media work for coburn

Post on 15-Apr-2017



News & Politics



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I Wanna Go

• She is conveyed as quite a sexual and promiscuous woman within the music video because she wears rather revealing clothing throughout. Therefore, we could argue that everything she does and what she wears within the video is all done for the attention of men because it connotes this idea that women should obey and are controlled by men. This links into the idea that she is seen to be sexually active because she is pleasuring men hence she uses her promiscuity and her looks to her advantage. Therefore we also have this juxtaposition because we see this image of the woman being the stronger and controlling one within the relationship (see Post Feminism).

• Men are also shown to be robots because they are strong and emotionless and this contrasts the woman’s character because she is shown to be emotional and attractive; someone who likes to be adored.

• Her job is also very stereotypical because she is famous and a singer whereas the men are the police officer and body guards etc. They have a more dominant, important and labour intensive role. Also, all the men have quite protective jobs like the police officer etc. hence adhering to stereotypes because men are meant to protect women.

• Despite this, there are elements of this video being post feminist because all the way through the video, she appears to be confident, sassy, empowering, strong and independent. It gives off this vibe that her music is more important than the men in her life because despite being distracted by the men like the police officer, she keeps going and keeps singing.

• Also, when she attacks the men with her microphone again shows the audience that she values music over men and that she needs music more than men. This also suggests how she is powerful and in control which subverts the stereotype. This links into the fact that she does against the stereotypical motherly role because she essentially, seduces a young boy. This shows us that she is breaking free from stereotypes and is being proud of her promiscuity and sexual freedom. In addition to this, at the end of the music video, the man tries to please her – the woman – hence showing this role reversal because he is the one trying to seduce her thus she is the one who is control and has the power.

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