may - august 2015 newsletter

Post on 08-Jan-2016






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What we are up to and how we are doing!


  • Months May August 2015

    Yikes! Lots of new things happening here at HOC. We are a little late on this newsletter and we apologize. We will be changing our format of our newsletter starting for the month of September. The letter will be sent monthly or bi-monthly and will show up right in the email, not as an attachment. It is amazing to see what God had done in the last 3 years. It is hard to believe that a little more than three years ago we had one house and 20 children, and now we have three houses and 54 children. We have had lots of new arrivals lately, most with very sad past stories. We are excited God has brought them to us so their stories will be able to change to happy ones! Please, please keep us in your prayers as Gods ministry grows here.

    May Team from PA A team from Reading PA came and did service projects for us, school programs and a church service. Dead stove, new stove Well, the bad news was that our stove died again, the good news is God provided for us to purchase a commercial stove! Family Pot Luck Some of our American friends here had a pot luck and invited our entire family. Rarely does anyone invite our family of 31 to lunch. It was great to go together to an event.

    New house parents arrive for Esther house God once again provided for one of our needs last minute. Jorge and Betty are now our house parents for the Esther house. They will be volunteering indefinitely at this point. Deborahs parents have worked with them in the past and they have been house parents for over 15 yrs. It has been going very well so far and we are excited to work with them. Keep them in your prayers. Veronica and Gerson First kids for Jorge and Betty. They were from a very traditional village and Veronica was a little bit special needs. They have since returned

    to their Grandparents.

    June Trip to the Jungle Dave, Micah, Angel and Jhostin went up north to the jungles near Belize. They went to villages only accessible by hiking to hand out water filters with another organization.

  • Donation, from a bank We had unexpected visitors this month. One of the banks in town came and dropped off a bunch of supplies! Such a blessing and they brought all things we need. Pump problems Our deep well pump went out this month. We were not able to get a truck out to the home for about 10 days. Praise the Lord we had some spring water to hold us over and we had the funds to fix the pump. New beginnings house grows by three Magdalena, Graciela, and Juan came to the N.B. house. Deborah ended up feeding Juan around the clock for a month and twice a day before that to help with his malnutrition. He weighed 11 pounds at 11 months.

    July Jeni update Jeni has been pronounced deaf. She also has some brain damage from her meningitis-we arent sure to what extent. The doctors have her on steroids to heal her brain and anti - seizure meds. Unfortunately one of the meds that they prescribed has given her worse seizers and she is still having the other seizers as well. Jeni has also been put up for adoption. Please pray that all happens in Gods timing. Auto Safari We took a family trip to the Auto Safari. We had lots of fun and brought some friend along. Day out and sleep over for our toddlers - We always take several of our children with us when we go to the city. This time we decided to take all the babies and

    toddlers, 14 in all. We slept over at a friends house as well.

    August Day out with the girls We took the girls from both houses, who wanted to come, out to the city just for fun. We went bowling, to the mall and out to eat. Trip to the States This trip we went to WI. We took eight of our children this time- Davey, Felicity, Peter, Angel, Maria, Vidalia, Isaac, and Mercedes. We went to attend Auntie Alicias wedding and also Deborahs Family reunion. We had lots of fun and got some much-needed rest. We enjoyed living in Deborahs parents big old farmhouse. The little kids loved helping to harvest and eat Grandmas garden produce.

    Back at home While gone in the states Micah, his Mom and Heidi Kievit watched our remaining children for the first two weeks. The last week Pastor Barry, his wife Sharon, and some other church members came and did a VBS for our children as well as taking care of all the other household duties. There are always struggles while we are gone and we often feel torn between leaving and staying, but we for sure needed the rest and got it. New girls at both houses We continue to fill up with children. Once the courts know we are taking children they call constantly. Most have similar stories and all have been abandoned, but not by their heavenly Father!

    Please see bottom 2 pages.

  • Child Highlight

    Name: Julian

    Age: 7

    Sex: male

    Home Town: Panajachel Solola

    Arrival Date: January, 2015

    Story: Julian grew up in a broken home of nine children. He was raised

    by his sister who was not much older than himself. His mom, who is very

    poor, worked in the river and locked them in the house for 14 hours at a

    time with no food while she was gone. She also had many different live-

    in men who raped and molested most of her kids. Julian is finishing

    first grade this month. Although he had no schooling before coming to

    us, he is a very smart child. Please pray for Julian as well as his

    other four siblings living with us. They have another court hearing set

    for December of this year. Julian is very considerate of the younger

    children and very affectionate. Hes very helpful and loves to help mom

    and dad with whatever we are doing. Please pray for Julians continued

    healing from his hard past and that he will be healed emotionally as

    well. Also that God would fill his heart with His joy and contentment

    and that he will come to know Jesus soon.

    Prayer Requests


    We had a safe trip to and from the U.S.A. and the house was still standing when we got back! We have had no problems with robbers, accidents or natural disasters Our financial needs have been met and we have been able to continue to accept children. The Love and Hope Home is on its way to being done! For all the prayers and support that people have been giving us The health in general has been great. No major injuries.

    Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good

    Psalm 136:1

    Please Pray

    For the Esther Home as we have lots of new girls working through their past hurts That our older children will choose to follow the Lord as they start making their own decisions That our funding will continue to come in For safety from robbers, accidents and natural disasters That Deborah and Dave will have wisdom, joy and discernment as they lead this growing ministry For the court hearings coming up to decide the futures of five of our new children as well as many of

    the children in the New Beginnings and Esther houses. Pray for Daveys eyes since his doctor is now turning to an operation plan to correct his Esotropia

    And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith

    Matt. 21:22 Please keep all of us in your prayers. Feel free to e - mail us at or call at 011-502-4407-0519 or 011-502-4407-1480. We would love to hear from people. If you would like to support us on a monthly basis or to give one time gifts please see the information below on page 4. Please do not write our names on checks. Attach a note with the check as to whom it is for. Thank you all for your support and your e- mails. God Bless.

    Contact Info Below

  • How to Contact us

    Our Address in Guatemala for letters and packages:

    Dave and Deborah Reichard

    APDO POSTAL #35 San Lucas, Sacatepequez, Guatemala.

    For those who wish to contribute and want a tax receipt, please make check out to

    and send to:

    Harvest Fellowship of Colebrookdale

    584 Colebrookdale Road

    Boyertown , PA 19512.

    Contribute online @

    FACEBOOK Our Facebook page - Manos de Compasion

    Web site Our web site is finally done! Check it out!

    Blog We have a blog where we post the newsletters and write about what is going on.

    Skype Our Skype name is - david.e.reichard

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