 37 papers that he had published in various

    Journals during 1911-1920. These, together with, the 57 questions and

    solutions published by him in the Journal of Indian Mathematical Society, and

    extracts from his two letters to Hardy which contained statements of around

    120 results, were edited by G.H.Hardy, P.V.Seshu Aiyar and B.M.Wilson and

    published by the Cambridge University in 1927 as the Collected Papers of

    Srinivasa Ramanujan.

    This of course excluded most of Ramanujans work done both before he left

    for England and after his return to India.

    The corpus of work done before leaving to England is available in the form of

    three notebooks which are said to contain around 3250 results. The corpus of

    work done after the return from England is contained in the Lost Note Book

    which is said to have about 600 results.

    Detailed analysis of this large corpus began only in the last quarter of the 20 th

    century. Though much of the work is still in progress, it has already so to say

    revolutionised our understanding and appreciation of Ramanujans work.


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    It seems Ramanujan started recording his results in a Notebook around the

    time he entered the Government College Kumbakonam in 1904 (though there

    are some entries in the first book such as those on magic squares which arebelieved to have been made during his school days). Sometime during 1911-

    13, Ramanujan copied these results in to a second notebook. As Ramanujan

    noted in his letters to Krishna Rao and Subramaniam, he perhaps did not add

    any further results to these notebooks, nor did he try to publish the results

    contained in there, during his stay in England.

    The following is a brief description of the notebooks due to Bruce Berndt:

    Ramanujan left three notebooks. The first notebook totalling 351 pages

    contains 16 chapters of loosely organised material with the remainder

    unorganised. ...The second notebook is a revised enlargement of thefirstThis notebook contains 21 chapters comprising 256 pages followed by

    100 pages of miscellaneous material. The third short notebook contains 33

    pages of unorganised entries. preparingRamanujans Notebooks Parts I

    V, we counted 3254 results, although we emphasize that different people will

    tally such a count in different ways. Each Chapter contains approximately

    50-150 entries.

    [B.Berndt, An Overview of Ramanujans Notebooks 1998]


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    When Ramanujan left England he left his first notebook with Hardy. The

    second and third notebooks were given to Madras University after his

    death. Later, Hardy sent the first notebook back to Madras with Prof. S.R.


    In January 1921, Prof. K Ananda Rau of Presidency College wrote to

    Hardy: Mr. R. Ramachandra Rao told me that you had written to him

    some months ago that Ramanujan was working on a certain topic in hislast days and possibly there may be some record of this work left. If you

    will please tell us the nature of this investigation, we may find it easier to

    sift the papers. The whole of the manuscripts will of course be sent to you

    in accordance with the resolution of the syndicate. You will have noticed

    also in the Minutes that the syndicate has asked Mr. Seshu Iyer and me to

    arrange for the preparation of a transcript of Ramanujans note book, with

    a view to having it incorporated as an Appendix to the Memorial volume. I

    do not know if this will serve any useful purpose. I fear it may look a little

    incongruous by the side of his mature work. But there are some here, whothink that the Note Book may contain valuable algorithms providing

    starting points for future investigations.


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    In 1923, Hardy published the paper A Chapter from Ramanujans Notebook.

    As Berndt notes, This chapter pertains almost entirely to hyper-geometric

    series, and Hardy pointed out that Ramanujan discovered most of theimportant classical results in the theory as well as many new theorems. In

    the introduction to his paper, Hardy remarks that a systematic verification

    of the results (in the notebooks) would be a very heavy undertaking. In

    his unpublished notes, B. M. Wilson reports a conversation with Hardy in

    which Hardy told him that the writing of this paper was a very difficult

    task to which he devoted three to four full months of hard work.[ B.Berndt, Ramanujans Notebooks Vol I (1985), p.5]

    On August 30, 1923, transcripts of Ramanujans notebooks and a packet

    of miscellaneous papers were despatched by the Registrar of University ofMadras, to Hardy, with a note that You may decide whether any or all of

    them should find a place in the proposed Memorial Volume.

    But the final volume of Collected Papersedited by Hardy et al in 1927,

    did not include any of this material. In a letter to B.M.Wilson in June1925, Hardy had expressed his opinion that the notebooks may be

    published later.


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    In a recent article on the occasion of Ramanujans 125th birthday, Bruce

    Berndt has recounted the saga of publication of Ramanujans notebooks:

    As it transpired, ...published with the Collected Papers [of Ramanujan],

    were the first two letters that Ramanujan had written to Hardy, which

    contained approximately one hundred twenty mathematical claims. Upon

    their publication, these letters generated considerable interest, with the

    further publication of several papers establishing proofs of these claims.

    Consequently, either in 1928 or 1929, at the strong suggestion of Hardy,

    Watson and B. M. Wilson,... agreed to edit the notebooks

    In an address to the London Mathematical Society on February 5, 1931,

    Watson cautioned (in retrospect, far too optimistically), We anticipate

    that it, together with the kindred task of investigating the work of other

    writers to ascertain which of his results had been discovered previously,

    may take us five years. Wilson died prematurely in 1935, and although

    Watson wrote approximately thirty papers on Ramanujans work, hisinterest evidently flagged in the late 1930s, and so the editing was not


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    I h i l B B d h l d h f ll i ll

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    In the same article, Bruce Berndt has also presented the following overall

    assessment of Ramanujans notebooks:

    Altogether, the notebooks contain over three thousand claims, almost all

    without proof. Hardy surmised that over two-thirds of these results were

    rediscoveries. This estimate is much too high; on the contrary, at least

    two-thirds of Ramanujans claims were new at the time that he wrote

    them, and two-thirds more likely should be replaced by a larger fraction.

    Almost all the results are correct; perhaps no more than five to ten are


    The topics examined by Ramanujan in his notebooks fall primarily under the

    purview of analysis, number theory and elliptic functions, with much of his

    work in analysis being associated with number theory and with some of hisdiscoveries also having connections with enumerative combinatorics and

    modular forms. Chapter 16 in the second notebook represents a turning point,

    since in this chapter he begins to examine the q-series for the first time in these

    notebooks and also to begin an enormous devotion to theta functions.

    Especially in the years 1912-14 and 1917-1920, Ramanujans concentration on

    number theory was through q-series and elliptic functions.

    [B.Berndt, Notices of AMS (2012), p.1533]


    The manuscript of Ramanujan discovered in the Trinity College Library

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    The manuscript of Ramanujan discovered in the Trinity College Library

    (amongst Watson papers) by G.E.Andrews in 1976, is generally referred as

    Ramanujans Lost Notebook. This seems to pertain to work done byRamanujan during 1919-20 in India. This manuscript of about 100 pages with

    138 sides of writing has around 600 results. This notebook along with some

    other unpblished manuscripts of Ramanujan were published during Ramanujan

    Centenary in 1987. Profs G.E.Andrews and B.Berndt have embarked on a four

    volume edition of all this material in four volumes; of which the first two have

    appeared in 2005 and 2009. They note in the preface of the first volume that:

    ...only a fraction (perhaps 5%) of the notebook is devoted to the mock theta

    functions themselves. What is in Ramanujans lost notebook besides mock

    theta functions? A majority of the results fall under the purview of q-series.

    These include mock theta functions, theta functions, partial theta function

    expansions, false theta functions, identities connected with the RogersFineidentity, several results in the theory of partitions, Eisenstein series, modular

    equations, the RogersRamanujan continued fraction, other q-continued

    fractions, asymptotic expansions of q-series and q-continued fractions,

    integrals of theta functions, integrals of q-products, and incomplete elliptic

    integrals. Other continued fractions, other integrals, infinite series identities,

    Dirichlet series, approximations, arithmetic functions, numerical calculations,

    Diophantine equations, and elementary mathematics are some of the further

    topics examined by Ramanujan in his lost notebook.


    For the past hundred years the problem in comprehending and assessing

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    For the past hundred years, the problem in comprehending and assessing

    Ramanujans mathematics and his genius has centred around the issue of

    proof. In 1913, Hardy wrote to Ramanujan asking for proofs of his results.Ramanujan responded by asserting that he had a systematic method for

    deriving all his results, but that could not be communicated in letters.

    Ramanujans published work in India, and a few of the results contained in the

    note books have proofs, but they were often found to be sketchy, not rigorous,

    incomplete and sometimes even faulty. Ramanujan had never any doubts about

    the validity of his results, but still he was often willing to wait and supply

    proofs in the necessary format so that his results could be published. But, all

    the time, he was furiously discovering more and more interesting results.

    The Greco-western tradition of mathematics does almost equate mathematicswith proof, so that the process of discovery of mathematical results can only be

    characterised vaguely as intuition, natural genius etc. Since mathematical

    truths are believed to be non-empirical, there are no systematic ways of

    arriving at them except by pure logical reason. There are some philosophers

    who have argued that this philosophy of mathematics is indeed barren: itseems to have little validity when viewed in terms of mathematical

    practice either in history or in our times.


    In the Indian mathematical tradition as is known from the texts of the last two

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    In the Indian mathematical tradition, as is known from the texts of the last two

    to three millennia, mathematics was not equated with proof. Mathematical

    results were not perceived as being non-empirical and they could be validatedin diverse ways. Proof or logical argumentation to demonstrate the results was

    important. But proofs were mainly for the purpose of obtaining assent for

    ones results in the community of mathematicians.

    In 1913, Bertrand Russell had jocularly remarked about Hardy and Littlewood

    having discovered a second Newton in a Hindu clerk. If parallels are to be

    drawn, Ramanujan may indeed be compared to the legendary Mdhava.

    It is not merely in terms of his philosophy of mathematics that Ramanujan is

    clearly in continuity with the Indian tradition of mathematics. Even in his

    extraordinary felicity in handling iterations, infinites series, continued fractions

    and transformations of them, Ramanujan is indeed a successor, a very worthy

    one at that, of Mdhava, the founder of the Kerala School and a pioneer in the

    development of calculus. It is perhaps an irony of history that Mdhavas

    results are also known in the form of versified statements of results and the

    proofs are only found in the Malayalam treatise Yuktibhcomposed a couple

    of generations later.


    George Rusby Kaye (1866-1929) was the Principal of Government Training

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    George Rusby Kaye (1866-1929) was the Principal of Government Training

    College, Allahabad and later a member of Bureau of Education at Simla. He

    wrote monographs on Indian mathematics, tracing most of it to foreigninfluences. Some of his books are: Indian Mathematics (1915), The

    Astronomical Observatories of Jaising (1918), Hindu Astronomy (1924) and

    The Bakshali Manuscript:A Study in Medieval mathematics (1927).

    A.Burk edited the pastamba ulvastrawith a German translation (1901-2).

    Walter Eugene Clark, a Professor of Sanskrit at Harvard, translated the

    ryabhaya(Chicago 1930). J.M.van Gelder edited and translated theMnava


    Otto Edward Neugebauer (1899-1990) was born in Austria, studied

    mathematics in Gottingen, and later shifted to the study of Egyptian,

    Babylonian and Greek exact sciences. In 1939 he moved to the US and

    founded the history of Mathematics Department at Brown University in 1947.During 1952-67 he published several papers on Indian astronomy highlighting

    issues of transmission. He has translated the Astronomical Tables of al

    Khwarizmi(1962) and Pacasiddhntikwith Pingree (1970).

    Bertel Leendert Van der Waerden (1903-1996), a Dutch mathematician, and

    author of one of the most influential volumes on Modern Algebra, he laterworked extensively on history of ancient science. Since 1950 he published

    several articles on the history of Indian mathematics and astronomy.


    "Tamil Astronomy": In 1952 Neugebauer wrote a paper on 'Tamil

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    Tamil Astronomy : In 1952, Neugebauer wrote a paper on Tamil

    Astronomy' where he suggested that the vkya methods of computation

    outlined in Warrens Klasakalita (1825) are indicative of an, earlier 'Tamiltradition' in astronomy. Van der Waerden followed suit and wrote a paper on

    'Tamil Astronomy' in 1956. Neugebauer's work was cited by S. Chandrasekhar

    in his Nehru Memorial Lecture on 'Astronomy in Science and Human Culture'

    (1968). Now, it is well established that the vkya method goes back to

    Vararuci and major improvements were made in it by the Kerala School. As,

    Pingree was to later write on the vkya methods: 'misnamed "Tamil", they

    generated some interest among non-Indian astronomers in 1950s and 60s'.

    David Edwin Pingree (1933-2005): After completing his PhD in Harvard in

    1960 on "Transmission of Greek Astrology to India" under the guidance of

    D.H.H.Ingaals, Pingree worked in University of Chicago. He joined the Brown

    University Department of History of Mathematics in 1971. He became one of

    the foremost experts on Exact Sciences in ancient and medieval world, with a

    focus on issues of transmission between cultures. He published around 20

    books and over 60 articles on all aspects of Jyotistra, which include editions

    of Pacasiddhntik (with Neugebauer) Vddha-Yavanajtaka and

    Yavanajtaka, and a history of Jyotistra, apart from the volumes of theseminal Census of Exact Sciences. Many of his students have become leading

    scholars of Indian mathematics and astronomy.


    Census of Exact Sciences in Sanskrit: During the period 1970 95 David

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    Census of Exact Sciences in Sanskrit: During the period 1970-95, David

    Pingree brought out five volumes of this landmark publication, which lists the

    works of each author (names listed alphabetically) together with detailedreferences to the available manuscripts as listed in various catalogues. Detailed

    notices are also given regarding publications of these works (if any) and

    secondary studies on them. It is an invaluable resource for all researchers. The

    five published volumes run into over 1600 pages and cover all the authors till

    the Sanskrit letter 'Va'. Unfortunately Pingree passed away in 2005 before the

    last volume in this series could be brought out.

    French Scholars of Indian Mathematics: Leon Rodet, studied the Algebra of

    Al Khwarizimi in relation to Greek and Indian methods (1878). He also

    translated the Gaitapda of ryabhaya (1879). Louis Renou (1896-1966)

    and Jean Filliozat (1906-1982) were major scholars of Sanskrit, Indian

    philosophy and sciences. Roger Billard (1922-2000) wrote LAstronomie

    Indiene(1971) where he tried to use computational and statistical methods to

    date the Indian texts. Recently, Karine Chemla (b.1957) has worked on the

    inter relation between Chinese and Indian mathematical methods. Agathe

    Keller has published a translation of theGaitapdaof ryabhayabhyaof

    Bhskara I with detailed notes. Francois Patte has worked on BhskarasLlvatandBjagaitaand its commentaries.


    Japanese Scholars of Indian Mathematics: Kiyosi Yabuuti (1906-2000), the

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    Japanese Scholars of Indian Mathematics: Kiyosi Yabuuti (1906 2000), the

    doyen of Japanese scholars on history of science, had written on the relation

    between the Chinese text Chiu-Chih Liand Indian astronomy in 1963. TakaoHayashi (b.1949), Takanori Kusuba and Micho Yano have written several

    papers on Indian mathematics and astronomy. They have written a book

    Studies in Indian Mathematics, Series Pi and Trigonometryin Japanese (1997)

    and, along with S.R.Sarma, they have translated Gaitasrakaumud of

    hakkura Pheru (2011). Hayashi has edited and translated the Bakli

    Manscript (2005) which was his thesis work with Pingree. He has also editedand translated theBjagaitaof Bhskara with Vsanand Kuttkrasiromani

    (2012). Kusuba and Setsuro Ikeyama were also Pingrees students and have

    worked on Gaitakaumud and Brhmasphuasiddhnta. Yukio Ohashi has

    worked on Indian astronomical instruments under the guidance of K.S.Shukla.

    Recent Publicatins: There have been several important works, which have

    been published recently, which include significant material on Indian

    mathematics and astronomy. These include: Helaine Selin (ed), Encyclopedia

    of Science Technology and Medicine in Non-western Cultures (2008); van

    Brummelen, The Mathematics of the Heavens and the Earth (2009); Kim

    Plofker,History of Mathematics in India (2009); Clemency Montelle, ChasingShadows, Mathematics Astronomy and Early History of Eclipse Calculation



    Cadambattur Tiruvenkatachrlu Rajagopal (1903-1978) taught in Madras

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    j g p ( ) g

    Christian College, and later joined the Ramanujan Institute in 1951 and

    became its Director in 1955. He worked on Series and Summability. In series

    of seminal papers, published from around 1944 onwards, Rajagopal and his

    students, K.Mukunda Marar, A.Venkataraman, M.S.Rangachari, brought to

    light for the first time, the full technical details of the proofs contained in

    Yuktibhand other seminal works of the Kerala School.

    Chcikamagalur Narayana Iyengar Srinivasa Iyengar (1901-1972) obtained

    MSc at Calcutta and taught at Mysore, Bangalore and Dharwar.His research

    ondifferential equations earned him a DSc in 1932 from Calcutta University.

    Keenly interested in the history of mathematics, he published the

    Gaitastrada-caritrein Kannada (1958), and an extremely lucid account of

    theHistory of Ancient Indian Mathematics(1967). He supervised the thesis of

    Dhulipala Arka Somayaji on A critical Study of Ancient Indian Astronomyin1971.

    Tekkath Amayankoth Kalam Saraswati Amma (1918-2000) worked with V.

    Raghavan in Madras University and then taught in Ranchi and later at

    Dhanbad. Her thesis work led to the publication of the first authentic and

    comprehensive study of Geometry in Ancient and Medieval India(1979). Shesupervised the thesis of R.C.Gupta on Trigonometry in Ancient and Medieval



    Indian National Commission for History of Science was constituted by the

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    Indian National Science Academy in 1965. The Commission actively promotes

    research on History of Science in India. In 1971 the Academy brought AConcise History of Science in India(1971), a landmark publication in the field,

    edited by D.M.Bose, S.N.Sen and B.V.Subbarayappa. In 2009, Subbarayappa

    brought out a revised edition with substantial additions. The Academy also

    started the Indian Journal of History of Sciencewhich has been successfully

    running from 1966 and is counted amongst the premier Journals of India.

    Samarendra Nath Sen (1918-1992) was a graduate in Physics and served as

    Registrar of Indian Association for Cultivation of Science. During 1947-49 he

    was with UNESCO and came under the influence of Joseph Needham. In

    1950s He wrote a two volume Vijner Itihsain Bengali. Sen was an active

    member of the INSA Commission on history of Science. In 1966 he brought

    out A Bibliography of Sanskrit Works in Astronomy and Mathematics with

    assistance from A.K.Bag and S.R.Sarma). Sen and Bag published an edition

    and translation of the ulva strasin 1983. Sen also edited, with K.S.Shukla, a

    volume on the History of Astronomy in India (1985). In 1986 he edited thevolume on Science in the series on Cultural Heritage brought out by the

    Ramakrishna Math.


    Kripa Shankar Shukla (1918-2009) obtained his MSc from Allahabad

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    University, and joined the Department of Mathematics Lucknow University. In

    1955, he obtained his PhD degree under the supervision of A.N.Singh, for histhesis on Bhskara I and his works. This led to his landmark editions and

    translations of Mahbhskarya (1960), Laghu-bhskarya(1963) and edition

    of ryabhayabhsya (1976) of Bhskara I. Shukla continued to bring out

    editions (and translations) of several other seminal texts such as

    Sryasiddhnta with Paramevaras commentary (1957), Pgaita (1959),Dhkoidkaraa (1969), Bjagaitvatasa (1970), ryabhaya with

    K.V.Sarma (1976), Karaaratna(1979), Vaewara-siddhntain two volumes

    (1985,86), andLaghumnasa(1990).

    Shukla has written over 30 papers on various aspects of Indian astronomy andmathematics. He also edited and published, as a series of articles, the various

    chapters of the unpublished third volume of Datta and Singhs History of

    Hindu Mathematics. He also edited the History of Astronomy in India with

    S.N.Sen (1985). In 1992, the Japanese scholar Yukio Ohashi did his thesis on

    A History of Astronmical Instruments in Indiaunder the supervision of Shukla.


    Krishna Venkatesvara Sarma (1919-2005) did his MA in Sanskrit in

    i d d l j i d h C l C l j i h

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    Treivandrum, and later joined the Catalogus Catalagorum Project with

    V.Raghavan at Madras University. Soon he embarked on his life-long pre-

    occupation with Kerala Astronomy and edited the important works

    Grahacranibandhana of Haridatta, Siddhntadarpaa of Nlakaha,

    Vevroha of Mdhava and Goladpik of Paramewara. During this

    period, Sarma worked with the renowned scholar T. S. Kuppanna Sastri,

    in the edition of Vkyakaraa (1962). Sarma shifted to the

    Visvesvaranand Institute at Hoshirapur, where he served as director during1975-80.During this period, he published more than 50 books, including

    seminal works such as Dggaita of Paramevara, Golasra of

    Nlakaha, A History of the Kerala School of Hindu Astronomy, Llvat

    of Bhskarcrya with Kriykramakar of akara, Tantrasagraha of

    Nlakaha with Yuktidpik of akara, Jyotirmms of Nlakaha,and Gaitayuktaya. In 1983 he returned to Madras, and was relentlessly

    active till his very death in 2005.His important publications during this

    period include:Indian Astronomy:A Source Bookwith B.V.Subbarayappa

    (1985); Pacasiddhntikof Varhamihira, based on his work with T. S.

    Kuppanna Sastri (1993); and his magnum opus, the edition and translationof Gaita-Yuktibh, which appeared in 2008, along with notes by

    K.Ramasubramanian, M.S.Sriram and M.D.Srinivs.


    Radha Charan Gupta (b.1935) studied in Lucknow University and did his PhD

    i h S hi A R hi H d P f f M h i

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    with Saraswathi Amma at Ranchi. He served as a Professor of Mathematics at

    the Birla Institute of Technology, Ranchi. With his extraordinary passion for

    history of mathematics, Gupta has investigated almost all aspects of Indian

    mathematics. He has published nearly 500 papers on history of mathematics.

    He founded the Journal Ganita Bharatiin 1979, which has played a major role

    in promoting research on history of mathematics in India. Gupta was awarded

    the prestigious K.O.May Prize in the History of Mathematics in 2009.

    Amulya Kumar Bag (b.1937) worked with S.N.Sen from the time of inception

    of the INSA Commission. He has also been associated with the Indian Journal

    of History of Science all through and has contributed significantly to the

    Journals success. Bag has published an overview of Mathematics in Ancient

    and Medieval India(Benares 1981).

    George Gheverghese Joseph was born in Kerala,but spent much of childhood

    in Africa and later studied in England. He has been in the forefront of the

    debate against Euro-centricism in the history mathematics. His book The Crest

    of the Peacock: Non-European Roots of Mathematics, first published in 1991,

    drew wide acclaim and was translated to several languages. The third edition

    has appeared in 2011. Recently, Joseph has also writtenA Passage to InfinityMedieval Indian Mathematics from Kerala and its Impact (2009).


    Among the prominent mathematicians associated with the Tata Institute of

    F d t l R h P f K bil B l dh (1922 2012)

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    Fundamental Research, Prof. Kopparambil Balagangadharan (1922-2012)

    Ramiengar Sridharan (b.1935) and Shrikrishna Gopalrao Dani (b.1947) have

    done significant work also on Indian mathematical tradition. Balagangadharan

    has analysed the work of Kerala School on infinite series; Sridharan has

    studied Indian work on algebra and the combinatorial techniques developed in

    Indian works on prosody and music. Dani has investigated the geometrical and

    algebraic techniques in ulvastras. P.P.Divakaran (b.1936) of the School of

    Physics TIFR has been working on the conceptual issues surrounding thedevelopment of calculus by Kerala mathematicians.

    Recently, there have been many important books published on Indian

    Mathematics and astronomy. They include: The translations of Grahalghava

    (2006) and Karaakuthalam (2008) with notes by S.Balachandra Rao and

    S.K.Uma; C.K.Raju,The Cultural Foundations of Mathematics (2007); h.Selinand R.Narasimha (ed),Encyclopaedia of Classical Indian Sciences (2007);The

    Tradition of Astronomy in India (2008) by B.V.Subbarayappa; S.R.Sarma,

    The Archaic and the Exotic: Studies in the History of Indian Astronomical

    Instruments (2008); J.V.Narlikar (ed), Science in India (2009); C.S.Seshadri

    (ed), Studies in the History of Mathematics (2010); and Tantrasagraha,

    Translated with notes by K.Ramasubramanian and M.S.Sriram (2011).


    Harish Chandra (1923-1983):One of the most distinguished mathematicians

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    from India in modern times, Harish Chandra did his Masters in Physics at the

    University of Allahabad. During 1943-45 he worked with Bhabha at the IndianInstitute of Science. In 1945, he left for Cambridge University to work with the

    renowned theoretical physicist P.A.M. Dirac and was awarded PhD for his

    work on the Lorentz group in 1947.

    During his stay at the Princeton Institute of Advanced Study in 1947-49,

    Harish Chandra shifted to mathematics. He taught at Columbia Universityduring 1950-1963 and returned to the Institute of Advanced study in 1963,

    where he served as IBM von Neumann research Professor.

    Harish Chandra is considered to be a pioneer in the area of Harmonic analysis

    of Lie groups. Robert Langlands wrote in an article on Harish Chandra that

    He was considered for the Fields Medal in 1958, but a forceful member of theselection committee in whose eyes Thom was a Bourbakist was determined not

    to have two. So Harish-Chandra, whom he also placed on the Bourbaki camp,

    was set aside.

    Harish Chandra was elected an FRS in 1973, the second Indian to be so

    honoured in the field of mathematics after Ramanujan. Harish Chandra tookup US citizenship in 1980. Soon thereafter, in 1981, he was elected a Fellow of

    the US National Academy of Sciences.


    The Indian Statistical Institute (ISI) and the Tata Institute of Fundamental

    h h b h i h i i i i I di i h i

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    research have been the premier research institutions in India in mathematics.

    Indian Statistical Institute, which was founded in 1933 by P.C.Mahalanobis,produced many distinguished statisticians and mathematicians.

    Calyampudi Radhakrishna Rao (b.1920), the renowned statistician, was a

    student of the Andhra and Calcutta Universities. Rao acquired his PhD degree

    working with R.A. Fisher at Kings College, London, in 1948. He joined the

    ISI and later served as its Director. Rao is well known for many outstanding

    contributions such as Cramer-Rao bound and Rao-Blackwell theorem. There

    have been a number of well known mathematicians and statisticians who have

    been his students. Since 1978, Rao has been a distinguished professor at many

    US universities.Srinivasa Ranga Iyengar Varadhan (b.1940) was a student of Rao at ISI. After

    obtaining his PhD degree in 1963, Varadhan shifted to the Courant Institute in

    New York where he is a distinguished professor. He is known for his highly

    acclaimed work on diffusion processes and large deviations. Varadhan was

    elected a Fellow of the US Academy of Sciences in 1995 and he became FRS

    in 1998. He won the coveted Abel Prize, the first Indian to do so, in 2007.


    The Tata Institute of Fundamental researchwas founded in 1945 at the

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    initiative of Homi Bhabha (1909-1966) with the help of Sir Dorabji

    Jamshedji Tata Trust. Komaravelu S. Chandrasekharan (b. 1920), astudent of Ananda Rau at Madras, was with the Princeton Institute of

    Advanced Study when he was invited by Bhabha to organise the School of

    Mathematics at TIFR. Chandrasekharan is known for his work on the

    complex variables and multiple Fourier series. Chandrasekharan left TIFR

    in 1965 and is currently professor emeritus at ETH Zurich.TIFR School of mathematics had many eminent mathematicians.

    Kollagunta Gopalaier Ramanathan (1920-1992) was a student of Emil

    Artin, who built up the number theory group and also worked on

    Ramanujans unpublished works. C.P.Ramanujam (1938-1974) was a

    student of Ramanathan, who worked on number theory and algebraicgeometry. Vijay Kumar Patodi (1945-1976), a student of Narasimhan and

    Ramanan at TIFR, worked on differential geometry and topology.


    Three members of the School of Mathematics at TIFR have distinguished

    h l b h d f FRS

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    themselves by the award of FRS

    Conjeevaram Srirangachari Seshadri (b.1932) was a student ofChandrsekharan at TIFR. He has done highly acclaimed work in algebraic

    geometry, especially on unitary vector bundles (in collaboration with

    Narasimhan) and Schubert varieties. He founded the Chennai

    Mathematical Institute in 1989. He was awarded FRS in 1992.

    Mudumbai Seshachalu Narasimhan (b.1932) was a student of

    Chandrasekharan at TIFR. He has done highly acclaimed work in algebraic

    geometry. He worked as Head of the Mathematics group at the ICTP during

    1992-1997. He was awarded FRS in 1996.

    Madabusi Santanam Raghunathan (b.1941) was a student of Narasimhan in

    TIFR. He has done highly acclaimed work on discrete subgroups of Lie

    groups. He has been associated with the National Board of Higher

    Mathematics with its inception and has been its chairman. He was awarded

    FRS in 2000.


    Number of Institutions

    Years Primary Upper Sec /Sr Colleges Colleges for Universities/

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    Years Primary Upper






    of General


    Colleges for






    1950-51 209671 13596 7416 370 208 27

    1960-61 330399 49663 17329 967 852 45

    1980-81 494503 118555 51573 3421 3542** 110

    1990-91 560935 151456 79796 4862 886 184

    2000-01 638738 206269 126047 7929 2223 254

    2005-06 772568 288493 159667 11698 5284 350


    Enrolment in Millions

    YEARPrimary(I V) Middle/ (VI-VIII) Sec./Sr.S (IX-XII)

    Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total

    1950-51 13.8 5.4 19.2 2.6 0.5 3.1 1.3 0.2 1.5

    1960-61 23.6 11.4 35.0 5.1 1.6 6.7 2.7 0.7 3.4

    1980-81 45.3 28.5 73.8 13.9 6.8 20.7 7.6 3.4 11.0

    1990-91 57.0 40.4 97.4 21.5 12.5 34.0 12.8 6.3 19.12000-01 64.0 49.8 113.8 25.3 17.5 42.8 16.9 10.7 27.6

    2005-06 70.5 61.6 132.1 28.9 23.3 52.2 22.3 16.1 38.4


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