
Post on 14-Jun-2015



Devices & Hardware



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Devices of the futureMedicine

Made by:

Kamilė Kesylytė

Kotryna Celencevičiūtė

Aušrinė Kazlauskaitė

Miglė Masiulytė

Form 3B

Early medicine

Medicine nowadays


The Da Vinci Surgical System

• The use of a robotic assistant called the Da Vinci Surgical System has increased in the last four years, and the machine now helps with operations in 2,000 hospitals around the world.

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• Da Vinci is a multi-purpose robot — the only one of its kind — that can perform the most complicated heart, lung, prostate surgeries and other procedures.

• The Da Vinci robot is not actually performing operations; it only mirrors the movements of the surgeon's hands on two joystick-like controllers.

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• Hospitals with the robot proudly proclaim its modern capabilities. Some patients insist on being treated by the mechanical surgeon.

• Dr. Hyung Kim, a urologist who uses a Da Vinci system believes that the robot makes no difference for patients.

• Kim says he would never go back to performing some surgeries by hand.

• Sitting comfortably at the ergonomic Da Vinci console, he can see the operating field better via a 3-D camera on one of the robot's arms and maneuver his tools, held by other arms.

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Components of the Da Vinci Surgical System:

Surgeon Console

• Using the da Vinci Surgical System, the surgeon operates seated comfortably at a console while viewing a high definition, 3D image inside the patient’s body.

Patient – side cart

• The patient-side cart is where the patient is positioned during surgery. It includes either three or four robotic arms that carry out the surgeon's commands.

EndoWrist instruments

• A full range of EndoWrist instruments is available to the surgeon while operating.

• The instruments are designed with seven degrees of motion - a range of motion even greater than the human wrist.

Vision System

• The vision system is equipped with a high-definition, 3D endoscope and image processing equipment that provides true-to-life images of the patient’s anatomy.

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Chemical gas detecting

• Detecting chemical weapon type agents nowadays is very expensive and complicated. However, an equipment-free, motion-free, highly sensitive technology would greatly improve current situation.


Doctoral student Sungbaek Seo holds two paper litmus tests in a lab at the University of Michigan

The paper strips with a special litmus-like paper based sensors

How does it work?

• The paper-based sensors of the paper strips are designed to change from blue to pink in less than 30 seconds of exposure to even trace of toxic gas.

• Researchers now are pursuing patent protection for the sensor and seeking partners to help bring it to market.

Flu diagnosing

• There’s no denying that flu diagnosis often takes too long and results in frequent false negatives.

• Therefore, researchers set a goal to create a more affordable test that would be accurate, cheaper, faster and disposable and this way ultimately save lives.

• During a four-year study, which involved 146 patients with flu-like symptoms researchers essentially miniaturized a special biochemical technology into a chip the size of a standard microscope slide and analyzed two types of nasal specimens in order to show that the technique was feasible on real-world samples.

Roughly the size of a standard microscope slide

The chip currently costs $10

Results are produced in a few hours

• The team found out that their chip outperformed other common flu diagnostic tests and are currently working to further improve the chip so that it would cost just $5 and produce results in an hour.

iOS Medical Devices of the Future

Disease Risk Calculator

could help him visualize progress and compare himself to his peers. 

A user interface, or UI, that indicated to a patient how his score on specific biomarkers such as proteins had changed over time

SpirometerSpirometers in patient hands today are cheap, simple devices.

Therefore a spirometer attached to a sophisticated app that could record breathing performance over time would be extremely useful for both patients and doctors. 


If used by caregivers this device can help automate recognition of possible problems, rather than relying solely on the human eye to detect potential irregularities.

In addition, doctors could take this device to the field.

Modular Prosthetic Limb

• The technology will allow amputees elbow, wrist, and finger movements. Beyond that, it will also give users the ability to sense touch, temperature, pressure and vibration.

• The technology requires tiny chips to be implanted in the brain so that users can effectively integrate the limb with the mind using only a thought.

Nanobots-The Next Cure for Cancer

• The concept behind the whole nanorobotics is folding of DNA chains to form a barrel- shaped container (known as origami) that works as a carrier of cancer antibiotics.

How Nanobot works?

• Nanobot is injected into your blood stream.• It will float through your circulatory system

into your whole body.

• In order to communicate with a cell, they mimic the cell’s receptor system. The previously formed molecular strand by pairing scaffold and stapes are engineered to recognize cancer cells.

NanoBot Trying to recognize the cancer cells with the help or receptors

• When a cancer cell is encountered, the nanobot is unlocked and the payload is released.

• The payload fights with the cancer cells to naturally kill the cell.

Why nanobot?

1. Extremely small.

2. Not only eliminates every single molecules of cancer cells but they also do it without the need of any big invasive surgery.

3. Doctors can easily diagnose the best possible treatment for the patient.


• Nano-expert Robert Freitas mentions a procedure where cell-repair nanobots called "chromallocytes" would seek out damaged and aging cells and immediately make repairs, creating a new younger cell.

• Chromallocytes would also replace inherited genes that cause dangerous genetic diseases.

• They would erase the damage and mutations that lead to human aging, keeping our bodies forever young and healthy.


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