media theorists

Post on 10-Mar-2016






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Dating theorists

Chris AndersonChris is an American author, although he was born in London. He was with The Economist for seven years, then in 2001 became editor-in-chief of WIRED magazine.

We can’t trust him because he’s bald. Never trust bald people.

His theory is called The Long Tail, and he came up with it in 2004.

The long tail is the theory that the internet allows more niche products to be consumed, as there is no cost of selling or marketing through the internet. However, in shops, the shopkeeper only sells mainstream items, known as ‘hits’ to keep the shop in business.

As research, he plotted a graph of’s sales, and found that a large proportion from their book sales came from obscure books that aren’t typically found in book stores.

I’m going to go to dinner with him, because maybe he’s use his research to sell niche things online and has become rich, so we can go to a really expensive restaurant because he will pay, and he can tell me all about his long tail ;)

David GauntlettDavid is a British sociologist and media theorist.

He is bald, all trust is lost.

His theory is called Media in Every Day life/ Making is Connecting. He came up with it in 2008.

His theory suggests that the everything we do on the internet connects us. It can connect us in a social dimension, of connecting people together. Or engagement, through making and sharing things online, with the world. People can be creative and make things and collaborate with people around the world too.

His research included asking children to make videos about the environment, and he saw that having a person create something and then reflect upon it is a much more effective way of teaching, and provides and insight to the person’s feelings and experiences.

I want to be stuck on a chair lift with him and see how he feels about that connection. I think we could have a nice chat on that chair lift.

Clay ShirkyClay Shirky is an American writer and teacher of the social and economic effects of Internet technologies.

We can’t trust him because he’s bald (are all theorists bald?!).

His theory is called Cognitive Surplus and he came up with it in 2010.

His theory is that thanks to the internet, we are spending our free time more productively by creating and making things rather than sitting around watching TV. This will ultimately lead to a more active and cooperative world.

I want to marry him because we can have lots of fun creating things on the internet and changing the world via the internet and we can be like the President and First Lady of the internet and then we can rule the internet as a happily married couple.

Henry JenkinsHenry Jenkins is an American media scholar and a professor.

Usually we wouldn’t trust him because of his baldness, but after a long internal debate we’ve (Me and Felix, my inner self) have decided we can trust him because he has a beard and moustache and lovely sideburns.

His theory is called Convergence Culture and he came up with it in 2006.

His theory is that everything is coming together on the internet, and that institutions are using the internet to broadcast information and products. They expand their companies through all platforms and allow the consumer to have the media where they want it, when they want it, and in whatever format they want it.

I’m going to eat spaghetti with him in a Lady and the Tramp style, followed by taking a picture of us with the spaghetti and posting it on Twitter to see how he feels about us converging an iconic scene from Disney, into a reality, and then putting the reality back on the internet.

Don TapscottDon Tapscott is a Canadian business executive, author and speaker specializing in business strategies.

We trust him because he has hair (even though it’s receding) and is Canadian.

His theory is called Wikinomics and he came up with it in 2006.

His theory is that we’ve come to a point where many businesses have stopped thriving and developing and the solution is a mass collaboration and a reboot of new methods.

I am going to avoid him because I have no idea what his theory is about and I don’t want him to bore me to death with it.

Charles LeadbeaterCharles Leadbeater is a British author and former advisor to Tony Blair.

I’m inclined to trust him, something about his not-entirely-bald head and that smile.

His theory is called We Think and he came up with it in 2008.

His theory is that with the internet more people can participate in contributing their ideas, views and information. It allows them to share, connect ands collaborate. United on the internet, people can create and change things at a large scale. The web is a platform for mass creativity and innovation.

I’m going to do what my heart desires with him because I love his theory and how he talks about creativity gets me going.

Dan GillmorDan Gillmor is an American technology writer and columnist.

We can trust him because he does things at Harvard University.

His theory is called We the Media and he created it in 2004.

His theory is about sharing news and how big news companies are losing business because using the internet anyone can become a journalist by blogging, and sharing news online, quickly and effectively.

He brings to light bloggers that share news to back up his theory.

I am going to spend my last day on earth with him because we can go through all the blogs he’s found and look at all the news in the world, and how major events were reported online and I can die a happy and well-informed person.

Stuart HallStuart Hall is a theorist and sociologist, living and working in the UK.

We don’t trust him a lot because google images showed too many different men, so he can’t be that well known, although Stuart Hall must be a common name…hmmm…

His theory is called Recepetion Theory and he came up with it God knows when.

His theory is that the audience doesn’t blindly accept medias but interprets it in their own way based on their own cultural backgrounds and experience.

I’m going to introduce him to my parents so we can all have a happy family discussion about our cultural backgrounds and how we’ve interpreted different media texts, and watch fun movies together.

Blumler and KatzElihur Katz is an American and Israeli sociologist. Jay G. Blumler is an American theorist.

We trust them because they’re old and wise and Katz is Israeli.

Their theory is called Uses and Gratification theory and they came up with it around 1974 although it existed long before.

Their theory is that the audience uses each media text for specific reasons, and that the audience has control over how they consume media, rather than the media over them. The uses and gratifications are; for entertainment, for information, social relationship, personal identity and escapism.

To back up their theory they researched people’s motives for watching certain films.

I am going to go clubbing with them because I want to use their theory in other spheres of life, such as clubs, and deciding why different people go to clubs.

Jay RosenJay Rosen is a media critic, author and professor of journalism.

We don’t trust him because he is bald.

His theory is called Citizen Journalism and he came up with it in 2006.

His theory is similar to We The Media, it’s about how ordinary people play an active role in collecting, distributing and analyzing news. Jay, himself, explains it as "When the people formerly known as the audience employ the press tools they have in their possession to inform one another.”

I’m going to snog him because he’s not the first to come up with this theory so I’m just gonna give him a quick snog and leave until he finds some originality.

David Hepworth

Can’t find any information on him so he must be some alien or threatening life source so I’m gonna push him off a cliff.

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