media studies evaluation question 5

Post on 13-Aug-2015






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Preliminary Task

I have used a big masthead so it can attract students and because it is easy to read. I have used a student as the model in

my magazine and it is direct mode of address which I have purposely done because it makes the magazine more eye catching.

I have used a pug stating that a ‘vouchers inside’ because I know that students will be more attracted to the magazine as they are always looking out for discounts.

I have also added in social media logos because students know what these mean and my target audience wanted more interactive features in the magazine so they will be more attracted to the magazine.

I have used a quote from a student which will attract student because they will instantly that this is a magazine aimed at them.

I have also included in a banner because I know that students will be attracted to magazines when it is free.

I have also used straplines which shows the main contents of the magazine and these straplines attract my target audience because this relates to them and the colour and size of the text makes the magazine more eye catching. These straplines are some of the things that the target audience wanted in the poll so I have made the magazine to include things they want which will appeal to them.

The photo will attract the audience because they can see that the models are actual students like them.

The banner which will also appeal to my audience because I know that

The contents page also has a simple layout which is easy to read and it also has crucial information such as what is on which page.

Main Task

I have used a pug that says that you get a discount code if you purchase the magazine and this will attract my target audience because it is a discount code for an album in the rap genre.

I have added in a pull-quote from the artist which will attract my target audience because it is standing out so it will make the magazine eye catching and its an interesting pull-quote so the audience will want to know what's inside the magazine.

I have also added in straplines on the right with some words standing out of the text and this is because I wanted the straplines to say the most important features of my magazine which will attract the audience as they will be interested by it.

I have made my masthead stand out by adding a stroke to it and making it big which will make the magazine more eye catching.

I have also added in a barcode in the front cover because I want the magazine to look professional to my target audience.

I have also added in that you get a free poster with the magazine of the artist featured in the front cover as it will attract the audience and make them more willing to purchase the magazine.

I have also used direct mode of address where the model is looking directly at the audience which will make the magazine be eye catching as the audience is going to be more likely to notice it.

I have added in another photo of the artist in the front cover because I wanted the contents page to look more attracting to the audience.

I have also added in social media on the magazine because I know that the majority of my target audience will be young so they will know about this and my target audience also wanted more interactive features in the magazine so this will look attracting to my audience.

I have also added in an interesting quote to the contents page because it will make the contents page look more interesting and attracting to the audience.

My double page spread features an interview which features questions which relates to both his career and his personal life because I wanted to include important questions as well as questions which the target audience asked which will attract the audience because they will want to know what's the artists answer is to their question.

I have also included in photos of the artist into the double page spread because I wanted to make it professional and similar to other magazine because it makes the double page more interesting to the audience.

I have also added in a pull-quote because I wanted it to be similar to other magazines and it is standing out with the background as it to attract the audience.

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