media studies cd cover analysis

Post on 15-Jun-2015






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Media Studies- CD cover project

This Front cover was inspired by my peers and it was appropriate for the name Uni-sexed as the picture consists of male and female feet.

This Back cover replaces the colours that is missing on the front cover, and brings it back up to date and at the same time it is still connected to the meaning of the front cover.

Front Cover

Open up a new project in photo shop CS3 (File>new) and set the width to 12CM and the Height to 12Cm (standard CD size)

and the colour mode to RGB Colour.

Import the photo you are going to use (file>open or just drag and drop) and then drag it onto your new work place.

To rotate your image or adjust the size select it and then go to EDIT>Free Transform (CTRL+T) and edit as you wish.

To change the lighting (contrast and exposure) select IMAGE>ADJUSTMENTS>Curves.

Using the curves tool, you can adjust how much light there is, where it is directed at and the contrast and exposure.

Once changing the exposure etc, you can then go into more detail and start editing separate

frames and parts, adding text, colour or posterizing.

This is the final front cover that I produced. Using simple effects in photo shop I have masked a real colour picture to look like a sketch. Using curves, exposure and black and white I have created a 1980’s look whilst keeping the back modernized by using colour.

Back cover

IN many respects the back cover is much easier. Using the two gender signs you simply import each one twice and adjust the size, shape and angle. Once doing this you place them in the correct places where you

think is right and then you add the text. Using the text tool ( T) drag and drop the text box in any position you want and input your text. Easy as 1 2 3.-

Using 3D shapes and bright colour you get a scence of life and action. Also it brings the Album back into the 21st century. It is cleverly linked to the front cover in mainly 1 way. On the front you see different pairs of feet, 2 female and 2 male and on the back you have the Male and Female Gender signs, hence the band name unisexed.

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