may î ì í ó - central washington university newsletter may.pdf · ~stephen sarchet may the...

Post on 14-Mar-2020






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The entire Human Resources department has been transitioned to

our NEW Mitchell Hall location.

We are now located on the first floor of Mitchell Hall.

Our mailstop and phone extension numbers are staying the same.

We look forward to serving you from our new location!

Kristine Petersen Acad Advising-Declared Majors

Katharine Reed University Advancement

Jason Keen University Advancement

Anne Smethurst Academic Affairs - VP

Nathaniel Smith Contracts & Procurement

Tamara Burgess Conference & Retail Services

Marlene Hernandez University Centers

Elizabeth Vidaurri Ctr for Ldshp & Comm Engagemnt

Antonio Aguilar Service Desk

Sara Raynor Contracts & Procurement

Paul Williams Auxiliary Computing Services

Lori Molzan University Centers

Anna Riexinger Student Financial Services

Central Washington University Employees

Comings…..Welcome! Goings… Fond Farewell

Bradley Sandefer Acad Advising-Declared Majors

Janet Davies University Advancement

Emily King Human Resources

Meghan Caldwell Human Resources

This month is a great time to check out our wide selection of videos and seminars available at CLA Online. To learn more go to:

Regarding I-9 verification for

student employees:

All new student employees who start in the fall will

be unable to complete their I-9 until 15 days before

their start date!

May 2017


Supervisors! Don’t forget to

provide your cyclic employees

with their cyclic leave without

pay schedules by June 30th!

Templates for can be found

on the Managers resources link on the HR web

page under Letters!

Be Careful Out There! Warm weather finally seems to be here and while images of yardwork

and BBQ come to mind, it’s also a good time for a couple of simple re-

minders. The most important is drink plenty of water, but don’t forget

the sunscreen or clothes that cover your skin. Heat is no joke and after a

long winter it can catch you off guard!

While we’re thinking about it, pay attention to your coworkers too. Consider setting up regu-

lar time intervals to check on each other. Heavy sweating with cold, clammy skin, dizziness,

muscle cramps, and headache are all signs of possible heat exhaustion.

Pay attention to your surroundings when you’re walking to your next meeting. The sun is

shining, birds are singing, and the sidewalk has an uneven edge just

waiting to trip you up!

Finally, watch out for bees, wasps, and other critters. They’re also

active again and can be dangerous for people with allergies.

Upcoming Tradition Keepers eligible events:

PRIDE WEEK: Amateur Drag Show– June 2nd

Graduation-June 10th

Summer Benefits Pull Alert

Large Deduction Planned from June 26th Paycheck

Attention Faculty and Cyclic Employees!!

If you are participating in the 12-month salary spread, you may disregard this message.

Summer health insurance premiums for faculty and summer cyclic employees

will be deducted from June 26, 2017, paychecks.

The deduction will be seven times your normal amount, ranging from $87.50 to $1,449, depending on the

medical plan you have elected. If teaching summer school, no insurance deductions will be taken from

summer checks. Normal deductions will resume on the October 10, 2017, paycheck.

Please note: This year, the Health Care Authority (HCA) partnered with MetLife to provide increased life

insurance benefits. This has necessitated changes to the billing process for summer optional life insurance

premiums, which will NOT be included in the large deduction from your June 26, paycheck.

You will receive an invoice from MetLife in late August for July and August optional life insurance premiums.

Follow the instructions to pay this invoice through direct mail. Payments for September will be charged to

your fall quarter paychecks, doubling payment of premiums until the full amount is paid.

Life insurance coverage will not lapse during the summer months.

Questions about summer health insurance may be directed to Melany Peterson,

Benefits Representative at 509-963-2269 or

Questions about life insurance may be directed to MetLife Customer Service at 1-866-548-7139.


Exempt Employee Association

Heather Harrell

Post Awards Manager

Heather oversees over 330 grants totaling +$14 million. She also man-ages all state and federal funds for Financial Aid of more than $68 million as well as reconciling the drawdowns of the Financial Aid disbursements. She is helpful, remains calm and composed in difficult situations, demon-strates extraordinary discipline and unwavering dedication to our faculty, students, administration.


Exempt Employee Association

Holly Williams

Academic Advisor

Holly’s commitment to always

be there for her students and

co-workers results in strong

bonds and great working relationships. She promotes diversity

and equality on campus even when it means working long

hours. Her compassion, creativity, innovation, adaptability, and

dedication assist in our CWU students attaining success!

Congratulations Holly!



Exempt Employee Association

Jen Rentz-Hammon

Coordinator of Student Rights &


Whether working with a faculty member

dealing with a difficult classroom situation

or working with a student who is in distress, Jen always provides

the same professional and understanding approach. Her com-

mitment to our CWU students is second to none.

Congratulations Jen!

~Stephen Sarchet

May the Fourth be with you. I didn’t even

know that was really a thing until I happened

across an article called 60 Facts About the Star

Wars Universe for Star Wars Day. I’m dating

myself a little here, but Star Wars is one of the

movies I went back to theaters to see more

than once. Okay, I saw it six times, but come

on, it was the coolest thing ever at the time!

There’s no way I can share all the interesting

tidbits about the movie in this small space

(see what I did there?), but I thought some of

them were just too cool not to.

Did you know Luke almost turned to the dark

side. George Lucas toyed with the idea of

Luke putting on the mask after Darth Vader

dies, but decided he wanted the story to have

a happy ending.

George Lucas didn’t want to cast Harrison Ford

as Han Solo. Having worked with Lucas on

American Graffiti, Harrison was feeding lines to

other actors as they auditioned for the part,

but George finally decided on Harrison.

The impressive crawl-

ing script at the begin-

ning of the movie was

created using two-foot

-wide yellow letters

placed over a black

paper background and

making a slow pass

over them with a cam-


Robert Englund, a.k.a Freddy Krueger, con-

vinced Mark Hamill to audition for the movie

after having auditioned for the part of Han

Solo himself.

Footage of actual WWII dogfights was used to

create the space

battel between the

Millennium Falcon

and the TIE fighters.

In early drafts of the

screenplay, Yoda’s

first name is Buffy.

The name was

changed to Minch Yoda and eventually short-

ened to just Yoda.Qui-Gon Jinn’s communica-

tor was a ladies razor!

The completion of spring quarter is almost here and students

jobs will end soon.

Important information below...

Payroll needs all supervisors of students to verify all hours

worked are entered on the timesheets and all payable time is

approved by midnight on June 15, 2017. If your department

wishes to hire students for June 16th

thru September 15th 2017, please

contact Payroll at #2221 or email us

at for a useful

handout on the process to hire stu-


As always, we appreciate your support.

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