melfior ra - journeys to vamfim

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JOURNEYS TO VAMFIMIncluded in the Astral Journey Cycle, this book covers all that I seen, felt and lived on the Vamfim Planet and moreAll you can find between these sacred lids is the pure truth. My feelings transposed in words represent the spiritual prove for my astral journeys.Blissful may to be those who believe without seen I dedicate them Journeys to Vamfim!Content

1. Programming

2. Energizing

3. The cloudships

4. The Praix Phenomenon 5. The Teacher6. Variumf and Vamfiumf

7. The sphinxes zone

8. The light of knowledge

9. The iur plantations

10. The unseen world of Vamfim

11. The unseen world of Moon

12. The connection with the cosmic energy

13. Light entities

14. The light crown

15. The review

16. The watching time

17. The first part of the mission is competed18. Interview with extraterrestrials19. Back to Vamfim From the Dark Zone to the Celestial Music Zone

I. Programming

I made many astral journeys in different so called space-time dimensions, in past, future and even the future. Recently I was incited or I was suggested to visit another planet that we call it Mars and its inhabitants call it VAMFIM.My spiritual guide, Zen, led me to Vamfim. That time and space is inhabited by entities who are more evolved then us, intellectually and spiritually. However, they are somewhat less beautiful then us in their physical appearance. But they are friendly and eager to establish contacts with earthlings and not merely. To reach that they make some efforts to contact those persons they want to get in touch So why is that?They want to help human beings to escape the mental blockage, so they can contact the Vamfians as is hard to conceive that the people from Geea (Earth Planet) cannot establish contacts with entities somehow akin them to the ending of the millennium. To accomplish this task they performed the opening of Ajna, the third eye of the second sight.To be better understood, I can explain you that they made a kind of intervention on astral body to unlock the mind of tens of earthlings so far... These kinds of intervention are performed by specialized entities. The subject they are working on is contacted when he is in meditation. The Vamfians induce him a state suchlike hypnosis. The subject is seeing, knowing, feeling, watching; yes he knows they are working on it, although there is no bleeding and no physical mark as a result of this action. Instead, many changes occur in his spirit and mind and these changes are reacting on physical body. He fell that that he dont belongs to him anymore as another will was inoculated; he has another desires, is wondering because he is acting in a different way and he also realize that he was another person little time back. Although he is aware of the intervention, he cannot do anything because he cannot master his will. He is like a programmed robot acting as is was asked for. For the moment his will is canceled. In fact there is no other will then the programmed one. Nevertheless, in that frozen time, a part of his consciousness or maybe subconsciousness is trying to revolt, to not agree with that intervention. He realizes that undergoing the intervention he wouldnt belong to him totally from then on; in the same time he feels uneasy, there is a restlessness, a fear generated by the idea that he wouldnt found himself as he was untouched by those whom he cannot take resistance. But that shadow of rebellion appears for ever like a dream, like something which cannot be materialized at all. He have to do what was asked for and although he is watching, listening and feeling, he still knows that he cannot belongs to him entirely. Then, when everything is ready, when the intervention is ready, if he wouldnt feel that pressure in crown of the head then he would be tempted to think that everything was just a fancy, a dream, although he was all the time wakeful. If hes going to indulge himself in this sweet illusion then there would be the time for the second intervention on his astral body, when he cannot pretend he doesnt know as he is said very clear that the second intervention is following because the six month were spent and everything must be amplified and concentrated to acquire the needed high efficiency for those who are performing the intervention. Only then you acknowledge yourself that wasnt a hallucination and you are also an instrument in hands ofWhom of? It is strange the way we, earthlings perceive what is happening to us. Instead of making a quantification of consequences, we allow and launch catastrophic thought forms. In our case the acknowledgement is exasperating you, is enjoying and bothering at one time. Your shift towards good and the purification are the joy. You love the others and reveal the good from yourself in that interval between the two interventions. Although you worry for your transformation because you could think that you would do what you have been programmed for and thereafter you could do something bad. But since in this time you have undergone a positive transformation, you realize that the good and spiritual and material harmony represent the purpose of the interventions. You dont bother anymore and begin to thanks the Divinity for the help.Therefore you feel with all your being that your transformation is good. There is no bad.

The 5th of April 1994, 11.00 AMII. Energizing

Here I am on Vamfim. First of all I had to halt at the Energizing House. This is a standard procedure and Vamfim is not the only place you have to undergo this process. Maybe the Vamfians found out that I need more energy.

The Energizing House is in the shape of pyramid and is made by a hard material, a dense one but translucent at once. Every entity found itself at a certain level of this pyramid and this level correspond the spiritual level. I entered 2/3 high of the pyramid. There was a corridor inside the pyramid. Some entities entered that corridor. They held each other hands and formed a circle.

I joined the entities and I felt that a kind of fluid, a vibe, entered my left palm. The vibe was running through my astral body (the feeling was conveyed to physical body as well) then was running out through my right hand toward the next entity completing in this way the whole circle. After some time (the world time is so relative and improper there as there is a different time and you have a different perception of time) the circle was interrupted beside the door (a kind of entrance-exit) and the entities were going out one by one. In that space-time everything is silvery. When you have a desire and want to convey a thought almost instantaneously you get back the answer or the fulfillment of desire. I began to wonder what the appearance of their physical bodies is and I got the answer immediately. Beside the telepathic transmission of the meaning behind the word, I watched like a film what must be understood beyond confusions or suspicions. The Vamfians are no more then 1 meter high. Their head is in the shape of the prism, two big eyes cover almost the whole width of the lateral area, an indistinguishable nose and their auditory organ in shape of a small triangle on the top of the head. They can adjust the volume for that organ on demand. Their mouth is small with very thin lips. They have no hair. They have membranes between toes and fingers and there are also membranes between body and hands and between legs as well. Their body is dark fawn and the membranes are yellowish. When they are getting dressed their clothes mould upon their legs, hands and fingers as their membranes are elastic.

These beings are moving using a kind of flight-hovering, something between these. The female posses three pairs of teats. Their genitals are situated on the lower side of their abdomen. I even watched a birth. An entity gives birth to eight children. They were expulsed through some contractions. They were linked through a membrane. A fetus was expulsed at every contraction. They looked very odd, like fishes. Then, another entity removed them from that membrane and the newborn babies were hovering then the mum began to nurse them. It was a bib surprise for me to see that they could move immediately after their bearing!!!

Then, I desired to watch their houses. Instantaneously I found myself in a house. Honestly, I didnt like their houses. This is the appearance of their houses:

Think of a mound! Yes, a mound in the shape of a cylinder, something akin a tower. These towers werent built by someone, they were natural. They are very wide and there were also, round and round, on different levels, in the upper side, a kind of oval columns, and every interior of those columns comprising the dwelling of a certain family. In fact the column represents the entrance of the dwelling. The inner side of their dwellings are much high then ours. There is no furniture. There are no rooms like bedroom, living room, bathroom, etc. There are only some kinds of recesses in the walls. They are used for resting by the entities that needs to break their flight-hovering. Keep in mind that the Vamfians can stand in the air. They also can stand upright as well as horizontally during their moving or standing. Everything is silvery on Vamfim: the threes, the plants; all the vegetation. Everything is fairy-like but the inner sides of their dwellings are quite gloomy. There isnt that magic, that radiance and that translucence from nature. Maybe this is the reason the Vamfians dont stay much in these dwellings. You could watch them in groups, standing in the air and talking. They dont need to speak because the worlds arent necessary as your thoughts are intercepted and the answer is received through pictures or telepathic perception and understanding. You need more then words to convey what you have seen, felt or perceived in another realm, space or time. I think that every dimension has its advantages and disadvantages. We must be content with what we have here, on Geea.

We must be trusty to the present; it is WHOLENESS.

The 6th of September 1994, 10.33 AM

III. The cloudshipsTherefore you have to want something and that something is coming into existence. More than that, you receive almost instantaneously the answer for your thought. The answer means the movement to the spot, rewound images in mind, telephatical and auditory extrasensorial perceptions. That is the answer you receive on Vamfim

I began to think, to desire and to watch what responsibilities have the Vamfians of male gender. I found myself immediately in a factory. It is a kind of space used to transform energy in dense matters. The Vamfians were building spaceships for interplanetary and intergalactic travels. Of course, I was interested in the interplanetary ones as yet. I was led in such a spaceship. The Vamfians refer to these ships as the Cloudships. I entered such a spaceship. The spaceships can take different shape and colors: white-silvery - their basic color, grayish translucent, orange, blue and others hues. They have many shapes: oval cylinders, pipes, domes, simple domes, double domes or in shape of H. The driving is accomplished through vibes. But the ships in the shapes of clouds seemed to be the more interesting to me. The driving is accomplished materializing the vibes into the solid matter of the ship. The more used ships on Earth are the cloudships. This is because these ships cannot be intercepted easily. The Vamfians knows very well when they are remarked by the earthlings and more over, they know the thoughts of those who intercepted them so they are able to take the proper actions toward the intentions of the watchers. They enjoy playing with those that are following them. They amuse themselves because they couldnt be watched when they do not want that. They use the opportunity to make themselves and their ships invisible so they played a lot with people from NASA, NATO, USA, Japan and Russia. They played with those people because of their lack of sincerity and loyalty toward their earthlings neighbors. They were very amazed to learn that those people dont inform the others about their contact with aliens. This is why they decided to make interventions and contact human beings so that they can convey their love messages. To accomplish that, they made those energetic openings on the astral body of tens of earthlings.

The Vamfians are much evolved; they have a high IQ and a high spiritual vibration. They know about the evolution of life on Earth and also about the science of galactic transformation in the circuit of space time dimension. But they have disadvantages. They envy us because of our physical harmony. They think we are the most beautiful physical beings from the universe but we have a low spirituality. They enjoy staying near beaches where they can watch the nudes of the earthlings

There are Vamfians that made passions for earthly beings and visit our planet to see them. They desire a breeding between Vamfians and earthlings to improve the harmony of their physical appearance. They made some attempts for breeding but the results didnt survive because of the air components. But they arent discouraged as they hope that this thing would be possible in the future. They want the physical harmony of earthling and the spiritual level of them. They dislike our way of life, especially out nourishment. They cannot conceive that someone could ingest more then it is needed! They are amazed to found out that there are earthly beings using harmful nutritional substances although those beings know the consequences of that. They merely understand that.

There are lasting friendships between Vamfians and superior spirits that lived on Earth in their previous lives. Those spirits help Vamfians to approach us; they give them the needed information to contact us. But we are blind and the Vamfians get very mercifully for us and our ignorance. That is why the Vamfians wants only our physical beauty and not our mind. But the Vamfians knows that the moment of our illumination is near and the Divinity would create the proper being, more harmoniously materially and spiritually.

The7th of September 1994, 09.20 AMIV. The Praix Phenomenon

Im again on Vamfim, joined by Zen, my higher spiritual guide. I was led straight to the Energizing House then we made the same ritual. After getting out from there I desired to watch they way the feminine entities live their lives there. I found myself near those feminine entities instantaneously. They stand in the air, in different postures, picking up something from some silvery threes. The fruits of the threes were alike bilberry, but somewhat smaller and the color of the fruits was darker then leaves but silvery too. The leaves seemed to be made of tinfoil. The berries were brought in the membranes, between hands and legs. Those membranes looked like a kind of pockets. When I tried to find out more about that activity, I received immediately the answer. Those women were members of a kind of organization. The ends of hat organization were to nurse and feed the ill children. Those children cannot be taken into the Energizing House because of their illness. I was amazed to find out that there are ill children. I was said: Yes, like in the other places, here are ill children, children that cannot bear their back right and therefore they cannot move, cannot make that flight-hovering so they cannot take the food for themselves. I thought about their appearance and I found myself in a room, a kind of hospital with many ill children. They were lying on those recesses from the walls. There was a kind of coldness and I felt something like a cold thrill, but I felt it in my mind not in my body. It was another kind of coldness, almost inexpressible. I felt much better when I came out. I wanted to know the cause for their illness. I received the following answer:

There is something alike your pollution and radioactivity on Vamfim only that this radioactivity hasnt the same causes like your radioactivity and it affect only such and such children, the children that are originated from certain spaces, but not all of these children are affected. The undesirable effects depend on much conjunctures; it is what we call here, the Praix Phenomenon. I wanted to know more about Praix Phenomenon but it seems that I didnt have to know more about that, because I found myself immediately in my physical body. That was the first time when I was bound to reintegrate myself in my physical body, against my will. Very strange!

I will go on and inform you about what I felt, watched and lived there, on Vamfim, if I would be allowed to go to Vamfim. If you want that, please help me. You could help me in the following way: radiate only good thoughts, that is to say you have to be better, gentler and appreciative as Jesus Christ was when He was embodied here, on Earth that it is known in astral dimensions as Geea. May you have the Christ Ray now and for ever in yours souls.The8th of September 1994, 09.15 AMV. The TeacherI made a new journey to Vamfim after a period of three earthly days. Someone suggested me to go again to Vamfim, but I cannot reveal who is that person. I was led again by Zen.I wanted to visit a school from Vamfim and that simple thought brought me over there only that what we know as a lecture room, there is an outside place, on Vamfim, a place without walls. I have seen a group of about twenty children. They stand upright and there was a mature entity, a Vamfian that inspired much respect, in front of them. You would feel that you have to respect him. That entity of male gender taught the science of incursion into another spaces, times and dimensions. I stayed for a while and watched, then that entity paid attention to me, too. I asked them about his name. He answered me in this simple way: The Teacher Knowing about my discontentment, he gone on and told me: There is a different situation here, on Vamfim. We dont have name and surname; we know each other by vibes. We dont need names or conventional signs like you!

Teacher, tell me please, what do I have to know about Vamfians?

You must know that the Vamfians do not die. They just pass on entirely conscious into different spaces and time dimensions but only after they reached here the absolute knowledge.

What about their body in the moment of the great passing?Nothing! They volatilize, melt into tin air. Those you see hovering horizontally are approaching the purifying. The earthlings would say they are about to die, but we do know there is no death and we are aware of that during entire existence in this dimension of space and time. Nobody mourn when other accomplished his mission and was purified. The purified one is ever keeping in touch with the dear ones that are still here. More over, we have the chance to choose the next dimension as we know a lot about those dimensions of space. How? This is what we teach here, in our schools the difference between you and us, between our school and your schools, is that we are working to conquest the higher dimension while you, the earthlings work for the dimension of the space you are living in. You dont strive; dont act to exceed your condition. We are sorry for you, for the fact that you dont understand the essence. You deviated from the right way, from the truth and you left very much but you would stop your decadence. We are going to help you; you need our help, you just have to ask for help and you would receive it. But we can interfere in your intimacy only if you desire.Teacher, what else I need to know about you and what I had to communicate to earthlings?

The16th of September 1994, 15.15 AMVI. Variumf and Vamfiumf

Im again on Vamfim, joined by the same higher spiritual guide, Zen. First, I was led in the Energizing House, but this time I gone much higher, near the top of the pyramid. There was place only for three entities. I, Zen and the Teacher entered there and make a circle. I felt hard vibes into Ajna and Sahasrara. I felt that energetic fluid for seven times then I got out. Some entities were waiting for us outside. They joined our group and we have and all together gone to visit the Lakes Zone.

I thought I would see some water lakes, but there wasnt water in those lakes. It was a solid matter and not a liquid, something like very granules. There was a kind of aerial excavators digging up those granules. The shovels were filled up with granules which were carried and dispersed over their orchards. The place the granules were excavated from was flattened itself immediately after the excavation.

The teacher said me that those granules are called VARIUMF. The Vamfians use the variumf to fertilize the soil. After touching the soil the granules were dissolved and assimilated by the soil immediately.

Then, the Teacher led me in the Mines Zone. There was a kind of granules, in the size of a rice bob of yellow-golden color. They found that material as solid blocks in the underground of their planet. They struggle very much to dislocate such a block but after getting ready, the block disintegrates itself in thousands of particles. These granules were loaded in small carriages alike those of our mines only that their carriages were very clean and were circulating on aerial lines. The Teacher said me that those granules are called VAMFIUMF. I asked what are they used for and I received the following answer:

Those granules are user for building the Energizing House. They were integrated in the middle of the base of those houses. The vamfiumf is useful as it help the ill entities to recover from the consequences of Praix phenomenon. Usually, the members of those families with ill adults or children work in those mines. But there are also others working in those mines for pure humanity, to help those in suffer.

The Teacher said me:

Keep in mind that nobody is working here for reward. There is no rewarded job on Vamfim. The Vamfians wish all the inhabitants of this dimension to be happy. Their higher goal is EVERYBODYS HAPPINES

God, the earthlings are so far from that higher conscience! I hope there would be little time from now to that very moment.

The 17th of September 1994, 6.30 AM

VII. The Sphinxes Zone

Zen led me to Vamfim as always. From the distance I could see the Energizing House. It was glowing, embraced by a golden light like a divine aura.

I entered the Energizing House and I reach 2/3 high of the pyramid. Some entities made a circle and after a while I felt I was rising higher and higher towards the top of the pyramid and one by one, the entities left the circle until only three entities remained there: me, the Teacher and Zen. Then, we wait and feel seven vibrations in Sahasrara and Ajna chakras. I know how much would be that in terrestrial time as there is another lapse of time. Then, I came out. The Teacher said:We are going to visit the Sphinxes Zone. There was a triangle made up by an array of pyramids disposed on many rows. There was a sphinx on every pyramid. I asked:Why these pyramids arent so glowing like the other called the Energizing House?

The Teacher answered:

This is because the vamfiumf from their bases have less power of radiation. These are dead pyramid like yours from Terra.

Is there a chance to be recharged?

Yes. But we dont do it. We are building more advanced pyramids. These pyramids are millions terrestrial years old. All that you see here is just a kind of cemetery for the old energizing houses. Now we are building small pyramids with higher efficiency because we evolved meanwhile You have to know that the Great Pyramid, the Keops Pyramid, as you call it, can be recharged and it will be This is possible. The platform from the top of it was left for this purpose. The pyramid would be recharged and would fulfill the original goal. A great discover would take place son, in the Pyrenees Mountains. A great crystal would be brought out from the underground during an aerial event. We will help you to trace this crystal. How? You neednt know. Then, the crystal would be placed on the platform from the Great Pyramid. After a while the pyramid would begin the charging. The charging would be made from the top to the bottom. From time to time, on special astral conjunctions, the crystal would open itself in form of a water lily and a powerful jet of light would erupt towards the sky. The crystal would be more glowing after the flower would turn back into the original form. The face of the terrestrial TEACHER would glow in the middle of the crystal. The face would be perceived by those with a pure soul. Then, crystal flower would open itself again and THE TEACHER OF ALL WORLDS TEACHERS would be seen in the middle of the flower. Only the good ones would be able to perceive that. Only those that are pure like the crystal, the chosen ones would witness all these things. Then, the crystal would be closed again but the face of the Teacher of All Worlds Teachers would be seen from every part of the Great Pyramid as at the opening of the crystal flower the crystal would begin to spin round in clockwise motion and every hour there would be also another image of the face of JESUS CHRIST that who is THE TEACHER OF ALL SEEN AND UNSEEN WORLDS TEACHERS.The Great Pyramid would as glowing and beautiful as the Energizing House is. But the pyramid would be renamed and you will know about the name at the right time. People will work again in the Great Pyramid. We still call it in this way. People would work inside for the initiations of the ones. The pyramid and the platform from the top have this purpose.

The 22nd of September 1994, 7.30 AM(To be continued if it has to be or the Divinity wants)

VIII. The light of knowledge.

I received the conventional signal that I have to make another astral journey. Zen was waiting for me. I entered again the Great Pyramid and make a short journey in the Sidereal Space of the Celestial Light then I headed for Vamfim. Three entities lead me into that circular hall from the Energizing House. The Teacher, Zen and me stayed there for seven vibrations then we came out. The Teacher said to me we were going to visit the Springs Zone. There I have seen three weird and fanciful springs. Those springs didnt have running waters but a substance that was almost solid and was bubbling upwards from the soil through certain spots. The substance was alike our mercury, having the same color. The Teacher said:Those who are thirsty of the Light of Knowledge come to the knowledge springs. You are going to see what must be seen.

I have seen Vamfian entities in three rows: a row for every spring. Each entity had one cone in the hands. They were bending and filling up the cup with that oily and silvery substance. Then, they were steeping their forefinger from the right hand in that substance and made the sign of cross on their chakras beginning from the Ajna. They made the same sign on their huge eyes after finishing the chakras. But they made a different cross sign on their eyes, beginning from the inner part of the lateral side and ending with the vertical line. That is all the ritual. Then, the Teacher said:

Those who are thirsty for the truth get the Light of Knowledge following that ritual. They make the ritual for three times, on the three sunrises, in a Vamfian lifeTheir capes seemed very interesting to me as I hadnt ever seen Vamfians dressed with cloaks. Then, the Teacher said:Their cloaks are made from a special material and are used only for these rituals. Each family has one or two cloaks. Generally, a family of twenty thousands members has two cloaks. I wondered what kind of material are the cloaks made of and the Teacher answered:There are entities specialized in manufacturing this ritual cloaks (I watched what I was explained simultaneously). Those that use the cloaks bring the materials the cloaks are made of. I would say the materials are in fact substances from the Vamfian soil. The cloaks are made of three or four kinds of substances. The Vamfians were bringing the substances in very small troughs. Others Vamfians were drawing models on a kind of stone tables. Then, they cleaned out the troughs in the middle of those models and outspreaded the substances over the entire surface of the model. The substances were sun-dried outdoors. Then, the materials were coming unstuck looking like the cellophane. The materials were ready to be dressed. The Teacher said:

Now we are going to visit the Cemeteries Zone.

I was shaken by a thrill. I didnt like it. I do what I need to do not what I want. There is somebody else choosing for me. I saw a large inhospitable place with a great mound of cadavers in the middle of it. I was surprised as I knew it that the Vamfians were volatilized themselves at the passing into the other dimensions. Simultaneously, I received the answer for my thoughts. The Teacher said:These are the inanimate bodies of those entities who didnt want to worship the divinity at the Knowledge Light Springs. Their bodies werent purified so there wasnt any volatilization. We cover the bodies with a texture of IUR threads. We fix warily the borders of the texture on the soil and the inanimate bodies would decay and disintegrate until the final merger with the soil. There never was more then one such a mound on Vamfim as few didnt understand and respect the ritual from the Knowledge Light Springs. You have to know that the decayed bodies dont stink and there is no danger of infection. The bodies just didnt have souls.This zone has only this function. There is the Black Cemetery here. But the iur texture helps to purify the bodies of unpurified ones and the place also. But those spirits have to admit they were wrong and usually this process last for years. We cover their body only after they had admitted they were wrong and after they had proved that they wouldnt make the same mistakes also.

The texture - and the iur also - has the power to disintegrate everything from under its cupola. Now good bye and see you again, Melfior Ra!

The 25th of September 1994, 3.30 AM

IX. The iur plantationsZen joined me again on Vamfim. Te Teacher was waiting for us. I entered the Energizing House. I stayed there for seven vibrations. After coming out the Teacher invited us to visit the Wild Zone. The Wild Zone is a kind of desert where you couldnt find any plant. There are only rocks, craters and others asperities an empty place. The Teacher said that the Wild Zone spread itself to almost a half of the planet. It is a stark zone. There was a kind of fog over the most part of the zone. The Teacher said that the Praix phenomenon is originated from that foggy place. The Phenomenon is a result of both the emanations of the soil and those radiations from the cosmos attracted by the emanations. Together, these two elements provoke the foggy clouds referred by the Vamfians as the Praix or the Praix Phenomena.Then, the Teacher invited me and Zen to see the other side of the planet. We headed for the Iur Plantations.

I have seen magnificent little three of about 1.50 2 meters. They have the possibility to have flowers and fruits in the same time. I hadnt seen plants or threes without leaves until then. The threes didnt have any leaves and looked very weird only with roots, trunks, flowers and fruits. The flower were beautiful, alike the poppies only that there were three stage petals. I was amazed to see that there were flowers of different colors in every threes. On the same branch you could find in front of your mind eye of Ajna, flowers of white, red, pink, orange colors or other nuances obtained as a blending of the first mentioned colors. You also could see on the same three, fruits at different stages of ripening. The fruits were alike the poppies ones, in the shapes of spheres only that when the fruits are ripe, their peel is soft and takes another shape. I opened up such a former sphere. I felt it soft like a cotton cloth. I felt the seeds through it. I broken it easily and I taste it as the Teacher impelled me. It tasted like the poppies seeds. The seeds had an elongated shape. I tried to crunch it but the Teacher advised me to put it on the tongue and wait. Total surprise! Yes. After a while I felt a taste like the milks; it was a taste that was spreading through my all spiritual body that was there and even through the remote one, the physical body. I was flooded by the positive effects. Then, the Teacher mentioned that a Vamfian family is feeding on those seeds. The seeds have a yellowish hazel color. The Teacher said that after the fading the threes are (cut off, I thought, but the Teacher corrected me immediately).No, the threes are removed entirely from the soil then undergo a technologic process; finally the three become iur fabric. Instead of each removed three, the Vamfians replant another three. The spot the three was removed is left for soil regeneration for seven years. Seven terrestrial years! Only after that period we are replanting others iurs or others needed plants.

I asked the Teacher for an explanation for the Vamfians breeding as I discussed this topic with two wonderful Romanian friends whom I respect greatly. I asked the teacher whether the Vamfians copulate for the perpetuation or for the feeling of love. The Teacher corrected me:First of all, the two or occasionally the three entities are fusing with the feelings of love; there is a great love primarily beyond the others principles. The earthlings must know that THE LOVE, THE TRUTH AND THE FAITH are our principles. These great principles are our guidance and together they form our triangle of Light Knowledge. You must know that the love do not degenerate here, on Vamfim. The eternal feeling has ever the same intensity and the coarse pleasure didnt take priority of the spiritual joy. There the amorous fusion is not based on sensuality on Vamfim. We arent enslaved by the physical sensations. We taste the joy from spirit, not from the physical senses. Few earthlings understand that. You, the earthlings, have mistaken this lesson. This is the most important lesson for mankind and its evolution. Its really too bad!I felt the burden from the Teachers soul, a burden bearing a great compassion for all the people from Geea. The meeting came to end. I reassumed this cage of my spirit and my soulThe 26th of September 1994, 5.15 AM

X. The unseen world of Vamfim

Zen joined me again in the astral realm. I entered the Great Pyramid and visited some halls then, joined by a very special entity, I passed through the Sidereal Space of Celestial Light. After coming out from the Energizing House, the Teacher swept my third eye. I felt that a fog or something like a flake was peeled off from my third eye and understood that the Ajna was supercharged as I seen it glowing. Then, the Teacher said:We are going to see the Unseen Zone.

We went to somewhere, in the upper space of planet Vamfim. I wondered whether there would be something and I was dissatisfied because there wasnt anything to see also. The Teacher felt and knew about my discontent. He looked at me and made a sign, an unseen sign and behold something was removed before us, a door was opened and an UNSEEN WORLD appeared. The Teacher said:

Each planet which is inhabited by physical beings has also an unseen world. The unseen world is somewhere above the seen world.Then, I looked at the Unseen World. Those entities were moving ceaselessly. I have seen entities, families and mature beings with little children by hand. The entities had only astral bodies. Their bodies were aerial, effulgent, of white-silvery color but without density. If a physical person would try to get his hand through these vaporous bodies then his hand certainly would pass through them without seeing or perceiving something. I felt them lightly, translucently and somehow unreal. I watched their moving for a while. Of course, their moving has a meaning but it wasnt revealed to me yet. I thought at our prayer: I believe in one God, the almighty Father, and the Creator of the sky and the Earth, of all the seen and unseen things Then, I realized that what I had seen was one of the unseen worlds and I also thought of our automatic way of praying, without an emphasis on the meaning of the world. How many earthlings meditate upon the words of this prayer? Then, the Teacher said:Yes, this is one of the unseen worlds. You are going to see others planets and unseen worlds. That is all for today.

The Teacher wished us safe journey and good bye. I came back in my physical body, the shell of my spirit and my soul. 29th of September 1994, 7.45 AM

XI. The unseen world of Moon

I never woke up so early like in this morning. Maybe there are some times when I woke early but not in this way, listening to poesy. I head very clearly the following verses:From your desolated night

Behold the Moon write!Come upwards, come to my side

To learn all that is good,

To watch at your earthly sceneHow it was forgot the vowMade along the very timeTo the Father and the Son

Now the vow is pushed away

The waters stirred to sayFather and Son are in grief

You must be punished indeed

Then, I was wide awake. I wrote down the verses. I have been writing poems for years and although there is a lack of literary requisition I thought I have to record it. Then, I came outside; the night was to the end and I seen a wonderful moon as I never seen it. I saw its aura in all its glory even though it wasnt a full moon. There was the moon in the middle, then mauve circle then an unearthly color of an indescribable blue then a green and a tint of a silvery white with an unworldly glowing. I looked for a while at that magnificence! I seemed to hear a whisper: Look, this is the true aura of the moon! The whisper was repeated for some times. The aura appeared to be like a divine flower around the moon. It was about one meter width. I dont think you there would be something more beautiful to see on Geea. I entered the house and I felt that I have to make a new astral journeyTherefore I went to the astral plane. After the Great Pyramid, I went to The Sidereal Space of the Celestial Light. There my body was performing a ritual dance and was turning into a light ball. Then, the two balls my ball and Zens one were fusing becoming one. Like the others times I felt that the two balls are concentric and their center was situated in my Ajna chakra. Unlike the other times I felt that the two balls were rotating contrariwise and the Ajna of both entities was the rotating axis of both balls also. I was emitting a more powerful light during the rotation. Then, we separated our two balls and became spiritual astral bodies at our departure. After I had left the Sidereal Space of the Celestial Light I was led not to Vamfim but to Moon. Yes. Zen led me on the Moon. I felt it like a diaphanous beauty, like a divine queen and so is the moon for us: the Queen of the earthly nightsWhen I pervaded her aura, I felt that there are many entities, an unseen but active world. I felt the effervescence and the vibes of those living there. Then, I saw a lot of entities, of astral bodies, which were moving. They were traveling in some kind of ships but these spaceships were somehow immaterial, translucent, made by the light or fog, something very strange. The entities from the ships were moving but they were standing when communicating like our drivers when stopping to talk. It was the same thing but they didnt emit words. They conveyed thoughts.I was told that the people from the Earth, that is to say the physical beings, couldnt see the moon entities. Neither the moon entities nor their realizations could be seen because the earthlings could perceive nothing but material outside of those engaged in astral journeys, on the basis of spiritual vibration and not the material one. We could say the Moon is inhabited by the beings unperceived by the physical senses. Our advanced instruments cannot detect this life and human beings cannot understand it also even though there are money investments of billions dollars. These are others dimensions The Moon is designated for an unseen worldI looked at leisure for a while of what was happening there. The Moon Queen enveloped my astral body with a concentrated beam of pure light that I perceived it in Ajna.

I came back to Geea, joined by Zen and I reintegrated myself in the physical body. I was astonished to find out all these things about the Moon, about that place where our astronauts set their foot on without seeing anything but dust and rocksI would tell you more about what I have seen on the Moon another time

The 30th of September 1994, 4.45 AM

XII. The connection with the cosmic energy

Here I am again on Vamfim, accompanied by Zen. The teacher is waiting for us. We entered the Energizing House. We felt vibes breaking off from Ajna and Sahasrara for many times.We are going to visit The Prominences Zone, said the Teacher. We reached that region and saw many prominences raised from ground. Ones of them looked like rocks, many had strange shapes. There were stars made by the same material on the tops of the prominences. The stars were in the shapes of triangle or others different geometrical figures: pointed double extensions or flowered extensions. They have different translucent colors (white-silvery, pale mauve, orange, light green, dark red, pink), seemed to be made by crystal. I asked The Teacher to tell me what they are used for. Those prominences are used for Vamfians connection with Cosmic Energy. Those attaining a higher knowledge level come here to receive information and cosmic energy. Just touching these prominences you can obtain what is attained using meditations on Earth. The difference is that through connection with Universe the energy intensity is much heavy and higher then of what human beings and even ones of the most initiated from Earth can obtain using meditations! Let me prove you, said The Teacher. In that very moment I could see my own body connected to those star prominences. My hands were crossed on the two prominences and my legs on the others two. My body was one with axis of those prominences. Therefore I felt I made a common body with those materials and a cosmic energy was vibrating in my own being. I was not merely an astral body; I was in fusion with the cosmic energy. I felt the cosmic throb was getting through me. I did was and I also didn't was. In fact I was cosmic energy. Just that! I perceived just a diaphanous floating the cosmic pulse. I saw Vamfians laid on different prominences, in different postures. The Teacher told me those prominences are made by a very rare and important material. It is much expensive than our gold or platinum. Only those very pure could come in The Prominences Zone, only the teachers and maybe not merely all of them. This is not because somebody would make a sorting out. It's just so because ones can't touch that zone, have no power to reach it if he didnt have a proper purity. In addition the teacher said:Considering the way the matter is organized, the prominences are only alike quartz crystals but they have by far others properties. Those properties confer exactly the power necessary for entities connection with cosmic power. That's all for today!The 4th of October 1994, 5.20 AM

XIII. Light entitiesFrom the distance I could see the Energizing House. It was glowing like never before. I was joined by Zen. The Teacher was waiting for us near the house. I entered it. There was a fairy light in the Energizing House. I felt the light was pervading me and was also focused into Ajna and Sahasrara. I wait for a while then I came out to my wonder, through the top of the pyramidal house, like never before. I was ascending through that pointed top and I also felt that my head was taking a pointed shape. After coming out, the Teacher, Zen and I were light triangles. We didnt have the old astral bodies which were alike the physical ones, at all. The Teacher said:We are going to visit The Illuminated Entities Zone. We reached in a place where I could see at a sign made by the Teacher, a lot of light Entities. All of those entities have pyramidal shapes of light. Then, they mixed themselves and took a form of a great light pyramid. The Teacher invited me and Zen to enter the pyramid. We came in through near the top of the pyramid straight in the hall of the three entities. We have been pervaded by a glowing silvery white light with a faint tint of golden. I felt its enjoyable warm and vibe in my all being, in my all I because was just an astral body and not merely an astral body. After a while I came out again through the top of the pyramid. I felt I was a ray, a laser; I felt the top of my head took that form. After coming out, the Teacher, Zen and I became again light triangles. We were three distinct light triangles but together formed a single light triangle at the same time. Then, the Light Entities pyramid dispersed and disintegrated and all the entities make a light circle around us and we was also in the middle of the triangle from the middle of the circle.I asked the Teacher what is the purpose of those Light Entities. The Teacher asked:

Those Light Entities get in touch with the entities whom the light is revealed so those entities knows how many entities are there, in our every planet of our solar system an could communicate with them. They keep in touch with illuminated entities from other solar systems also. You would know about this another time. Now I want to tell you something about you, the earthlings. Those Light Entities have been going to Terra for a long period. There are many people on Terra keeping in touch with those entities. They show them as little lights during the night but they could be contacted during the day as well. The earthlings must begin the telepathic communication with them. You must set on codes and communicate. Those in touch with the light entities are already helped by them. You have to know that they can be used only for good and lightly reasons, to bring the peace in your souls and your world also. Nobody can use their energy for negative ends. What is positive and what is negative? Very simple! All you find in the Bible is positive. The Bible is the base point. The Bible represents the guidance for those wanting to know what is good and what is bad. Now is the moment for your illumination. Those who will get the light in their being wouldnt lose it ever. They will keep the light for ever. Every earthly person must meditate on this suggestion: KNOW YOURSELF! The joy is coming from the inner, not from the outside. Only those seeking in their inner would be able to find what they are looking for. Otherwise all is in vain.

The Light Entities Circle dispersed and we moved away. The Teacher said:

Keep in mind! You have their light inside of you. You will keep the light and will be guided by it also. All that you have seen, heard and felt it here are to be disclosed to those who tried to know the Truth. I am the Way to the Truth. Who wants to know it must search for me at every hour. I still wait to share the light to all the people that didnt know it yet.Then, I was guided to the edge of the Vamfim planet. I came back into my physical body, into this terrestrial vehicle from which I sometimes break out for the astral worlds. I thank the supreme Divinity through the medium of the Teacher of all Seen and Unseen Worlds Teachers.

The 5th of October 1994, 5.30 AMXIV. The light crown

After an incursion into the Great Pyramid and into The Sidereal Space of the Celestial light also and after a short astral visit to an entity who inform me about different matters as he did it many time before, I found myself again on Vamfim. The Teacher was waiting for us, I mean me and Zen as I was joined by him.The Teacher led us in the hall of the three entities of the Energizing House. Then, I witnesses and felt (all that I feel I also see there, on Vamfim) a decoupling f that hall from the rest of the Energizing House. To be more understood, there was a decoupling of the upper part of the pyramid from the hall we were present and began a rotation of that part in the same time. I could see the way we were rotating along with the upper part of the pyramid then the rotation slowed down and we got out through the top of the pyramid. After coming out I saw we were the light pyramids! The teacher said:We are going to visit THE INITIATED ZONE.

We were there at once. The initiated were just Light triangles. Then, the triangles conjoined and formed a triangle of circles around us. Then, they diminished and approach us. Then, they got above and approached us. At a given moment they situated above my astral head. Although I was a triangle, I felt that the top of my head was in the top of the triangle. I felt a strong vibe then I seen and felt that they began to get above and move away. In the same time, although they were moving away, I still was feeling a part of them vibrating over my head. It was a new experience for me: I was feeling and watching their departure but, in the same time, I was feeling the mark of those nine Light Entities in my entire being.Then, the Teacher invited us to enter the Energizing House. I entered again in the hall of the three entities. We still were triangles. The Energizing house rotated again then we get out through the top of the pyramidal house. The Teacher said:

Now the top of the pyramidal house would no longer touch you but it would open out like a flower as you have this light crown over the head.Indeed, I felt richly this phenomenon. When I approached the top of the pyramidal house, it was opened out like a flower and I also didnt perceive that interpenetration at all. Then, the Teacher mentioned:

This light crown is going to protect you and we would know about you wherever you would be henceforth. In this way, you are easier intercepted there, in your world

All this time I felt very strong this crown of the light triangles. I felt the way it was vibrating and transmitted waves to me. I could feel their tension and pressure over me, over my astral being.

The Teacher wished us a good journey and good bye.I went again to Vamfim. After I reached my physical body, Zen asked me to count the light triangle over my physical body. There were nine light triangles emanating brilliant light waves which were visible only for the third eye for earthly people.

The people with extrasensorial abilities can see these triangles over my head but only the evil medium cant see them. Only those with a pure soul and a pure spirit could see them

After finishing the counting of the nine light triangles I felt a blow, a powerful blow but it didnt scary me at all. It was like acknowledgement; this is the way I felt it. Thenceforth I feel at any moment the light triangles over my head. I just know that the triangles are there to protect me, to help me, to easier get in touch with those from Astral, our friends, the friends of the earthlings.

This is what I was told and this I tell you too.The extraterrestrial are never coming with bad intention, with negative attitudes to us. They have only good thoughts. They want to establish contacts and help us also. They are not here to enslave us. They bring us the light and want our civilization to evolve.

We have so much to learn from them

The 6th of October 1994, h 17.35XV. The review

I made a new incursion on Vamfim, joined by my superior guide, Zen. The Teacher was waiting for us. We entered again the three entities hall of the Energizing house. The top of the pyramid began to rotate again clockwise for some vibrations. Then, it stopped and we got out from the Energizing House through the top but I didnt feel the interaction, the top was opened out as I and my Light Crown approached. I seen / felt (these two senses, the seen and the feeling are simultaneous there; its hard to distinguish them; its uniqueness) that all the three of us were the light triangles. Then, the Teacher said:Today we are going to make a review of planet VamfimAll at once, we have watched very quickly, almost instantaneously, everything that we had seen on Vamfim up till then.In a short review, the first big entities circle from the first coming in the Energizing House succeeded before my astral eyes. Then, I saw the zone where the energies were transformed in dense matters, then the Praix phenomenon Zone, the berries gatherers, the lakes zone, the springs, the Iur plantations, everything that I had seen up to then on Vamfim as if all of those were superposed. I saw all of those like vertical spaces or dimensions, not like a horizontal expanse. All of those took less then a second. After this review the Teacher said:These are all the spatial dimensions of Vamfim. You have to know that only those that didnt want to go to the knowledge springs would assume a regressive life on a darker and inhospitable planet. Some of them go to Terra; these are those that didnt acquire some additional evolution. Those that performed the ritual from the knowledge springs have bodies of lights; they are in different vibration layers according as the knowledge they acquired on their live on Vamfim. Thus some of them are enlightened beings at different stages. Many of them ask to be incarnated on Geea so that they can help the earthlings to evolve. They approach the Eternal Light through this effort and pain. Dont be amazed to find out you are such an embodied being, left on Geea with such a mission. Now you accomplish your mission, you are at the beginning of your mission. There are others entities left on Geea, near your and together you collaborate to complete the mission. You reply your connections and begin to fulfill all that was assigned before your descending on the Earth. There are many people with special mission on Earth. Many of you are to know each others and collaborate. You are preparing the background for what is going to be accomplished for the Glory of the Heavenly Father.

I came back on Geea and I felt that I was enveloped in beam emerging from a conic sphere. I asked Zen what is the purpose of this light. Zen answered:This light jet is meant to protect you. This light join you everywhere and there are nine light triangles over your head also. Nobody and nothing could hurt you or interpose between you and the protecting powerThe 7th of October 1994, 7.30 AM

XVI. The watching time

Im again on Vamfim, joined by Zen. I entered the three entities hall from the Energizing House. I felt the decoupling of the pyramidal house and the anti-clockwise rotation also. After coming out through the top of the pyramidal house, which was opened like a flower, the Teacher said:

We are carefully watching over the fulfillment of the things which are going to happen

(We were light triangles like any time we were coming out.)The Teacher repeated:

We are carefully watching over the fulfillment of the things which are going to happen. What is going to happen would happen as Heavenly Father will. Every hidden thing is going to go out because the time is near and everything is prepared. Its the Fathers will. Half of Geea is going to eliminate itself. That huge crystal would go out. The Mu and Atlantis continents would go out but in the same time others places would go under. Many human lives would come to end because of the coarse vibes which have been generated on Geea. Nothing and nobody could change that. The moment of changing the civilization has come. This is the time for the right way. The time of getting by the Truth is over. Many are awakening up and its very good as they accomplish their missions also. This is the time of awakening for those supposed to become awaken. Those who would miss the moment will go on with the everlasting sleep.Everything is coming from the Father. The Heavenly Father determines everything. Behold the effervescence of the Terra.Indeed there was effervescence on Terra! Then, we were led again into the Energizing House. I felt again the decoupling and the rotating. This time the rotating was clockwise. Then, we came out and went on Terra. During our departure, I could hear like an echo from the depth of the Universe:

The time has come! The time has come! The time has come! ...The 8th of October 1994, 4.45 AMXVII. The firs part of the mission is completed

I made a new journey to Vamfim, joined by Zen. Our friend, the Teacher, was waiting for us again. He led us in the hall of the three entities from the Energizing House. I underwent again the energizing, the decoupling and the anti-clockwise rotation of the pyramidal house. Then, we came out through the top of the pyramidal house which was opened like a flower petals. We were three light triangles. The Teacher said:Melfior Ra, you have to know that you have found out enough about Vamfim so far. You would learn more things if you have to. You are going to meet me to another part of the Universe. I would lead you there because you have to find what is meant to you. The first part of your mission on Vamfim has been completed. Now you are going to make a pause then Ill see you in another place as I said before. You have to teach people about what you would learn there also.Dont be upset; your mission has just begun. The Vamfians are always with you, around of you. You are watched every moment. You are not lonely at all. If you need our help you have to ask for it immediately and you know how could do that. You are seeing those guiding you through Ajna. They guide you on the path of the Pure Light. You are always welcomed here. Keep in mind that the joy is in your inner, in your I. Nobody have to search outwards for joy because it cannot be found thereI entered again the Pyramidal House but through the top of it. After its decoupling and clockwise rotation, I came out through the top also. The Teacher said:

Fare you well! May the Heavenly Fathers Light be always with you! The light is your guidance! Ill soon meet you again for a new discover. See you again! I wanted to bow to the Teacher, but he didnt allow me. He just embraced me like a parent. I come back to my physical body. Zen felt my thought: I was afraid to not forget something seen or said on Vamfim. He told me:

Dont be afraid; Im always with you. You would remember everything you have to write down for your earthlings. Always I was writing down immediately what I had seen felt and lived on Vamfim. My astral partner, my superior guide, Zen, was always near me. I always felt it. I always felt the way he remembered me about everything that I lived in Astral. I feel him right now also; I feel his contentment as my first part of my mission is to be completed. I gratefully thank him for allowed me to visit all that I described here.

Thank the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 9th of October 1994, 6.00 AMXVIII. Interview with extraterrestrials

When the book was to an end following a sincere collaboration with the authors, the publisher felt a need for some details so I interviewed the extraterrestrials trough a feed-back relation: publisher writer messenger teacher, within a perfect symbiosis of altruism, co-operation and sincerity.Some questions for Vamfians and more for earthlings:

1. Is there an advantage from collaboration with the Vamfians?The Vamfians can help the earthlings sharing them their sciences. The scientists form Earth would learn much from Vamfians flying ships using the solar power. But nobody could come here with fight thoughts neither to improve the instruments to destroy human lives. Those wanting us to teach them our knowledge, have to know we help them only for disburdening their lives and not for conquest or fight. Those wanting to obtain something for this end must know they do not have to try to get in touch with us. We want to help you; we see and understand your pains. We are always with you but there are some unwritten laws that we cannot help those not asking for the help. Every interplanetary relationship comes under this law. Nobody have to come here with darkness in the soul. The earthlings must clean up their dark thoughts. They dont have to provoke suffering to the others anymore. Clean up your planet and dont keep effusing poison around and into it. The earthlings make a big mistake accumulating wealth and all that their mates go without, thus defrauding them. Everybody must have only the minimum needed. The Divine power dislikes those kinds of accumulations. All that exist is for everybody. The selfishness is the biggest sin of the mankind. It is the main source of the earthly wrongdoings. Release yourself from selfishness and respect the teachings of the Bible which was written down for you.We love you and we are sorry that you are going to come to self-destruction also. We wonder about your wrong evolution; you dont want to see the way you have followed. You have to mend your ways before being too late. We want to help you but we need first your S.O.S. We cannot defy our rules. We have a rule: Dont give that who doesnt want to receive! We keep our rules sacredly even though there arent written rules here.Then, the Teacher invited me to see the glowing of their sunlight. It seems that the sun is always on the horizon and it also releases a pleasurable and continual warm. It isnt cold, its just warm, a perpetual warm. Then, I was impelled to see a spectacle. I saw a kind of a Vamfian round dance. The entities were hovering in a circle; they were rotating very slowly then disunite and group four or five then they form again that rotting circle. Maybe it was the lack of a musical background that makes the dance strange to me. Then, I brought out the second question for the Teacher:2. If the Vamfians had a mental and a spirit more evolved then ours then why their physical body is less harmonious then ours? Indeed, we admire you, but we dont want to be totally like you. We couldnt have your sizes and this is because of our gravitation and atmospheric pressure. We wouldnt like to move like you, step by step. This would be an inconvenience for us. We admire you very much but we desire only some particularities from you. We would like to have your hair from the head. Your tress enchants us but we know we are deprived of a certain element needed for having hair. You your scientist will come here and ask for illustrations, we will collaborate with them and elucidate that. You receive only general information. We do know how much you have to learn. We know your level of awareness and understanding. There is no sense in revealing you particularities with no meaning for you. You have well prepared scientist in different fields. When they would come to your level of metaphysical knowledge and work and visit us wanting information for different fields, we would help them.

We dont see or feel that there wouldnt be any harmony in our bodies. We are very content with them but we admit you have something more: the tress. However, there are less desired aspects of you. Our structures, the structures of the two species, the Vamfians and the humans, are different. However, there had been attempts of breeding between these two species but with unconvincing results. Future attempt are to be made on the Geea. Not till then we would find out whether there is a possibility to combine the structures of our species.We admire the shape of your head also. That is all that we admire at your physical bodies as for the rest, we dont want to have a body identical with yours. Your mind scare us, we dont want this kind of similitude. We want only the shape. And now behold what we know about you! We have to start with the white side.

At once, it seemed that a curtain was lifted and I saw a pyramidal house. Some Vamfians gathered around it, watched to the top of it. Where was supposed to be the peak of the pyramid, there was a huge spherical crystal instead of it. This crystal was revolving slowly and at a certain moment, alongside of Vamfians I watched I watched a beach, somewhere at the sea or the ocean. There were many people on the beach. It was splendid. But it wasnt our littoral, the Black Sea littoral. It was another place, a place with people like from our country but they were very happy; they were swimming and diving. The Vamfian guests, unseen for them, were shooting them from above. It was a live transmission. They were shooting especially those swimming. They are amazed to se that the earthlings cannot swim through the air like in the water! At the end, I watched an image of entire the beach. Then, the crystal revolved again and I begin to see the dark side so I watched the fraternal fights as the Teacher said. Yes, there were fights between Palestinians and Israeli. It were recorded the most frequently crimes and pains they were provoking each others. The Teacher said:

There are brothers! They descend from the same parents and behold they kill themselves each others. Wretched lives! That is because their hatred and selfishness.

It was awful for me to watch these scenes. I felt the disapproval of the Vamfians. Then, the crystal revolved again and I watched what I wouldnt want to see and exist anymore. Yes. I watched the former dictatorial and presidential couple from Romania in front of the firing party. This time wasnt merely about somebody else; it was even about my nation I was surprised. The teacher said:

These are your brothers There would be much suffering for the parents killing their children or for the children killing their parents. Any ruler is or is supposed to be the parents of the nation he is running. What kind of demon impelled you to make these regrettable deeds? Alas such a dark and hard hatred run through your souls! It was good for you to let them to be punished by the DIVINE JUSTICE. You didnt mean to do this as their circle was closed. Behold the situation from Geea: the parents kill their children and the children in their turn kill their parents. I illustrated you two examples. You are expecting to carry on these wrongdoings! Thats the limit! You went too far. No one from Geea wants the other to be good for but only for him. This is your big mistake! Wake up from this nightmare to not be too late!

3. What kind of perspective could bring about the astral journeys of Melfior Ra for a larger collaboration and communication between earthlings and the entities from Geea?

You, Melfior Ra, can find out something about your future, about the earthlings future, but you couldnt find what you do want, but only what you have to know; only what we do know is good for you to find out.For instance, an asteroid is heading on toward the Earth and there are few people knowing about it. It could be the destroyer of your planet. The earthly forces from NASA are trying to destroy that asteroid but their attempts and calculations are wrong. We do know what they are trying to do, but we have the great advantage to be there where they think nobody could be. We do know that what they are going to do wouldnt have the anticipated result. But, following the feeling of friendship towards those from Earth, we will interfere with you and execute in time what they couldnt correct and could have evil consequences for Geea. Those for NASA will observe that there was somebody from the Universe interfering but they wont admit the truth guerdoning themselves for the success which, in fact, is not their success. Therefore, you have to know an asteroid is heading on toward you. NSA has the plan to pulverize this asteroid when it will be near the Earth. But their measurements are wrong. They will launch a carrying ship with a wrong trajectory so it could pass near the asteroid and, of course, could turn back like a boomerang toward Terra. But you are our friends and neighbors and we, the Vamfians, are ready to help you in case of emergency. We will lead that explosive charge so it will have the needed impact wit the asteroid which would finally be destroyed. The scientist from NASA will realize that there was somebody interfering. The sunlight will be gone for three earthly days after. The dust liberated from the asteroid will form a layer between sun and earth. There would be only the light emanated of the Light Sons who are with missions there, on the Earth. There will be many strange phenomena on the Earth, to these days. This is the final warning give by the divinity for the earthlings. After those three days the sun will light much brightly. Everything will turn back to the ordinariness but nothing will be like before. That will be the shock which is going to awaken the mankind from the darkness. The people are going to change their mentalities after the shock. They will not want what is bad for their mates anymore. Its going to be a turning for the better. After this planetary selfishness the people would be drove be the desire to be better, more loving and gentle as after a night, a day is coming.

This is one of the many perspectives brought about by your published astral journey into other dimension then the material ones. The Earthlings are to learn much through this circle initiated by you, Melfior Ra. What is to be done for a better collaboration? The answer is very simple. First of all, give up your selfishness. Then, those wanting to contact us must change the diet. This is one of the first necessities needed for evolving spiritually, for becoming able to contact us, the Vamfians, entities from another dimensions. You have to desire to know all that could be known through metaphysics. You must have the power to ask the entities much evolved then you from the Universe to help you so that you can give up your selfishness, to not be lured by more then you need. All that is material is a burden for you and keeps you bound on the earth so you cannot stand out for others dimensions. You couldnt reach here if you are tied down with the cords of your selfishness which is attached by the illusion that you posses something from there. In fact you do not posses anything. You ignore profoundly what is truly yours and follow illusions related to relations very harmful to you. The selfishness is the hardest test all the earthlings have to cope with. There are few successfully. We are waiting for them on Vamfim and desire the others to get beyond this limit and overcome their selfishness. The 15th of November 1994, 8.30 AM

XIX. Back to Vamfim From the Dark Zone to the Celestial Music Zone

Today, when I came out for a new astral journey, I told my astral guide, Zen, to lead me wherever he want, but I was amazed to find out that the route was changed. I wasnt passing through the Great Pyramid as usually, but straight to Vamfim, where I didnt make a visit for a long time. The Teacher welcomed us on Vamfim. First, he led us into the Energizing House then, after coming out from there, I asked where we are supposed to go. I said that I would like to see something unseen yet by me on the Vamfim. The Teacher mentioned:We are going to visit the Dark Zone.

We reached a place where we could find, at a short distance, a really dark zone. The Sun has no power to glow in that place. The sunrays cannot penetrate the atmosphere of that region. It was like a night from the Earth, but without stars, moon or any source of light. The Vamfians have never entered this region. They just look at it from the edge.Indeed, it was great to look the day and the night in the same time. Their interpenetration; it was something you couldnt find on Earth

Then, I asked the Teacher to show me something much elating and behold a gentle light wrapped us and, in the same tine, I heard some celestial sounds. Those rhythms were bringing about such a higher vibration that couldnt be compared with what can be heard in our Physical Plane, on Geea. While listening to those rhythms, I wad realizing that there is not any word to describe what I perceived as, in the same time, I was hearing that music and the music was enveloping me with warmth and light also. I tried to compare those sounds with sounds of our earthly instruments, but nothing that I know from Earth could emit such sounds. I was surprised and happy to listen to those rhythms. Those sounds were emitting something that could be translated in our language as Joy. Alas! Our language is so bald in contrast with the marvels of the unseen realms. After hearing perceiving enjoying those divine sounds, the Teacher led us to the edge of the gravitational field of planet Vamfim. He wished us good luck. He added:

You have to know that you havent seen merely half of what could be seen here. It is enough for you so far. Your evolution does not allow you to see more as you couldnt perceive and understanding more. Fare you well! We are gladly waiting any time for you, on Vamfim.The 22nd of November 1994, 2.15 PM

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