mayo clinic-mayo foundation courses and meetings to be held in 1986

Post on 01-Jan-2017






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IN 1986

January 27 to 31 Current Concepts in Cardiovascular Diseases Maui Marriott Resort, Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii A review and update of various topics in cardiovascular diseases, such as hypertension, will be presented in this 5-day course. Question-and-answer periods, panel discussions, and workshops on the interpretation of chest roentgenograms and the management of arrhythmias will be included.

February 3 to 7 Dermatology Update Hyatt Orlando, Kissimmee, Florida This 5-day course is designed for physicians who have a high level of interest in clinical dermatology. The objective of the course is to update registrants in the breadth and depth of clinical dermatology. Types of therapy will be emphasized in the presentations by the faculty of the Department of Dermatology at the Mayo Clinic.

February 9 to 13 Clinical Anesthesia Winter Park, Colorado This seminar will review the latest advances in anesthesiology.

February 10 to 14 Postgraduate Course in Pulmonary, Allergic, and Infectious Diseases Buena Vista Palace, Walt Disney World, Orlando, Florida The purpose of this course is to provide an update of current trends in the management of pulmonary, allergic, and infectious diseases for the practicing clinician.

February 16 to 21 Laryngectomee Rehabilitation Seminar Ala Moana Americana, Honolulu, Hawaii This seminar for speech pathologists and nurses is an in-depth course on the etiologic, medical, surgical, and psychosocial aspects of cancer of the larynx. Theories of esophageal-voice training and practical ex­perience with laryngectomees will be included.

February 24 to 28 Clinical Endocrinology, Nephrology, and Hypertension Hilton Beach and Tennis Club, San Diego, California This program of integrated lectures and workshops on clinical en­docrinology, nephrology, and hypertension is designed primarily for practitioners, including internists and family practitioners, but will also be of interest to practitioners in some subspecialty areas.

March 3 to 7 Critical Care Seminar Turtle Bay Hilton Country Club, Oahu, Hawaii This seminar will present current concepts in the care of the critically ill patient as practiced at the Mayo Clinic.

March 8 to 12 Electrodiagnosis of Neurologic Disease—Review and Update Rochester, Minnesota This course will present didactic and practical instructions in clinically useful techniques of electromyography, nerve conduction studies, and somatosensory-evoked potentials. It is designed for physicians who are specializing in and practicing clinical electromyography. A basic knowledge of electromyography will be assumed.

March 10 to 12 Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors Del Coronado Hotel, San Diego, California A comprehensive review of bone and soft tissue tumors will be present­ed, with emphasis on the team approach used at the Mayo Clinic.

March 14 to 15 and March 21 to 22 Dental Reviews Rochester, Minnesota This program of lectures and discussions will address current problems of interest in dentistry. Because only a limited number of dentists can be accommodated, Dental Reviews is offered in two identical sessions.

March 17 to 19 Urology Update—1986 Sawgrass Resort, Jacksonville, Florida This comprehensive urologic program is for urologists who wish to update their knowledge as it pertains to the diagnosis and treatment of urologic cancers, laser therapy, endourology, extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy, prosthetic devices in urology, and reconstructive urologic procedures for pediatric patients.

April 24 to 25 Pediatric Days Rochester, Minnesota This annual program is designed for pediatricians and family physi­cians. The title of the meeting this year is "Sports, Fitness, and Youth." For further information, please write to Patricia S. Simmons, M.D.

April 28 to May 2 Practice of Internal Medicine Rochester, Minnesota This course, which is intended as an update in internal medicine for general and subspecialty internists, has been prepared by the Commit­tee for Continuing Medical Education of the Departent of Internal Medicine in conjunction with the staff members of the Mayo Clinic, Mayo Foundation, Mayo Graduate School of Medicine, and Mayo Medical School.

May 7 to 9 International Colloquy on Wegener's Granulomatosis and Other Vasculitides of the Respiratory Tract Rochester, Minnesota Abstracts are invited concerning clinical, pathologic, and experimental aspects of Wegener's granulomatosis, Churg-Strauss syndrome, poly­morphic reticulosis/lymphomatoid granulomatosis, and vasculitis in general. For further information, please contact Dr. R. A. DeRemee, Division of Thoracic Diseases and Internal Medicine, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN 55905 USA. Telephone: (507) 284-2957.

For further information, please write to Postgraduate Courses, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN 55905.


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