may - july - the bridge collective · endorsed by the bridge collective. there are a lot of changes...

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News from the

Bridge Collective

May - July


The Bridge CollectiveUnit 4 King Street Business CentreExeter EX1 1BHTel: (01392) 433358E-mail: Web:

Company No: 6201528

This newsletter has contributions from people who

share their perspectives and opinions. The views expressed are not necessarily shared or

endorsed by the Bridge Collective.

There are a lot of changes going on at the moment, including at the Bridge.The newsletter is a bit slimmer this issue as my time is limited.

On 27th Feb the Bridge Collective received confirmation of a 25% cut in funding from Devon County Council. This is a cut of £12,500 over a year - equivalent to loosing 18 hours of paid staff time per week. We have agreed a new DCC grant agreement at this reduced level, confirmed to run from April 2017 to September 2018. We are working on funding bids to ensure our ongoing survival/ regeneration. Watch this space for opportunities to get involved: 

Some things won’t be happening in the way they have been. As always, how we move forward is decided democratically and agreed at the monthly Community Meetings, to which everyone is welcome to join in.

As the calendar is a bit mutable at the moment it is not in this newsletter. You can find out updates of what is happening on our website, FaceBook page or there will be up to date calendars in a pocket on our front door. I have put some dates in the back of this newsletter, but we don’t know the definite dates for everything yet.

I have been really struck by the generous contributions of kindness, time, food (see the yummy cake recipe), money, morale, hard work, cuppas, creativity and written support that the Bridge has received. The opportunity to witness how people pull together and show how they really care and feel strongly about the survival of the Bridge Collective is a gift in difficult times.

We now have a donate button on our website and we are grateful for every penny that people can afford to give!

Right then us lot - let’s grow some roses out of this manure...

Love to everyone who is struggling


1 Margaretʼs Cake recipe

2-4 Bridge Quiz Rachel


6 Whirling Dervish Ceri

7-8 Itʼs so much more Rebekah Horton

9 Quote e e cummings

10-11 Testimonial for the Bridge Collective Margaret

12-14 Bridge Community Meeting Minutes - February/March/March extra


How to Contribute and answers to the quiz



Margaret’s Cherry, Almond and Sultana Cake


4oz/110 grams caster sugar

4oz/110 grams margarine or

1 egg (2 if small)

2oz/55grams self-raising flour*

2oz/55grams ground almonds

About 2oz/55grams glacé cherries

About 2oz/55grams sultanas

* I like to use Mariage’s Brown Self-raising Flour – it’s between white and wholemeal and available from The Bran Tub in Magdalen Road, Exeter.


Pre-heat oven to 150 degrees C. and line a sponge cake tin – or make up to a dozen small cakes

Cream margarine and sugar till light

Add egg and half flour, sifted, and mix in

Add rest of flour and ground almonds, cherries and sultanas and mix well

Put mixture into tin and bake for about half an hour, depending on the oven – test by inserting a skewer or tip of a knife: it’s done if it comes out clean and edges of the cake have shrunk very slightly from the tin. Less time if small cakes

Leave to cool in the tin for a good 10 minutes, then turn out carefully onto a wire rack



1. The popular 1970s song “Bridge over Troubled Water” was a bit hit for Simon and Garfunkel, but who composed it? A: Art Garfunkel B: Paul Simon C: Peter Yarrow D: Bob Dylan 2. ‘Bridgestone’ is a brand name of all except one of the following, which one? A: Golf Balls B: Car Tyres C: Walking Sticks D: Bicycles 3. Which one of the following UK bridges does not cross the River Thames? !

A: B: !

C: D: (Can you name all four bridges?)


4. The line “...the grave is but a covered bridge leading from light, through a brief darkness”, is attributed to which 19th century American poet? A: Walt Whitman B: Emily Dickinson C: Ambrose Bierce D: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

5. Jeff Bridges won a Best Actor Oscar for which of the following films? A: The Last Picture Show B: True Grit C: Crazy Heart D: The Contender 6. In the Norwegian fairytale “Three Billy Goats Gruff” what lived under the bridge? A: Troll B: Leprechaun C: Werewolf D: Sprite


7. In which decade did the Sydney Harbour Bridge open? A: 1920s B: 1930s C: 1940s D: 1950s (Can you name the exact year?)


8. Which track from the album “Bridge Of Spies” gave T’Pau their only UK number one? A: Heart and Soul B: Valentine C: China in Your Hand D: I Will Be With You 9. “Stamford Bridge” is the home ground of which English Football Club? A: Fulham B: Tottenham Hotspur C: Crystal Palace D: Chelsea 10. Which of the following Optical Art paintings is by the British artist Bridget Riley? !

A: B:

C: D:! (Can you name the other three artists?)

Answers inside back cover




We are all born naked and the rest is drag


The schizophrenic is drowning in the same waters in which the mystic swims with delight

Joseph Campbell

Thinking is difficult, thatʼs why most people judge

Carl Jung

Reality is nothing but a

collective hunchLily Tomlin

Out beyond ideas of right and wrong doing there is a field. Iʼll meet you there


Drop the idea of becoming someone because you are

already a masterpieceOsho

“You,” he said, “are a terribly real thing in a terribly false world, and that, I believe,

is why you are in so much pain.”

Emilie Autumn


Whirling Dervish

Iʼm like a whirling dervish when I go down hill. My body has no brakes, so I rush ahead dangerously with no way of stopping, I keep on careering, hoping something will break my fall! I know that some people feel speed is a thrill, but surely not if you donʼt know whether you can stop and feel out of control! I feel I should have a flashing light or message on my head that tells everyone to beware, look out and get out of my way, or else there might be an accident ahead!


Itʼs so much more

Do you still think its all fun and games?Where you can do whatever you want.

To you, it may be nothing,But to me, itʼs an interest that will taunt.

Itʼs so much more, Than just standing on a stage.

Deeper than just learning lines,Releasing your inner rage.

Have you ever lived inside a shell?Alone, lost and cold,

Fearful of reaching out.Along with time, growing rapidly old.

Itʼs so much more,Than just learning Shakespeare,

You develop day by day.Until one day, someone will finally hear.

Do you have something to say?While you sit and fill like a balloon.

Working so hard to scream it out,It doesnʼt have to be all doom and gloom.


Itʼs so much more,

Than just remembering your cues,As the nerves slowly kick in,

You may even change their views.

Have you ever felt that breath of fresh air?

To feel your barriers slip away,And to step forward,

To shout out what you really want to say.

Itʼs so much more,

Than just acting,To me, it opens so many doors.

But to some, they still hide behind masking.

Have you ever felt like youʼre at the top of the world?

Being allowed to explore into a world of originality,Get to play, experiment and learn endlessly,

There will always be room for possibility.

Itʼs so much more,

Than just an observation,We can see it as a window or a mirror,

But between you and I, We will always have this connection.

© Rebekah Horton, 2016



We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit.

e e cummings

Three Worlds M. C. Escher

Tes$monial  for  the  Bridge  Collec$ve

I  am  a  re'red  mental  health  social  worker  with  many  years’  

involvement  in  statutory  and  voluntary  mental  health  services  and  

community  ini'a'ves  in  the  Midlands.  I  have  also  been  anorexic  as  a  

student  and  as  an  adult  I  have  been  depressed  at  'mes.  And  I  have  

discovered  through  both  kinds  of  experience,  personal  and  

professional,  how  recovery  and  well-­‐being  may  be  enabled  through  

informal  support  and  the  chance  of  open  par'cipa'on  in  social,  

outdoor  and  crea've  ac'vi'es.  Such  opportuni'es  are  oBen  

perceived  as  complementary  to  -­‐  and  some'mes  even  more  

beneficial  than  -­‐formal  treatment  programmes.  Consequently  when  I  

moved  to  Devon  in  2011  I  sought  to  find  an  organisa'on  with  the  

kind  of  ethos  and  offering  the  kind  of  opportuni'es  I  knew  were  so  

valuable:  I  found  this  at  the  Bridge  Collec've.

I  should  like  to  say  that  the  value  of  the  Bridge  is  beyond  what  is  

easily  measurable,  and  that  is  in  large  part  due  to  the  values  and  

quali'es  of  the  staff  team.  All  are  able  to  make  any  person,  however  

distressed,  unusual  or  confused,  to  feel  welcome  and  accepted  for  

who  they  are,  without  judgement  or  requirement  to  change.  For  

some  people  this  can  be  the  very  best  star'ng  place  for  recovering  

self  worth  and  to  find  joy  and  meaning  again.  One  young  social  

worker  and  AMHP  said  they  were  ‘inspira'onal’.


The  informality  and  accep'ng  atmosphere  oBen  gives  rise  to  

remarkable  conversa'ons,  with  poetry,  philosophy,  local  history  and  

all  sorts  of  interests  being  talked  about,  and  some'mes  this  can  fire  

someone  to  go  and  explore  further,  beyond  the  Bridge,  such  as  

joining  a  reading  group.    

Art,  music  and  Greenwood  give  opportuni'es  for  self  development  

and  connec'on,  with  people,  with  crea'vity,  with  nature.  To  

conclude  I’d  like  to  give  an  example  from  my  own  recent  experience:  

I  was  feeling  very  low  but  had  volunteered  to  go  to  Escot  with  the  

Greenwood  project  and  felt  commiVed  to  this.  The  effect  was  

remarkable  –  a  small  group  of  us  made  a  fire,  then  made  candles  

from  old  ones  –  great  fun  and  a  new  skill.  We  toasted  paninis  and  

talked  together  -­‐  hearing  about  other  people’s  knowledge  and  

experiences  of  rural  Devon,  ideas  about  history  and  language,  liBed  

me  out  of  myself.  Then  some  of  us  wandered    around  the  grounds  

watching  and  listening  to  the  sights  and  sounds  of  birds,  flowers  and  

animals,  feeling  in  harmony  with  people  and  nature.




Date: Thursday 10th February

Community Meeting Minutes

Apologies: Fleur, Ben, Juliet, Mark B

Present: Andrew, Margaret, Ceri, Ashley, Bev, Em, Chris, Nicola

Number of director’s present: 2

Item Action/Decision

Ground Rules Read

Minutes Read and Agreed

Chair for March9/3/17, 1-3pm

Margaret with Bev

Underground Sound

Cover sorted until the end of March

Funding Central Margaret to be given password

Sara Burgess Meeting date 24th February at 10am. All welcome. Preparatory questions and information to Bridge email

Self Heal Art at the Bridge project letter - read and amended

Annual General Meeting

1-3pm Thursday 25th May12 midday - bring and share buffet

Community Meeting

24th April, Monday 10.30 - 12.30 meeting to be confirmed.

Open Reflexion Recap of Wednesday 28th session. Contact Michelle to arrange next session


Date: Thursday 9th March

Community Meeting Minutes

Apologies: FleurPresent: Margaret, Rachel, Simon, Mark, Ashley, Bev, Andrew, Sarah, Alison, Nicola, Em, CeriNumber of director’s present: 4

Item Action/Decision

Ground rules Read

Minutes from last meeting

Read and agreed

Chair for next meeting

Nicola and Bev (co-chair) 24/4/17 10.30 - 12.30

Reserves Agreed to extended ring-fenced reserves for closure/contingency from £7,000 to £9,000

Time, task, resourses

Voted to make a change to paid hours from April. Nicola 16, Sarah 16, Bev 16, Andrew 11. all other paid hours to remain the same - agreed

Social enterprise course

Cost £25, agreed Sarah to go

Be Involved Devon closing

BID closing end of March. Thank you to Charlotte and Ed and BID for all your support to the Bridge Collective and local community over many years

B.O.G.O.F. meeting

15/3/17 at 1 - 2.30pm (Buy One Get One Free)


Date: Wednesday 15th March

Community Meeting Minutes

Apologies: Sarah, Mark, Chris, Ben, EmPresent: Andrew, Nicola, Rachel, Katharina, Ceri, Bev, Loki, MargaretNumber of director’s present: 2

Item Action/Decision

Ground rules Read

Awards for All application

Andrew to coordinate collecting finance information. Dates in the diary for Health and Safety training by April community meeting. Safeguarding policy: Nicola aims to bring to April community meeting

Safeguarding Policy

Part 2 “definitions” agreed

Facebook Em has been added as admin for the Bridge Facebook page

Bridge 10th Birthday

2.30 on April 6th birthday party. Bring and share afternoon tea

Meeting closed 2.45pm


no EbyE dates for this newsletter as we may be changing EbyE day

Womens Art GroupMondays 10.30 - 12.30May 15th May 22nd May 29th

Open MindsWednesdays 1.30 - 2.30May 10thJune 14thJuly 12th

RainbowbridgeSaturdays12.30-2.30May 6thJune 3rdJuly 1st

GreenwoodYeo Vale, Sunday 14th May (meet 11.40 at St Davids)Lockbar, Sunday 28th May (meet 11.40 at St Davids)

Underground SoundFridays 12.00-4.00 (not open on 2nd or 30th June)

Open AfternoonThursdays12-4pmMay 4thJune 1stJuly 6th

Community MeetingThursday 11th May (to be confirmed)

Annual General MeetingThursday 25th May 1pm - 3pm (lunch to share at 12)

Find out updates of what is happening on our website, FaceBook page or there will be up to date calendars in a pocket on our front door


this is a comic sans free newsletter

Would you like to write an article, a poem or share a favourite recipe?

Naybe you have a hobby, or an opinion that other people would be interested in.

This newsletter is where you can share your artwork, your ideas and experiences.

The deadline for contributions to the next newsletter is

Thursday 13th July

If you would like to contribute to the next newsletter please contact:

Bev at

or 075 3464 5091or 01392 433358

1. B: Paul Simon 2. C: Walking Sticks 3. C: Gateshead Millennium Bridge crossing the River Tyne (A: Hammersmith Bridge, B: London Millennium Footbridge, D: Tower Bridge) 4. D: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 5. C: Crazy Heart 6. A: Troll 7. B: 1930s (Opened in 1932) 8. C: China in Your Hand 9. D: Chelsea 10. B: Movement in Squares by Bridget Riley (A: Josef Albers, C: Victor Vasarely, D: Richard Allen).

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