media studies evaluation q3

Post on 14-Apr-2017






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How Effective Is The Combination Of Your

Main Product And your Ancillary Texts?

Evaluation Question 4

My Main and Ancillary Tasks

Masthead/ Typography All the way throughout my products I wanted to show an apparent theme throughout.

This was so when people saw the products they could see the instant connection between them. I ensured that I used the same main body font for all of the article titles within the contents page and also the same text was used within my article page. I used the font ‘Jonah_DEMO Regular’. I liked this font as it is very simple but is also effective. It gives off the classy effect that I wanted to portray within the magazine. Using the same fonts will show the correlation between my pages, showing the audience that them particular pages are from my magazine. But, within my front cover I used a vast amount of fonts to give of a creative element and also so it had a stylistic look to it.

For the masthead I used the font ‘Will&Grace’. I thought this font was a lot like vogues recognizable font. I wanted to have a sleek/classy looking font. I thought this typography font will stand out due to every letter being shown in capital letters. I also saw that many mastheads have added features into them, for example some mastheads have alternate colours for the letters. To follow the convention of making the masthead unique I added ‘North East’ to my masthead. This was to make it unique but also to show the regional element of my magazine from the cover.

Colour scheme/ House style

I used two main colours throughout the whole magazine. These were black and burgundy. These colours tie all of my products together as the colours and shown throughout every product I made. I used these colours to represent the autumnal theme that I was trying to portray. I wanted to include this in my house style to emphasize the theme/season I was trying to show as a main feature throughout. I spread the colour our through all of the pages of my magazine, I even incorporated it into my front cover by using burgundy as a font colour.

My billboard also has elements of the colour incorporated within the text. This was so people who saw the billboard would be able to tell that the billboard is in correlation to the magazine and website.

Variation of images Throughout my magazine and website I had a variation of images

featuring both autumnal and latest fashion items. The different tasks allowed me to experiment with my images and incorporate elements of the themes I wanted to represent in my magazine.

Within my magazine the front cover showed the party girl side of my model who is very up to date with the latest fashion items when going on a night out. Whilst the contents and article page featured my model in more autumnal clothing items to represent her transition from the hot state of California to her home town of Sunderland that is not the warmest of places to live. It also related back to the autumn theme throughout.

My website did not feature many images of the model. I focused more on fashion/ beauty items as my magazine did not really focus on these topics. There was only one image of my model and she was featured in the same dress as she is on the front cover of my magazine.

In conclusion, my images do not really link throughout the products I have created but they all relate back to the themes within my production items.

Connotations There are many key elements featured throughout my products.

The main element is the north east regional theme that can be found within the content of the magazine.

The images also show the connotations of my model being a girly girl. The dress she is wearing on the front cover gives off strong connotations of the ‘girly girl’ theme you get from the model. But, when you go through the pages you get to see another side of the model as she is featured in an oversized hoodie and jeans. Showing she is not the girly girl that you originally expect her to be.

I was also able to feature connotations of the sub genres/ on going themes that are featured in the magazine. These are found in such things like the darker colours to show the autumn theme. Also, the clothing (main image dress) shows off the fashion genre that can be saw throughout all of the products.

Overall effect of the combination.

All of my products will definitely benefit from them all linking together. This will also be a very good thing for CHIC as a company. The interactivity of the online website will definitely bring more people to read the magazine I have created and also the billboard will be promoting the magazine bringing in more readers.

As a regional magazine it is very important to have an online website and also other possible technological elements. This is because technology is a massive element in the modern day. Younger audiences are more likely to read the magazine on a phone, laptop or tablet rather than a magazine as we are living in a ever growing technological world.

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