may 19, pentecost sunday bulletin · for sunday at 5 pm – no divine liturgy on sunday 12. sunday,...

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May 19, Pentecost Sunday




(North Battleford, SK)




(Orolow, SK)

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Hafford and district:


Sunday - 12:30 p.m. В Недiлю - 12:30

Confession - 30 min before Liturgy

Baptism - By appointment

Marriage - By appointment

Funeral - By Arrangement

Sick Call - Anytime

Rosary: 30 min before Divine Liturgy

Next Sunday Liturgy: Sunday Divine liturgy on Saturday May 25 at 5 p.m. in

BLAINE LAKE; All Saints Sunday


North Battleford:


Sunday - 9:30 a.m. В Недiлю - 9:30

Confession - 30 min before Liturgy

Baptism - By appointment

Marriage - By appointment

Funeral - By Arrangement

Sick Call - Anytime

Rosary: 30 min before Divine Liturgy

Next Sunday Liturgy: PRAZNYK (ЦЕРКОВНИ КИРБАЙ) with the Divine

Liturgy at 10:30 a.m.; after liturgy picnic for all + games for children;

cemetery service => City cemetery at 3 p.m. & Woodlawn cemetery at 5:30



Parson: Fr. Vladimir Simunovic - tel. 445-2731

- cell. 441-4707

- fax. 445-8082

E-mail of the parish (North Battleford): -

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Next week schedule:

Monday, May 20 – Holy Trinity; Divine liturgies at 9 am & 6 pm

Tuesday, May 21 – + Constantine & Helen; Divine liturgy at 9 am

Wednesday, May 22 – Martyr Basilicus; Divine liturgy at 9 am

Thursday, May 23 – Confessor Michael; Divine liturgy at 9 am

Friday, May 24 – Venerable Simeon; Divine liturgy at 9 am; intention for

Teresa and Bill Lewchuk offered by Mary Chomicki

Saturday, May 25 – + 3rd

Finding of the Head of John Baptist; Divine liturgy

at 9 am __________________________________________________________________

Online bulletins: OR


Hafford District Sundays Schedule:

May: 5th – Speers at 12 noon

12th – Hafford at 9 am

19th – Orolow (praznyk) – Pentecost; 12:30 pm

25th – Saturday => Blaine Lake at 5 pm; All Saints Sunday

North Battleford Sundays Schedule:

May: 5th – at 9:30 am

12th – at 11:30 am; FIRST COMMUNION

19th – at 9:30 am; Pentecost

26th – at 10:30 am (praznyk – церковни кирбай);

All Saints Sunday; after liturgy will follow the picnic for all

+ games for children; in the afternoon after lunch will be

held cemetery services with grave blessings on both

cemeteries (City cemetery at 3 pm & Woodlawn cemetery

at 5:30 pm)

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(All celebrations include cemetery service with grave blessing)

1. Sunday, May 19 – Praznyk in Orolow at 12:30 pm (Pentecost)

2. Saturday, May 25 – Blaine Lake, Sunday Divine liturgy at 5 pm

3. Sunday, May 26 – PRAZNYK and PICKNICK in North

Battleford at 10:30 am (All Saints Sunday) with blessings of

both cemeteries (City cemetery at 3 pm & Woodlawn cemetery at

5:30 pm); after liturgy picnic for all + games for children

4. Saturday, June 1 – NORTH BATTLEFORD, Divine liturgy for


5. Sunday, June 2 – Praznyk in Uhrynow at 9:30 am

6. Saturday, June 8 - NORTH BATTLEFORD, Divine liturgy for


7. Sunday, June 9 – Praznyk in Hafford at 9:30 am

8. Saturday, June 15 - NORTH BATTLEFORD, Divine liturgy for


9. Sunday, June 16 – Praznyk in Krydor at 9:30 am

10. Saturday, June 22 – Memorial service with cemetery service in

Radisson at 9:30 am

11. Saturday, June 22 - NORTH BATTLEFORD, Divine liturgy

for Sunday at 5 pm – NO DIVINE LITURGY ON SUNDAY

12. Sunday, June 23 – praznyk in Speers at 9:30 am

13. Saturday, June 29 - NORTH BATTLEFORD, Divine liturgy

for Sunday at 5 pm – NO DIVINE LITURGY ON SUNDAY

14. Sunday, June 30 – Centennial in Hafford at 9 am with blessing of

the plaque to the Blessed Bishop Nikita Budka

15. Sunday, July 7 – NORTH BATTLEFORD Divine liturgy at

9:30 am

16. Sunday, July 7 – praznyk in Alticane an 1 pm

17. Friday, July 12 – praznyk in Albertown at 9:30 am

18. Saturday, July 13 - NORTH BATTLEFORD, Divine liturgy

for Sunday at 5 pm – NO DIVINE LITURGY ON SUNDAY

19. Sunday, July 14 – praznyk in Blaine Lake at 9:30

20. Sunday, July 21 – NORTH BATTLEFORD Divine liturgy at

9:30 am

21. Sunday, July 21 – praznyk in Welechko at 12:30 pm

22. Sunday, July 28 – Divine liturgy in HAFFORD at 9 am

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23. Sunday, July 28 – NORTH BATTLEFORD Divine liturgy at

11:30 am

I thank you all for understanding and patience during praznyk services and

would ask you to pay more attention to the schedule in the month of June and

part of July.



GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!! __________________________________________________________________ ******************************************************************


UCWLC Annoucements:

Exhibition Preparation

Monday, May 13 ......................................Peeling Potatoes – 9:00 A.M.

Tuesday, May14 ..........................................Making Pyrohy, 9:00 A.M.

Friday, May 17 .............................................................Packing Perohy

UCWLC Monthly Meeting will also be held on Tuesday, May 14, right

after lunch (1:30 P.M.)

For Sale:

Cooked Cabbage Rolls (frozen)

2 dozen per package / $ 10.00

Raw Cabbage Rolls (frozen)

2 dozen per package / $ 9.00


__________________________________________________________________ LITURGICAL SCHEDULE

May 12/2013

Altar Servers: Epistle Reader: Collection: Catechism Children Stella Ewanchuk Marusia Kobrynsky Don MacKinnon

May 19/2013

Altar Servers: Epistle Reader: Collection: Catechism Children Don MacKinnon Evelyn Kardynal

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Jeanette Deptuch

May 26/2013

Altar Servers: Epistle Reader: Collection: Catechism Children Jeanette Deptuch Marusia Kobrynsky Khrystia MacKinnon __________________________________________________________________

Pentecost Sunday

(After ‘Blessed be the Kingdom...’ all kneel and say the following:)


Царю небесний, утішителю, Душе істини,* що всюди єси і все

наповняєш,* скарбе дібр і життя подателю,* прийди і вселися в нас,* і

очисти нас від усякої скверни, і спаси благий, душі наші.


Heavenly King, Advocate, Spirit of Truth,* Who are everywhere present and fill

all things,* Treasury of Blessings, Bestower of Life,* come and dwell within

us;* cleanse us of all that defiles us,* and O Good One, save our souls.

First Antiphon: The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament

proclaims his handiwork.

Through the prayers of the Mother of God, O Savior, save us.

Day pours out the word to day, and night to night imparts knowledge.

Through the prayers of the Mother of God, O Savior, save us.

Through all the earth their voice resounds, and to the ends of the world, their


Through the prayers of the Mother of God, O Savior, save us.

Glory be . . . now and forever . . . : Only Begotten Son . . . .

*Post-festive 3rd Antiphon response: O good Advocate, save us who sing to you.


Third Antiphon: O Lord, in your strength the king is glad; in your victory how

greatly he rejoices.

Tropar, tone 8: Blessed are You, O Christ our God.* You filled the fishermen

with wisdom,* sending down upon them the Holy Spirit.* Through them You

have caught the whole world in your net.* O Lover of Mankind, glory be to


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You have granted him his heart‟s desire; you refused not the wish of his lips.

Blessed are you, O Christ our God. . . .

For you welcomed him with godly blessings. you placed on his head a crown of

pure gold.

Blessed are you, O Christ our God. . . .

At the Little Entrance: Be extolled, O Lord, in your strength! We will sing,

chant the praise of your might.

Blessed are you, O Christ our God. . .

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, Now and for ever

and ever. Amen!

Kondak, tone 8: When the Most High descended and confused tongues,* He

scattered the people;* but when He distributed the tongues of fire,* He called all

to unity.* Therefore, with one voice, let us praise the most Holy Spirit.

*Post-feast Third Antiphon: Regular 3rd Antiphon but with the following


O good Advocate, save us who sing to You: Alleluia!


Замість „Святий Боже‟: Ви, що в Христа хрестилися, у Христа

зодягнулися. Алилуя.


Instead of „Holy God....‟: All you, who have been baptized into Christ, have put

on Christ. Alleluia!

Prokimen, tone 4: Through all the earth their voice resounds, and to the ends of

the world, their message.

Verse: The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament proclaims his


Epistle: A reading from the Acts of the Apostles (2: 1 - 11)

When the day of Pentecost came it found them gathered in one place. Suddenly

from up in the sky there came a noise like a strong, driving wind which was

heard all through the house where they were seated. Tongues as of fire appeared

which parted and came to rest on each of them. All were filled with the Holy

Spirit. They began to express themselves in foreign tongues and make bold

proclamation as the Spirit prompted them. Staying in Jerusalem at the time were

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devout Jews of every nation under heave. These heard the sound, and assembled

in a large crowd. They were much confused because each one heard these men

speaking his own language. The whole occurrence astonished them. They asked

in utter amazement, “Are not all of these men who are speaking Galileans? How

is it that each of us hears them in his native tongue? We are Parthians, Medes,

and Elamites. We live in Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus, the

province of Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt, and the regions of Libya

around Cyrene. There are even visitors from Rome - all Jews, or those who have

come over to Judaism; Cretans and Arabs too. Yet each of us hears them

speaking in his own tongue about the marvels God as accomplished.”

Alleluia verse: By the word of the Lord the heavens were made; by the breath

of his mouth all their host.

From heaven the Lord looks down; he sees all mankind.

Gospel: John 7: 37 - 52, 8: 12

On the last and greatest day of the festival, Jesus stood up and cried out: “If

anyone thirsts, let him come to me; let him drink who believes in me. Scripture

has it: „From within him rivers of living water shall flow.‟ “(Here he was

referring to the Spirit, whom those that came to believe in him were to receive.

There was, of course, no Spirit as yet, since Jesus had not yet been glorified.)

Some in the crowd who heard these words began to say, “This must be the

Prophet.” Others were claiming, “He is the Messiah.” But an objection was

raised: “Surely the Messiah is not to come from Galilee? Does not Scripture say

that the Messiah, being of David‟s family, is to come from Bethlehem, the

village where David lived?” In this fashion the crowd was sharply divided over

him. Some of them even wanted to apprehend him. However, no one laid hands

on him. When the temple guards came back, the chief priests and Pharisees

asked them, “Why did you not bring him in?” “No man ever spoke like that

before,” the guards replied. “Do not tell us you too have been taken in!” the

Pharisees retorted. “You do not see any of the Sanhedrin believing him, do you?

Or the Pharisees? Only this lot, that knows nothing about the law-- and they are

lost anyway!” One of their own number, Nicodemus (the man who had come to

him), spoke up to say, “Since when does our law condemn any man without first

hearing him and knowing the facts?” Do not tell us you are a Galilean too,” they

taunted him. “Look it up. You will not find the Prophet coming from Galilee.”

Jesus spoke to them once again: “I am the light of the world. No follower of

mine shall ever walk in darkness; no, he shall possess the light of life.”


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Замість „Достойно‟: Величай, душе моя, в Трьох особах суще єдине


Радуйся, царице, матеродівственна славо, всякі бо легкомовні

благоговірливі уста промовити не можуть, щоб тебе оспівувати достойно,

і безсильний ум усякий, щоб твоє рождество розуміти. Тому тебе

одпоголосно славимо.


Instead of „It is truly right...‟: O my soul, extol the One God in three persons.

Rejoice, O Queen and glorious Virgin Mother! What orator, rich in eloquence,

could find the proper words to fashion a hymn of praise worthy of you? For

every spirit shudders before the mystery of your holy birthgiving; and we also

unite our voices to glorify you.

Communion Hymn: May your good spirit guide me on level ground. Alleluia!

Alleluia! Alleluia! __________________________________________________________________ 2013 PENTECOST MESSAGE FOR CANADIAN CATHOLIC NATIONAL


And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it

filled the entire house . . . . All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit (Acts 2.2,4).

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

In his address to the ecclesial movements and new communities at Pentecost 1998,

Blessed Pope John Paul expressed his conviction that such groups are the fruit of a new


You, present here, are the tangible proof of the outpouring of the Spirit. Each movement

is different from the others, but they are all united in the same communion and for the

same mission. Some charisms given by the Spirit burst in like an impetuous wind, which

seizes people and carries them to new ways of missionary commitment to the radical

service of the Gospel, by ceaselessly proclaiming the truths of the faith, accepting the

living stream of the truth as a gift instilling in each person an ardent desire for holiness.

These words are most fitting as we extend to you our heartfelt appreciation for your

ongoing participation in the mission of the Church, a true share in the life of Christ.

In the course of this Year of Faith, we have received an abundant outpouring of the

Spirit‟s gift in the election of the first successor of Peter from the Americas. On the day

after his election, Pope Francis delivered his first homily to the College of Cardinals,

focusing on three essential dimensions of discipleship: walking, building, and

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witnessing. He stressed that whatever our call and station in life, if we are not first

disciples of Jesus Christ who live the mystery of his cross, then we have missed the

point. This, and no other, is the path to the holiness of life which is our gift and task

through baptism.

Throughout the life of the Church, movements and associations of the faithful have

responded to the Spirit‟s gift to live the Gospel in meeting the diverse needs of the

Church and of the world. It is our sincere hope and our deep prayer this Pentecost that by

the Spirit‟s gift, the members of your associations and movements might share in the

grace of walking by faith, building in hope, and witnessing to love.

Pentecost 2013

Standing Committee for Relations with Movements and Associations

Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops


HIRING - Youth and Campus Minister

The Eparchy of Saskatoon is accepting applications for the position of Director of Youth

and Campus Ministry. This is a permanent, three-quarter time position (32 hours per

week, flex time) with overtime compensated as time off in lieu. Duties will commence in

July of 2013. Please submit applications in writing, together with resume, salary

expectations, and three references by May 31, 2013 to:

Bishop Bryan Bayda, CSsR

YCM Application

214 Ave. M South

Saskatoon, SK S7M 2K4

The position involves two combined areas of activity and responsibility.

1. Youth and Young Adult Minister


To foster spiritual growth in youth and young adults

To empower youth and young adults to discover their purpose

To identify, challenge and engage youth and adults in leadership

To equip and provide resources for leaders in youth and young ministry

2. Campus Minister


To enable the Ukrainian Catholic Church to enter into the heart of the academic

community and have a presence there

To challenge faculty, staff, students and institutions with the claims of the Gospel

To provide spiritual care to and help students of the university grow in their adult


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To help create a religiously vibrant campus community

For a more complete description of duties, qualifications and desirable assets please see

the spring 2013 edition of the Eparchial News (distributed in the first week of May) or

the eparchial website:


HIRING - News Writer and Coordinator

The Eparchy of Saskatoon is accepting applications for the position of News Writer and

Coordinator. This is a permanent, part- time position (8-10 hours per week, flex time)

with overtime compensated as time off in lieu. Duties will commence in July of 2013.

Please submit applications in writing, together with resume, pay expectations and three

references by May 31, 2013 to:

Bishop Bryan Bayda, CSsR

News Application

214 Ave. M South

Saskatoon, SK S7M 2K4

Position Summary:

The News Writer and Coordinator is the primary news reporter for the Eparchy of

Saskatoon, working proactively with parishes, eparchial organizations, ministries and the

eparchial administration to cover major events and issues of concern to all of the faithful.

News is written and coordinated primarily for distribution through three forms of

publication, parish bulletins, the eparchial website and the Eparchial News, a newspaper

printed quarterly.

The News Writer and Coordinator also provides support and guidance for a

communications network, a group of individuals across the eparchy, who submit news

from their regions.

For a more complete description of duties, qualifications and desirable assets please see

the spring 2013 edition of the Eparchial News (distributed in the first week of May) or

the eparchial website:


October 1, 2012

Dear Faithful,

RE: Bridge of Hope – Project “Home of Hope”

I am pleased to share with you a new project that the Eparchy of Edmonton has

embarked on. Within our very successful not-for-profit organization Bridge of Hope - a

which for many years provides sponsorship services, ministry and support to

underprivileged children in Ukraine, we have taken on a new challenge. The new

challenge continues our tradition not only by meeting the physical, emotional and

spiritual needs but also in protecting one of the most targeted areas in child abuse.

Home of Hope Project

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Project “Home of Hope” is a brave new challenge to build a sanctuary and support

teenage girls who no longer qualify for Ukrainian Government protection services. This

home is more than a simple place for these girls to sleep. It will be a place of friendship,

education, faith and hope for them so that they could achieve their God-given potential.

Bridge of Hope Chairperson, Pani Luba Kowalchyk, who has worked tirelessly

with many volunteers to continue God‟s work has informed me that “Home of Hope” is

nearing completion of the building stage.

The total estimated cost of the building is $600,000. With donation drives raising

nearly 40% to date, the new building is on track to be completed this fall!

Please join me in supporting this brave and very valuable “Home of Hope” for

girls. Your support in the form of prayers and financial gifts to make this hope a reality

is greatly appreciated.

Please visit for more information or call our Eparchial

offices at (780) 424-5496 to make a make a donation.

In gratitude for your collaboration in the mission of the Church, I pray that the

Lord bless each of you with growth in life, in faith, and in spiritual understanding.

Sincerely in Christ,

Most Rev. David Motiuk

Eparchial Bishop



On August 1, people of faith, family-owned businesses, and charitable institutions will be

forced to pay for sterilizations, contraceptives and abortion-causing drugs in violation of

their deeply held religious beliefs and moral convictions. This development comes as a

result of a Department of Health and Human Services mandate that requires all of these

objectionable interventions be included in every health insurance plan, with very few

narrow exceptions.

People of faith must send a clear message to Congress that they support religious freedom

and rights of conscience. Representative Diane Black of Tennessee has introduced the

“Health Care Conscience Rights Act,” (H.R. 940), which protects individuals and

organizations from being forced to violate their religious beliefs or moral convictions.

Please act today to contact your elected representatives.

Time is running short for Congress to protect the conscience rights of all Americans. Our

representatives will respond if they hear from us that religious freedom is a right.

Encourage your fellow parishioners, friends and family to contact Congress. As Knights

we should do everything possible to ensure that Americans do not lose their cherished

right to religious freedom.

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