medicines transparency alliance (meta) presented to cso workshops during 2013 in solwezi august 27...

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Medicines Transparency Medicines Transparency Alliance (MeTA)Alliance (MeTA)

Presented to CSO workshops during 2013 in SOLWEZI AUGUST 27NDOLA AUGUST 29


Medicines Transparency Alliance Medicines Transparency Alliance (MeTA) (MeTA)

Background o Roles of Sectorso Why MedicinesStatus of MeTA in ZambiaManagement Arrangements (Local)o National Secretariato Zambia MeTA Councilo MeTA Council sub-committeeso MeTA Forum Way Forward


MeTA is a multistakeholder alliance of partners working to improve access to medicines by increasing transparency and accountability in the healthcare marketplace

The UK Department for International Development (DFID) is providing initial funding for 4 years after the pilot project ended in 2010 in 7 countries


Other partners include WHO, the World Bank, governments, global and national CSOs, pharmaceutical and other business interests

MeTA is a multistakeholder forum representing Government, CSOs and the private sector


MeTA’s focus is on strengthening countries capacity to collect, analyze, disseminate and use data on medicine quality, availability, pricing and use, amongst others

One of the objectives is to promote transparency and accountability in national supply chains

Roles of SectorsRoles of Sectors

Public Sector plays essential role in:◦ procurement systems; have an essential role in

enhancing access and reasonable costing of essential medicines

◦ registration and regulation of health commodities available nationally

monitoring drug quality public health facilities play a central role in setting

national policies in regard to providing quality health delivery

Role of SectorsRole of Sectors

Private Sector◦ Private players can influence all aspects of medicines supply

and demand, that decide cost and availability of basic health commodities for end users

International and local manufacturers play an important role ◦ Drug importers are likely to have an influential role in the

private sector ◦ Other major actors in the pharmaceutical sector include

private pharmacies and other retail outlets; wholesalers of health commodities; private physicians and other medical practitioners and clinics.

◦ Supply chain operators and distributors play significant roles in the safe storage, quality assurance and timely delivery of health commodities.

Role of SectorsRole of Sectors

Civil Society Organizations◦ Very broad and diverse sector which includes

community, patients and consumers

◦ Has a critical role in disseminating medicines information on pricing, availability, affordability etc from national to community level

◦ Can represent needs of poor, socially excluded and promote social justice


Access to essential medicines is a fundamental human right recognized by governments around the world

Essential medicines are a global necessity for all countries whether rich or poor


Many people in Zambia are unable to access essential medicines to save or improve their lives

Under phase two of MeTA we are including among CSOs political parties and religious organisations

Many people do not have regular and affordable access to essential medicines


The importance of access to essential medicines also recognized in the Millennium Development Goals

Access to ARVs has transformed AIDS into a potentially manageable chronic disease

Essential medicines save lives, reduce suffering and improve health, but only if they are of good quality, safe, affordable, efficacious and used properly

Status of MeTA in ZambiaStatus of MeTA in Zambia

Pilot ended in 2010Phase 2 started in August 2012 but Zambia

has just been funded as June 2012Under Phase 2 MeTA Zambia will be

registered. Process has startedUnder Pilot we covered 3 provinces – North

Western, Central and Lusaka.Under phase 2 we are covering 5 provinces.

We have added Copperbelt and Southern


Management ArrangementsManagement Arrangements

National Secretariat◦ Under pilot TIZ acted as national secretariat and

fund holder◦ Under phase 2 PSZ is the fund holder◦ A Coordinator runs the Secretariat

Executive Committee - The is an Executive Committee - and three subcommittees – a) Finance and Administration, b) Research and Policy c) and Communications

Management Arrangements 2 Management Arrangements 2

MeTA Council◦Governing council that oversees

implementation process of the workplan; makes binding decisions

◦Monitors performance of national secretariat◦Holds bi-monthly meetings◦Appoints executive and sub-committees◦Develops TORs for sub-committees and rules

and regulations to govern the Council◦Current MeTA Council in existence since

October 2012

Management Arrangements 3Management Arrangements 3

MeTA Forum Involves Stakeholders from a cross section of

society Main objective to discuss findings from reports

on transparency and accountability concerning pricing, procurement etc. of medicines

Under phase two this will constitute the AGM where MeTA Council members will be elected/appointed

Will hold meetings annually

Way ForwardWay Forward

Register MeTA ZambiaHold more consultations at district level

about setting up district committees in five provinces

Set up district committees in five provinces

Hold consultations about contribution of funds to district committees from CDF

Districts to identify medicineslhealth issues in their areas for advocacy

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