mccoy world history unit 3 multiple choice

Post on 06-Oct-2015






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Multiple Choice Test (John McCoy, Mt. Hebron High School, Howard County MD). 2014-15


  • Unit 3 Test:

    The Renaissance and Reformation

    McCoy 2014-2015

  • 1. In French, renaissance means

    a. Re-birth b. Re-consecrate c. Re-built d. Refined

    2. Leonardo da Vince painted all of the following except

    a. School of Athens b. Mona Lisa c. Vetruvian Man d. The Last Supper

    3. In what year did Martin Luther post the 95 Thesis?

    a. 1517 b. 1527 c. 1648 d. 1095

    4. All of the following are considered great masters of the Renaissance except

    a. Donatello b. Michelangelo c. Da Vinci d. Galileo

    5. The most significant patrons of the Italian Renaissance were the

    a. Disraelis b. Sforzas c. Medicis d. Benedicts

    6. The two most pivotal events that occurred in the 14th century and helped to transition Europe from the Middle Ages

    into the Modern World are cited as the Black Death and the

    a. Crusades b. 100 Years War c. Renaissance d. Protestant Reformation

    7. Which royal family ruled at one time ruled both the Spanish and the Holy Roman Empires?

    a. The Stuarts b. The Bourbons c. The Hanoverians d. The Habsburgs

  • 8. Which city served as the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire, the Byzantine Empire, and the Ottoman Empire?

    a. Rome b. Jerusalem c. Constantinople d. Athens

    9. The primary philosophy that guided many Renaissance artists and writers was

    a. Christian Humanism b. Humanism c. Enlightenment d. Orthodoxy

    10. Which individual was in charge of selling indulgences in Germany in 1517?

    a. Johann Tetzel b. Pope Leo X c. Charles V d. Philip II

    11. The exchange of service or money for an early release from purgatory was called a(n)

    a. Indulgence b. Confession c. Crusade d. Thesis

    12. Which early protestant reformer believed in pre-destination?

    a. Martin Luther b. Erasmus c. John Wycliffe d. John Calvin

    13. The majority of Renaissance artists were associated with powerful families and individuals through the act of

    a. Indulgences b. Patronage c. Faith d. Fealty

    14. Martin Luthers 95 Thesis addressed all of the following issues except

    a. Indulgences b. Salvation c. Corruption of the Church d. Humanism

  • 15. The conflict involving the major kingdoms and Europe and city-states of Italy that led to the disruption of the Italian Renaissance is called the

    a. Italian Wars b. Wars of the Roses c. 100 Years War d. Reformation Wars

    16. Who is called the Father of Humanism?

    a. Dante b. Petrarch c. Da Vinci d. Erasmus

    17. All of the following are true statements about the Council of Trent except

    a. The council rejected the teachings of Luther b. The Jesuits dominated the proceedings c. The Church confirmed the use of indulgences, but not the abuse of them d. The Church conceded to the success of the Reformation and focused on the arts

    18. Which Catholic order did Ignatius of Loyola found?

    a. Carmelite Order b. Society of Jesus c. Ursulines d. Holy League

    19. All of the following are considered Renaissance Popes except

    a. Leo X b. Paul III c. Alexander VI d. Julius II

    20. The intellectual rejuvenation that occurred during the Middle Ages in the aftermath of the crusades is called

    a. The Crusading Renaissance b. The Carolingian Renaissance c. The 12th Century Renaissance d. The First Renaissance

    21. The most acclaimed artist of the Renaissance era, nicknamed the Divine One, was

    a. Da Vinci b. Raphael c. Donatello d. Michelangelo

    22. The medieval event during which several men claimed to be the rightful pope is called the...

    a. Avignon Papacy b. Western Schism c. Iconoclasm d. The Reformation

  • 23. In addition to preaching similar church reforms- Wycliffe, Hus, and Luther also shared the profession of

    a. Professor b. Politician c. Soldier d. Artist

    24. Henry VIIIs reformation could be best described as

    a. Political b. Theological c. Personal d. Disastrous

    25. All of the following are associated with the Northern Renaissance except

    a. Durer b. Van Eyck c. Shakespeare d. Machiavelli

    26. How did Luther respond to the Peasants Revolt in 1524-1525?

    a. He supported the princes of Germany b. He supported the peasants c. He support neither d. He led an army to defeat them

    27. Machiavellis work entitled The Prince generated controversy over the perceived endorsement of

    a. Doing good works for power b. Selling indulgences for power c. Doing evil for power d. Using patronage for power

    28. The political extension of the Catholic Counter Reformation was best reflected by the creation of the

    a. Mannerism style of art b. Holy League of 1571 c. Society of Jesus d. Church of England

    29. A major goal of the Christian Humanists was to

    a. Reform the Italian Renaissance b. Reform the Catholic Church c. Separate from the Catholic Church d. Spread humanist ideas to the New World

    30. The Renaissance developed in Italy before other regions of Europe for all of the following reasons except

    a. Italian cities were united politically and artistically b. There were a large amount of wealthy patrons of the arts c. Italian cities were in contact with the eastern Mediterranean via trade d. Political competition was often expressed through the arts

  • 31. The Italian Renaissance is generally considered to have ended in 1527 when Charles V

    a. Had the pope executed b. Defeated Francis I of France c. Took da Vinci to Paris d. Sacked Rome

    32. Writing in the vernacular means

    a. Writing in Latin b. Writing in Greek c. Writing in the language of the people d. Inventing new languages

    33. Which influential Swiss reformer died in battle in 1531 defending his beliefs?

    a. Ulrich Zwingli b. John Calvin c. Johannes Kepler d. Thomas More

    34. Some historians suggest a trip to Rome in 1404 by which two Renaissance artists initiated the Renaissance?

    a. Giotto and da Vinci b. Brunelleschi and Raphael c. Donatello and Giotto d. Donatello and Brunelleschi

    35. After meeting in Marburg in 1527, Luther and Zwingli determined they disagreed over

    a. The Eucharist b. Baptism c. Last Rites d. Holy Orders

    36. Martin Luther posted the 95 Thesis on a church door in the city of

    a. Ereford b. Frankfurt c. Worms d. Wittenberg

    37. Pope Leo X issued the indulgence of 1517 in order to fund the completion of

    a. Sistine Chapel b. Raphael Rooms c. His statue d. St. Peters Basilica

    38. Which legal act passed by Henry VIII and Parliament destroyed the economic power of the Catholic Church in


    a. Act of Supremacy b. Dissolution of the Monasteries c. Act Against the Authority of the Pope

  • d. Act of Supremacy of 1558

    39. Which English monarch attempted to prevent the Catholic Mary Tudor from inheriting the throne?

    a. Henry VIII b. Elizabeth Tudor c. Mary, Queen of the Scots d. Edward VI

    40. Which statement best describes Baroque art?

    a. Style that emphasized nude figures and the powerful individualism of man b. Style that used simple geometric shapes and stylized figure c. Style that used exaggerated emotion and clear detail to produce drama, tension, and grandeur d. Style that used intricate detail and symbolism to suggest powerful meaning and messages

    41. Of all the reformation groups, which was considered the most radical and was therefore persecuted even by other

    protestant groups?

    a. Anabaptist b. Mormon c. Lutheran d. Jesuits

    42. The legal and theological reforms initiated by Henry VIII were completed by his daughter with the

    a. Elizabethan Religious Settlement b. Marys Religious Settlement c. Colloquy of London d. Council of Trent Religious Settlement

    43. Which English queen attempted to reverse many of the reforms of Henry VIII?

    a. Elizabeth Tudor b. Mary Tudor c. Mary Stuart d. Elizabeth Stuart

    44. Which European city was considered the capital of the Protestant Reformation?

    a. London b. Rome c. Wittenberg d. Geneva

    Historical Term Identifications: Please complete on a separate sheet of lined paper with your name, period, and term listed.

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